Linked List to Theology of Ordination Papers

Linked List to Theology of Ordination Papers
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
January 15-17, 2013
General Topics
Paul S. Ratsara and Richard M.
Davidson, “Dealing With Doctrinal
Issues in the Church—Proposal for
Ground Rules”
Ellen White
William Fagal, “The Proper Role of
Ellen G. White’s Writings in Resolving
Church Controversies”
P. Gerard Damsteegt, “Ellen G. White
on Biblical Hermeneutics”
History of Ordination
D. J. B. Trim, “Ordination in Seventhday Adventist History
Darius Jankiewicz, “The Problem of
Ordination: Lessons from Early
Christian History.”
P. Gerard Damsteegt, “Magisterial
Reformers and Ordination.”
Theology of Ordination
Consensus Statement on Ordination
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, et. al,
“Towards a Theology of Ordination”
P. Gerard Damsteegt, et. al, “A
Theology of Ordination: An Integration
of Bible and Ellen G. White’s
Writings.” (Not presented.)
“Consensus Statement on a Seventhday Adventist Theology of Ordination”
July 22-25, 2013
History of Women’s Ordination
David Trim, “The Ordination of
Women in Seventh-day Adventist
Policy and Practice.”
Alberto R. Timm, “Seventh-day
Adventists on Women’s Ordination: A
Brief Historical Overview.” (not
P. Gerard Damsteegt, “Women’s Status
and Ordination as Elders or Bishops in
the Early Church, Reformation and
Post-Reformation Eras.”
Women’s Ordination in History
John W. Reeve, “Trajectories of
Women’s Ordination in History.”
Nicholas Miller, “The Ordination of
Women in the American Church.” with
Edwin Reynolds, “Biblical
Hermeneutics and Headship in First
Jiří Moskala, “Back to Creation:
Toward a Consistent Adventist
Old Testament
Paul Ratsara and Daniel Bediako, “Man Richard M. Davidson, “Should Women
and Woman in Genesis 1-3:
Be Ordained as Pastors? Old Testament
Ontological Equality and Role
Laurel Damsteegt, “Women of the Old
Testament: Women of Influence.”
New Testament
Stephen Bohr, “Issues Relating to the
Ordination of Women with Special
Emphasis on 1 Peter 2:9, 10 and
Galatians 3:28.”
Teresa Reeve, “Shall the Church
Ordain Women as Pastors? Thoughts
Toward an Integrated NT Perspective.”
1 Timothy 2
Ingo Sorke, “Adam, Where are You?”
Carl P. Cosaert, “Paul, Women, and the
Ephesian Church: An Examination of 1
Timothy 2:8-15.”
Ellen White and Women’s
P. Gerard Damsteegt, “Headship,
Gender, and Ordination in the Writings
of Ellen G. White.”
Denis Fortin, “Ellen White, Women in
Ministry and the Ordination of
Ordination and Authority
Jerry Moon, “Ellen White, Ordination,
and Authority.”
Darius Jankiewicz, “Authority of the
Christian Leader.”
P. Gerard Damsteegt, Edwin Reynolds,
Gerhard Pfandl, Laurel Damsteegt, and
Eugene Prewitt , “Hermeneutics:
Interpreting Scripture on the Ordination
of Women.”
Teresa Reeve, “1 Corinthians 11:2-16
and the Ordination of Women to
Pastoral Ministry.”
1 Timothy 3
Clinton Wahlen, “Is ‘Husband of One
Wife' in 1 Timothy 3:2 Gender
Carl P. Cosaert, “Leadership and
Gender in the Ephesian Church: An
Examination of 1 Timothy.”
John W. Peters, “Restoration of the
image of God: Headship and
January 21-25, 2014
Dwight K. Nelson, “My Personal
Testimony: Some Pastoral Reflections.”
Way Forward
C. Raymond Holmes, “Women in
Ministry: What Should We Do Now?”
Barry D. Oliver, “Moving Forward in
Phil Mills, "Church Unity, Testimony,
and the Jerusalem Council."
Tara J. VinCross, “Our Testimony.”
Position Papers
Position Summary 1.
Position Summary 2.
Position Summary 3.
Way Forward Papers
Way Forward Statement #1.
Way Forward Statement #2.
Way Forward Statement #3.
Evaluation of Positions
Position 1 Evaluation of Position 2:
Gerhard Pfandl with Daniel Bediako,
Stephen Bohr, Laurel and Gerard
Damsteegt, Jerry Moon, Paul ratsar, Ed
Reynolds, Ingo Sorke, and Clinton
Wahlen, “Evaluation of Egalitarian
Position 2 Evaluation of Position 1:
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, “Evaluation
of the Arguments Used by Those
Opposing the Ordination of Women to
the Ministry.”
June 2-4, 2014
Position 1 Evaluation of Position 3,
Women’s Ordination:
Group #1 Review of Position Summary
Presentations to PREXAD. April 2,
Presentations to the Annual Council.
October 14, 2013
Final TOSC Report (All Papers and
Terms of Reference)
Gerhard Pfandl with Daniel Bediako,
Stephen Bohr, Laurel and Gerard
Damsteegt, Jerry Moon, Paul Ratsara,
Ed Reynolds, Ingo Sorke, and Clinton
Wahlen, “Complementarian Positions of
Egalitarian Papers.”
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, “Evaluation
of the Arguments Used by Those
Opposing the Ordination of Women to
the Ministry.”
Clinton Wahlen, “Position #1 Report of
the Theology of Ordination Study
Carl P. Cosaert, “Theology of
Ordination – Position Two - Summary.”
Nicholas Miller, “Position 3 - Forward
Together in Faithfulness.”