Schedules ORIENTAL CAT ASSOCIATION 30th CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW PEARL ANNIVERSARY SIAMESE CAT ASSOCIATION 48th CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW for Siamese, Balinese, Oriental Shorthairs & Oriental Longhairs including Household Pet Sections to be held on SUNDAY 21st JUNE 2015 (under Licence of the GCCF) at PITSFORD SPORTS HALL, MOULTON COLLEGE, GATE 4, PITSFORD ROAD, NORTHANTS. NN3 7QL ENTRIES CLOSE: 1st JUNE 2015 Judges Dr B Bennett, Mrs D Brown, Mr R Davies, Mrs N Farnsworth, Mr R Lord, Mrs S Luxford-Watts, Mrs J Murchison, Mrs B Pearce, Mrs J Pounds, Mrs J Smith, Mrs S Tokens Household Pet Judges Mrs L Aggett, Mr E Jones, Mrs S Lee, Mrs J Wheatley Duty Vet Mrs J Alexander MRCVS ORIENTAL CAT ASSOCIATION SHOW Show Managers Irene Rothwell The Cider House, Coughton, Ross on Wye. HR9 5SE [email protected] Tel: 01989 562838 Show day contact 0780 3940889 John Bunce 28 Piddinghoe Avenue Peacehaven, East Sussex BN10 8RJ [email protected] Tel: 01273 589827 Show day contact 0771 4427038 Show Committee: Mr J Bunce, Mrs S Crisp, Mrs S Gaffey, Mrs L James Hart, Mrs I Rothwell, Mr J Rothwell, Ms L Schofield, Mrs V Walter, Mrs C Whitby, Mrs C Ward Best in Show: Oriental: Mrs J Francis Wilson, Mrs S Luxford-Watts, Mrs B Pearce Siamese: Mrs J Pounds, Mrs N Farnsworth, Mrs S Tokens Overall: Dr B Bennett, Mrs D Brown, Mrs J Smith. Referee: Mrs J Murchison SIAMESE CAT ASSOCIATION Show Manager Mr H Meekings Wrenshall Farmhouse, Walsham le Willows, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 3AS [email protected] Tel: (01359) 259652 Mobile: 0776 6544473 Show Committee Mrs J Bauerfeind, Mrs E Corps, Mr R Davies, Mrs M Evans, Mr H Meekings, Mrs R Meekings, Mr D Ryder, Mr D Snaith, Mrs S Snaith, Miss E Watson Best in Show: Siamese: Mr R Davies, Mrs J Pounds, Mrs N Farnsworth Oriental: Mrs D Brown, Mrs J Smith, Dr B Bennett Overall: Mrs J Murchison, Mrs S Luxford-Watts, Mrs B Pearce. Referee: Mrs D Brown Introduction of EMS breed Codes In all paperwork produced for shows, cats’ breeds will now be described by EMS codes rather than old GCCF breed numbers. This does not mean that you need to enter the EMS code on your entry form. It is as ever recommended that you take the registration details from your registration or transfer certificate – if that includes an EMS code, then you should certainly use it. Alternatively, if you can use the GCCF online services to look up the details for your cat, then you can use the EMS code you will find there. But failing either of these, please use the GCCF breed number as on your registration or transfer certificate - do not try to translate it into an EMS code. Whatever you use it may be translated to an EMS code in any acknowledgement of your entry which is sent (and will be translated in the catalogue, judges’ books and the like). Online Show entry is available for both shows. You may enter either or both shows online. Payment may be made either by sending a cheque to the show manager, or by direct BACS transfer to the appropriate club account. Details will be given to you in the course of the online entry. You will be able to find the address to use for online show entry from both the SCA and OCA show web pages in their own sites, and also on the GCCF web site. (you will also be able to download the schedule and both entry forms from all three places) 1 ORIENTAL LONGHAIR AND BICOLOUR VARIANTS ORIENTAL LONGHAIRS ARE NOW ABLE TO BE SHOWN AND POINTED THEY MUST BE ENTERED IN BREED CLASSES, AND ARE JUDGED ACCORDING TO THE STANDARD OF POINTS COVERING THOSE CLASSES, AS FOLLOWS: Oriental Longhair Variants (non-pointed) of all colours and patterns except green- and odd-eyed white compete in the appropriate Oriental Shorthair Breed class for their colour and pattern. They may be entered in any side class open to Oriental Shorthairs of their colour and pattern. Pointed Oriental Longhair and Shorthair Oriental Bicolour Variants of all colours and patterns except smoke and silver tabby compete in the appropriate Siamese Breed class for their colour and pattern. They may be entered in any side class open to Siamese of their colour and pattern (Smoke and Silver Tabby Pointed Variants cannot be shown because their pattern is not recognized in Siamese). Pointed Oriental Longhairs and Longhair Oriental Bicolour Variants of colours other than Cinnamon and Fawn and patterns other than Smoke and Silver Tabby compete in the Balinese Breed class. They may be entered in any side class open to Balinese of their colour and pattern (Cinnamon and Fawn cats in all patterns cannot be shown because their colour is not recognized in Balinese; Smoke and Silver Tabby Pointed cats cannot be shown because their pattern is not recognized in Balinese). CLASS STRUCTURE The same class structure applies to Pedigree and Household Pet entries You may enter your cat in only one of Breed/Colour, Grand and Imperial Classes, and the class entered must be the one competing for a certificate towards the lowest title it does not hold. Thus Untitled cats may be entered in the appropriate Breed/Colour Class Champions/Premiers/Mastercats may be entered only in the appropriate Grand Class Grand titled cats may be entered only in the appropriate Imperial Class Imperial or Olympian titled cats may be entered only in the appropriate Olympian Class. If you do not wish to enter any of the above classes, you do not need to do so. You may enter for Best of Breed only: any cat not entered in the appropriate Breed/Colour class will automatically be considered for Best of Breed (judged by the judge of the Breed/Colour class) unless you explicitly withdraw it from such consideration. If a cat you have entered wins a higher title after you make your entry but before the published closing date of the show, then you MUST inform the show manager, so that it may be moved up a class. 2 These Shows are held under the rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and are open to all. Ignorance of any rule will not be accepted as an excuse for its breach. Copies of the Rules are available from the GCCF Office, 5 King’s Castle Business Park, The Drove, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4AG. Please make sure that you read and understand these Rules and this Schedule before entering the show. ELIGIBILITY Siamese, Balinese, Oriental Shorthair and Oriental Longhair adults, kittens and neuters are eligible for competition at these Shows if registered with the GCCF. Exhibits with one or more unregistered parents, grandparents or great-grandparents are not eligible for pedigree Open classes except where Section 4 Rule 1d of the GCCF Rules applies. Cats registered on the Reference Register are not eligible for competition (except for Variants) but may be placed on Exhibition. All registrations and/or transfers must have reached the GCCF Office AT LEAST TEN DAYS BEFORE THE SHOW or the exhibit will be DISQUALIFIED. If you have entered the exhibit in your name and it is transferred away from you before this date it will also be DISQUALIFIED because the entry form becomes invalid. If you have not yet received the registration number when you enter, write NAF (name applied for) instead, fill in the name you have applied for, and send the number and any change of name to the Show Manager when they arrive. Unregistered cats from unregistered or unknown parents, of traditional "moggie" appearance, may enter Non-Pedigree classes in the Household Pet Section. Cats of known full or half pedigree background, registered or unregistered, or cats of pedigree appearance but of unknown background may enter Pedigree classes in the Household Pet Section. SHOW ENTRY FORM In order to exhibit at either Show you must complete the appropriate entry form and read and sign the Declaration. The information on the entry form must the same as that on the transfer/registration certificate. You are responsible for the correct description of your exhibits, and for entering them in the correct classes. If you make any mistakes your exhibit may be DISQUALIFIED. If the cat is registered in single ownership only that person must sign the form. If the cat is in joint ownership either or both owners may sign the form. If you are entering a cat in single ownership and one in joint ownership then please complete two separate forms. ANY EXHIBITOR NEEDING ASSISTANCE WITH THEIR ENTRY SHOULD NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE SHOW MANAGER. No cat or kitten in the same ownership or from the same household or cattery may be exhibited at any show or public exhibition within thirteen days prior to or following the date of this show. WITHDRAWALS All withdrawals must be made in writing. No withdrawals can be accepted after the published closing date for entries. If you know that your exhibit will be absent and inform us in writing prior to the Show we may be able to avoid an empty pen on the day. Part of the entry fee may be returned, at the discretion of the Show Manager. GENERAL INFORMATION ALL CORRESPONDENCE must be accompanied by a SAE if a reply is required. For confirmation of acceptance of entry please enclose a stamped addressed postcard with your entry form. ALL ALTERATIONS AND/OR ADDITIONS TO ENTRY FORMS MUST BE MADE IN WRITING and will not be accepted by telephone. OWNERS’ LIABILITY FOR VETERINARY TREATMENT AT SHOWS Exhibitors (owners) are responsible for the cost of any veterinary treatment required by their cat(s) in their absence from the show hall. 3 STATUS OF ERRORS - WHAT TO EXPECT MINOR ERRORS. These warrant a notification for your reference if the error occurs more than once and it is apparent that registration details were available at the time of entry or before the date of the Show. Continuous repetition of the same error after notification will be referred to the Executive Committee. Examples of minor errors include: (a) Spelling errors. (b) Separation of cat's name that should be one word and vice versa. (c) Administrative/breeder's prefix omitted from, or partially incorrect name given for, exhibit. (d) Overseas title preceding the name of an exhibit, sire or dam, etc. (e) Full breed number known but not given. (f) Sire and Dam reversed or named incorrectly. (g) Breeder joint when single and vice versa. INCORRECT DATE OF BIRTH. This is usually classed as a minor error unless it affects an entry into classes based on age groups, when it could warrant disqualification of the exhibit from such classes, but if the incorrect date of birth affects the age suitability as a whole, then the exhibit will be disqualified from the Show. N.B. AGE LIMITS: Kittens not less than 14 weeks and under 9 calendar months on date of Show, Adults not less than 9 calendar months on date of Show INCORRECT NAME OF EXHIBIT/OWNER/BREEDER If registration/transfer details were obviously available at the time of entry or before the date of the Show, disqualification is inevitable. The following discrepancies are those which usually arise :EXHIBIT Totally incorrect name REGISTERED OWNER Joint when they should be single, and vice versa (EXHIBITOR) Declaration not signed by registered owner(s) BREEDER Totally incorrect name or names N.B. The breeder of a cat is always the registered owner of the dam on the date of the cat's birth. REGISTRATION/TRANSFER NOT RECEIVED BY GCCF 21 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SHOW. These entries will be disqualified. Remember, the effective date of all registrations and transfers is the first date of valid receipt by the GCCF, and if you enclose your own stamped addressed acknowledgement card with your application form this will be stamped with the GCCF Office date of receipt. TRANSFER OF EXHIBIT FROM EXHIBITOR TO A NEW OWNER RECEIVED BY GCCF MORE THAN 21 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SHOW. Entries such as these will also be disqualified as the Exhibitor's entry form becomes invalid. INCORRECT CLASS ENTRY. These will be disqualified from the class concerned - so always check with the Show Manager if in doubt about which class to enter. If a breed number is changed officially, it is important that you notify the Show Manager immediately. Exhibits entered in Grand classes must have gained their title before the published closing date if the show. CAT REGISTERED ON THE REFERENCE REGISTER. No Cat registered on this Register is eligible to be shown and, therefore, these entries will be disqualified. The only exception to this is when a new breed becomes recognised; and then, cats of the breed may be shown even if they are registered on the Reference Register as long as this was the only reason for the Reference registration. Exhibitors may appeal against any disqualification resulting from the Show checking, giving their reasons. The appeal will be referred to the Executive Committee if considered valid and, if not, a letter of explanation will be sent to the exhibitor(s). The above advice, however, is aimed to keep your show entries trouble-free, not to mention the show checking. 4 DEFINITION OF CLASSES Open to all untitled cats of the specified breed (must be GCCF registered). GRAND CLASS Open to Champion/Premier titled cats IMPERIAL GRAND CLASS Open to Grand titled cats OLYMPIAN CLASS Open to Imperial titled cats CATS : At least 9 months old on Show day. KITTENS : At least 14 weeks and under 9 months old on Show day. Neutered Kittens must be entered in kitten Open and Miscellaneous classes, and will be eligible to compete for Best In Show Kitten. NEUTERS : Neuters may only enter Neuter Classes and may not compete with entire cats or kittens except in Club Classes which are scheduled to include Neuters. Where Best in Show is held, the best Neuter shall be considered against the best Entire Adult and Kitten for Best Exhibit in Show. BREEDERS : Exhibits bred by exhibitors. Cats originally registered in the Breeders' joint ownership but changed to single ownership of one of the Breeders can still be entered in this class. Cats originally registered in the Breeder’s single ownership and changed to joint ownership with the Breeder should be entered in the Non-Breeders Class. DEBUTANTE : For exhibits that have never been shown at a show held under GCCF Rules. Previous shows as a kitten do not preclude entry in the Debutante Adult class; previous shows as a kitten or adult do not preclude entry in the Debutante Neuter class ADOLESCENT : At least 9 months and under 15 months old on Show day. JUNIOR : At least 9 months and under 2 years old on Show day. SENIOR : At least 2 years old on Show day. VETERAN : At least 7 years old on Show day. MAIDEN : Exhibits that have not won a first, second or third prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules. NOVICE : Exhibits that have not won a first prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules LIMIT : Exhibits that have not won more than four first prizes in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules. RADIUS : Exhibitors living within fifty miles of Show Hall. VISITORS : Exhibitors living outside fifty miles of Show Hall. ARISTOCRAT : Cats which have won one or more CCs or PCs but are not full Champions or Premiers. Kittens which have won 1 or 2 Open Classes at a Championship Show. NOTES : The status of the exhibit for entering restricted classes (i.e. Maiden, Limit, etc.) shall be the cats’ status on the day of entry except that, to be eligible for entry into Imperial Grand or Grand Classes, the required status must be attained on or before the closing date for entries as published in this Schedule. Wins as a kitten do not count when the exhibit is shown as an adult or neuter; wins as an adult do not count when the exhibit is neutered and shown. Merit awards do not count as wins for entering restricted classes. Please check your entry form carefully. All spellings, dates, sex, and registration numbers must be correct. You may correct any error in your entry form on the day of the show. BREED CLASS PRE-SHOW PREPARATION Please make sure that your exhibit is clean and healthy before arriving at the Show. All exhibits must be vaccinated against FIE, FVR & FCV (“cat ‘flu”). The full course, or booster, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, must have been completed more than seven days before the show. The certificate must have been issued by a veterinary practice/hospital and the last vaccination entry signed by a 5 Veterinary Surgeon or by a listed Veterinary Nurse under the direction of a Veterinary Surgeon. Cats with an invalid vaccination certificate will be rejected under Section A. Cats unaccompanied by a vaccination certificate will also be rejected under Section A unless the exhibitor undertakes to provide proof of vaccination, valid for that show, by sending the certificate to the GCCF Office within seven days of the show. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification from the show and the cat’s name will be placed on the rejection list until proof of vaccination is received in the Office. N.B. A current certificate of vaccination is one which is not more than seven days past the manufacturer’s recommended interval between boosters. “Homeopathic vaccination” is not acceptable. The vaccination certificate must be completed properly with the name and address of the owner and the identity of the cat. Please check your cats claws and, if necessary, trim them before the Show. If you have to bath your cat please be very careful which shampoo you use. Many shampoos sold for cats contain colouring matter and if you use one of these your cat could be disqualified. The use of any products, including skullcap or valerian, rescue remedy etc, which change a cat’s appearance or physical reaction is forbidden and will lead to disqualification. ARRIVAL AT THE SHOW Exhibits will be received at the entrance of the Show Hall from 8.00 am until 9.45 on the morning of the Show. All exhibits must be brought to the Show in suitable secure containers (top-opening preferred) and must be accompanied by their owner or owner’s representative who must remain within call throughout the period of the Show except when the hall is cleared for judging. It is recommended that, where possible, top-opening carriers should be used. If an exhibit cannot be removed from its carrier safely it may not be vetted in or, if relevant, be judged for Best in Show. Exhibits will only be accepted on condition that the Club shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any exhibits, containers or property in any way. Each exhibit will be examined by the Show’s Honorary Veterinary Surgeons who are authorised to exclude any exhibit that they consider unfit for competition or undersized for its age. No exhibit may be penned before being examined. Exhibits must show no signs of ill health, parasites, skin lesions or use of drugs. Coats and ears must be clean. Entire males over nine months of age must have both testicles present in the scrotum. Queens who are pregnant, lactating or who have kittened within the past twelve weeks may not be exhibited. Declawed cats may not be exhibited. If a cat cannot be removed from its container safely it may be rejected. Unfit exhibits must be removed by owners and entry fees forfeited. Owners of rejected exhibits, together with their other exhibits, may also be debarred from entering the Show Hall. THE VETERINARY SURGEON’S DECISION IS FINAL. When an exhibit has been rejected or withdrawn from the Show by a Veterinary Surgeon the procedure to be adopted is clearly stated in the GCCF Rules. If your cat is rejected from a show please note the following points: 1. When sending your clearance certificate to the GCCF Office please include your copy of the rejection form. 2. Please do not send these certificates by recorded delivery post as this can cause considerable delay. If you wish to be sure they have arrived enclose a stamped addressed postcard which can be signed and returned to you. 3. Exhibitors should not attend shows until they have received a letter from the Office accepting and confirming clearance. Take this letter with you to any shows you attend within one month of its issue. PRESENTATION Take pride in presenting your exhibit. Be sure that it is comfortable, warm and relaxed. You must provide each exhibit with a white litter tray (with litter) and a white water bowl and both must stay in the pen all day. Food may be given (in white bowls) but must be removed before judging starts at 10.00 am and not replaced before 12.30 pm. One SMALL toy may be placed in the pen at this time. Each exhibit must have a clean plain 6 white or near-white blanket or blankets without distinctive marking or edging, which may be arranged in such a manner to assist the comfort of the cat. Cellular blankets are not allowed but white Vet-bed or like material may be used if preferred. A hot water bottle or heat reflecting material or a cool pack may be used, but must be concealed by the blanket. No written or printed matter of any kind other than official notices and awards may be put on to competitive pens. None of the equipment in the pen may bear any distinguishing marks. Judges are instructed to pass any pen that is distinguished in any manner. Exhibition pens may be decorated in any manner, but please make sure that there is ample room for your cat to be comfortable. Details of exhibits for exhibition only must be entered on the official entry form. JUDGES AND JUDGING Judging will commence at 10.00 am and exhibitors will be requested to clear the hall at this time until 12.30 pm, whilst the Open Classes are being judged. Judges are empowered to withhold any prize, award or certificate in any class if the exhibits do not, in their opinion, possess sufficient merit. Prizes will be awarded from the Judge’s slip not from any catalogue or prize card, A Judge’s decision is final. You may not approach a Judge, or enter into conversation with a Judge, until that judge’s engagement is completed. COUNTERSIGNATURES In the event of a change of Judge of an Open or Assessment class occurring after the closing date of the Show, provided that the exhibitor informs the Show Manager before judging starts that a Certificate has already been awarded by the replacement judge, the Show Manager shall appoint one other judge who, if the cat is awarded the Certificate shall judge the cat and, if it is considered worthy, countersign the Certificate which shall then count towards Championship status or “qualification” of Preliminary status breeds. If the replacement judge at the first show has also been previously booked for a subsequent show, the closing date of which is before the date of the first show, then at the subsequent show this judge can be considered a replacement judge for the purpose of requesting a countersignature. PLEASE NOTE No one may remove any exhibit from its pen except the owner, owner’s agent or Show Official. Any other person in any way interfering with or removing any exhibit from its pen during the show, except with the consent of the Show Manager, will be reported to the GCCF and will forfeit any awards that may be due to their exhibit. Exhibitors are forbidden to carry their exhibits around the Show Hall, and they must not be held in such a way as to annoy other exhibits. Exhibits received into the Show Hall cannot be removed without the sanction of the Show Manager. Photos of the exhibits may only be taken after permission has been obtained from the Show Manager and the exhibits’ owners. The Show closes at 5.00pm and no exhibit may be removed from its pen before this time. Failure to observe this rule will result in disqualification and forfeiture of any awards. No aerosol sprays are to be used in the Show Hall. Catalogue vouchers and exhibitors’ passes will be handed to you at vetting-in. There will not be any tallies at this show so please check your pen number carefully and make sure you pen your cat correctly. Show equipment, litter, accessories etc, will be on sale in the Show Hall. WARNING Advertising your cat’s future attendance at a show could lead to disciplinary action 7 THE COMMITTEE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO: (a) Appoint other Judges should those advertised be unable to fulfil their engagements, and to appoint further Judges should they be required. (b) Fix and limit the number of exhibits at the Show, and to accept or refuse entry without giving reason. (c) Cancel, amalgamate or divide classes. (d) Publish a catalogue of the Show containing information as to the exhibits and the names and addresses of exhibitors and process such information by computer. (e) Retain a percentage of the fees to cover essential expenses in the event of the Show being cancelled for any reason. An announcement on the GCCF website of any alteration in the schedule or in the Show Rules and Regulations shall be deemed sufficient notice thereof. BEST IN SHOW All eligible cats will be considered for Best in Show. In order to be eligible, an adult or neuter, whether pedigree or Household Pet, must have been awarded its Olympian, Imperial, Grand or ordinary Certificate or Best of Breed. A kitten must have won its Open class and Best of Breed must have been awarded (but not necessarily to that kitten). THE BASIC ENTRY FEE COVERS ENTRY INTO FOUR CLASSES. If you are a member of either club, you may enter both shows at the special members’ rate – but please indicate clearly on you entry form which club you are a member of. Exhibitors receive one free admission ticket (Joint exhibitors still receive only one free ticket, as do exhibitors entered in both shows). Pedigree and Household Pet Sections :Members first and second exhibit £27.00 third and subsequent exhibits £23.00 Non-Members first and second exhibit £31.00 third and subsequent exhibits £27.00 Extra Classes (Members and Non-Members) per class £3.00 Charity Classes per class £3.00 Double Pens (if available, for cats in competition) £8.00 Discount for cats entered in both shows per show £5.00 N.B. Charity classes may not be included in the minimum 4 classes. They must be entered as extra classes. Maximum number of classes is:8 classes for cats entered in one show only 4 classes for cats entered in both shows. Exhibition Pens (double pen): Multiple cats Single Cat ALL EXHIBITION PENS MAY BE DECORATED Admission tickets: adults senior citizens or children Catalogue Voucher (£4.50 on the day) £18.00 £14.00 £2.00 £1.50 £4.00 IF ENTERING BOTH SHOWS, PLEASE NOTE: There will be just one catalogue, covering both shows. You need to order a catalogue voucher only from one of them (it does not matter which – the clubs will share the fee). You need to pay for a double pen, if you wish to have one, with only one of the show entries – but mark on the entry form for the other show that you have done so. ADVERTISING Full Page: £10.00 Half Page: £8.00 Trade: £20.00 Please send details with entry. 8 ORIENTAL CAT ASSOCIATION AWARDS Open Classes: Rosettes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Best of Breed: Rosettes to Best of Breed Adults, Kittens & Neuters Champ. of Champs. & Prem. of Prems.: Special rosettes to Certificate winners Imperial Ch of Ch & Imperial Pr of Pr: Special rosettes to Certificate winners Olympian Classes: Rosettes to all entries Special rosettes to Certificate winners OCA Pearl Anniversary Classes £75.00 prize to class winners. OCA Club Classes: Rosettes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th All other Miscellaneous & Club Classes: Rosettes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Best in Show: Rosettes to Best Pedigree Male & Female Adult, Kitten & Neuter Rosettes to Best Adult, Kitten & Neuter Special Rosette to Best Exhibit RAFFLE Your support for our raffle would be appreciated, both through the donation of suitable prizes and, of course, by purchasing tickets! SPECIALS If you would like to offer Special prizes, please let the Show Manager have details by 25th May, including the classes or categories to which they are to be awarded PLEASE NOTE: Individuals may not offer rosettes. Trophies, Specials and other Breed Clubs’ support will be listed in the catalogue. 9 We would welcome cats on exhibition to represent their Clubs, or other breeds not eligible to enter in competition at either Show O C P Exhibition Club Exhibition - Previous OCA BIS Winners Pride of Cats OLYMPIAN, IMPERIAL, GRAND & BREED CLASSES All Open Classes in which both sexes are entered will be SPLIT Olympian Classes 501 502 Olympian (Siamese/Balinese/Oriental Imperial Grand Champion).................................... Mrs D Brown Olympian (Siamese/Balinese/Oriental Imperial Grand Premier) ..........................................Mrs J Smith ORIENTALS Imperial Classes 503 504 Oriental Imperial (GRAND CHAMP OF GRAND CHAMPS) ..............................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Imperial (GRAND PREM OF GRAND PREMS)................................................ Mrs D Brown 505 506 Oriental Grand (CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS).............................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Grand (PREMIER OF PREMIERS) .........................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts 507 508 509 Havana Adult ..........................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Havana Kitten .........................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Havana Neuter ................................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown 510 511 512 Oriental Lilac Adult ................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Lilac Kitten ............................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Lilac Neuter ......................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown 513 514 515 Foreign White Adult ...............................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Foreign White Kitten .............................................................................................................. Mr R Lord Foreign White Neuter ...........................................................................................................Mrs J Smith 516 517 518 Oriental Black Adult .............................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Oriental Black Kitten .............................................................................................................. Mr R Lord Oriental Black Neuter .........................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce 519 520 521 Oriental Blue Adult.................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Blue Kitten.............................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Blue Neuter..................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 522 523 524 Oriental Red Adult ..............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Red Kitten..............................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Red Neuter ................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts 525 526 527 Oriental Cream or Apricot Adult.............................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Cream or Apricot Kitten....................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Cream or Apricot Neuter...........................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 528 529 530 Oriental Cinnamon Adult.................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Cinnamon Kitten....................................................................................................... Mr R Lord Oriental Cinnamon Neuter ......................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 531 532 533 Oriental Caramel Adult .......................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Caramel Kitten......................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Caramel Neuter .....................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce 534 535 536 Oriental Fawn Adult................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Fawn Kitten ...........................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Fawn Neuter.................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 537 538 539 Oriental Tortie Adult .............................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Oriental Tortie Kitten .............................................................................................................. Mr R Lord Oriental Tortie Neuter .............................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Grand Classes Breed Classes 10 540 541 542 Oriental Spotted Tabby Adult..................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Spotted Tabby Kitten................................................................................................. Mr R Lord Oriental Spotted Tabby Neuter..............................................................................................Mrs J Smith 543 544 545 Oriental Classic or Mackerel Tabby Adult ..........................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Classic or Mackerel Tabby Kitten .........................................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Classic or Mackerel Tabby Neuter ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett 546 547 548 Oriental Ticked Tabby Adult ...................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Ticked Tabby Kitten...............................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Ticked Tabby Neuter .................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts 549 550 551 Oriental Smoke Adult .............................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Smoke Kitten ....................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Smoke Neuter ...........................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 552 553 554 Oriental Shaded Adult........................................................................................................ Mrs D Brown Oriental Shaded Kitten............................................................................................................ Mr R Lord Oriental Shaded Neuter....................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett 555 556 557 AC Oriental Bicolour Adult ................................................................................................ Dr B Bennett AC Oriental Bicolour Kitten .............................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens AC Oriental Bicolour Neuter ..................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 558 559 560 AC Oriental Longhair Adult ............................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AC Oriental Longhair Kitten ..................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson AC Oriental Longhair Neuter........................................................................................ Mrs J Murchison SIAMESE AND BALINESE Imperial Classes 561 562 Siamese/Balinese Grand Champion ....................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Siamese/Balinese Grand Premier ....................................................................................... Mrs D Brown 563 564 Siamese/Balinese Champion.................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Siamese/Balinese Premier........................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Grand Classes Breed Classes 565 566 567 Seal Point Adult .......................................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Seal Point Kitten ........................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Seal Point Neuter .......................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 568 569 570 Blue Point Adult .................................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Blue Point Kitten ............................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Blue Point Neuter........................................................................................................ Mrs N Farnsworth 571 572 573 Chocolate Point Adult........................................................................................................ Mrs D Brown Chocolate Point Kitten........................................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Chocolate Point Neuter ...................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown 574 575 576 Cinnamon Point Adult..........................................................................................................Mr R Davies Cinnamon Point Kitten ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Cinnamon Point Neuter........................................................................................................Mr R Davies 577 578 579 Lilac Point Adult...................................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Lilac Point Kitten................................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Lilac Point Neuter...................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts 580 581 582 Caramel Point Adult..............................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Caramel Point Kitten .......................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Caramel Point Neuter.................................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth 583 584 585 Fawn Point Adult ................................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Fawn Point Kitten ...................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Fawn Point Neuter .............................................................................................................. Dr B Bennett 586 587 588 Tabby Point Adult ....................................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Tabby Point Kitten ................................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Tabby Point Neuter ..............................................................................................................Mr R Davies 11 589 590 591 Red Point Adult.......................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Red Point Kitten ..................................................................................................................Mr R Davies Red Point Neuter................................................................................................................ Mrs D Brown 592 593 594 Tortie Point Adult........................................................................................................ Mrs N Farnsworth Tortie Point Kitten ..............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Tortie Point Neuter................................................................................................................Mrs J Smith 595 596 597 Cream Point Adult ..............................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Cream Point Kitten ............................................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens Cream Point Neuter ...................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 598 599 600 Apricot Point Adult....................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Apricot Point Kitten................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Apricot Point Neuter.......................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens 601 602 603 Balinese Adult............................................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth Balinese Kitten............................................................................................................ Mrs N Farnsworth Balinese Neuter............................................................................................................. Mrs J Murchison MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES Classes are for Male and Female unless otherwise stated but will be split if entries permit All classes are for Siamese, Balinese or Orientals except where specified otherwise. ADULT 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 AV Oriental Self Breeders.......................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts AV Oriental Self not bred by exhibitor....................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts AV Oriental Non-Self Breeders...........................................................................................Mrs B Pearce AV Oriental Non-Self not bred by exhibitor........................................................................Mrs B Pearce AC Siamese/Balinese Breeders.......................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens AC Siamese/Balinese not bred by exhibitor........................................................................Mrs J Pounds AV Debutante...................................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Novice ......................................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown AV Limit ..............................................................................................................................Mr R Davies AV Maiden.................................................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth AV Adolescent Oriental ..........................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson AV Junior Oriental .................................................................................................................. Mr R Lord AV Senior Oriental..............................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds AC Adolescent Siamese/Balinese .........................................................................................Mrs J Smith AC Junior Siamese/Balinese......................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison AC Senior Siamese/Balinese................................................................................................Mr R Davies AV Veteran.................................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison AV Oriental Self...................................................................................................................... Mr R Lord AV Oriental Non-Self...........................................................................................................Mr R Davies AC Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese .................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth AC Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese .......................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Male................................................................................................................................Mrs J Smith AV Female ......................................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown AV Living less than 50 miles from Show Hall ................................................................... Mrs S Tokens AV Living more than 50 miles from Show Hall......................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 12 KITTENS 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 AV Oriental Self Breeders.....................................................................................................Mrs J Smith AV Oriental Self not bred by exhibitor..................................................................................Mrs J Smith AV Oriental Non-Self Breeders...............................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson AV Oriental Non-Self not bred by exhibitor............................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson AC Siamese/Balinese Breeders...........................................................................................Mrs B Pearce AC Siamese/Balinese not bred by exhibitor.................................................................. Mrs J Murchison AV Debutante..................................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown AV Novice .......................................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Limit ..................................................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth AV Maiden..............................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Kitten having won a Breed Class ........................................................................................Mrs J Pounds AV Oriental Self............................................................................................................ Mrs J Murchison AV Oriental Non-Self..........................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce AC Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese .................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth AC Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese ......................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens AV Male..............................................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds AV Female ......................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens AV 14 weeks - 6 months .................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown AV 6 - 9 months .................................................................................................................. Dr B Bennett AV Living less than 50 miles from Show Hall ........................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts AV Living more than 50 miles from Show Hall..................................................................Mrs B Pearce 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 AV Oriental Self Breeders................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Oriental Self not bred by exhibitor................................................................................ Dr B Bennett AV Oriental Non-Self Breeders.......................................................................................... Mrs D Brown AV Oriental Non-Self not bred by exhibitor....................................................................... Mrs D Brown AC Siamese/Balinese Breeders.............................................................................................Mrs J Smith AC Siamese/Balinese not bred by exhibitor.................................................................. Mrs J Murchison AV Debutante..........................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts AV Novice .............................................................................................................................. Mr R Lord AV Limit ..............................................................................................................................Mr R Davies AV Maiden..............................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson AV Adolescent Oriental .......................................................................................................... Mr R Lord AV Junior Oriental ............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens AV Senior Oriental...............................................................................................................Mr R Davies AC Adolescent Siamese/Balinese ...................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens AC Junior Siamese/Balinese....................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth AC Senior Siamese/Balinese......................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison AV Veteran............................................................................................................................Mrs J Smith AV Oriental Self......................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson AV Oriental Non-Self..........................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce AC Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese ..........................................................................................Mrs J Pounds AC Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese .................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth AV Male..............................................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce AV Female ..............................................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts AV Living less than 50 miles from Show Hall ....................................................................Mrs J Pounds AV Living more than 50 miles from Show Hall...................................................................... Mr R Lord NEUTERS ARTHUR PICKERING MEMORIAL CLASS (PROCEEDS TO OCWT) 675 AV Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter........................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson PEARL ANNIVERSARY CLASSES For OCA Members Only 676 677 678 AV Oriental Adult ............................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Oriental Kitten ............................................................................................................. Mrs D Brown AV Oriental Neuter .............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce 13 CLUB CLASSES Only fully paid up members may enter these classes ORIENTAL CAT ASSOCIATION 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 AV Oriental Shorthair Adult................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce AV Oriental Shorthair Kitten............................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Oriental Shorthair Neuter..................................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Longhair Adult..........................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Longhair Kitten.......................................................................................................Mrs J Smith Oriental Longhair Neuter....................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds AC Siamese/Balinese Adult .......................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison AC Siamese/Balinese Kitten ....................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth AC Siamese/Balinese Neuter ............................................................................................. Mrs D Brown 688 689 690 AC Siamese/Balinese Adult .......................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison AC Siamese/Balinese Kitten ....................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth AC Siamese/Balinese Neuter ..............................................................................................Mrs J Pounds SIAMESE CAT ASSOCIATION The following classes will be split if entries permit) CARAMEL & APRICOT FEDERATION 691 AV Adult, Kitten or Neuter of Federation Colours ...............................................................Mr R Davies 692 Havana or Oriental Lilac Adult, Kitten or Neuter .............................................................. Mrs S Tokens 693 Oriental Bicolour Adult, Kitten or Neuter.......................................................................... Mrs D Brown 694 Adult, Kitten or Neuter of Group Breeds ................................................................................ Mr R Lord 695 Oriental Longhair Adult, Kitten or Neuter ..............................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 696 AV Adult, Kitten or Neuter ...................................................................................................Mrs J Smith 697 Adult, Kitten or Neuter of Club Breeds ..................................................................Mrs S Luxford-Watts 698 Siamese/Balinese/Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter.............................................................Mrs J Pounds 699 Red, Tortie, Cream or Apricot Point Siamese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ........................ Mrs N Farnsworth 700 Siamese/Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter..................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 701 Siamese/Balinese/Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter.............................................................Mrs B Pearce 702 Siamese/Balinese/Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter............................................................. Dr B Bennett 703 Siamese/Balinese/Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter.............................................................Mrs J Pounds HAVANA & ORIENTAL LILAC CAT CLUB ORIENTAL BICOLOUR GROUP ORIENTAL CINNAMON & FAWN GROUP ORIENTAL LONGHAIR BREED CLUB SHORT HAIRED CAT SOCIETY TABBY POINT SIAMESE & PROGRESSIVE BREEDERS CAT CLUB NORTHERN SIAMESE AND ORIENTAL CAT SOCIETY RED POINT AND TORTIE POINT SIAMESE CAT CLUB SIAMESE CAT CLUB BUCKS OXON AND BERKS CAT SOCIETY BEDFORD AND DISTRICT CAT CLUB CAMBRIDGESHIRE CAT CLUB 14 HOUSEHOLD PET SECTION OLYMPIAN CLASS 704 AC Imperial Grand Master (Olympian Class) .................................................................Mr E Jones IMPERIAL, GRAND AND COLOUR CLASSES Non-Pedigree Pets 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 AC Non-Pedigree Grand MasterCat (Imperial Class) ............................................. Mrs J Wheatley AC Non-Pedigree MasterCat (Grand Class).....................................................................Mr E Jones Self (single colour) Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white .............................. Mr E Jones Any Pattern Tabby Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white............................... Mr E Jones Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white............ Mr E Jones Self (single colour) Shorthair Cat, with or without white................................................ Mrs J Wheatley Any Pattern Tabby Shorthair Cat, with or without white ................................................ Mrs J Wheatley Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby Shorthair Cat, with or without white ............................. Mrs J Wheatley Any Colour Longhair/Semi-Longhair Kitten .................................................................. Mrs J Wheatley Any Colour Shorthair Kitten.................................................................................................. Mr E Jones 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 AC Pedigree Grand MasterCat (Imperial Class) .............................................................Mr E Jones AC Pedigree MasterCat (Grand Class)..................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Self (single colour) Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white ....................... Mrs J Wheatley Any Pattern Tabby Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white........................ Mrs J Wheatley Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white..... Mrs J Wheatley Any Other Colour or Pattern Longhair/Semi-Longhair Cat, with or without white ........ Mrs J Wheatley Self (single colour) Shorthair Cat, with or without white....................................................... Mr E Jones Any Pattern Tabby Shorthair Cat, with or without white ....................................................... Mr E Jones Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby Shorthair Cat, with or without white .................................... Mr E Jones Any Other Colour or Pattern Shorthair Cat, with or without white ........................................ Mr E Jones Any Colour Longhair/Semi-Longhair Kitten ......................................................................... Mr E Jones Any Colour Shorthair Kitten........................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 Adult over 4 years old......................................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Adult less than 4 years old ..................................................................................................... Mr E Jones A.V. Kitten...............................................................................................................................Mrs S Lee A.V. Rescued Adult or Kitten................................................................................................. Mr E Jones A.V. Adult or Kitten .................................................................................................................Mrs S Lee A.V. Radius Adult or Kitten ............................................................................................ Mrs J Wheatley A.V. Visitors Adult or Kitten............................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Best Groomed Adult or Kitten ........................................................................................ Mrs J Wheatley Adult or Kitten with the best temperament ............................................................................ Mr E Jones Adult or Kitten with the most appealing eyes ..........................................................................Mrs S Lee Adult or Kitten with the most expressive tail .................................................................. Mrs J Wheatley Pedigree Pets MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES PEARL ANNIVERSARY CLASS For OCA Members Only 738 AV Adult or Kitten .......................................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley CLUB CLASSES These classes are for A.V. Adult or Kitten, but will be split if entries permit Please ensure that, whichever Club Classes you enter, your Membership is fully paid-up 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 Oriental Cat Association ..........................................................................................................Mrs S Lee Siamese Cat Association ..................................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Balinese and Siamese Cat Club....................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Bedford and District Cat Club..................................................................................................Mrs S Lee Blue-Pointed Siamese Cat Club ............................................................................................. Mr E Jones Bucks Oxon and Berks Cat Society .................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Coventry and Leicester Cat Club .................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Lilac Point Siamese Cat Society ..............................................................................................Mrs S Lee Midshires Siamese Cat Association ................................................................................ Mrs J Wheatley National Cat Club .................................................................................................................. Mr E Jones Northern Counties Cat Club................................................................................................ Mrs L Aggett Seal Point Siamese Cat Club....................................................................................................Mrs S Lee Suffolk and Norfolk Cat Club ................................................................................................ Mr E Jones Wessex Cat Club................................................................................................................. Mrs L Aggett 15 ORIENTAL CAT ASSOCIATION - APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)........................................................................................................ Children’s names and DOB for family membership............................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. Prefix (if any) and date registered ......................................................................................... Address and Post Code ........................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. Telephone number................................................................................................................ Email..................................................................................................................................... Name and variety of Oriental cats kept (inc studs)................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. “I undertake to sell only kittens which are fit and at least 13 weeks of age. They will be fully inoculated against feline enteritis at least one week before going to their new home, and if inoculated against ‘cat flu’ kittens will receive the complete course before I will allow them to leave home, or alternatively I will inform the new owner in writing that the course will need completing” Signature of Applicant........................................................................................................... Date ...................................................................................................................................... Name of Sponsor .................................................................................................................. (must be a paid up member of OCA or the applicant’s vet) Signature of Sponsor ............................................................................................................ (Should have knowledge of the applicant and of his/her household. Sponsorship indicates approval of the manner in which the applicant houses and cares for his/her cats) This form, when completed, should be returned with your entry form (including the first annual subscription) to the show manager. Alternatively, send the form and the first annual subscription to: Mr J Bunce, Hon. Membership Secretary, 28 Piddinghoe Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex BN10 8RJ Subscriptions: Single Joint Family £7.50 £10.00 £1.00 (per child under 16) Please note – Members’ details will be kept on computer record for use by the club officers in the general running of the club including stud and kitten enquiries. These details will not be released to any third party except the GCCF, and only where the club is required to do so by the rules and regulations of the GCCF. 16 SIAMESE CAT ASSOCIATION President: MRS H DESSAUER Vice-Presidents: MISS M DENTON BROOKS, MR D RYDER Chairman: MRS J BAUERFEIND Hon. Secretary: MRS R MEEKINGS Wrenshall Farmhouse, Walsham le Willows, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 3AS Telephone: 01359 259652 Hon. Treasurer: MRS S SNAITH 10 Sandbrier Close, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK7 7DU Telephone: 01908 665924 Hon. Assistant & Show Support Secretary: MRS E CORPS 35 Canterbury Road, Farnborough, Hants, GU4 6QP Telephone: 01252 652984 If you could bring a prize or prizes for our Raffle, it would be much appreciated PRIZE MONEY/AWARDS Rosettes for First, Second and Third Placings in the Open Classes Special Rosettes for the Winner and Reserve in the Grand, Imperial and Olympian classes Rosettes for Best of Breed Rosettes for Charity Classes and Club Classes Miscellaneous : 1st £1.50, 2nd £1.00, 3rd 50p. S.C.A. Club Classes (for fully paid-up members only) 1st £10.00, 2nd £5.00, 3rd £2.50, 4th £1.00 Exhibitors may choose Rosettes (as available) in lieu of prize money for 1st to 3rd. Rosettes and prize money will be given out on Show Day. All Association Specials, which are offered in the Catalogue, are confined to Fully paid-up Members. Please make sure you have paid your subscription, to avoid disappointment. ASSOCIATION TROPHIES Would all Members please return the Trophies held to the Assistant Secretary before the day of the show (see inside front cover). Please telephone her to make arrangements. Trophies won at the show will be presented at the Association’s A.G.M. 17 X Exhibition Cats All Olympian, Imperial, Grand and Breed classes will be split by sex if both sexes are entered Olympian Classes 1 2 Siamese, Balinese or Oriental Imperial Grand Champion ................................. Mrs S Luxford-Watts Siamese, Balinese or Oriental Imperial Grand Premier ........................................... Mrs J Murchison SIAMESE AND BALINESE CLASSES Imperial Classes 3 4 Siamese or Balinese Grand Champion................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier ...........................................................................Mrs B Pearce 5 6 Siamese or Balinese Champion ..................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Siamese or Balinese Premier ........................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 7 8 9 Seal Point Adult ..........................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Seal Point Kitten .......................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Seal Point Neuter..........................................................................................................Mr R Davies 10 11 12 Blue Point Adult ................................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Blue Point Kitten .........................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Blue Point Neuter........................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce 13 14 15 Chocolate Point Adult................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Chocolate Point Kitten.......................................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Chocolate Point Neuter .......................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 16 17 18 Cinnamon Point Adult .................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Cinnamon Point Kitten ................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Cinnamon Point Neuter...............................................................................................Mrs B Pearce 19 20 21 Lilac Point Adult ............................................................................................................Mr R Davies Lilac Point Kitten ........................................................................................................... Mrs J Smith Lilac Point Neuter................................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth 22 23 24 Caramel Point Adult ....................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Caramel Point Kitten .................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Caramel Point Neuter....................................................................................................Mr R Davies 25 26 27 Fawn Point Adult.................................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth Fawn Point Kitten....................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Fawn Point Neuter ........................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 28 29 30 Tabby Point Adult..........................................................................................................Mr R Davies Tabby Point Kitten........................................................................................................ Mrs D Brown Tabby Point Neuter ....................................................................................................... Mrs J Smith 31 32 33 Red Point Adult...................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Red Point Kitten............................................................................................................ Mrs J Smith Red Point Neuter ................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 34 35 36 Tortie Point Adult .......................................................................................................... Mrs J Smith Tortie Point Kitten ........................................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Tortie Point Neuter......................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce 37 38 39 Cream Point Adult.......................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Cream Point Kitten........................................................................................................Mr R Davies Cream Point Neuter ......................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 40 41 42 Apricot Point Adult ......................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Apricot Point Kitten .................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Apricot Point Neuter............................................................................................. Mrs N Farnsworth 43 44 45 Balinese Adult........................................................................................................ Mrs J Murchison Balinese Kitten....................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Balinese Neuter ........................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Grand Classes Breed Classes 18 ORIENTAL CLASSES Imperial Classes 46 47 Oriental Grand Champion ................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Grand Premier .................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 48 49 Oriental Champion ......................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Premier........................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett 50 51 52 Havana Adult ..............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Havana Kitten .................................................................................................................. Mr R Lord Havana Neuter.............................................................................................................. Mrs J Smith 53 54 55 Oriental Lilac Adult......................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Lilac Kitten.................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Lilac Neuter ........................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 56 57 58 Foreign White Adult .........................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Foreign White Kitten......................................................................................................Mr R Davies Foreign White Neuter ............................................................................................. Mrs J Murchison 59 60 61 Oriental Black Adult ....................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Black Kitten....................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Black Neuter ................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett 62 63 64 Oriental Blue Adult ........................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Blue Kitten .......................................................................................................... Mr R Lord Oriental Blue Neuter...................................................................................................... Mrs J Smith 65 66 67 Oriental Red Adult............................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Red Kitten..................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Red Neuter ............................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison 68 69 70 Oriental Cream or Apricot Adult..................................................................................... Mrs J Smith Oriental Cream or Apricot Kitten....................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Cream or Apricot Neuter ................................................................................. Mrs D Brown 71 72 73 Oriental Cinnamon Adult ............................................................................................... Mrs J Smith Oriental Cinnamon Kitten ............................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Cinnamon Neuter............................................................................................ Dr B Bennett 74 75 76 Oriental Caramel Adult.....................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Caramel Kitten.................................................................................................... Mr R Lord Oriental Caramel Neuter .............................................................................................. Mrs D Brown 77 78 79 Oriental Fawn Adult ..................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Fawn Kitten................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Fawn Neuter ................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown 80 81 82 Oriental Tortie Adult ......................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Tortie Kitten .....................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Tortie Neuter................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett 83 84 85 Oriental Spotted Tabby Adult ....................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Oriental Spotted Tabby Kitten ..........................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Spotted Tabby Neuter......................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 86 87 88 Oriental Classic or Mackerel Tabby Adult ..................................................................... Mrs D Brown Oriental Classic or Mackerel Tabby Kitten ........................................................................ Mr R Lord Oriental Classic or Mackerel Tabby Neuter....................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 89 90 91 Oriental Ticked Tabby Adult ......................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Oriental Ticked Tabby Kitten ...................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Ticked Tabby Neuter....................................................................................... Mrs D Brown 92 93 94 Oriental Shaded Adult ...................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Shaded Kitten ..................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Shaded Neuter ................................................................................................ Mrs J Smith 95 96 97 Oriental Smoke Adult ..................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Oriental Smoke Kitten ...................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Smoke Neuter................................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Grand Classes Breed Classes 19 98 99 100 Oriental Bicolour Adult .....................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Bicolour Kitten .......................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Oriental Bicolour Neuter................................................................................................ Mrs J Smith 101 102 103 Oriental Longhair Adult .................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Longhair Kitten ................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Longhair Neuter .............................................................................................. Dr B Bennett MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES Miscellaneous Classes for Male or Female will be split by sex if entries permit Unless otherwise specified, all classes are for Siamese, Balinese or Orientals Adults 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese Adult .......................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese Adult ...............................................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Self Adult .........................................................................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Non-Self Adult ...............................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Breed 24 Siamese Breeders Adult ............................................................................. Mrs S Tokens Breed 32 Siamese Breeders Adult ............................................................................. Mrs S Tokens Balinese or Oriental Longhair Breeders Adult ................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Self Shorthair Breeders Adult ..............................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Non-Self Shorthair Breeders Adult ...................................................................Mr R Davies Breed 24 Adult not bred by Exhibitor ............................................................................ Mrs D Brown Breed 32 Adult not bred by Exhibitor .................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Balinese or Oriental Longhair Adult not bred by Exhibitor ........................................... Mrs S Tokens Oriental Self Shorthair Adult not bred by Exhibitor ........................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Non-Self Shorthair Adult not bred by Exhibitor................................................Mrs J Pounds Debutante Adult ............................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Maiden Adult.................................................................................................................... Mr R Lord Novice Adult ...............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Limit Adult.................................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Aristocrat Adult ............................................................................................................. Mrs J Smith Adolescent Siamese/Balinese Adult ............................................................................Mrs J Pounds Junior Siamese/Balinese Adult............................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Senior Siamese/Balinese Adult .................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Adolescent Oriental Adult............................................................................................. Mrs D Brown Junior Oriental Adult......................................................................................................Mr R Davies Senior Oriental Adult ........................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Veteran Adult ................................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Radius Adult .................................................................................................................... Mr R Lord Visitors Adult.............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese Kitten ............................................................................. Mrs S Tokens Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese Kitten ..............................................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Self Kitten ....................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Oriental Non-Self Kitten ............................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Breed 24 Siamese Breeders Kitten................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Breed 32 Siamese Breeders Kitten......................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Balinese or Oriental Longhair Breeders Kitten ..................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Oriental Self Shorthair Breeders Kitten......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Non-Self Shorthair Breeders Kitten ................................................................Mrs J Pounds Breed 24 Siamese Kitten not bred by Exhibitor............................................................. Mrs D Brown Breed 32 Siamese Kitten not bred by Exhibitor..............................................................Mr R Davies Balinese or Oriental Longhair Kitten not bred by Exhibitor ............................................. Mrs J Smith Oriental Self Shorthair Kitten not bred by Exhibitor ....................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Shorthair Non-Self Kitten not bred by Exhibitor................................................. Mrs J Smith Debutante Kitten .........................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds Maiden Kitten..............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Novice Kitten.......................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Limit Kitten....................................................................................................................Mr R Davies Kitten having won an Open Class..................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Siamese/Balinese Kitten under 6 months ......................................................................Mr R Davies Siamese/Balinese Kitten 6-9 months .................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Oriental Kitten under 6 months......................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Kitten 6-9 months................................................................................................ Mr R Lord Radius Kitten ............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens Visitors Kitten............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens Kittens 20 Neuters 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese Neuter.............................................................................Mrs J Pounds Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese Neuter............................................................................ Mrs S Tokens Oriental Self Neuter ......................................................................................................... Mr R Lord Oriental Non-Self Neuter ..................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Siamese/Balinese Breeders Neuter........................................................................ Mrs J Murchison Oriental Breeders Neuter ..............................................................................................Mr R Davies Breed 24 Siamese Neuter not bred by Exhibitor ........................................................... Dr B Bennett Breed 32 Siamese Neuter not bred by Exhibitor ..........................................................Mrs J Pounds Balinese or Oriental Longhair Neuter not bred by Exhibitor..........................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Self Shorthair Neuter not bred by Exhibitor.......................................................... Mr R Lord Oriental Non-Self Shorthair Neuter not bred by Exhibitor .............................................. Mrs D Brown Debutante Neuter............................................................................................................. Mr R Lord Maiden Neuter ............................................................................................................Mrs B Pearce Novice Neuter .............................................................................................................. Mrs D Brown Limit Neuter ........................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Aristocrat Neuter.......................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Adolescent Siamese/Balinese Neuter............................................................................ Mrs J Smith Junior Siamese/Balinese Neuter ...................................................................................Mr R Davies Senior Siamese/Balinese Neuter.......................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Adolescent Oriental Neuter ..............................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Junior Oriental Neuter ...................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Senior Oriental Neuter ............................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Veteran Neuter ...................................................................................................... Mrs J Murchison Radius Neuter...............................................................................................................Mr R Davies Visitors Neuter ............................................................................................................Mrs J Pounds 182 183 184 185 Klaus Dessauer Memorial: Siamese/Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ........................... Dr B Bennett Rosemary Bennett Memorial: Siamese/Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ....................... Mrs D Brown Christine Ryder Memorial: Siamese/Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter .................... Mrs N Farnsworth Lilian Hughes Memorial: Siamese/Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 186 187 188 A.C Siamese or Balinese Adult .............................................................................. Mrs J Murchison A.C Siamese or Balinese Kitten.............................................................................. Mrs J Murchison A.C Siamese or Balinese Neuter ............................................................................ Mrs J Murchison Memorial Classes Charity Classes CLUB CLASSES Please ensure that, whichever Club Classes you enter, your Membership is fully paid-up Club classes for Adult, Kitten or Neuter will be split if entries permit. Siamese Cat Association 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese Adult ...............................................................................Mrs B Pearce Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese Kitten ..............................................................................Mrs J Pounds Breed 24 Siamese/Balinese Neuter.............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese Adult .............................................................................. Mrs S Tokens Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese Kitten ................................................................................Mr R Davies Breed 32 Siamese/Balinese Neuter...................................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth Oriental Adult ................................................................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts Oriental Kitten ............................................................................................................... Mrs J Smith Oriental Neuter ................................................................................................Mrs J Francis Wilson 198 199 200 Oriental Adult ............................................................................................................... Mrs D Brown Oriental Kitten ............................................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens Oriental Neuter ................................................................................................................ Mr R Lord 201 Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter...................................................................................Mrs J Pounds 202 203 Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter.............................................................................. Mrs J Murchison Siamese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ............................................................................. Mrs J Murchison 204 205 Blue Pointed Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ...........................................Mrs J Pounds AOC Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter........................................................Mrs J Pounds Oriental Cat Association Balinese Cat Society Balinese and Siamese Cat Club Blue-Pointed Siamese Cat Club 21 Caramel and Apricot Federation 206 207 Siamese or Balinese of Federation Colours A/K/N........................................................ Mrs D Brown Oriental of Federation Colours A/K/N ........................................................................... Mrs D Brown 208 Chocolate Point Siamese Adult, Kitten or Neuter.........................................................Mrs J Pounds 209 Havana or Oriental Lilac Adult, Kitten or Neuter................................................................ Mr R Lord 210 Adult, Kitten or Neuter of Club's Breeds ......................................................................Mrs J Pounds 211 212 Lilac Point Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter .................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts A.O.C. Siamese or Balinese Adult or Kitten or Neuter....................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 213 Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ................................................................. Dr B Bennett 214 Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ..................................................................Mr R Davies 215 Oriental Bicolour Adult, Kitten or Neuter ........................................................................ Mrs J Smith 216 Red, Tortie, Cream or Apricot Point Siamese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ...................... Mrs J Murchison 217 218 Seal Point Adult, Kitten or Neuter ............................................................................... Mrs S Tokens Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter.................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens 219 AV Adult, Kitten or Neuter ............................................................................................ Mrs D Brown 220 Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ................................................................. Mrs D Brown 221 Siamese or Balinese Adult, Kitten or Neuter ......................................................... Mrs N Farnsworth 222 Tabby Point Siamese Adult, Kitten or Neuter.................................................... Mrs S Luxford-Watts 223 224 Siamese Adult, Kitten or Neuter of Club's Breeds ..........................................................Mr R Davies Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter of Club's Breeds .........................................................Mrs B Pearce 225 Siamese, Balinese or Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter....................................................... Mr R Lord 226 Siamese, Balinese or Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter.................................................... Mrs J Smith 227 Siamese, Balinese or Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter........................................... Mrs N Farnsworth 228 Siamese, Balinese or Oriental Adult, Kitten or Neuter.......................................Mrs J Francis Wilson Chocolate-Pointed Siamese Cat Club Havana & Oriental Lilac Cat Club Oriental Cinnamon and Fawn Group Lilac Point Siamese Cat Society Midshires Siamese Cat Association Northern Siamese Cat Society Oriental Bicolour Group Red Point and Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club Seal Point Siamese Cat Club Short Haired Cat Society Siamese Cat Club Siamese Cat Society of the British Empire Tabby Point Siamese Cat Society Tabby Point Siamese and Progressive Breeders Cat Club Bucks Oxon and Berks Cat Society Bedford and District Cat Club Cambridgeshire Cat Club Southern Counties Cat Club 22 HOUSEHOLD PET SECTION All Olympian, Imperial, Grand and Breed classes will be split by sex if both sexes are entered OLYMPIAN CLASS 229 AC Pedigree or non-pedigree Imperial Grand Mastercat................................................... Mrs S Lee 230 231 AC Non-Pedigree Grand Master Cat (Imperial Class)....................................................... Mrs S Lee AC Pedigree Grand Master Cat (Imperial Class) .......................................................... Mrs L Aggett 232 233 AC Non-Pedigree Master Cat (Grand Class) ................................................................ Mrs L Aggett AC Pedigree Master Cat (Grand Class)............................................................................ Mrs S Lee 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 Self (single colour) LH/SLH Cat, with/without white........................................................... Mrs S Lee Any Pattern Tabby LH/SLH Cat, with/without white........................................................... Mrs S Lee Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby LH/SLH Cat, with/without white......................................... Mrs S Lee Self (single colour) SH Cat, with/without white .............................................................. Mrs L Aggett Any Pattern Tabby SH Cat, with/without white .............................................................. Mrs L Aggett Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby SH Cat, with/without white ............................................ Mrs L Aggett Any Colour LH/SLH Kitten................................................................................................ Mrs S Lee Any Colour SH Kitten ................................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 Self (single colour) LH/SLH Cat, with/without white....................................................... Mrs L Aggett Any Pattern Tabby LH/SLH Cat, with/without white....................................................... Mrs L Aggett Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby LH/SLH Cat, with/without white..................................... Mrs L Aggett Any Other Colour or Pattern LH/SLH Cat, with/without white ........................................ Mrs L Aggett Self (single colour) SH Cat, with/without white .................................................................. Mrs S Lee Any Pattern Tabby SH Cat, with/without white .................................................................. Mrs S Lee Ginger/AC Tortie/Tortie Tabby SH Cat, with/without white ................................................ Mrs S Lee Any Other Colour or Pattern SH Cat, with/without white.................................................... Mrs S Lee Any Colour LH/SLH Kitten............................................................................................ Mrs L Aggett Any Colour SH Kitten ....................................................................................................... Mrs S Lee 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 Adult over 4 years old ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Lee Adult less than 4 years old ............................................................................................. Mr E Jones A.V. Kitten................................................................................................................ Mrs J Wheatley A.V. Rescued Cat or Kitten .......................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett A.V. Adult or Kitten........................................................................................................... Mrs S Lee A.V. Radius Adult or Kitten............................................................................................. Mr E Jones A.V. Visitors Adult or Kitten ...................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Best Groomed Adult or Kitten........................................................................................... Mrs S Lee Adult or Kitten with the best temperament ........................................................................ Mrs S Lee Adult or Kitten with the most appealing eyes ................................................................ Mrs L Aggett Adult or Kitten with the most expressive tail...................................................................... Mrs S Lee IMPERIAL CLASSES GRAND CLASSES Non-Pedigree Pets Pedigree Pets MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES CLUB CLASSES These classes are for A.V. Adult or Kitten, but will be split if entries permit Please ensure that, whichever Club Classes you enter, your Membership is fully paid-up 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Siamese Cat Association ................................................................................................. Mrs S Lee Oriental Cat Association................................................................................................. Mr E Jones Balinese and Siamese Cat Club............................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Bedford and District Cat Club ................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Blue-Pointed Siamese Cat Club ................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Bucks Oxon and Berks Cat Society .......................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Coventry and Leicester Cat Club.................................................................................... Mr E Jones Lilac Point Siamese Cat Society................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Midshires Siamese Cat Association.................................................................................. Mrs S Lee National Cat Club......................................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett Northern Counties Cat Club ..................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Seal Point Siamese Cat Club ......................................................................................... Mr E Jones Suffolk and Norfolk Cat Club .................................................................................... Mrs J Wheatley Wessex Cat Club ......................................................................................................... Mrs L Aggett 23 SIAMESE CAT ASSOCIATION Form of application for membership to be sent to the Show Manager, or to the Honorary Secretary HONORARY SECRETARY Mrs R.E.Meekings Wrenshall Farmhouse Walsham le Willows Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP31 3AS Tel: 01359 259652 Name in full ________________________________________________ Mr / Mrs / Miss Prefix __________________ Address ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail:___________________________________________ Tel: __________________ Proposer's name _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ Seconder's name _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ Are you serving as an Officer or as a Committee Member on any Cat Club If the answer is YES, please state :- Yes / No Name of Club _____________________ Position held ___________________________ Application for Membership is submitted Single Membership £4.50 plus £2.00 joining fee Joint Membership £6.50 plus £3.00 joining fee If my application is accepted, I agree to abide by the Rules of the Association. Date ___________________ Signature _______________________________________ Subscriptions due 1st January annually to the HONORARY TREASURER Mrs S. Snaith 10 Sandbrier Close, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes Bucks, MK7 7DU 24 THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE CAT FANCY 5 Kings Castle Business Park The Drove Bridgwater TA6 4AG Tel: 01278 427 575 Fax: 01278 446 627 email: [email protected] web: HOUSEHOLD PETS (PEDIGREE & NON-PEDIGREE) HOUSEHOLD PET (PEDIGREE & NON-PEDIGREE) EXHIBITORS – If your cat has won a Master, Grand Master, Imperial Grand Master, Olympian Master or UK Grand Master title at a GCCF Show, please make your claim to the GCCF Office address above. Please include the information below with your photocopies of the relevant certificates. All claims are acknowledged and, periodically, a list of Master title winners will be published on the web site, shortly after which medals that have been paid for will be sent to the owners. MASTER TITLE The title Master (M) shall be attained by the awarding of three Master certificates by three different judges at participating GCCF Championship shows. GRAND MASTER TITLE The title Grand Master (GM) shall be attained by the awarding of three Grand Master certificates by three different judges at participating GCCF Championship Shows. IMPERIAL GRAND MASTER TITLE The title Imperial Grand Master (IGM) shall be attained by the awarding of five Imperial Grand Master certificates by five different judges at participating GCCF Championship Shows. OLYMPIAN MASTER TITLE The Olympian title shall be attained by the awarding of five Olympian certificates by 5 different judges at participating Championship or Sanction GCCF shows. Only one certificate is allowed at one breed show at each level. The first five awards will be noted with the title Olympian Bronze, the 2nd five will be noted with the title of Olympian Silver and the 3rd five will be noted with the title of Olympian Gold (total fifteen certificates to reach Olympian Gold). £16.50 (payable to GCCF) for an engraved medal ( includes one free bar.) Subsequent title bars are £8 each Olympian bars(Bronze, Silver & Gold) are £10 each. An C5 size s.a.e for acknowledgement please ALL HOUSEHOLD PETS MUST BE NEUTERED AT SIX MONTHS The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy is a company limited by guarantee Registration No. 07431259 registered in England at the above address VAT Reg. No. GB 130 7379 79 2014 From the South (via M1, A43) Leave the M1 at J15, join the A508 North, which after 2 miles becomes the A45. Leave at the third junction, joining the A43 (Kettering). Follow for 3 miles, over 2 roundabouts, at the 3rd turn left onto Overstone Road (signposted Moulton). Continue to a mini-roundabout (in front of the Post Office) at which turn right into Cross Street which leads into West Street. Take the first turning right into Pitsford Road; follow it about 900 yds to a sharp left hand bend, then a further 150 yards to Gate 4. From the North (via A508) Leave the A508 when signposted Pitsford and pass through the village following signed for Moulton. On leaving Pitsford follow Moulton Road which becomes Pitsford Road for about 1 mile. You will pass the Pitsford centre on your left, Gate 4 is a little further on on the left.
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