www.orangeshowsociety.org.au EMAIL orangeshowsecretary @ gmail.com SECTION C – SHEEP 2015 ORANGE SHOW 2ND & 3RD MAY The society will provide bedding for stock but exhibitors will be required to provide their fodder. PIC NC 045976 CHIEF STEWARD: Mr K. Williams (02) 63 664224 DEPUTY STEWARD: Mr C McKay STEWARDS: Jill Stanton, Ron Lane, W Lavel, M Culverson, Warren Williams, Neil Williams, Ben Watts and G McKay ENTRIES CLOSE: at the Secretary's Office, Tuesday April 28th 2015 ENTRY FEE:$3.00 LATE ENTRIES: Subject to acceptance by chief steward. JUDGING: Exhibits of ALL SHEEP must arrive at the ground and be penned by 9am Saturday 2nd May 2015 Judging will commence at 10am on that day. This rule will be strictly adhered to. .ALL EXHIBITORS MUST SIGN AN INDEMNITY & WAIVER FORM SPECIAL RIBBONS Champion Ribbons only given if two or more exhibitors in each section. *4 CHAMPION MERINO RAM CHAMPION WHITE SUFFOLK RAM *RESERVE CHAMPION WHITE *4 CHAMPION MERINO EWE SUFFOLK RAM *GRAND CHAMPION MERINO RAM *CHAMPION WHITE SUFFOLK *RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION EWE *MERINO RAM *RESERVE CHAMPION WHITE *GRAND CHAMPION MERINO EWE SUFFOLK EWE *RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION *CHAMPION PEN OF LAMBS MERINO EWE CHAMPION PEN OF FLOCK MERINO CHAMPION FLOCK MERINO EWE *CHAMPION TEXEL RAM *CHAMPION LAMB *RESERVE CHAMPION TEXEL RAM *CHAMPION RAM(all breed classes) *CHAMPION TEXEL EWE *CHAMPION EWE(all breed classes) *RESERVE CHAMPION TEXEL EWE *CHAMPION SUFFOLK RAM *CHAMPION BORDER LEICESTER RAM RES CH SUFFOLK RAM RES CH BORDER LEICESTER RAM CHAMPION SUFFOLK EWE CHAMPION BORDER LEICESTER EWE RES CH SUFFOLK EWE RES CH BORDER LEICESTER EWE CH POLL DORSET RAM RES CH POLL DORSET RAM CHAMPION POLL DORSET EWE RES CH POLL DORSET EWE SPONSORED BY *SUPREME MEAT BREED GROUP ASHBURNIA POLL DORSET SUPREME MEAT BREED EXHIBIT GARRY COULSON TRANSPORT JILL STANTON RURAL CENTRE CONDITIONS 1. EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE: All rams exhibited must be from an accredited free flock, or a Veterinary Certificate indicating that (a) A manual examination and two negative compliment fixation tests for ovine brucellosis not less than 60 days apart, the second test being within 30 days of the show. (b) In his opinion there is no evidence of ovine brucellosis on the property. Must be presented to and cleared by the chief steward before rams are unloaded. 2. All exhibits in this section must be certified to having been well and closely shorn. 3. Exhibitors who cannot pen entries are specially requested to advise the Secretary so as to avoid inconvenience to Stewards in arranging pens. 4. All sheep must be owned by exhibitor three months before the show. 5. Where applicable, exhibitors must state name of breeder at time of entry. 6. The ages of sheep shall be determined by certificate. 7. All sheep shall be eligible to compete for the championship prize of the several breeds. 8. The judges shall have the power to disqualify or mark as disqualified any exhibit which in their opinion, does not comply with the regulations and shall enter the reason. In the event of any protest or disqualification being upheld the next in order shall take it's place. 9. Sheep exhibits to be watered free of cost to all exhibitors. 10. Prime sheep and lambs to be judged on commercial value, unless otherwise stated. 11. No one sheep or pens can be entered in more than one class excepting where specially mentioned. 12. Sheep under 1 year not to show more than 2 teeth, sheep 1 year old and under 2 years not to show more than 4 teeth. Sheep entered in a class for which it is found they are not eligible owing to the above regulations shall be transferred to a class for which they are eligible. To be able to carry out these rules, judges are instructed to judge young sheep first. 13. All Stud Merino and Corriedale entries to be shorn and date of shearing to be produced on request. 14. In the Stud Section each owner's entries will be penned as a group and not in classes, It is necessary that competitors make their entries as early as possible to assist the Stewards. 15. All sheep to be tagged with NLIS tags & be supported by a NATIONAL SHEEP HEALTH STATEMENT. 16. Novice classes. An exhibitor who has not won a prize in Novice or Open Classes in any Show. EXHIBITS MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE GROUND AFTER 3PM ON THE LAST DAY OF THE SHOW – SUNDAY 3RD MAY 2015 Exhibitors living more than 50km from Orange may remove their sheep after 5pm on the day of Judging. MERINOS including OPEN CLASSES RAM, Super Fine C01.00 4 Tooth and under C02.00 Over 4 Tooth C02.01 CHAMPION EWE, Super Fine POLL MERINOS C03.00 4 Tooth and under C04.00 Over 4 Tooth C04.01 CHAMPION RAM, Fine C05.00 4 Tooth and under C06.00 Over 4 Tooth C06.01 CHAMPION EWE, Fine C07.00 4 Tooth and under C08.00 Over 4 Tooth C08.01 CHAMPION RAM, Medium C09.00 4 Tooth and under C10.00 Over 4 Tooth C10.01 CHAMPION EWE, Medium C11.00 4 Tooth and under C12.00 Over 4 Tooth C12.01 CHAMPION RAM, Strong C13.00 4 Tooth and under C14.00 Over 4 Tooth C14.01 CHAMPION EWE, Strong C15.00 4 Tooth and under C16.00 Over 4 Tooth C16.01 CHAMPION C16.02 GRAND CHAMPION MERINO RAM C16.03 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION MERINO RAM C16.04 GRAND CHAMPION MERINO EWE C16.05 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION MERINO EWE C17.00 MERINO EWE SHOWING POTENTIAL BRED BY NOVICE EXHIBITOR C18.00 THE P.G.T & E.H. OATES TROPHY FOR BEST EXHIBIT OF THREE MERINO SHEEP To consist of 1 Rams and 2 Ewes, any age any strength of wool. FLOCK MERINOS C19.00 Pen of three (3) ewes 2 tooth & under C20.00 Pen of three (3) ewes 4 tooth & over C20.01 CHAMPION PEN OF FLOCK C20.02 CHAMPION FLOCK EWE to be selected from pens by Judge. TEXEL C21.00 C22.00 C23.00 C24.00 C24.01 C24.02 C25.00 C26.00 C27.00 C28.00 C28.01 C28.02 C29.00 RAM, milk tooth RAM, 2 tooth and over Pen of 2 RAMS SHORN RAM, milk tooth. Not more than 2 CM wool. CHAMPION RAM RESERVE CHAMPION RAM EWE, milk tooth EWE 2 tooth & over Pen of 2 EWES SHORN EWE, milk tooth. Not more than 2 CM.wool CHAMPION EWE RESERVE CHAMPION EWE BEST GROUP, 1 Rams & 2 Ewes, any age. C30.00 C31.00 C32.00 C33.00 C33.01 C33.02 BORDER LEICESTERS RAM, 2 tooth and over RAM, milk teeth RAM milk teeth shorn not more than 4 cm of wool Best pen of 2 Rams milk teeth CHAMPION RAM RES CH RAM C34.00 C35.00 C36.00 C37.00 C37.01 C37.02 EWE 2 tooth and over EWE milk teeth EWE milk teeth, shorn not more than 4 cm of wool BEST PEN OF 2 EWES milk teeth CHAMPION EWE RESERVE CHAMPION EWE NOVICE POLL DORSETS C38.00 C39.00 C40.00 C41.00 RAM 2 tooth and over RAM milk teeth EWE, 2 tooth and over Ewe milk teeth POLL DORSET C42.00 C43.00 C44.00 C45.00 C46.00 RAM, 2 tooth and over RAM, milk teeth RAM, milk teeth, shorn(to carry not more than 2cm wool) PEN OF 2 RAMS RAM ,shorn, born on or after 1st August of previous year (To carry not more than 2cm wool) C46.01 CHAMPION RAM C46.02 RESERVE CHAMPION RAM C47.00 C48.00 C49.00 C50.00 C51.00 EWE,2 tooth and over EWE, milk teeth EWE, milk teeth,(to carry not more than 2cm wool) PEN OF 2 EWES, milk teeth EWE, shorn, born on or after 1st August of previous year. (To carry not more than 2cm wool) C51.01 CHAMPION EWE C51.02 RESERVE CHAMPION EWE C51.03 Best Group, 1 ram, 2 ewes, any age WHITE SUFFOLK C52.00 C53.00 C54.00 C55.00 C55.01 C55.02 C55.03 C56.00 C57.00 C57.01 C57.02 C57.03 RAM LAMB, milk teeth RAM,2 tooth & over Ram milk teeth & shorn wool not more than 2cm Pair of Rams CHAMPION RAM RESERVE CHAMPION RAM EWE, milk teeth EWE, milk teeth wool not more than 2cm EWE, 2 tooth and over Pair of Ewes, milk teeth CHAMPION EWE RESERVE CHAMPION EWE C58.00 C59.00 C60.00 C61.00 C61.01 C61.02 C62.00 C63.00 C64.00 C65.00 C66.00 C67.00 C67.01 C67.02 SUFFOLK RAM LAMB, milk teeth Ram 2 tooth and over PAIR RAMS, milk teeth SHORN RAM, milk teeth(Wool not more than 2cm) CHAMPION RAM RESERVE CHAMPION RAM EWE LAMB, milk teeth EWE, 2 tooth and over PAIR EWES, milk teeth SHORN EWE, milk teeth(Wool not more than 2cm) EWE 2 Tooth Shorn (to carry not more than 2cm) BEST GROUP, 1 Ram, 2 Ewes, any age CHAMPION EWE – Koolootaroo Suffolk Stud Perpetual Trophy RESERVE CHAMPION EWE ANY OTHER BREED Each breed to be judged individually. Exhibitors must state breed on entry form. C68.00 ANY OTHER BREED RAM, 2 tooth and over C69.00 ANY OTHER BREED RAM, milk tooth C70.00 ANY OTHER BREED EWE, 2 tooth and over C71.00 ANY OTHER BREED EWE, milk tooth There will not be a championship award unless there is more than one competitor. C72.00 SUPREME MEAT SHEEP GROUP C72.01 SUPREME MEAT RAM C72.02 SUPREME MEAT EWE C72.03 KC & NA WILLIAMS PRIZE FOR SUPREME MEAT SHEEP EXHIBIT PRIME LAMB BREEDER'S SECTION All Prime Lambs to remain until 3pm on the last day of the Show Entry Fee $3.00 ALL PRIME LAMBS CAN BE SOLD AT THE SHOW. All exhibits in this section to be penned by 9am on the first day of the Show2nd May 2015 Prize money in this section donated by exhibitors and those interested. All entries in C73 to C78 in the event of one exhibitor only being received in any one class, any money paid to the winner will be on the basis listed for second placegetter. All sheep to be the property of the exhibitor for 3 months prior to the show. Pets will NOT be allowed to compete. PRIZES: CHAMPION PEN OF LAMBS $40 CHAMPION PRIME LAMB $20(to be selected from any pen) Sponsored by McCarron Cullinane & Prime Lamb Exhibitors. CLASSES: 1st $30, 2nd $15, 3rd $10. C73.00 THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, unshorn under 42 kgs C74.00 THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, shorn(no earlier than Dec 14) under 42kg C75.00 THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, unshorn 42 - 48kgs C76.00 THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, shorn(no earlier than Dec 14) 42 - 48kgs C77.00 THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, unshorn over 48kgs C78.00 THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, shorn(no earlier than Dec 14) over 48kgs
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