EX_SERVICEMEN SPORTS N N 750 287 38.267 800 463 57.875 N N N 750 432 57.6 800 451 56.375 N N N 750 495 66 800 531 66.375 PH N DOB CATEGORY EMP_DIS APP_N ROLL_NO T O HSC_ MAX _MA RK GENDER SN PH_TYPE 2nd phase (Out of first preference dist.) Select list,SS recruitment 2014-15,Dist-Nayagarh. M 18/02/1986 SC N M 06/12/1983 SC SANATAN GATIKRUS Scien M PAL HNA PAL ce 12/03/1978 OBC CAND_NA FATHERS_ POST ME NAME GRA HSC_ GRAD BED_ BED HSC_PE D_O GRAD_PE OBT _MAX MAX _OB BED_PERC RCENTA BT_ RCENTAG _MA _MAR _MA T_M ENTAGE GE MAR E RK K RK ARK K TOTAL Against which category BEd. Arts 1 2 1 2 NAYAGA B2401 RH 01 22404143 NAYAGA B2401 RH 45 22404147 BEd. Science NAYAGAR B2400 H 26 NAYAGAR H 22501016 B240 046 22401226 ASHOK KUMAR BEHERA ABAKASH NAYAK DHUSASA NA BEHERA Arts HARAS NAYAK Arts RAKESH DHRUBA Scien KUMAR NAYAK ce M NAYAK 1400 914 65.2857 161.4274 SC 113.975 sc 76 208.375 UR 15/05/1986 SC N N N 750 580 77.333 800 528 66 05/05/1993 SEBC N N N 600 458 76.333 600 435 72.5 24/07/1994 OBC N N N 600 406 67.667 650 11/05/1983 SC N N N 750 369 49.2 900 143.333 SC CT Arts 1 NAYAGAR H C2402 64 12015226 KALPANA RABINDR PARIDA A PARIDA Arts F 1250 918 73.44 222.273 SEBC 499 76.7692 1250 899 71.92 UR 216.3559 WOMEN 438 48.6667 CT Science 1 2 NAYAGAR C2400 H 55 HARAPRIY 12502021 A BEHERA BIJAYA NAYAGA C2402 KUMAR RH 71 12502145 NAIK ABHIMAN YU Scien BEHERA ce F PRAFUL KUMAR Scien NAIK ce M BAIKUNT HA NATH NAYAGA C2400 BHIMASE Scien RAUT 3 RH 30 12501047 N RAUT ce M 07/11/1978 SEBC Y HI N N 750 495 66 900 441 49 97.8667 SC 115 ( IN PH-HI RESERVATI ON) DISTRICT PROJECT OFFICE, RTE-SSA, NAYAGARH NEAR DRDA, AT/PO/DIST. – NAYAGARH – 752069 Contact Number – (06753) 254236, Fax – (06753) 253701 E-mail – [email protected] Notice No. 1330 Dt. 23/04/2015 Notice for Engagement and Counseling of Sikshya Sahayak 2014-15 Dist-Nayagarh In pursuance to the advertisement No. 7710 dtd. 11.09.2014 of OPEPA, the Provisional Select List of the candidates in 2nd phase (1st Preference) for the post of Sikshya Sahayak 2014-15 in Nayagarh district has been published in OPEPA website i.e. www. Opepa.in and in Nayagarh district website. The names of the candidates found place in the select list are instructed to attend in person on 29.04.2015 at Nabaghanpur High school ,Block- Nayagarh for counseling of placement along with all Original certificates and other following documents positively. The candidates must report at the venue at 10.30 AM for registration. n all respect on Rs. 11/ (nonjudicial) stamp paper. (Draft formats are available in website) N.B. 1. The candidate not present on the date for counseling will not be entertained further and their candidature will be deemed to be cancelled. 2. The candidates found place in the provisional select list doesn’t confer any right for engagement. Collector-cum-CEO, Zilla Parishad,Nayagarh AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made on this ……………. Day of…………….month……………year BETWEEN Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Nayagarh District -Cum-Collector (Herein-after called the First Party of the one part ) AND Sri / Smt / Kumari…………………………………………Son / Daughter / Wife of Sri………………………………aged about……………………… recruited as Sikshya Sahayaka and as trained / untrained qualification, residing at …………………… presently (Hereinafter called the “Second Party”) of the other part. And WHEREAS, the Second Party is willing to be engaged as Sikshya Sahayak to impart teaching in the Primary/Upper Primary Schools under School & Mass Education Department, Government of Odisha and to motivate the Parent/Guardians to send their children to schools and will be assigned such other works relating to teaching for the objective of universalization of Primary Education and implementation of Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. And WHEREAS, the First Party desires to engage the Second party on a contract basis as “Sikhya Sahayaka” for the period specified hereunder and the Second Party agreed to enter into this contract and abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES and the parties hereunder, hereby agree as follows: 1. That the First Party shall provide engagement to the Second Party as SS in Primary / Upper Primary Schools for a period commencing on______ Day______ month_______year and ending on the 31st March of 2016 as agreed to by both the parties and the contract of this engagement ipso-facto shall be terminated on the last working day of the date specified for which no formal notice or order by the Zilla Parishad is required to be issued by the First Party. The contract will stand rescinded on expiry of the period. 2. That the Second Party shall submit himself /herself to the orders of Zilla Parishad and of the Officers / Authorities under whom he/she may from time to time be placed by the First Party and shall at all time, obey the rules prescribed and shall discharge whenever required to perform such duties as may be assigned. 3. That the Second Party shall employ himself/herself efficiently and diligently and to the best of his/her ability. 4. That the Second Party shall be paid consolidated honorarium per month as fixed up by Govt. from time to time.. 5. That the Second Party shall not claim the service benefits as admissible to the State Govt. employees. 6. That the Second Party shall not be eligible to get any other allowance and shall not claim any other dues except the honorarium as mentioned in Clause (4) above. 7. That the Second Party shall not be eligible subject to exigency of Public Service for casual Leave of 12 days during an academic year. 8. That the Second Party shall not be entitled for any other kind of authorized absence beyond authorized leave, If he/she remains absent with permission and she/he does not have any authorized leave at his/her credit, the proportionate amount from his/her consolidated remuneration shall be deducted. 9. Teaching in the Schools shall be the main duty of the Second Party (SS). 10. That the Second Party must ensure minimum level of learning (MLL) for the students as prescribed by the competent authority (S&ME Deptt.) 11. That the Second Party must ensure atleast 90% attendance of the children in respective schools in all classes. 12. That the Second Party shall reduce the dropout of the children in school below 10%. 13. The Second Party should attend training programme as may be fixed by Govt. from time to time. 14. The Second Party shall be abide by the rationalization of teachers policy of Govt. as issued from time to time. 15. That the Second Party has agreed to serve in the manner as required and perform the duties assigned by the First Party and he/she has agreed to be disengaged without any notice on ground of involvement in criminal case / misconduct / delinquency/ incapacitation / unauthorized absence /poor performances. 16. If the Second Party is untrained at the time of execution of agreement, he/she shall acquire training qualification at his/her own cost within the stipulated period as provided under Section-23(1) of RTE Act, failing which he/she shall be disengaged and no agreement shall be executed thereafter. 17. The engagement shall be cancelled, if any fraudulent testimonial/information is detected in future. IT IS EXPRESSLY STATED AND AGREED that any duties rendered under this agreement by Second Party shall not under any circumstances whatsoever provide him/her any right to claim for any scale of pay or to be appointed in any service that may exist now or may arise in future in any Educational Institutions or in any Government offices. IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties here to and hereby put their hands the day, month and year first above written. Signature, Address and Mobile No (Of Second Party) IN THE PRESENCE OF WITNESS 1. Name: ________________________ Address: ________________________ Designation______________________ 2. Name: _________________ Address: ________________________ Designation _____________________ IN THE PRESENCE OF WITNESS 1. Name: ________________________ Address: ________________________ Designation ___________________ 2. Name: _______________________ Address: ________________________ Chief Executive Officer, Designation_____________________ Zilla Parishad-cum-Collector, Nayagarh (First Party) (To be made on Stamp Paper as per law) AFFIDAVIT I, Sri / Smt. /Kumari ______________________, Son/daughter /wife of ________________________ residing at _________________ Po. _________, Dist.__________ do hereby undertake as follows. 1. That, I have been selected as Sikshya Sahayak in Nayagarh district during 201415 as per my marks securing in HSC from ______________ Board, +2/+3 Arts/Sc. From ___________ University and CT/BEd. from ________ Board / University. 2. That, I am well aware of my marks published in select list and found them Correct. 3. That, all the certificates /Mark Sheets produced by me are genuine and authentic to the best of my knowledge. 4. That, if at any stage of time my certificate/ mark sheet are found to be forged / not authentic, the authority reserves the right to terminate / disengage me without any notice. 5. That, the authority reserves right to initiate criminal proceeding against me as per law on identification of any forged certificate/testimonial. 6. That, if I am engaged as Untrained qualification, I will complete the training qualification within the stipulated time by the Govt. as per my own cost, unless I will be disengaged from my engagement or any action will be taken against me as decided by the Govt. 7. That, the facts stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of the candidate Date-
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