a THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919. PACE ;;L 0. A. C ika saver for cake making no tedious Mazola is always ready for instant use Fcr deep frying act! tasking it u BseqwEei Use it e?er anJ otef agaia. Carries i c Eavcn eTea cl ua ana ceiobi usm one M "creaming-in- ARVELOUS ' asolier. ' JtaEaci prefer F.!azc!a to life o3 fcr a!aik Costs about cue half the price cf tie Best Olire OH and tastes alike. . . Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- Bummer school session it -- J. BOW Opea at the college, Monday hav-- 1 lis, June ing J. . Tr J (tlAMA CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. New Vat 1M r. . lr , "LK .A3 I COOKINCyf 1 j ... " r. Try These SIMPLE TESTS Teach-er-s and others are here from all parts j vf the state and indications are for; Igood alteudnncc. The first address of." Npw urk. f J top. Connor, formerly at a regular pace, then Burton, heu of j0Bns Hopkins hospital, says: Many (iuj that you are out of breath, J a series by Dr. or" snuff inces-- j heart beat is forced, trembling or of the English department of the Vol- - mva wao smoke,-itJ venity of iliuuesota, waa given Moa- - asntiv and who are seemingly healthy regular, you may be a victim of fiu Ho spoke are suffering from progressive organie tioual or organic heart tiouble. If y i day in the library building. Dtn-to-r Burton i ailments. Thousauds of them would if eel that you must smoke, chew t on" "Mark Twain." j well known as an author of books OB never have been afflicted had it mil snuff to quiet your nerves, you are ; slave to tlio tobacco habit, and t .literature and poetrv and as a speaker, beeii for the use of tobacco, and thou-I) V Voiin" seeretnrv, led (and would soon get well if they positively poisoning yourself with I iwould only st.ip the use of tobacco, deadly drug, nicotine. In either el ' in mass aineine ke Ltf nf ,h. .umn.er sehool The chief habit forming principle of you have just two. altcruatives-a tobacco ia nicotine, a deadly oi9on;on with tho self poisoning process in which, when absorbed W the systeu, Up.ve of the dange.s and suffer t on the cafeteria plan for the benefit consequences or give up tne naiu a of the students. Xew courses offered an(1 vita, 8rRBI,8 of the boay. escape the dangers. You can overi-ofor the first time are those providing T,ie harmfui eftct of tobacco varies the craving and stop the habit in special instruction for teachers who ex- - !anj a,,peuds on circumstances. One will very short tiui-- by using the followi inexpensive formula. Go to any dr .'ct to train high school students ujbe afflicted with geueral debility, store and ask for Nicotol tablets, ta science und tactics and those fn with cntarrh of the throat, iudiges-whintend to instruct in physical train- - fion. constipation, f itreme nervousness one tublet after each meal, and in, ing ncit t hool year to comply with the sleeplessness, loss of memory, lack of- comparatively short time you will ha new school law requiring schools to will power, mental confusion, etc. Oth- no desire fur tobacco, the craving ers may sutler from heart disease, have left you. Wilh the nicotine poii tench this subject. bronchial trouble hardeninz of the ar- - out of your system vour general hea; i itcries, tuberculosis, blindness or even will quickly improve. Xote When asked about Nicotol I cancer or the common affliction known ROLL OF HONOR as tobacco heart. If you use tobacco lets, one of our leading druggists su ;ln anv form you can easily detect the "It is trulv a wonderful remedy I The following casualties are reported harmful effects by making the follow-- the tobacco habit; away ahead or al by the. commanding general of the ing simple tests. Read aloud one full! thing we havo ever sold before. Mui pase from a book. If, in the course of arc authorized bv the American Kxpeditionary Forces. the money to every dissf reading your voice becomes muffled, to refund , Killed in Action 1.1 & and you must ilea cusiouier, unaJ we wuuiu not p indistinct, hoarse anil Wounds from Pied frequently elcar your throat, the chanc ni it the use of our name unless t Cause Other and Accident Died of es are that your throat is affected by remedy possessed unusual nitrit." !f Died of Disease catarrh and it niay be the beginning otol tablets are sold in this city un( Wounded Severely of more serious trouble. Next, in the an iron clad) money back guarantee! Wounded (degree undetermined).... morning before taking your usual all up to date druggists, including? "Wounded Slightly smoke, walk up three flights of stair J. Fry. Missing in Action I ru n if devoted to registration. Ihh-- ; 171? 1717 Wonderful 63 page, beautifully Bluatrated Cook riULEi Book. Writ today for H. ,: Doctor Tells How to Detect Harmful Effects of Tobaca Scboi Is Slimmer Opened; Registration Big ". it. , ,!. "r llu,,,, o j j f oil forCoolcinq v ill; n ilibi Warfccf-- , I:".:.'.,::;:, The Hi'venttM'utU . 1... 8800 t' 1 IK I t- Salad i.'::.1.!':.1;:.. :, Kirst SCORE Washington gnme TODAY'S BASEBALL Not To Go S Wire Systems To OwnCfS For MOStll ton P r..kla M. Hepburn, was launched at Seattle nrdAy. L!li 1 T Sat-- j KaUonal mn' 4 , v- and i'iciuich; Kuth and WaV HIihw " - lphiiTIIIZZI Billie 1 0 8o - Total 9 BUSINESS FAILURES IN UNITED STATES. Killed in Action. B, He 15 ters. .Tnienfc CnrriL'sn. Manchester N U. been very largely due to ignorance and negHave ' 3 2T 41 Michael Lynch, Denver Col. lorn Washington. June 23 (United Frew) ignorance of the principles of Constructive ligence; game Second of Wounds. Died Telegraphic and telephone liuee will urooaivn 0 nl ,onza,MJ Washington Thurman Davis, Chattanooga, Tenn. business methods, and Negligence in the application 2' not go back in the hand of the 1 Boston ( ll,',",-0 tiua from Accident and Other Causes. 5 a,ul M'"jl before July 81, aetion of the house and knowledge possessed of these principles. of Jones and Johnson and Agncw; Haul M Griffv. Brazil Ini senate cunferecs on the wire control S.hhng Cnl. We out Your Newcastle of the Past, can point McKeon, A Warren . I,.1'1 today. bill idicated James Quick, Diveron HI. Avoid Show you in how to them the and help Agreement has been reached on the Future, St. Louis Dertoit postponed, raia 8 4 Bolfest B Woldal, Gays Mills Wis. house provision that that the lints ihall , Wilm)n. IIog? and Cady. s.1(tt you Success. Attain Disease. of Died tho 1 U Cleveland go liack at the end of I1 Amlrow M Mumaw, Indianapolis Tnd. T Chicago 10 month in which the act Is approved. ,iM,lMI j ' " Morton, Knrmann and O'Neill; TROMLEY & HENDERSON Coufereca are certain the report eannot H( liinl i CTORENT CASUALTIES and Behalk. be approved by both houses and reach-j- ' iiiitu;;'";' and & Business Analysts Auditors Accident of Died r ed the president in time for hig (Nith inning) " Homer 'Wing, Detroit Mich. t ure before July 1. The president prob-of Chamber Commerce. Bldg. Portland, Ore. Died of Disease. 0 3 12 nblv would delay signing until aftCT.fhi(.n),0 At Troeh Honors Captures Mo. Orln B Hyde, Rick Hilt 0 July 1, so that the confusion or a hnsty Iciuciuimll Vaughn and OTarrell; Eing and and immediuto return would be avoided. Northwest Title Contest1 professional, finished third with 470. Telephone companies under the terms Karidoa handicap event yestcr- The ..r ti.n I, ill lire oivon four monthi to; "llion8 yesterday was made by Tl MlVftr AlrC WVfTc" Or., Juue 2j. The four day ,iny wentto Fmnk Knynor of the Green Fortland, wond gnuio with state andl low... Monzles, chairman of the Central I tes in aureometit North- - T,'ko Gun club of Seattle. C. 8 of the trap tournament shooting 1 J Itosliin Ideal utility eimmlsslons. To HcId LORiDat Anarcnv kor TJaiion onoral Btrike eomnut-- . T S 1 Sportsmen's association closed Kelvey of the same club ' won the I'hilndclpliin. thig moraiDgm Twenty.five unions yo MeQuillan and Wilson; Packard and yesterday with F. M. Troeh of Vaucou- - Sinnils cup. Olurk. DEVALEEA HONORED ver, Wash., high man. His total score T,e Green Lako Gun club will singe Omaha, Neb., June ayor Smith, t,ho tradcg uniong were to hay6 , was 498 out of a possible 000 targots. jnfl jqoq tournament of the association. addressing a big meeting of Douglua cd yestorday. Menzies said ho wo American rtil,. Jue 5. (United rrcss.) Smashing 481 clay pigeons, Lea u. y I'08t uf the 'American Legion, jumke a statement lator Ja,the day. The honorary degree of bacholor of lliilndelphia Eoid of Belittle and Hugh K. Foston of. Silica deposits have been found war ' laws today wai to be conferred oa u- Baa Franeiseo tied for. prof ipsionnl hon- - Vancouver, and Mayor Percival Is now told tlio returned soldiers that the city retry'"fand X'orkinst ward DeValera, president of tho irisn HaJiinih Frank C. Richl, veteran Tacoma ouf aftor a glass factory for that city.. was threatened with anarchy and asked; Acklev brothers have begun the orii . them to volunteer to suppress it, in casej struction of a logging railroad vh republic, by Do Paul University of Chi a general strike is ealed in sympathy will connect with the Wranorn rond cago. 7 with, tho teamsters strike here. Wild Dairy and extend to the Swan Le Father Francis SlcCabe, head of the "CANADA IS PAH GOLF," SAYS CHAMPION EVANS bursts of applause greeted tho mayor. section of Klamath county, where i aehonl, said ho eapected DeVnlera to be No statement of the result of votes firm has valuable timber holdings. In Chicago soon. Rack ; Today and Tomorrow 8 8 Boston L Errors . cnU-nda-r . lk Rhodes lg"a-,svde- . 17 And a celebrated cast in with a comedy-dram- a thrills and laughs j firkin 'THE LAMB AND 23.-M- - THE LION" 'f oi-- BLIGH iT H E A T. R i t- . E i'Wf Skritft Golf, 'Club II THE FOOD BILL THE ICE BILL AND THE .ii.- DOCTOR BILL ni.ii.niii iiiiiV-"i- . frnrtrTi--n- .? il it nrii )jfy 7T- I - - r ; 1ft - iti u ii . -- . ome .f y ...f f n ' i; . to ARE CLOSELY RELATED r . l- k0P;'; ntr:A- W . - - W wr a " July 3, 4 and 5 ! Every person in Marion and Polk counties and the state is invited to attend t i Take A Trip in the Clouds .... i. . . .i , . . i li.,..'.,. K i k ... . i . v ...... W ...... 5 v, , fr Call up :02 and leave your name with Mr. McCros-ke- y at Salem Commercial club, before July 1919. The list is filling up fast. The bird man will take you to Silverton and return for a small charge. .1 ..) . Soldiers, Sailors, Marines IT "r' " r.,M,. 1 S?t7G3r-------t. f ! SAVES FOOD SAVES ICE w S. HAMILTON M SALEM, OREGON - - Cluck I - Apais Coif Ou:; hard to! lantic to the IVific, ranging from i turn match at . ny-- t nr- 11. An,.rews M. tt at Seasido ks liosaitalitf tanhut Canadiii Mai, wy n,,. (1aB,pion EvRt1!l h!,, h " l" "J. be beaten." declared Charles fT" rt..n athH. ' .t:nh.n r.f ranadian fn.if Num. and ("Chick") Evans, Jr., aatatmr and 'h. niv his ramt'r'th Hamirtta Golf and Country ho open champion folfer of the United. n'tituoV of nearly a n,:!e. Cf ,Clu' in particular. "This club, mpm State, after ha had returned from ir.ir farther west he can play tiit states, "is on ot tne very ow well. and Victoria r;.lf clubs in North Amenta It swinrs tht Hamilton and Scarborough Go f Vancouver wh.-rth altitude ia not far ihuit and is a thorough test of o!f." Clubs. Canadian eiperts in theM -en TK. st AndrewiAlnouin Co t f .tluba had coaipelled him to play his sm.;crtt j in(J gime-Ouat St. An tht bnrs, 6,Ort yaH fn to Win, and then both clabs had' mtnii m tU. twelve, bocaawo an imade hint a life member. "Canada.' fie Jaean eurrenl Hecre that thoro Irrgth, and ther W also a The Jon count in my opinion." ho added, "io porishatl be no "winter k l!T greens, j link near-blo.aembles some of tho best seaside This year will t the ) About tho widJle of J:r,0 Evans the bisttrv of Canada and the United HnV of ?cotlr.nd. Ternnto, Montreal, rolf la Caobee. Wmntprtr. talffary. Vietwa hopes to make his fifth trio to' State an Jar a are all rreat ndH to Play f 'T rneflt of the roiiccrre,,; Ten of Canau'a's iwxt and Vancouver At the IbnfT Snnnrs C.,f ten of the Conadiaa Red Creta. Other notH rdfers will State at the) Club on "The Poof of the wttH. t fr.n l e are elfers who rnsv pn aln '.U Cour.try C1H. the i..!f 'is ewilent smd the s,e-i- c . Francis Ouiwet. jeroma D. Travent lUr . ' J Hy .'jin, una surTounoinv. ui, and John G. Anderson. Tat cities 'jiw'om. ),it;.n-'"No matter where you junu oiT a be Montreal. Ottawa, St. fie ti.nn.li .n Sri' r.. who wen the Yiitd will !IH,1 ''iy in a tuin in Canada," t unco more qut a .f and Toronto. rt "yni n t the t'n te.l SUtor Champion l Canada "has a string of well- r.atth ai i a rv certain to fil l first class p'!f." the cuji tho w.il front dfi;.l coursea jrcif planned Catmtlian This fact is becoming better understood every year, and today very few people are satisfied with anything but the most perfect of ref rigerators. WE 1LWE THE LEONARD One of the best known refrigerators made. Call and let us show you the many advantages in this make t of refrigerator. fJ Easy To Clean Easy to Ice 4- r - golfers art M ' i. ".,. ,ttn . , , .Kn Welcome Home The War Mothers and War Camp Community Service are doing all in their power to make this Home Coming the most enjoyable event of your lives. Register at Commercial Club for Free Passes to all entertainment, movies, etc. , !tit ' Cda m-ate- t0 i rV V'-.r- , l:l "r-v.-n.t 'fv.h,r?' Andrew-bv4ht-Sc- - flf irpsn -- 1 Community Singing Community Singing at 4 and 6 p. m. July 4, at Park. Be sure and attend this event Will-so- n J. F. HUTCHASON, Chairman, 4th July Advertising Committee.
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