ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. TTJLY 26, 1907. u. salesman Is not busy, nut fre quently I have entered the store and had to stand around and do the waiting myself, while one of your clerks was very busy talking to a friend who had dropped in for a chat. After finishing his conversation he would stroll up leisurely and ask me what he could do for me. A few repetitions of sort of thing naturally made me that less eager to do my trading here, for I knew that I could go to the city and find the salesmen eager to wait on me." The merchant said he was sorry. While subsequent events In his store are not reported for the public, It Is natural to believe that those easy going salesmen are sorrv too. MAIL" SWINDLERS. THE Bargains For Bumnklna WV Bit at Big Bait and Gat Bitten. X great deal of money la coaxed out tt country communities by the "mall .windier." These gentry not only us ft malls In sending out circulars of fering fake bargains for the unwary, Hit they frequently get their alluring advertisement Into the cheap little nail order Journals which circulate to lotne extent In nearly every community. People should be on guard against ill advertisements which offer an value for a little money. The safest way Is to spend the money it home, where you hove a chance to The look at the poods before buying. postoftlce deportment Issues fraud orA Plea For Cleanliness. ders against any Individual or concern The following communication was ffliicli Is discovered in the practice of handed us for publication by Health nslna "le mails to swindle, but freOfficer T. M. Proragold. says' the Senquently these swindlers rake In much eca (111.) Itccoiil: money before the malls are closed to Our village has again been renovated them. of garbage and refused materiality, The average swindler who uses the but In meandering we find n few who ma.U is u wily fellow. lie has learnhave neglected to remove or burn the wording art of bis offers so ed the brush necessary to their part, and a they attract the remote anil Indifferfew others who have already thrown ently educated, and so plausible do his garbage, feathers and ashes, etc., on statements sound that he finds easy the alley, which is now forbidden. AbOne is frankly solutely nothing is permitted i:id ready victims. to be "amazed at the credulity of the human thrown on alleys, no waste of any kind race. .V typewriter company of Xenr should be put on alleys or streets durYork induced persona to send $2.ri0 m ing the summer mouths. It Is all a guarantee of good faith In n "copyltg against the rules, but nevertheless it li line" scheme In which Hie purchas- some marshal their facts, cram the er was to have a typewriter and 500 categories and construct arguments on iheets of paper and copy letters at the lower planes of conceited vanity. n thousand. The typewriter Tet there Is something significant as $2.50 proved to be a toy affair that was usewell as pathetic In humanity's goodless for the work. The purchaser was ness to Indorse the true, tho beautiful $2 In firm and the out about that much. nud the best. It Is not an accident uor One clever New York firm bought up an Incident, but a passion of undauntt lot of letters from an agency to get ed courage to clean up. Those who addresses, theu wrote each person that have cleaned their lots and their he or she had won a prize which would homes have done honors which speak be sent on receipt of $1.37 to "cover home to the heart that cleanliness Is cost of boxing and packing charges." not a broken fragment of sweet IlEach delighted person Invariably sent lusion; but a fact of harmony in the the amount and received a piece of aspiration of sunshine, which makes cheap Jewelry worth a few cents. A Its essential element a truth, leading bluing company offered a "new auto- from dismal gloom to delightful dctv s matic tension sewing machine" to tiny. selling thirty packages of wash blue at 10 cents apiece. The machine All the World r proved to be a toy affair, and the knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment to In answer to a woman's threat has no superior for Rheumatism, sue Is filed away as a mark of genuine Stiff Joints, Outs, Sprains, Lumbago cleverness on the part of the artful and all pains. Buy it, try it and dodger who originated the scheme. yon will always ose It. Anybody Bogus detective agencies were thick who has used B Hard's Snow LiniIn the land for awhile. For a certain ment is a living proof ot what it sum of money they would send a star, does. All we ask of yon is to get a certificate of membership, credentials, trial b tile. Prion 26o, 60c and $1. at Drug Store and Uemarav. etc., to the purchaser, and not until the National astonished victim had been hauled up TALE OF WIDE TIRES. before unfeeling magistrates for carrying a gun or for Impersonating an of- - Praotioal Plan For Highway SuperA Hm, fA 1iilr1na f a i II-- Mallva visors to Follow. that he had been the victim of a scounA good and practical suggestion to drel. road supervisors and others who have charge of road maintenance may be A SHOPPER'S COMPLAINT. found In the following tule of the use Mrs. Jonas Found 8alsmn In tho of the wide Instead of the narrow tires, says the Good Itonds Magazine. The Homo 8 tors Too Easy Going. story was told to Paul P. Sargent, A woman who Uvea In a thriving town about twenty miles from a big highway commissioner of the state of city was accosted at the railway sta- Maine, by a county commissioner of tion the other day by a dry goods mer- the same state: chant In her town, who Inquired: "The heavy teaming in our town Is "Why have you quit trading with us, coufined mainly to the three miles of Mrs. Jones?" dirt road, over which lime rock is haulThe reply was not what the merchant ed from the quarries to the kilns. This expected. He knew that Mrs. Jones teaming hns been done for years on for some months past had been going two and s inch tires, with to ttie neighboring city to buy the hind wheels fifty-siInches and front goods she formerly bought of him, and wheels fifty inches In diameter. he suspected with good reason that she "The resulting repairs, made neceswas even then watting a train to take sary by the continual hauling of heavy her to the city on a shopping errand. loads on narrow tires, has cost this Mrs. Jones, who had known the mer- towu thousands of dollars. In order chant for years, said: that this might be remedied Ave made "I am going to toll you exactly why an agreement with the lime rock haulI do not trade with you any more. It ers U furnish them with the wide tired Is because several of your clerks seem wheels fitted to their wagon- axles, to have too many friends around here. with the understanding that if upon When I go Into the store, I naturally fair trial and experiment they should expect to be waited on at once in case prove to be of mutual advantages the haulers should buy the wheels of the town. THE MASK OF HEALTH "On consultation with the liintiiifac- Hirers we ordered the sizes above Inches; few People Are Kealy as Well KvtM (roar wheels, fifty-siThey arrived fifty lnchesi. front, a. They Look. Cause anJ of July from that time until about the 21st of and Remedy August I used my best endeavors to get them adjusted to the wagons and Many people in 'Grants Pass, both mlt tha haulers claimed thut the tnea and women, who believe them-- . fortv'.four Inch wheels were so much elvs to be in perfect Health, are 1()wpr thai( M om.g tuut tuo rockH of tun in the ore test danger. 'trig' them; also that would ruts and healTha mot common cause of ill body so much th ii indigestion, with a myriad of they would lower the that the tongue would 'shit' and break symptoms such as headache, sleeplessness, specks before the eyes, pmos In the horses' legs. And who will pay ttn, hack aod side, distress after the damage? was the question. "As a last resort we put the wheels In the few years the sacce'i of on one of their wagons nud hauled physicians every here ith rock for them one day. Our teamster toumrh tablet has made them known huiilcd the same loads and followed In far and wide as the actDOweldbel The roud was in a pscilie for the treatment of stouiaci the old trucks. ut this time couditlon dangerous very disew. Tber strengthen th dilutive organs so that in a fw davs the anil uuuiy rmieu, u iu drivlug wagons sank to their huls m ft'iaiMCu is in such shape that it tak-- s car of all thH food tl at Is eaten, gomt. places. The wide tires soon Ulled Dewsray without pain or distress. turn the wagons with the rutH gives an absolute m q ilifled gaarsn- actually hauled more rock tres n.irrow . . tee that onr nicnev will be refunded f urtu tllru that day " We will take c jmless risk .ndthnmedy lJU:l" M xbe work of these wheels for one. day- the owucr of the Jon. ..,,l,.4ktlf ...... uuir r.(u.. wagon wanteu .1me Long Uv th King! ul,uediatoly. and applications for the i throughout! oti)(,r tur,.e nets came si fast that we popular ex European countries; while in Ameri- - Wi,rc ,u:jl(,. t0 shift the gearing quick-ta- . day isi ,., i,, fJct cue teamster drove ot ti cr 'Lmg liv Dr. King's New lia- without brakes In yovery. Kimt ... i...- -. of inroai ana tires sooner. i... ienjcd'e I" nf w'llnli . ... i . Mrs. i. ......" we :! Kd-- r Irur... Ma.. say-- - Since that use summer ';' " "It never fil- - to giv immediate re- In constant riling w lief and o qo'cMy cure a cough or "At the time of th.j In three hauled Is u wld." Mrs. Psins's opinioo Mme amount of rock tisred by a majority of the inhabl- - turn, tnat was formerly hauled per tonta of this country. New Dis - d n four turng CJ. the same teams, corery cores weak longs and sore drivers claim that the work is oy easter Ids it's done rT.ha place W' .tretch which was the hardestcrowed flnDl u proven ted . i .ii arnggista. Trti foV the narrow Urea U now bottla tre. ,asllx.' per-sou- let-to- 1 x eat-et- la-t- t , ; te ' .... P.e. faiM:rrWr 7& ...!. TO BEIJTIFU TOWN, How Well Directed Efforts Will Produce Good Results. That our American forests abound la plants which possess the most valuable medicinal virtues Is abundantly attested by scores of tha most eminent medical writers and toacbers. Even the untutored Indians had discovered the usefulness of many native plants before the advent of the white race. This Information, imparted freely to the whites, led the latter to continue investigations until we have a rich assortment of most valuable American medicinal roots. Cv 'O Dr. Plrce believes that our American forto-d- WHAT ONE SOCIETY HAS DONE O NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. CITATION In the Cirooit Court of tbe State of In the County Court of the State of . Oregon, Oregon for Josephine County. for the County of Josephine, John G. Soballhorn, In the matter of the plaintiff, Estate of Emily s. Carter, deceased. J O. W. B la lock and To Dira E. Wbipp, Minuie Brown. S. E. Blalock, Kerby, Ore., aud Clara E. EofT, defendants. Notice is hereby given that I will, Salem, Oie,, Ida Lister, Gliddou, on Saturday, the 37th day of July. 1907, Iowa, Mae Parks, Viola, State of Illinois aud all other heirs kuown and at the hour of 9 o'clock p. tn , at the unknown of said decedent, Greeting: front door of the County Court House, lo the name of the Stale of Oregon, in the city of Urants Pass, said couotv aud State, sell, at publio auction, to you are hereby cited and required to the County Court of the tne Highest and nest bidder, lor I'nlted appearoftnOregon, for tbe twuuty of States gold coin, cash in hand, all of State at the Court room thereof the right, title and interest which the Josephiue, above named defendants. O. W.HIalock at Gratits Pas in the Coonty of Jose, aud S. E. Blalock. bad or now have in phine. State of Oregon, on Satarday, aud to the following described property the 27th day of July, 1U07, at 8 o clock, in tiie afternoon of that dy, : loe S'j of the SW4'.the NWj if auy and the SWVf the SW, of Section theu and there to show ciosti 13, Tp. H4 South of Ratine 6 West, in you have why S. A. Carter, adiniois-Tato- r of .the entate of Emily Carter Josephine Cmint.V, Oregon, excepting therefrom the timber ou said lands deceased, should not be licenced aud tmrctofi re sold ; aud thai tract of Ittnd empoweted to sell at privitte ele all properrv belonging to said situated in J nek son County, Oregon, ut ilie roil estate described as follows, dest ri heel as follows, Commeiicina 117 yards South of a The St, cf tbe NEl4, tbe NW'4 of the stake on the Northwest corner of the NK'4 and Lot numbered "one (I) of 13, in Township Forty (40) Southwtst 4 of the Northeast '4 of Miction Section '2, Township 84 South, of South, of Range Niue (tt) West of the Meridian iu JoKoiiine Kuugo 4 West, at the corner of a picket Willamette fiiuce, thence running South H4 yards; County, Statu of Oregon, containing acres, for the reanous set thence West 110 yards to place of be- - 133 10 acres, more or foitli iu bis petition filed in this court fanning, containing 17lh day this of June, 1907. the West half of the SE'j Wituess the llou. Stephen Jewell, and tbe SE4 of Section 23. Tp. ii4, South, Range 4 West, excepting 10 Judge of tbe County Court of the acres conveyed June ItOtl). 1KU3, to Stale of Oregon, for tbe County of with tbe seal of raid Court Richard Collius by Jacob Evans and Josephine, this 17th day of Juue, A. wife; also the right, 'title aud inter- atllxed, 1907. est In a certain water right and ditch D. , S. F. CHESHIRE. Attest: formerly owned by Chapeu &Wakomati Clerk. oomuionly called the liig Ditch; also, By'J. A. Wharton, Dfputy Clerk. of the SW.t4 of the SVi4 the West Progressiva Citizens of Crossklll, N. J, ests etird In uot valuable medicinal roots tot tbe cursf most obstinate end fatal dtf Organize an Improvement Associaean. If r.i5i(l properly InvestUate tbemi tion and Accomplish Wonders Depot laWtTrwiJLNa of this conviction, be Grounds Transformed Trees Saved. POllWVllta DriJJ the prw HY Ills " illy covery. wlii.-lia nmri-iKfif o ha llu Only a few months ago three comE'.,) Inniror- Iiv.t muters living In n small Jersey town ior, n rt bitilf ni'1 I'Tiiqii'ir. and KinsT met on a train homeward bound from cleanser kiieir n t.i Djorp-slV rTTTiTTice! or UHU.i iu. il. wi Hid Tivtrnunctlonal New York. The conversation soon and even valvular tnJ other affection of turned to the subject of Improving their the heart yield lo Us curatlre action. Tbo town. reason tchy tt cures theso and many otbt-affections. Is clearly shown In a Utile book "What Cressklll needs is au Improveextracts from tho slandard medical wo) ks ment society," one of them remarked. of which Is mailid to any address by Pr. It Nothing mora was said on the subject, V. I'lerce. of Buffalo, N. V., to all ndlnc aud they left tho train for their homes. request for tbe samo. A few days afterward another Cress-killitO Not less marvelous. In the unparalleled nift the maker of the above re- cure It Is ccustnmlr making ol woman's mark, and this conversation ensued: many peculiar attcciicns. weaknesses and "Iid you say that Cressklll needed dlstiOs'itic dorSTscniems. Is lr. Pierce's FavorliuJ,n;scrI'TohKa'i Is amply attested an improvement society;" said be. by thousa?Ms ofpliTfNf,estlmonlals con"I did," was the reply. tributed hvVTUflul tiatTtMiia wlio tiiTn Nsn "Do you mean It nud would you be cured byt of a'rrr!''' nclrtcdiMjia. ivih.rirr li rivel:. nil'", iirvl itiisu willing to help In forming oue?" ami "Certainly. I will do all 1 can." Ion of uterus ami knu rcu a n't ctlmis. often at A meeting was called for the puratler uiany other advcrliw.-- medicine's, and pose of organizing an Improvement so- physicians had failed. ciety, and nine men responded to the call. After a brief dlscusslou a presiBoth the shove mentioned medlrtnes are extract of dent, vice president, secretory and wholly made up from the irl.vcerle emDative, medicinal roots. The prori-witreasurer were elected and the society ployed in ttielr manufacture were original by of Section 2.1, Township ou carried they are 34 South, launched on Its career of good work. with Dr. Fierce, and chemists and pharmacist with the Range 4 West, together with all the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. At first the membership was limited to skilled appliances specially apparatus and of aid ; built (or this purpose. Both ditches belouging therei) also, all cerfifteen. The dues are 25 cents a deslimed anil entirely Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. tree from alcohol and tain mining claims, water rights, medicines are Roseburg, Ore., May 15th, 1907. A month. drur. on all other harmful, pipe described as giants ana ditches, Notioe is hereby given that in comfull Hat of r. their Ingredients Is printed For some years the citizens of Cress18U8, a sitJanuary in 7th, deed dated each pliance with the provisions of the act klll had been trying to have an extra uated on upper Grave Creek, also, the of Congress of Juue 8, 1878, entitled train stopped In the morning bound NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. undivided one half interest In the Red "An act for the sale of timber landa for New York, but had failed. The Mining Claims, koowu as the Bla- in the Stutes of California, Oregon, of the State of Hill lock mines, iu Jackson coonty, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washlrgton Territory " improvement society at once tackled In tbe County Court County. Oregon, for Josephine Tp. SS South, Kauge 4 West, in Sec- as extended to all ti e Public Land the problem, arranged meeting bees-tions 29, 80 and 33, also five cows and Slates by act of August 4, 1893, tween their representatives and an Erie In the matter of the V of J. H. Boss, tate five head of calves, to satisfy judgment THOMAS J. BUTLER railroad ollMal and soon secured the J deceased, against the defendants herein of Grants Pass, County of Josephine, rendered premise of ;ui extra train. The meet-in;.Charles plaintiff and of said favor given in that the hereby in Notice is State of Oregon, has this day filed la at which the needs of the One this ottloe his sworn statement No, F. Ross, the administrator of the es- the sums as follows, v.v! thoroughly discussed, was tate of J. H. Ross, deceased, has filed hundred and sixty dollars with inter8161, for the purchase of the N,W ver.pie., int. and In a few weeks the his final acoount in said matter iu est thereon at tbe rate of tt per cent per -aud 8W SEtf, of EWNEUSWJ-i extra tr:l:i stopped nt Cressklll and has the County Court of Josephine annum since November S, 190t, and Section No. 6 in Township No. 85 dollars attorney 'sfeea, and South, Rauge No. 6 West, and will been well patronized. This shows County, Oregon, and that by order of twenty-fivthe Hon. Stephen Jewell, judge of twenty nine dollars and seventy-fivwhat a little organized effort will do. offer proof to show that the laud 1807, 18, oeuts costs of suit, and accruing costs sought is more valuable for its timber The Interest tu the society grew said court. Thursday, July expenses costs sale. aud of sat and for p. au., is the time or stone than for agricultural purapace, and soon the membership limit at 3 o'olock Dated Urants Pass, Oregon, June 31, poses, and to establish his claim the bearing of said final acoount aud was raised to twenty-five- . More offi- any W, J. RUSSELL, objections tnat may be filed there- 1907. In said land before Joseph Moss, U. S. cers were elected and the good work to and for the settlement of said esSheriff of Josephine Oounty, Oregon. Commissioner, at his office at Grants pushed along. tate, and anv persons having any Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th One of the principal streets In the to said acoount are hereby NOTEO OF ADMINISTRATORS' day of August 1907. town Is well shaded by an avenue of reqoired to file the same on or before He nsmes as witnesses! Olive SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. fine trees, forming a very attractive said time at which the same will be Major, of Plaoer, Ore. , W. T. Torn-haCharles hereby given is Notioe that of Grants Pass, Ore., Geo. W. feature. The electric light wires were heard at the Court House at Grants Hansen and Oeore Hansen, the duly or Kearns, of Grants Pass, Ore., Joseph so strung that they were slowly, but Pass, Josephine County, same on adactings qualified aud appointed, same which the at surely, ruining the trees. A commit- before said time the Court House at ministrators of the estate of Peter Dysert ol R. F. D. No. 1, Granta will be beard at Pass, Ore., tee from the Improvement society call- Grants Josephine County, Hansen, deceased, have bean duly Pass, Any aod all persons claiming adlicensed and commisaioned by order versely ed the town council's attention to the Oregon. the above described lands are th-i oounty Josephine for of court condition of the trees and requested CHARLES F. ROSS, requested to tile their claims in this July Oregon, dated 1st. the Count:, them to urge the electric light company Administrator of the estate of J. H. office on or before said 13th day of 11)07, to sell all right, title and.inter-es- t Ross, deceased. to prevent their wires from touching August, 1907. the to real in estate said and of Attoreoy. . . Oliver S. Brown, tho trees throughout the whole bor.BENJAMIN L. EDDY, propery thereinafter described, and Register. ough. The request was well received, ws said to will pursuant order that SALE. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF aud soou the electric light men cut off Vnllna la horahv vvn that I will. after 87th day of July A. D., 1U07. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX'S all the branches that were touched by on .Saturday, the 2d day ot August, sell at private sale for cash, subject SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. the wires, and the trees have been HXI7 or tha hnnr nf 10 o'clock a. m.. to the confirmation of said .court all right and title and iuterest of the Notioe is hereby given, that pur-nasaved for the enjoyment of all. at tbe frout door of the County the deceased, to an order of the Coonty This action no doubt brought the so- Court House, in the city m urants estate ol Peter Hansen, described real Ooort for Josephine County, Oregon, ciety prominently before the public. Pass, said County and Stste, sell, at in and to the following : Lot one, block dated June 7, 1907, duly rendered property, One of the coiiucilmen, who Is also a nnlilin aula fnr United States void seven, in the Town of Napoleon, and entered in the matter of the member of the Improvement society, coin, rash in hand, all of the righ', Kerby, Josephine Katate of Ci lia A. Smith, deceased, called agitated the observation of a cleaning title aud interest wiiton me tjotinry County, State of Oregon. administratrix 1 the undersigned a quired to lands up day for the whole town. He urgiil of Josephine has GEO. HANSEN. will on and alter Saturday, July 6, of taxes. through the HANSEN, 1907, CHAS. It among his friends and fellow council-men- . sale to the highest sell at private W. J. RUSHKLL. The mayor Issued a proclamaSheriff. Administrators of the estate of Peter and best bidder, fnr cash In baud, the Hansen, deceased. following described real property, tion urging all the residents ou May to wit: Commencing at the Southeast NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 11 last to clean up around their homes corner of lot throe of Block two of SUMMONS. In tbe County Court of the State of in the morning and to assemble in the Miller aud Co's addition to Grants afternoon to beautify the grounds Oregon, for the County of Josephine. In the Circuit Court of the State of Pass, Oregou, and running thence Oregon, f or Josephine County. nroiiud the depot. Quite a large num- In the matter of the Northerly along the East end line of ber responded, and n great deal of Estate of J;ime Joseph Looms, the said lot throe one hundred hnd Kvaus, deceased. good work was done. plaintiff fifteen feet, thence Westerly along the vs. Suit for Divorse North line of said lot three, oue Notice Is hereby given to whom It Through the generosity and the enj hundred feor, thence Southerly along terprise of the councilman mentioned innv concern that the undersigned ba Cordelia Ixim of I lie last defe dn at. J a line parallel with the said East end above over "i"! flowering sbrillis of be n appointed executrix will and testament of James Evaoh, To Cordelia Lomas, the defendant line, one hn nd red aud fifteen f.iet. many kinds were planted and beds laid deceased, which said appointment has thence Easterly along the South Hue above mined : out In the park like grounds about the been continued by au order of the In the uume of the State of Oregon, of said lot threv, oue hundred fnet to depot. An expert landscape gardener County Conit for Josephine Coontv, you are nureby summoned to amear in the plane of beginning, all being in !, 11KI7. superintended the work, while the cit- Oreiou. dHted July All the above entitled Court and answer lot three of block two of Miller and izens assisted III digging, planting, rak- leisoos having claims sgxinst the ou- the complaint tiled against yon in the Co's addition to Granta Pass, JoseOregon, subject to ing up rubbish and trimming the edges tfit ( f said decedent, will preeut the foregoiug entitled suit on or before ph no County, by the court aud bids aine dtly verified to taid Kxeontrix six weeks from the date of the first confirmation In two days a commonof the beds. ot Marcus W. RobbinH, publication of tbU summons, which may be received therefor at the ollice place piece of ground was Into hi the ollice Httortu v at law, drants Pus-- , Oregon, said first date of publication is Fri- of R. (1. Smith, attorney at law, a pretty little park, which Is Improving on or before six mouths Iroin the dale day, July 19, 1907, and the lat date Grants Pass, Oregon, all the time. The council has place.) of first publication of this uotiee. UAKlUh, (BY, nf said publication, and the last date . ... Jl . k. ' I Uftro .1.... the Improvement society In charge of WniCU said Ul oral jjuojiuaiiuu Administratrix. for your appearance herein, is Friday, this park, and It will be kept up and Friday, July art, 1U07. August DO, 1907, and you are herbey MAUUIE L. EVANS, improved as the opportunity offers. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. notified that In case you f'il to apExecutrix. pear and answer or otherwise Nearly evcrvlxxly In town has talked plead Notice is herbey given tl:at the un about the change. Such remarks as within the time aforesaid, that the dersigned has been appointed adminis plaintiff will apply to the Court for trator of tha estate ot Kinlly Carier, "Well, the edd town Is waking up at the relibf prayed fur in his complaint, deceased and all persona haviug claims last." "Quite an Improvement," "Looks For a decree forever dissolv- against said estate are beroby notifine" and "Good day's work for CressBreathe Hyomel evnd Relief aud ing and annulling the marriage rela- fied to file the same with my attorney, klll" wero beard. Young and old, men. tions now eils'lng bewenn the plain- G. W.i Colvlg, (oftice in the Grants women and children, turned out to see Cure Will Be tiff and (lefendnnt, and for such other Pass Banking & Trust Building, neighthe change. Commuters fro-and f Hither relief as to the court may Grants Pass, Oregon) on or before six boring towns commented favorably on seem equitable. This summons is months from this date. If too have catarrh, with offensive nbliabed by order of tbe Hon. the change. Dated this 12th day of June, IWI7. burning in i throat, breath, the ains any town done Stephen Jewell, County Judge for 8. A. CARTER, What Cressklll has of y e, in bieat'd dimcnl railing County, Oregon, of Josephine State Administrator. run do If only a few determined nose, tickldmctiarge tbe from In publication thereof the direcliog to will baad together aud revive dropping from tha back of the the Kogue Kiver courier, puolisnea or ing Imdo what they can In the line cf FINAL SETTLEMENT. throat, coughing apasnis, etc., begin at Grunts Pass, Josephine County, provements. The force of a g'.d ex- toe use of l ai once. lees than onoea'week for In the County Court for Josephine not 'Oregon, not to be ample and determination County, Oregon. is male from nature's a period of six successive weeks, the In the .matter sad ooutaiu said order being dated July 19, 1907 easily discouraged will work wonders. soot Ii lug oils and . . of, tbe 1I tr ux Aipnuns properties ol tbe pine niemlieni vie with the AH the society's thihu OLIVER S. BROWN. . ( E. Holloway It's medication is takeu in Attorney for the plaintiff. each other In keeping their own wood-Deceased. ( grounds clean and Improving them, with ihs air you breathe, to that it reaches the mot remote part of the Notice Is hereby given that the un The Charmlnf Woman thus setting an example thnt Is lieln? respiratcrv organ, killing all caiarrahl dersigned administrator of the alxiva followed by other residents. germs and soothing any irritation is not necessarily one of perfect estate, with the will annexed has Cans for waste paper and fruit peel- there may be in the wucuos membrane, form snd features. Many a plain tiled lo said court and cause his final ings will be placed in different parts of The complete outfit coats woman who could never serve as an account and that Saturday, August the town. It Is the Intention of the so but tl ; and Demstay gives a person- artist's model, possesses those rare at 10 o'clock a. m. at the court house ciety to Interest the school children al guarantee with each package that qualities that all the world admires : at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Ormoney will be refunded unless the neatness, clear eyes, clean, smooth egon, has been fixed by the ahovn court ra the good work. that is claimed akin and that sprlghtliness of step aod as tbe time and plaoo lor si ttilng sid AH moneys of the society are to be treatment 'does all action that accompany good, hraltn acoount ana all persons lull rest 4 The for it. spent on tov.a improvements. A physically weak woman is never therein are hereby notified to tile and the of meetings ore held ot the homes A Memorable Day. to herself. preseut their objection attractive, not even thereto, ou or as soon members tw!?e n month. As One of the days we rememlwr with Electric Bitters restore weak women, before that time. nerves, bright eyes, all busluesi bis been transacted a pleasure, as well as with profit to our give strong W. FLANAGAN. Jolly heart to heart time la enjoyed. health, Is the one on which we be- smooth, velvety skin, bean t If al com Administrator, Thus another pleasant feature bss came acquainted with Dr. King's plexion. Guaranteed at all druggists. Dated July 1, 1907. been added to the town's social attrac- New Life Pills, the painless purifiers 50c. tbat core headache and biliousness, tions. Fin wedding stationery at th aod keep tbe bowels ri6'ht. 25o at all Job work at PortUad price at the omce. drug stores. Courier ofBe. courier Oregoniaa. Wookly The old rtllablo The f-- ! u. im- r fr--- to-w- it . O 33 e bottle-wrappe- 1 -t e e to-w- coin-mou- ly I I I I havey6u catarrh t: I nine-nou- e Ilr-o-oj- s germ-killin- i a
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