OIL/GAS FIRED CENTRALHEATINGBOILER Optimajor GLP S EXPORT TECHNICAL AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS OPTIMAJOR GLP S EXPORT - 0111-00 Contents Page 1. Technical data ............................................................................................... 4 2. Layout of the heating installation .................................................................. 5 3. Assembling the boiler ................................................................................... 5 3.1. Assembling the cast-iron boiler block ................................................................................5 3.2. Hydraulic coupling of the block to the installation..............................................................6 3.3. Mounting of the casing fixing plates ..................................................................................6 3.4. Fixingthe insulation ...........................................................................................................6 3.5. Coupling of the boiler to the chimney ................................................................................7 3.6. Assembling the boiler casing .............................................................................................7 3.7. Fillingthe installation ..........................................................................................................8 4. Installation ..................................................................................................... 9 4.1. Connections to the chimney ...................................................................................................9 4.2. Hydraulic connections ...........................................................................................................9 4.3. Electrical connections .......................................................................................................... 12 5. Description of the control panel ................................................................. 17 6. Spare parts .................................................................................................. 18 7. Maintenance ................................................................................................ 20 8. Guarantee conditions on Optimajor GLP S................................................ 20 User's advices - The boiler must be installed and commissioned by a registered installer in accordance with instructions herewith. It is important for the safe operation of the boiler that there is sufficient fresh air inlet and ventillation provided. Maintenance of the boiler should be done once or twice a year, depending on the conditions of use. It is inadvisable to regulary drain down the boiler as frequent additions of fresh water may bring about the permature deterioration of the boiler fabric through the deposit of mineral substances present in the water. Precautions must be taken to avoid any damage that might be caused by frost. Page 2 / 19 General rules The flues of the products of combustion must be calculated and carried out according to the standards in force, the local obligations and the regulations of the manufacturer. The hydraulic installations, fuel or gases will be established according to standards of installation and safety in force in the country of use. Page 3 / 19 1. Technical data 402 401.8 600 Flow Ø 2" 330 670 Drain cock Ø 3/4" Flue gas Ø 200 850 1009.3 1010 1163.3 1165 Burner opening Ø 130 313 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Numb. sect. 5 6 7 8 9 10 313 P* 732.8 626 Type 65 Return Ø 2" Net heat output kW (kcal/h) 56,00-60,47 68,61-82,57 83,76-97,69 98,95-112,81 113,97-127,93 129,09-137,07 O ptimajor GLP S Boiler dimension (mm) Height Width Depth 49-52000 59-71000 72-84000 85-97000 98-110000 111-117000 N° 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 3.0 CE 9 2 / 4 2 626 626 626 626 626 626 4.0 733 733 939 939 1145 1145 5.0 OPTIM AZ CE 9 2 /4 2 OPTIM AZ CE 9 2 / 4 2 420 420 420 420 420 420 370 370 370 370 370 370 6.0 OPTIM AZ CE 9 2 / 4 2 0,13 0,1 0,2 0,11 0,20 0,13 chamber pressure (mbar) 0,08 0,04 0,11 0,06 0,15 0,08 T° flue - T° ambiance 200 165 197 165 194 165 Exit flue gas mass flow (g/s) 28 19 35 25 42 30 Heat input 60,77 43,39 76,56 54,67 92,36 Max. heat input (kW) 67,6 48,1 84,7 60,3 101,9 Required draught (mbar) Combustion chamber dim. Height Width Depth 410 513 616 719 822 925 7.0 8.0 OPTIM AZ CE 9 2 /4 2 OPTIM AZ CE 9 2 / 4 2 0,25 OPTIM AZ 0,15 0,32 0,19 0,41 0,22 0,2 0,1 0,27 0,14 0,36 0,17 191 165 188 165 184 165 50 35 57 40 64 45 65,95 108,15 77,22 123,95 88,5 139,74 99,78 72,5 119 84,7 136,2 96,6 153,3 109,2 Gas side resistance and combustion 40,9 Combustion circuit vol. (dm³) Wate r side losses (mbar) 1,7 49,7 0,9 2,7 1,4 0,35 0,31 Wate r capacity (l) 40 Packed we ight (kg) 345 Relative standby loss (%) 58,5 3,9 67,3 2 5,3 76,1 2,7 0,27 0,23 47,5 55 395 445 6,9 84,9 3,5 8,7 4,4 0,19 0,15 62,5 70 77,5 495 545 595 2. Layout of the heating installation The installer must make the necessary arrangements on site to ensure that the positioning and the the fitting of the boiler, the supply of combustion air, ventilation of the boiler house, connection of the gas supply, the removal of the combustion gases via the flue system and the electrical connections are in conformity with the operational characteristics of the material and in accordance with the rules of the trade and the prevailing regulations. In the following paragraphs, Saint Roch Couvin remind you of some rules concerning the above aspects. If the conditions summarised above are not strictly adhered to and resulting damage occurs then our guarantee would be invalidated. Page 4 / 19 2.1. Positioning The boiler must not be installed in areas where there is a significant risk of frost damage or where there is a risk of the combustion air being contaminated with halogated substances (e.g.chlorine, detergents, aerosols, etc,...) : hairdressing salons, printing establishments,dry cleaning establishments, laboratories, etc..., unless sufficient measures have been taken to ensure the supply of unpolluted combustion air. It is important for the safe operation of the boilers that there is sufficient areas of fresh air inlet and ventillation provided to the room in wich the boiler is installed. 2.2. Installation of the boiler The boiler must be positioned in accordance with prevailing standards, as far as possible from any wall surface that may be damaged by heat (wood, etc...); if necessary cover the wall with an insulated panel. The boiler must be placed in such a way that it can easily be maintained and regularly checked. 2.3. Gas connection It is advisable to install an easily accessible stopcock upstream of the boiler. The gas supply pipes should be suitable for an upstream pressure of 50 mbar maximum for Natural gasses. The gas supply pipework between meter and boiler should be sized for a statutory pressure drop of less than 1 mbar. Insufficient gas flow to the boiler could be due to incorrect pipe sizing and cause burner combustion problems. 2.4. Flue system 1) It is absolutely forbidden to reduce the diameter of the flue off-take between boiler and chimney. 2) Compliance with BS 6644 1991, British Gas publication IM 11 1993 "Flues for Gas Fired Commercialand Industrial boilers and air heaters" and the fourth edition of Clean Air Act 1993 should be observed. To ensure safe operation of the boiler the chimney system shall be capable of the complete evacuation of the products of combustion at all times. The effective height of the chimney termination above the boiler flue outlet must be such as to ensure sufficient buoyancy to overcome the resistance of bends, tees and runs of the flue pipe involved and it should be sited in a down draught free zone. 3) Ensure that all flue and chimney seals are good. 3. Assembling the boiler 3.1. Assembling the cast-iron boiler block - - - - Etablish a base at the selected location according to the rules, taking into account the dimensions and the weight of the boiler. Place the cast iron block on the base, taking into account the overall dimensions of the casing. Assembling is carried out commencing with the rear boiler section. Carefully degrease the borings and nipples with white spirit or petroleum spirits and apply a coat of the paste supplied with the accessories. Place the rear boiler section vertically at the selected location on a base that has been constructed beforehand. Apply glue to the ribs of the element, place the different lenghts of cord, one length for the peripheral course, one length for the flue. Drive the two nipples into the borings using a mallet or a hammer using a hardwood or bronze intermediate screw. It is of extreme importance that the nipples are droven into a regular manner, perfectly aligned with the axis of the borings. Present the front block, carefully holding it vertically, fitting it into the nipples while ascertaining the placing of the cords. Ensure the blocking and watertightness of the block by progressively tightening the nuts on the tie rods in a staggered order. The raised surfaces with bores must be joined, and not the ribs of the elements. Page 5 / 19 3.2. Hydraulic coupling of the block to the installation - Connect the flow and return pipes of the installation. The openings of the pipes are tapped at 2". IMPORTANT: The diameter of the flow and return pipes can not be reduced on a length of 200mm minimun. Place the drain cock in the opening tapped at 3/4" on the front element of the furnace. Saint Roch Couvin boilers are designed to function in hot water heating installations. It is forbidden for the boilers to work in thermosiphon (without circulating pump). The circulating pump must be choose to ensure a difference of temperature between the flow and the return of minimum 5°C and maximum35°C. The recommended hydraulic diagram : heating circuit. IMPORTANT : The hydraulic connections of the boiler to the heating circuit must be made taking into account the overall dimensions of the boiler casing. Water pressuretestonboiler block - After installing the cast-iron block, the boiler shall be subjected to a water pressure of 4 =5,2 bar (min. 4 bar), before fitting the thermal insulation and the mantle. No leakage must occur during the water test. 3.3. Mounting of the casing fixing plates - B C Positioning the bottom rear fixing plate (A) on the cast iron block (on the rear section). Using 2 M8 X 10 (DIN 933) screw, block the rear plate in its position on the cast iron block. Proceed in the same way for the other casing fixing plates: the upper rear plate (B); the bottom and upper front plates (C). A tapping M8 3.4. Fixing the insulation - C Place the insulation (D) around the heating sections, taking care not to let it get between the elements. Bind it with the tapes (E). Place the pre-cut insulation on the back side (F) (hydraulic connection and connection with the chimney). Hold in place with the tapes (G). D E G F ASSEMBLINGBYHOOPING ANDREINFORCEDLAP Pull Pull For optimal insulation do not overtighten Page 6 / 19 3.5. Coupling of the boiler to the chimney - Provide a coupling duct with a diameter of 200 mm. Height of the axis of the duct : 670 mm (not including the base). Place the chimney coupling duct Ensure the airtightness of the coupling to the chimney IMPORTANT : Thecoupling of the boiler to the chimney mustbe made taking into account the overall dimensions of the jacket. Caution *: assembled by the sheet-metal worker 3.6. Assembling of the boiler casing Page 7 / 19 3.7. Filling the installation When all accessories are in place (expansion tank, safety valve, manometer,etc...) and the watertightness of the hydraulic circuit is ensured, you may proceed with the filling of the heating circuit. - Verify and check the watertightness of all connections. - Rinse the installation by empying it. - Bring the pressure up to the level in accordance with the manometric height of the installation and the initial pressure of the (closed) expansion tank. - Adequately bleed the air of the installation. Remarks - In the case of an installation in the cellar, an automatic purge valve with a recipient on the outgoing circuit and the return must be included. - On the installations equipped with thermostatic valves, add a loop, either by a by-pass or a differential pressure valve, between the outgoing circuit and the return to ensure circulation in the boiler and to avoid noise on opening and closing the valves. - If the boiler is located at the highest point of the installation, a low level safety device should be included. 3.8. Mounting of the burner (when the burner is supplied with the boiler) a) Attach the flange and its insulation using M8 X 30 DIN 558 screws and flat washers 9 X17 supplied with burner. b) Install the nozzle that is appropriated for the furnace number in question, also supplied with the burner. c) Hold the burner to the flange, and once it has been positioned correctly, fix it to the flange. d) Proceed to the establishing of the electrical connection of the burner simply by plugging in the connectors. r) Proceed to the connection of the fuel oil supply. Page 8 / 19 4. Installation 4.1. Connections to the chimney Beforeinstallingadevice,itishighlysuggestedthattheinstallercheckstheconditionsofthechimney(boilertubecleaning buffer,infiltratedairintake,cracks,etc.).Theboilerperformancerequiresrelativelylowfumetemperature.Particularcare shouldbetakentotheheatinsulatedandtightchimneys.Infact,anincorrecttightnessandinsulationofthechimneyreduce the fume temperature and cause the bistre event. To avoid this problem, it is possible to tube protect the ducts, i.e. heatinsulate the draining duct. The tubing quality should be compliant with the used fuel. Recommendationsforchimneyconnection - keep the same section of the boiler outlet valve - avoid sudden direction changes - install the connecting protection sleeves with an ascending slope in the direction of the circulation (in particular, at the nesting into the chimney) - arrange a draining cup as near as possible to the boiler -arrangesomechimneysmadeofcorrosion-proofmaterials - connect the chimney from the back. The fume pipe should be properly nested (outside) and assure a perfect tightness. 4.2. Hydraulicconnections HYDRAULIC SCHEMA "HEATING ONLY" WITHOUT REGULATION Radiators Safety valve Boiler Expansion vessel Heating circulation pump Insulation valve Differential pressure valve (*) Insulation valve Filling valve * If all radiators are equipped with thermostatic valves, a differential pressure valve should be placed within the delivery and return boilers. IMPORTANT: The start/return pipings of the installation may not in any case be from a diameter lower than 2" at least on a section of 200mm and this in order to ensure an optimal irrigation of the cast-iron elements constituting the heating body. The boilers are designed to function in heating installations with hot water and forced circulation. It is forbidden for the boilers to work in thermosiphon (without circulating pump). The fitter must absolutely dimension the circulation pump to ensure a difference of temperature between the start and return of the boiler of minimum 5°C and of maximum 35°C. Page 9 / 19 INSTALLATION OF THE BOILER ASSOCIATED TO A SANITARY HOT WATER TANK PRODUCTION Domesticwater recirculation ring(optional) Sanitary hot water Thermostatic mixing valve Automatic air purging (**) Tank Sanitary (placed next to the water boiler) Manometer Safety valve The diagram is not a contract document. Certaindevices arenot part of thescope of our supply but are mentioned because required for a good plant performance. expansion (recommended) Tank Insulation valve circulation pump Boiler Differential pressure valve (*) Exp. vessel Insulation valve Heating circulation pump Non return valves Filling valve Cold water net Sanitary safety group 7 bar NF Sewer (*) (**) Pressure reducer (required if PCOLDWATER > 5 bar) CA disconnection function to avoid the returns to the tap water. If all the plant radiators are equipped with thermostatic valves, a differential pressure valve should be placed between the delivery and return boilers. If the tank is placed higher than the boiler, an automatic draining valve should be arranged. When connecting the circuit of domestic hot water, the copper tubes must not in any case enter too much inside the tubes of connection of the tank, neither be in direct contact with those ones. The connections to a copper drain must obligatorily be done by the intermediary of a cast-iron sleeve, out of steel or plastic. It is a must to position the safety group always supplied together with the tank and including: locking valve (A) with built-in retaining valve safety valve - metering 7 bar drain opening (C) Page 10 / 19 Cold water (outlet) It is prohibited, under threat of warranty cancellation, to position any device which might cut the direct communication between the safety group and the tank. The safety device will be placed on the tank cold water feeding duct, outside the water jacket, at a max. distance from the tank of 1 meter. The safety group discharge will be connected to an evacuation pipe having a diameter at least equal to the equipment connection pipe by means of a funnel allowing an air rate of 20 mm min. It is important to take into account that: - after every tank heating, a water draining by the C orifice should occur. This event can be avoided by using a domestic water expansion pot. - to avoid the formation of limestone (safety group enemy) which might deposit on the valve seat, it is required to manually operate the safety group valve once a month, by completing a manual discharge. Cold water (input) A A) Locking valve B) Safety valve C) Draining opening B C Drainage vs. sewerage Filling of the installation Before filling the installation, adjust the nitrogen pressure of the expansion vessel according to the height of the installation. You become the value of this nitrogen pressure (Pvessel [bar]) by dividing the head of water of the installation by 10 and adding a safety margin of 0,2 to 0,5. Ex. : for an installation height of 6 m : Pvessel = (6/10 + 0,3) = 0,9 bar. When all the accessories are in place (expansion tank, security valve, manometer, ...) and that the airtightness of the hydraulic circuits is ensured, apply the following sequence for the filling of the hot sanitary water circuit : - Open the anti-thermosiphon valves (inactive/free passage). Non-returnvalve Open position to the filling (free flow of water in both directions) Z Automaticposition(activevalve) Z - The filling must take place slowly, the drain cocks being open or unscrewed in order to avoid to the maximum the blocking of air. - Verify the functioning of the automatic drain cock placed on the reheating hydraulic circuit of the tank and control the airtightness of the connections. - After a first filling and a first drain, the pressure to read to the manometer will be equal to the static pressure (or static height actual of the installation) raised of 0,1 to 0,5 kg/cm² according to the cases. - The first heating must take place at the highest possible temperature (80-90°C) and be maintained during several hours in order to degas at maximum and the most rapidly possible. - During this phase of heating at high temperature, the air and the released gases must be regularly evacuated by the separation devices and of air purging. - After a last purging, you must read the pressure to the manometer like the temperature and stop the installation (circulation pump included); let cool up to a temperature of approximately 50°C. - The pressure to read to the manometer average of 50°C after degasification is approximately equal to the pressure of inflation of the vessel, raised of 0,2 to 0,5 bar. Thus the pressure with which the installation will push on the diaphragm of the vessel will be such, that this diaphragm as this diaphragm is slightly bent and that later on no point of the installation can never be put in depression. In the example here above, the filling pressure in cold water of the installation will have then to be adjusted to approximately: PFILLING=0,9 + 0,3 = 1,2 bar. - The filling of water in the boiler must be complete. - Control the airtightness of all the connections and close the anti-thermosiphon valves (active). Page 11 / 19 4.3. Electrical connection Remark: As far as Ecosets are concerned are the electrical connections of the circulation pump of the heating circuit made in the control box outisde the boiler control panel. N T1 T2 B4 T6 T7 B5 T8 S3 Wiring diagram : L1 The setting of the temperature on the high/low thermostat (f.i. 65°C) has to be inferior to that of the first step thermostat (f.i. 80°C). In this way, if the boiler is cold and if there is a heat demand, the burner will start with its wholepower and oncethe65°Creached, it will continue to burn with reduced power until the water temperature of theflowrisesto 80°C.If theheat demand is to important that the water temperature falls down instead of reaching 80°C, than the whole power will engage again. Circulation pump water tank (not supplied) Circulation pump Remote heating circuit thermostat 230V ca-50Hz (not supplied) (not supplied) L N L N L Power supply switch with phial B5 1 2 4 1 5 2 4 5 6 7 8 T6 9 T8 T7 T2 T1 10 11 12 13 N L1 S3 B4 15 16 17 18 1 N 20 21 2 P P 1 2 NT 174 HE/2 2nd step thermostat (30 - 90°C) 1 2 NT 174 HE/2 1st step thermostat (30 - 90°C) Remove the 4 bridges when you connect a digital regulator E9.0631 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Safety limit SP-051 HE (110°C) Page 12 / 19 4.3.1. Connection of the Saint Roch climatic regulator The control panel of the Optimajor GLP S boilers is prewired to receive one of the optional climatic regulators in place of the control panel precuts from the Lago range. Componentsofclimatic regulatorSAINTROCH Lago E8.0634 Lago Eco Climatic regulator delivered in option Tank probe SPFS delivered with the regulator Remote control FBR2 delivered in option External probe AFS delivered with the regulator Departure probe VFAS delivered with the regulator Boiler probe KFS delivered with the regulator In order to install this regulation, it is necessary to interpose between the boiler connector block and the regulator, a connection kit wired (9 poles) delivered with the regulator accessories. The Lago E 8.0634 climatic regulators may be associated in option to a remote control with an ambient thermoresistor type FBR 2 connected on the regulator using 3 wires. Moreover, in the event of heating floor circuit, the regulator requires a valve servomotor SM 40 also available in option and connected with 4 wires. All components of the Saint Roch control are easily accessible and the connections easy allowing a saving of time appreciable fort the fitter. Page 13 / 19 Connectionkit ofthe regulator E8.0634 N T1 L1 L1' L1 1 2 M 2 1 1 T1 T2 T2 10-poles connector regulator side N L1' 9-poles connector (A) boiler side N PE N L1 PE 2 circuit connector 2 controlled valve 2 CONNECTION OF THE LAGO E8.0634 REGULATOR ON THE OPTIMAJOR GLP S BOILERS RANGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove the right cap on the control panel and engage the regulator in this housing. Remove the 9 poles male connector with its 4 bridges on the back of the control panel, or remove the S.W.W. priority Ventec module already connected. Connect the 9 poles connector (A) boiler side delivered with the regulator in the 9 poles female connector block of the boiler and tighten the screws. Connect the AMP 12 poles connector (B) delivered with the regulator in the AMP 12 poles plug of connector (A). Connect the 10 poles white connector on the connector block II of the regulator. Connect directly the following probes on the connector block I of the regulator. - AFS : external probe - KFS : boiler probe - SPFS : S.W.W. probe - VFAS : departure probe Connect the heating circulator to terminals 8 and 9 and if necessary the S.W.W. circulator to terminals 11 and 12 on the boiler 12 poles connector block ( back of the control panel ). GENERAL REMARKS - do not connect the summer / winter switch anymore, neither the S.W.W. tank thermostat, these functions being ensured directly by the Lago E8.0634 climatic regulator. place the boiler thermostat instruction at 80°C approximately. Page 14 / 19 ConnectionkitLagoEcoregulator T1 N L1 L1' LAGO ECO L1' T1 T2 1 T2 N 10-poles connector regulator side L1 9-poles connector (A) boiler side CONNECTION OF THE LAGO ECO REGULATOR ON THE OPTIMAJOR GLP S BOILERS RANGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove the right cap on the control panel and engage the regulator in this housing. Remove the 9 poles male connector with its 4 bridges on the back of the control panel, or remove the S.W.W. priority Ventec module already connected. Connect the 9 poles connector (A) boiler side delivered with the regulator in the 9 poles female connector block of the boiler and tighten the screws. Connect the AMP 12 poles connector (B) delivered with the regulator in the AMP 12 poles plug of connector (A). Connect the 10 poles white connector on the connector block II of the regulator. Connect directly the following probes on the connector block I of the regulator. - KFS : boiler probe - SPFS : S.W.W. probe Connect the heating circulator to terminals 8 and 9 and if necessary the S.W.W. circulator to terminals 11 and 12 on the boiler 12 poles connector block ( back of the control panel ). GENERAL REMARKS - do not connect the summer / winter switch anymore, neither the S.W.W. tank thermostat, these functions being ensured directly by the Lago Eco climatic regulator. place the boiler thermostat instruction at 80°C approximately. Connect the room thermostat on the Lago Eco. Page 15 / 19 5. Description of the control panel In its initial version, the front face of the standard control panel comprises : CONTROL PANEL 4 1 2 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 3 On / Off switch Boiler thermometer Boiler thermostat 1° & 2° step NT 174 HE/2 Overheating thermostat SP-051 HE BRINGING INTO SERVICE Before lighting, open the drain cocks, fill in slowly the installation and let the air out until water comes, then close the drain cocks. Verify the watertightness. CAUTION The water fill in of the boiler must be complete. The non respect of this instruction involves the suppression of the guarantee The pressure of cold filling must be equal to 1 bar for an installation height up to 6 m. and 1,5 bar for a height up to 10 m. Check the connection of the gas duct. Set the circulation pump speed in function of the load losses of the heating circuit USING - LIGHTING - put the boiler under tension via the main switch. - set the boiler thermostat at the desired temperature. - after a temperature setting of the installation, make again a general purging anc complete in water. In an installation with room thermostat, the furnace aquastat must be set to 80°C. In an installation with thermostatic valves on the radiator, the furnace aquastat must be set according to the seasons : Spring and autumn Winter Outside temperatures below 10°C Remark: : 50 to 60°C : 70 to 75°C :80°C Verify the watertightness of all couplings after 24 hours of operation. If necessary, re-tighten the couplings. Page 16 / 19 6. Spare parts list Cast-iron block 26 25 22 21 20 24 23 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Boiler 34 38 37 31 35 36 32 33 30 31 32 Page 17 / 19 Fig. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 24 25 26 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 acc. n° 1 acc. n° 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 acc. n° acc. n° ± 0,3 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description of part Codenumber Cast-iron block Cast-iron block + door Flame sight plate Flame sight plate joint Door Square insulation 200 x 200 Door insulation Divider Front section Intermediate section Insulation of the combustion chamber Rear section Plunger 3/4" - 100 + clips Flue gas box M16 x 495 tie bar (n°3.0) M16 x 595 tie bar (n°4.0) M16 x 700 tie bar (n°5.0) M16 x 800 tie bar (n°6.0) M16 x 940 tie bar (n°7.0) M16 x 1060 tie bar (n°8.0) Reducing plug 1 1/4" - 3/4" Plug 1 1/4" with square hole (fig. 596) Eye bolt Nipple 4-10-300-0100X 2-00-300-30000 1-30-325-60100 2-10-300-08100 1-30-310-00041 1-30-310-10040 2-10-000-40000 2-10-300-00000 2-10-000-02000 1-30-220-60010 2-10-000-01000 1-70-640-34101 4-10-000-43000 1-80-600-80495 1-80-600-80595 1-80-600-80700 1-80-600-80800 1-80-600-80940 1-80-600-81060 1-60-110-10061 1-60-100-30010 1-80-121-10063 3-99-000-01000 Ceramic fiber rope Ø10mm x 1m (tightness of sections and flue gas box) Mastic Ø8mm x 1m (tightness of the flue gas box cleaning plate) 1-30-240-60010 1-30-390-10008 Casing Front panel Lefthand and righthand panel Bottom and upper front (casing) fixing plate Bottom rear (casing) fixing plate Control panel (without wiring) Upper rear (casing) fixing plate Bottom rear panel Upper rear panel Cover (*) : the "X" represents a value between 3 and 8 : 3 = n° 3.0 4 = n° 4.0 5 = n° 5.0 (**) : the "X" represents a value between 4 et 8 : 4 = n° 3.0 & n° 4.0 6 = n° 5.0 & n° 6.0 6 = n° 6.0 * 3-10-300-03110 3-10-300-0001X * * 3-10-300-08015 3-10-300-08005 5-15-000-11000 3-10-300-08010 3-10-300-04010 3-10-300-05010 3-10-300-0201X 7 = n° 7.0 8 = n° 8.0 8 = n° 7.0 & n° 8.0 Page 18 / 19 7. Maintenance Maintenance of the boiler must be carried out once or twice per year, according to the conditions of use, by means of an inspection of the cleanness of the flues. In order to do this, one must simply open the cast-iron door and work in this order: first clean the horizontal flues, then proceed to the vertical flue sections and finally clean the combustion chamber. Abnormal soiling of the furnace may be the result of : - derangement of the burner - obstruction of the chimney It is recommended to have the regulation of the burner, the combustion characteristics and the proper functioning of the control apparatus checked annually (by the filter). 8. Guarantee conditions for Saint Roch Couvin's products 1. Our products are guaranteed against all manufacturing defects, insofar as they have been used in normal conditions and have been installed and maintained in the approved manner, according to prevailing regulations and in accordance with the prescriptions of our technical services. Our technical instructions must be adhered to and annual maintenance be undertaken by a qualified person. Our guarantee does not cover damage to boilers which have been used with polluted air including corrosive elements such as chlorine, fluorine, sulphur etc. The use of water which is found to be unsuitable would also invalidate our guarantee. 2. Our guarantee specified below commences on the date of delivery. Its duration being as follows : - Cast-iron block (i.e. the whole of the apparatus composing the heating block of the appliance): 3 years - All other accessories and pieces of equipment supplied with the boiler are subject to individual manufacturers garantee. 3. The guarantee is restricted to either the repairing or the simple replacement - at our discretion - of any component sent to our registered office free of charge and which we recognize to be defective, with the exclusion of any labour costs, transport or travelling expenses and any damages or compensation whatsoever. 4. The replacement or repair of a component in the course of the period of guarantee will never result in the extension of this period. 5. We will not accept any costs on account of the installation, which is entirely the responsability of the installer. Any visit to site for any of the above reasons may be construed only as technical assistance and no way binding the manufacturer. 6. The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the technical and aesthetic characteristics of its products without notice. 7. For full details, please refer to our Term and Conditions of sale. Page 19 / 19
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