“Supporting Persons with Disabilities in Enhancing Their Quality of Life” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 25, 2015 Contact: Rita E. Pastore 406.329.1769; 406.212.6371(m) [email protected] DEB BLONG OF OPPORTUNITY RESOURCES NAMED DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA Arlington, VA. - On May 5, the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) recognized Deb Blong of Opportunity Resources Inc. (ORI) in Missoula, Montana as the Direct Support Professional of the Year for 2015. “We at Opportunity Resources are proud of Deb. The award shows the dedication she has to support people with disabilities and reflects the quality of services provided by our organization,” said Jesse Dunn, Opportunity Resources CEO who was with Deb as she received her award presented at the 2015 ANCOR Annual Conference: Ignite! in Arlington, VA. Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide a rich mosaic of daily support services for the many Americans with disabilities. DSPs are integral in helping people with disabilities participate in their communities and lead full and independent lives. Since 2007, ANCOR has honored exceptional Direct Support Professionals with the Direct Support Professional Recognition Award for exemplary work in furthering community inclusion and full participation for the many Americans living with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities. “The work that DSPs do is so important, not just to the people with disabilities they serve, but also to the social and economic lives of their communities,” said Chris Sparks, president of ANCOR. “DSPs like Deb Blong deserve recognition for the difficult but inspiring work they do every day.” “When it comes to supporting community living, inclusion and choice for people with disabilities, DSPs are the front line workers we rely on,” said Barbara Merrill, CEO of ANCOR. “These awards are just one small measure of saying thank you to individuals like Deb.” ANCOR received hundreds of nominations highlighting DSPs from across the nation and Deb Blong stood out for her “ innate ability to understand, honor, and support each individual’s right to self-determination in her 20 years working at ORI,” according to Annette Beckham, Assistant Director of Congregate Living. Nominees are judged on the work they’ve done to build social networks, substantive community participation and advocating for the people they serve. 1 Opportunity Resources is celebrating 60 years of providing individualized services for Western Montana’s adults with disabilities. The goal is to support ORI clients in attaining independence in housing, employment, and as many aspects of their daily lives as possible, while providing all of the support services required to achieve that goal. Opportunity Resources is one of the top employers in Missoula. ORI employs over 350 trained professionals who provide a broad array of services to nearly 700 adults with disabilities on a daily basis and ORI case managers support another 800 adults with disabilities throughout Montana. The American Network of Community Options and Resources is the national trade association representing more than 800 private providers of community living and employment supports and services to more than 500,000 individuals with disabilities with a workforce that’s 400,000 strong. The award won by Deb Blong, 2015 Direct Support Professional for the State of Montana, is the most prestigious recognition of achievement awarded by this industry. For additional information, please contact Rita Pastore, Director of Development at 406.329.1769/ [email protected]. 2
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