Diocese of Nottingham – Nottingham West Deanery www.nottingham-diocese.org.uk Our Lady of Good Counsel, Eastwood www.ourladyofgoodcounsel.co.uk NRCDT Registered Company no 7151646; Charity Commission no 1134449 Parish Priest: Rev Canon John Berry The Presbytery, 280 Nottingham Road, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 2AQ Tel/Fax 01773 713532 Mobile 07814 528467 email: [email protected] Deacon: Rev Stephen Doona 01773 785196 email: [email protected] Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Nuala Furlong 01773 713532 (day) 01773 535507 (eve) Chair PPC: Mrs Siobain Taylor Tel; 01773 787044 email; [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Ruth Marriott email [email protected] Newsletter 1820 22nd March 2015 10p Mass & Service Times Year B Lent 5 1 Psalter Watch & Pray Mon - Fri 9.30am – 2.30pm helps keep our church open No Watch & Pray from Monday 30th March until after Easter Holy Father’s Intention for March 2015: Evangelisation - Contribution of women. ‘That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognised always’ Year B, Lent 5 (no Gloria, no Alleluias) Preacher: Canon John st Sat 21 March (V) 5.30pm Choir Margaret Furlong RIP (George & Nuala) Sun 22nd March (V) 10.15am People of the Parish Door collection towards Sick & Retired Priests fund CAFOD Lunch in the Social Centre after 10.15 Mass (CAFOD Group) 2.30pm Lenten Stations of the Cross (Ruth) Mon 23rd March (V) 9.00am November Dead List (Murfin) 5.00pm Requiem Mass for Richard III (Cardinal Vincent Nicols), Leicester Holy Cross Church 5.30pm Christian Meditation, meeting room 7.30pm RCIA ‘Reconciliation’ Tues 24th March (V) 9.00am Rev Edward Byron RIP 35th anv (Canon John) 9.30am - 2.30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Martyrs Chapel) 7.00pm Choir Rehearsal for Mass Weds 25th March (V) 9.00am November Dead List (Lady Diana Wilton) 7.15pm PPC Full Board meeting, meeting room Thurs 26th March (V) 9.00am November Dead List (Sefton/Ram-Gopal) 7.00pm Lenten prayers for Justice & Peace (Liz Doona), Towards World Peace Fri 27th March (V) *9.30am The Priory Academy end of Term & Easter Mass (in Church) Kris George RIP (Maureen & Denis Hannon) ) Please pray for the sick; Michael Hussey, Joan Morris, Averil Rose, Joan May, Don Entwistle, Maureen Conroy ‘Buy one get one free’; why not give your ‘free’ item to the box in the Narthex and help the contemplative Carmelite Nuns at Bulwell? They are most grateful for these gifts! Services for Holy Week & Easter: 28th / 29th March Palm Sunday Wednesday 1st April 11.30am Chrism Mass, Nottm Cathedral Thursday 2nd April 6.30pm Mass of the Last Supper rd Friday 3 April 12noon Walk of Witness, Churches Together in Eastwood 3.00pm Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday th Saturday 4 April 5.30pm Easter Vigil, First Easter Mass (with reception of Converts) Sunday 5th April 6.00am Sunrise Service, Colliers Wood (Churches Together, Eastwood) 10.15am Easter Sunday Mass Holy Week begins; 6th Sunday of Lent; Palm Sunday (Year B) Preacher: Deacon Stephen Blessing of Palms & St Mark’s Passion Sat 28th March (Red) 5.30pm Dorothy Summers RIP (family) Start of British Summer Time; Clocks go forward one hour at 2am Sun 29th March (Red) 10.15am Choir People of the Parish Door collection towards Flowers for Easter until Christmas 2.30pm Lenten Stations of the Cross (Kath H) Date Welcomers Readers Saturday 21st March Ruth & Alex Teresa & Marie L Sunday 22nd March Fiona & Pauline Jo & Tony Saturday 28th March David & Geraldine Sunday 29th March Ann & Chris Ministers Set up: Nuala Nuala, Gwyn & Tracey Set up: Richard Richard, Gordon & Georgina Readings; Rod & Laura Passion; Fiona (N) & Ian (S) Set up: Maureen Kath H, Kath B & Maureen Readings; Ann & Chris Passion; Marian (N) & Jimmie (S) Set up: Michele Michele, Ruth & Liz Confessions: Sat 5.00 - 5.20pm Sun 9.45 - 10.05am Collections: 15th March offertory £tbc; Door collection SRPF £tbc Events; 15th March Coffee Morning (Mothering Sunday) £tbc Standing Orders & Gift Aid: December £1,747.50, January £1,739.50 100 Club: Quarterly subs (£13) due 1st March, Half Yearly £26, yearly £52 due. Many thanks Forthcoming Events: Thursdays during Lent, 7.00pm at OLGC. Nottingham Diocese Justice & Peace Commission, Lenten Prayers for Peace & Justice. Can you give time during Lent to join with others throughout the Diocese for a time of quiet prayer & reflection on some of the major issues in the world today? 22nd March; Cafod Lenten Lunch 25th March; Full PPC board meeting 3rd – 17th April 2015 Nottinghamshire Schools Easter Holiday, church closed w/c 6 th April 2015 Tuesday 14th April 2.00-4.00pm Knit-In & Bring & Buy in aid of the Bible Society, Newthorpe Baptist Church, All Welcome 18th April; Cafod Music & Quiz evening Coffee Mornings: Sunday 5th April; Easter Bonnet Parade. Have you started making your Easter Bonnets? Prizes galore! Easter raffle tickets now on sale! (Sat; Kath B. Sun; Nuala) Sunday 19th April (EMs) Faith in Families; would holders of the Faith in Families boxes please bring them into church before the end of March. Thank you, Liz Doona Shoe Aid; an appeal was made last weekend by a representative of this charity who explained their work in trying to collect shoes for the estimated one billion people who do not have access to this most basic item of clothing. If you have any unwanted shoes you can donate, please place them in the plastic bags at the back of church. Many thanks to everyone for your help and support. St John Houghton School are seeking for September 2015 an English Teacher and Mathematics Teacher (2 posts) EMERGENCIES If Canon John is unavailable and you require a priest in cases of an emergency, please try: Fr Peter Harvey on 0115 9325642. If unsuccessful please try the Cathedral on 0115 9539839 or 0115 9539840. If you (or a relative or friend) are in hospital and you wish a priest to visit, please let your Parish Priest know. Alternatively, ring the local Chaplaincy numbers: QMC 0115 9249924 ext 63799; Nottm City 0115 9627616; Royal Derby NHS. Hospital switchboard: 01332 340131, Chaplaincy: 01332 789500 or ask the ward staff to contact the Department of Spiritual & Pastoral Care/Chaplaincy for you. Due to Data Protection regulations don’t assume the hospital will let the Parish know.
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