VBS 2015 Registration Form & Information

June 22nd – 26th, 2015
Child’s Name: __________________________________________ Age:____ Grade completed 6/2015:____
Child’s Name: __________________________________________ Age:____ Grade completed 6/2015:____
Child’s Name: __________________________________________ Age:____ Grade completed 6/2015:____
Parent/Guardian: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone we can reach you during VBS hours: ____________________________________________________________
Home email address:_______________________________________________________________________________
If not available in an emergency, notify:______________________________________________________________
Relationship: _________________
Phone: ___________________________
ALLERGIES/CONDITIONS: – include foods, insect stings, hay fever, asthma, etc.
Please list any other health related information that may be useful to the adult in charge:
I, the parent or guardian of the above mentioned child(ren), give permission for my child(ren)
to participate in Our Lady of Joy’s VBS. In the event of any injury or illness to my child(ren)
during his/her participation in VBS, I hereby give my permission for the necessary medical
treatment to be given to my child(ren).
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________
Please mark t-shirt size(s) needed:
___YS(6-8)___YM(10-12)___YL(14-16)___YXL(18-20)___Adult S___M___L___XL
I can help in the following area(s):
_____Teen Aide
_____Donate snack
_____Adult helper
_____Donate $$ for supplies
$25.00 one child/$40.00 two children/$50.00 three or more children**
Please make check payable to: Our Lady of Joy
Mail to: Our Lady of Joy CCD Office,
2000 O’Block Road, Pittsburgh PA 15239 OR drop in offertory basket
**Scholarships available upon request for those needing financial assistance
Questions??? Please call Lisa at 412-335-8997 or 412-798-6209
~Our Lady of Joy is proud to present Vacation Bible School 2015~
June 22nd-26th
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Father Marchukonis Hall
Preschool (4 yrs) to Grade 5
$25.00 one child/$40.00 two children/$50.00 three or more children**
Please make check payable to: Our Lady of Joy
**Scholarships available upon request for those needing financial assistance
QUESTIONS?? Please call Lisa at 412-335-8997 or 412-798-6209