OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER W omen of the E vangelical L utheran C hurch in A merica Rachel Circle meets on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 2:00 PM at Janet Hove’s. Rebekah Circle meets on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM at Julie Halla’s; we will have a cooperative Bible Study. REMINDER: Coffee hour at the Evergreens, Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 2:00 PM. Turby Marchant will provide cookies. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Mission Statement Using God’s Word as a foundation, Our Savior’s Lutheran shall, through meaningful worship, study, prayer and mission outreach, provide a Christcentered atmosphere of enthusiasm, support, sensitivity and openness to all people. God’s people find a place of belonging, God’s people devoted to seek God’s purposes, God’s people committed to compassionate caring. Didn’t make it to church this week? Watch a recording, of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church service, at the Spring Valley Senior Living: 3:00 PM on Mondays or on KING4 local cable access: 8:00 PM Thursdays & Fridays, and 2:30 PM on the following Sunday. Like us on Facebook Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, MN There is not a church council meeting scheduled for May. Do you have any interesting stories, anecdotes, or upcoming notices? This is your newsletter also. Send your information to Renee via email at [email protected], bring it in to the office, or mail it to the church address. Thank you. . Transition Time at Our Savior’s Your executive committee recommends that we have a Transition Committee to determine the process which the congregation will use to discern our vision as a congregation, our needs in a pastor to fulfill that vision, and writing that vision and those needs into the Ministry Site Profile by which we will seek a new pastor to call. The council will appoint this committee at our June 14, 2015 meeting. After several weeks/months(?) when the Transition Committee has completed its work, the council will then nominate a Call Committee which will be approved by a vote of the congregation to do the interviewing of possible candidates and recommend a new pastor to our congregation. It would be possible for a member of the Transition Committee to also be on the Call Committee, but it would also be possible for the Call Committee to have no one from the Transition Committee on it. On April 26, 2015 we will use our time together as a full council, with Ministry Teams, to take the first steps to begin this process. Each Ministry Team will have a discussion about the Transition Committee make-up, ending with recommendations for possible committee members. Each Ministry Team chair will report the results of their discussion and their possible candidate recommendations at the council meeting which follows. With the direction of the council, a member of the executive committee will contact those recommended people to discern their willingness and interest in serving on this important committee for our congregation. A slate of Transition Team nominees will be drawn up by the executive committee for the council to vote on seven individuals at our June 14, 2015 meeting. Shirley Gangstad Campers will soon be making their way to Good Earth Village and this would be an excellent time for you to consider making a special donation to the camp. Our history of congregational giving to GEV—individual and congregational—is as follows: 2012-$3,882.93; 2013--$5,391.15; 2014-$5,407.55 for a three year total of $14,681.63. Imagine how many young lives have been changed because of our generosity; how many children have experienced the love of Jesus through the welcoming and caring staff; how many youngsters have grown in their faith because of just a few hours and days of Christcentered activities! We can be proud as a congregation of our commitment to the mission of GEV and our generosity to this mission. We can do even more! Make a donation now to make a difference in a child’s life this summer! Shirley Gangstad Book Study Brunch Will be held Monday, May 18, 2015 at Sheryl Strain’s home, 713 Lyndale Ave, Spring Valley MN 55975. THANK YOU! Thank you to the following Fun in the Son Hog Roast Sunday, June 14, 2015 9:00 AM VBS worship service 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Activities/Games for families 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Meal Served Carry outs available Delivery to shut-ins available Menu: *Roast pork, Pork burgers, Baked beans, Chips, Watermelon, Carrots/Celery, Bars, Beverages Watch for sign-up sheets in the Narthex for food donations and workers. “God’s work. Our hands.” Save the Date! September 13, 2015 5th grade students and parents: Acolyte training will be held during Sunday School hour on Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 9:15 – 10:15 AM. If anyone is not receiving the newsletter or notifications from the church, either by mail, email, Facebook, or website, please let Renee in the office know and we will get your information updated. Thank you. acolytes for your service and the many hours you gave to continue our traditions of worship here at Our Saviors. At the end of May, the following confirmation students will have completed their acolyte service and will move into their last year of Confirmation and a time of strengthening and deepening their learning about their faith, their church, and their relationship with God! Thank you for enhancing our worship and reminding us that “Jesus Christ” is the Light of the World”! Kendall Drury-DeBoer, Nora Jahn, Hunter Jorgensen, Jennifer Knutson, Reid Kruegel, Renee Lechner, Wyatt Pruter, Joshua Warren, & Jacob Welch. The family of Lenora Hintze would like to thank everyone for the love and support shown to us during the loss of our loved one. Thank you for the kind words, prayers, cards, music, and flowers. A special thanks to Spring Valley Senior Living, Seasons Hospice, Jeff Thauwald, WELCA, Elliott Grandall, and Pastor Scaife for their services. Ray and Ruth Lemke family and Roger Hintze NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The Newsletter deadline is the 17th of each month. Any articles or memorials received after this date will show up in the following month’s newsletter. Thank you for the Caring Casserole, brought at the time of my friend Gene’s passing. Deenie Seabright Scholarship: 2015 high school graduates are reminded of the Our Savior's Lutheran Scholarship. Applications are available outside the church office and are due May 1, 2015. I would like to thank OSL Church family for the prayers, cards, visits, and well wishes, after my hip surgery. The food from Caring Casseroles was enjoyed also. Thank you and blessings to you, Dick Jahn May Pulpit Supply Schedule Communion at all services through Pentecost April 11, 2015 to May 24, 2015 May 2 &3, 2015 Pastor Jim Scaife May 9, 2015 Shirley Gangstad/Pastor Wayne Hagen May 10, 2015 Pastor Jim Scaife May 16 & 17, 2015 Pastor Betsy Dartt May 23, 2015 Pastor Betsy Dartt May 24, 2015 Pastor Jim Scaife May 30 & 31, 2015 Pastor Jim Scaife Please note! Please remember to have family notify the church office if you are in the hospital. The privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to notify the church of your admittance. Our Savior’s church council is excited to announce that Pastor Betsy Dartt, recently retired pastor from Greenfield Lutheran Church of Harmony, has agreed to a part-time ministry contract for our congregation. Her duties will be primarily leading worship (three Saturday nights and one Sunday per month) and visitation, including communion services at the Spring Valley Care Center and Hillside Apartments as well as other visitation as time allows. Pastor Betsy had her first meeting with our visitation team on April 28, 2015 and officially begins her time with us on May 1, 2015. Please welcome her to Our Savior’s when you see her! OSL Youth Lunch Break and Sales May 16, 2015 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (during the City-Wide Garage sales) BBQs or Hotdog Meal - $5.00 (includes chips, bar, and beverage) The youth will also be selling the OSL Youth Cookbooks, potted plants, and a few select donated items. Tell your friends and plan on making a stop for lunch at the church as you garage sale! This is a fundraiser for the 2015 ELCA National Youth Gathering trip to Detroit. ELCA Advocacy Connecting faith and public life As members of the ELCA, we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. God uses our hands, through our direct service work and our voices, through our advocacy efforts, to restore and reconcile our world. Through faithful advocacy, the ELCA lives out our Lutheran belief that governments can help advance the common good. ELCA advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs and projects around the world and in communities across the United States. We work through political channels on behalf of the following biblical values: peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. Join a growing movement Together, we achieve things on a scale and scope that we could never do otherwise. When we act as a coordinated network of advocates and reach out to officials on relevant, timely issues, we effectively impact public policies. Join thousands of ELCA members — sign up for the ELCA eAdvocacy Network now. Take action We are a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work. Stand up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, and defend God’s creation — visit the Advocacy News and Updates page to find advocacy opportunities now. Learn more On the Advocacy resources page, you’ll find information that will educate and equip you to be a more effective advocate. - See more at: http://www.elca.org/advocacy#sthash.hgqQGR9J. dpuf Summer Worship Service Schedule Beginning on May 24, 2015 and continuing through September 6, 2015 (Labor Day weekend), the Sunday Worship schedule will change to one service at 9:00 AM. The Saturday service will continue to be at 5:30 PM. Savior’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund was established in 1995 to enhance the mission outreach of our Church apart from the general operation of the congregation. The Endowment Fund is overseen by a committee of OSL members and only a percentage of money earned above the principle can be used. A large portion of the Funding has come from estate bequests. The Fund is under management of investment representative Debby Fugleberg at Home Federal Investment Services. If you are interested in including this Fund in your Estate Planning or ongoing support to our congregation please contact Debby for an appointment. Offering for Synod Assembly: May 8-9, 2015 Collected on May 2 & 3, 2015. If writing a check, please make payable to OSL with memo of “Synod Assembly Offering”. This year’s offering, will be split between two food agencies serving the hungry in our synod: Channel One, based out of Rochester, and the ECHO Food Shelf, based out of Mankato. Your offering will go directly toward feeding hungry people and ending food insecurity which is the goal of our synod’s Enough Food For All initiative. Senior League & 7th, 8th, & 9th grade Confirmation will be meeting May 6, 2015, at The Pizza Place - upstairs 7:00-8:00 PM (Free pizza) Readings for May May 2-3 – Fifth Sunday of Easter 1st Reading: Acts 5:17-32 Psalm: Psalm 22:25-31 Gospel: John 15:1-8 May 9-10 – Sixth Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day 1st Reading: Acts 1:1-11 Psalm: Psalm 98 Gospel: John 15:9-17 . May 16-17 – Seventh Sunday of Easter 1st Reading: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Psalm: Psalm 1 2nd Reading: 1 John 5:9-13 Gospel: John 17:6-19 May 23-24 – Day of Pentecost 1st Reading: Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14 Psalm: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 2nd Reading: Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21 Gospel: John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 May 30-31 – The Holy Trinity First Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm: Psalm 29 2nd Reading: Romans 8:12-17 Gospel: John 3:1-17 Scriptures subject to change. Eric & Chelby Mathison have a new address! 721 Canyon Drive Savannah, GA 31419 He is stateside for now and is flying Blackhawks with the Army at Fort Hunter. Their two children, Ella and Jacob, love the warm weather in Georgia. So much different than upstate New York! Thanks! Barb Eastvold Senior Choir Schedule May 3rd 8:00 AM Rehearsal 10:30 AM Grandall’s 10th 8:00 AM Senior Choir Sings ???? TBD Rehearsal Myrna Legreid 10:30 AM 17th 8:00 AM Jubilee Bells Play Rehearsal ________________ 10:30 AM Senior Choir “SINGS” Jubilee Bells Play 24th 9:00 AM Senior Choir Sings ???? TBD Rehearsal ________________ 31st Choir off for Summer! Baptism Orientation Session will be held on May 3, 2015, after the 10:30 AM service. This is the first step in scheduling a baptism to be held at OSL. God’s blessing to those preparing to bring their children to receive the blessing of baptism. Please contact the church office, 507-346-7251, if you anticipate participating in the baptism orientation. We are putting in a final order for this school year!! If you have specific needs for summer or graduation please let us know. Order forms are due May 17, 2015. The completed order should be in by Memorial Day! I will keep Sunshine cards on hand all summer and I will purchase Kwik Trip cards to have on hand as well, but when those are gone they are gone. As always, we so appreciate the support for this fundraiser!! Gina Jahn 507-251-1610. 2015 Seniors! Senior Recognition Sunday is May 10, 2015 at 10:30 AM Congratulations to our 2015 Graduates!!! Rachel Harder, Nick Niemeyer, Marcus Plaehn, Hannah Pruter, Trevor Schwarz, Haley Schwinefus, & Amy Welch Baccalaureate for the graduating class of 2015 will be held on May 27, 2015 at the Kingsland High School Gymnasium at 7:00 PM. The Baccalaureate is sponsored by the Spring Valley Area Ministerial Association. Graduation is June 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the High School. SPARKz! A Ministry for 4-6th Grade Youth WE ARE GOING TO Forestville State Park! We will celebrate our last day of the year hiking, games, campfire and supper. Sign up is outside church office. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Youth should ride their regular bus from the Intermediate School to the Elementary School and then ride Bus #4 to the church. We will return to the church at 5:30 p.m. We need 2 parent drivers -please let Nicole know if you can assist. May 19, 2015 monthly communion at the Spring Valley Care Center & Estates will be at 10:00 AM and the communion at the Hillside Homes will be at 10:40 AM. The times may change in the future. Caring & Concerns for those in Special Care Facilities Spring Valley Senior Living: Margaret Breitbarth June Freeman Floyd Hafner Arlene Kappers Martha Pearson Arlyne Seaton Spring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens: Fran Burmeister Wilma Esklund Adah Fowler Dorothy Hafner Eudoris Hagen Charlene Lenz Mick & Irma Rathbun Melvin Schmidt Ostrander Care & Rehab: Ruth Ness Ada Peterson Ostrander Senior Living: Clifford & Georgine Davis Good Shepherd, Rushford: Anita Anderson Sunrise Cottages, Rochester: Richard Oeltjen Fairview Seminary, Red Wing: Donna Cooper Country Side Senior Living, Owatonna: Pastor E. C. Franke Calista Court, Winona: Bernice Ostern Known to have been hospitalized in April: Kathy Clark Kelvin Niemeyer Leo ‘Red’ Bernard Mick Rathbun Wilma Esklund Emily Fowler McCleane Christopher Fowler (Emily’s new son) Vacation Bible School 2015 Dear members of OSL: VBS is just around the corner. We plan on having this fun week of learning and fellowship from Sunday, June 7th through Thursday, June 11th. A light meal will be served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. with VBS starting at 6 p.m. and ending at 8:15 p.m. sharp. All students currently in 3 year-old class through 6th grade Sunday school are invited! We ask that 7th grade students volunteer for some of our open youth positions. In order to make this a successful week, we need many hands! The Education Ministry Team will start calling for help soon. If you can volunteer, please send an e-mail to [email protected] , leave word with the church office, or sign up on the easel out in the Narthex. Thank you & God Bless! Sue Skifter & Nicole Pokorney Co-Directors, VBS 2015 These positions need to be filled as of yet: 2-3 people to sit at registration/sign-in table each night at beginning of evening (to check people in/hand out name lanyards/direct them where to go) estimating this to be from 5:45 to 6:15 p.m. each evening) Decorating Director & Decorating Helpers Music Director & Music Helpers Clean-up Director & Clean-up Helpers Skit Helpers/Participants Cookie Bakers (the more, the merrier) Teacher for 3/4-year old/Kindergarten room & Helper for 3/4-year old/Kindergarten room Leaders (also known as “tour guides”….some of these groups may be put together depending on registration numbers): First Grade Leader & First Grade Helper Second Grade Leader & Second Grade Helper Third Grade Leader & Third Grade Helper Fourth Grade Leader & Fourth Grade Helper Fifth Grade Leader & Fifth Grade Helper Sixth Grade Leader & Sixth Grade Helper TEACHERS (one teacher will do all lessons for all classes (1st-6th) each night~this is different from prior years~kids will rotate to your classroom for the lesson). Sunday teacher Monday teacher Tuesday teacher Wednesday teacher Thursday teacher Meal/Snack/Kitchen/Dining area Helpers Game Director & Game Helpers Youth helpers/guides (need several)…7th grade on up! Nursery helpers (need an adult or two and some youth helpers) Craft Director & Craft Helpers Children's Choir sings again!! What a blessing it has been for me to spend an hour each week with these voices! I have missed them more than I knew! We will be singing the prelude on May 17, 2015, at the 10:30 AM service and also we will be joining voices with the Senior Choir during the service. You do not want to miss this! Come hear the fruits of their labor. There is nothing sweeter than children singing praise to God!! See you there! Gina Jahn W omen of the E vangelical L utheran C hurch in A merica CHRISTIAN EDUCATION WELCA NEWS Gladys Lundby celebrated her 100th birthday on April 5, 2015. Call her at 218384-8427 or send her a card. She moved recently. Her new address is: Interfaith Care Center, 811 3rd St, Carlton, MN 55718. Her mind is still sharp and she would appreciate hearing from friends. Dear Friends, I want to thank you for the cards, letters, phone calls, and gifts I received for my 100th birthday. A special thank you to the Women’s Group for the lovely pink plant. God’s Blessings to you all, in Prayer, Gladys Lundby Napkins & cards available in the Narthex. OSL hosts the Bloodmobile in June. Watch for exact info in bulletins and posters. OSL Youth Cookbooks are here!! Pick yours up for graduation and Mother’s Day gifts! Limited amount they will be on sale between services all through May and June! $10.00 Sue Skifter, Education Minister [email protected] A note from the desk of Sue Skifter, Education Minister… Sunday school kids sing on May 17, 2015, at the 10:30 AM service. This is our last SS class of the year. VBS staff needs are listed on the easel in the Narthex. Please sign up to help with this fun-filled week of adventure, fellowship, food, and faith. VBS will be June 7-11, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:15 PM each night, with a light meal served at 5:30 PM. Watch for more information! Registration forms are available in the hall outside the main office. These need to be returned no later than May 17, 2015. VBS staff training will be on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 11:30 AM in the upstairs double room and again on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Thank you! God bless us all! Mrs. Skifter Memorials and Honorariums In memory of Lenora Hintze Memorial Fund Marion Hintze & Family, Friends Cemetery Fund Ray & Ruth Lemke, Roger Hintze & Friends Senior Choir Ray & Ruth Lemke, Roger Hintze & Friends WELCA Evelyn Clark, Ray & Ruth Lemke, Roger Hintze & Friends Outdoor Flowers Evelyn Clark Audio Loop Shirley Gangstad In memory of Jodi Memorial Fund Sandy Richardson th In honor of Gladys Lundby’s 100 Birthday WELCA Jan & Roy Christopherson In memory of Charlyne Langley (Arlyne Seaton’s daughter, Gladys Peterson’s sister) Caring Ministries Dick & Sharon Jahn, Friends In memory of Todd Copeman Memorial Fund Kenny & Brenda Clark Audio Loop Shirley Gangstad In memory of Capitola ‘Tola’ Losey Memorial Fund Nordeen & Linda Groth In memory of Elsa Wilkie Memorial Fund Carol & Lee Himle, Friends Cemetery Fund Rev. Larry & Barb Nelson, Friends WELCA Evelyn Clark Audio Loop Shirley Gangstad *Dates to Remember* May 3 – Acolyte Training/Baptism Orientation May 6 – Pizza Party May 8 & 9 – SE MN Synod Assembly May 10 – Mother’s Day/Senior Graduation Recognition May 11 – Book Study May 17 – Sunday School sings/Last Day of Sunday School/VBS Staff Training May 18 - NEWSLETTER DEADLINE/Book Study Brunch May 21 – VBS Staff Training May 24 – Worship changes to 9:00 AM May 25 – Memorial Day/OFFICE CLOSED May 27 - Baccalaureate COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Sunday April 26, 2015 Contact Us Motion by Shirley Gangstad and seconded by Rick Jahn to contract for part-time Ministry Assistance from Rev. Betsy Dart, serving at a salary pro-rated at 1/3 of Synod Guidelines. Motion passed. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 805 S Broadway Ave Spring Valley, MN 55975 Ph 507-346-7251 Fax 507-346-7231 [email protected] www.oursaviorsspringvalley.com Motion made by Rick Jahn and seconded by Sandy Richardson to authorize Council President Shirley Gangstad, President-Elect Richard Jahn and Treasurer Carol Copeman to transfer the Clifford Kumm Estate funds into funds in the name of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. Motion passed. Pastor Jim Scaife [email protected] 507-864-2896 [email protected] STAFF Office Manager – Renee Ziebell Bookkeeper – Kathy Merkel Custodian – Toni Sanders Education Minister – Sue Skifter Music Coordinator – Elliott Grandall Youth Minister – Nicole Pokorney Office Hours: M-F 8:30 AM-3:30 PM Worship Services Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM Sunday . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 805 S Broadway Ave Spring Valley, MN 55975 Address Service Requested May 2015 Motion made by Pat Pokorney and seconded by Rachel Welch to allow money for mileage, to be taken from line item 16000315, to pay in retro to Renee for mileage used in 2014 and so far in 2015 for running church errands. This account will also cover her future mileage submissions. Motion passed. Motion made by Carol Copeman and seconded by Lori Buchholtz to accept the changes to the Wedding Guidelines as presented. Motion passed. These changes require an Our Savior’s Pastor officiate at all weddings, or have the Sr. Pastor and/or the Church Council’s approval for any other officiate. Motion made by Rick Jahn and seconded by Sandy Richardson to take $2,500.00 from line item 27001111 and transfer it to the Bell Fund to be used for this refurbishment. Motion passed. Motion made by Lori Buchholtz and seconded by Rachel Welch to approve Brett Oeltjen and Scott Back as the new co-chairs of the Property Commission. Motion passed. NON-PROFIT, ORG U.S. Postage Paid Spring Valley, MN Permit #71 If you are unable to serve when scheduled, please find a substitute and notify Renee with the change. We are reducing the volunteers needed, for worship assistants for the 10:30 AM service, for May 3rd, 10th, & 17th. If you have any questions please contact the church. Worship Assistants – May 2015 May 3: Acolytes - (8:00) Nolan Fetterly, Tyler Greiff (10:30) Treyton Pokorney, Christian Cooper Altar Guild – Annette Hyland Bread Provider – Carolyn Hoff (3 Loaves) Communion - (8:00) Annette Hyland, Jon & Deb Dahl (10:30) Kirby Bussman, Ken Kujath, Deanne Spurgeon Greeters – (8:00) Brad & Ann Ihrke (10:30) Phil & Kirby Bussman Scripture Readers - (8:00) Jerry Klevan (10:30) Steve Harder Videographer – Rick Jahn May 10: Mother’s Day Acolytes - (8:00) Madison Himle, Renee Lechner (10:30) Kendall Drury-DeBoer, Jennifer Knutson Altar Guild – Wendy Kauffmann Bread Provider – Sharon Jahn (3 Loaves) Communion - (8:00) Judy Frank, Helen House, Sherry Wendt (10:30) Evie Apenhorst, Barb Eastvold, Wendy Kauffmann Greeters – (8:00) Colleen & Courtney Marks (10:30) Phil & Kirby Bussman Scripture Readers - (8:00) Gina Jahn (10:30) Amy Welch Videographer – Dan Reiland May 17: Acolytes - (8:00) Nora Jahn, William Jahn (10:30) Reid Kruegel, Kaycie Bellrichard Altar Guild – Gladys Peterson Bread Provider – Sherry Wendt (3 loaves) Communion- (8:00) Ann Ihrke, Gina Jahn, Verlyn Johnson (10:30) Sarah Kohn, Ken Kujath, Deanne Spurgeon Greeters – (8:00) Gareld & Verna Stockdale (10:30) Denae & Rachel Harder Scripture Readers - (8:00) Deb Dahl (10:30) Kathy Baarsch Videographer – Nora Jahn May 24: Acolytes - (9:00) Hunter Jorgensen, Travis Kauffmann Altar Guild – Eileen Rathbun Bread Provider – Frances Burmeister (2 loaves) Communion - (9:00) Wendy Kauffmann, Penny Ness, Ruth Lemke Greeters – (9:00) Linda & Paul Vomhof Scripture Readers - (9:00) Zachary Queensland Videographer – Dick Jahn May 31: Acolytes - (9:00) Eric Gusa, Mackenzie Hoffman-York Altar Guild – Ann Thon Bread Provider – Intinction Communion - (9:00) Sherry Wendt, Kelvin & Linda Niemeyer Greeters – (9:00) Harris & Geraldine Williams Scripture Readers - (9:00) Kathy Baarsch Videographer – Brian Oakland USHERS: (8:00) Dick & Sharon Jahn*, Mike Vikse, Jim Halla (10:30) Bob Baarsch*, Jeff Thauwald, Rich Apenhorst Offering Counter – Sharon Jahn Deliver Meals on Wheels – Week of May 4-8: Mark & Julie Mliner, Sharon Jahn Saturday Service: (5:30) Scripture Readers: May 2 – Pam McCabe; May 9 – Nancy Hagen; May 16 – Shirley Gangstad; May 23 – Mary Jo Dathe; May 30 – Evelyn Clark Ushers May 2 – Sandy Richardson; May 9 – Mary Jo Dathe; May 16 – Arden & Marge Lenz; May 23 – Shirley Gangstad; May 30 - Linda Kruegel May Service Group Organizers: Sherry Wendt & Lori Schlitter The service group lists are of people in the congregation who are asked to bring items for special events at the church. The lists have gone through some changes to try to even out the lists with people who can be available to respond in service. For a number of reasons, there are people who are not included on the lists (shut-in, live out of town, have indicated a desire not to be contacted, etc.) Thank you to all the people in Our Savior’s who live out their faith in caring support of the ministries of the church. Harwood, Troy & Danielle Horsman, Elaine Helgeson, Benny & Jan House, Helen & LaVern Hellickson, Brent & Roxanne Hove, Janet Hellickson, Roger Hubka, Jim & Sally Higgins, Jerry Hyberger, Pat & Jody Hillesland, Dennis & Norma Hyland, Mike Himle, Lee & Carol Ihrke, Brad & Ann Himle, Steve & Alysa Jahn, Dick & Sharon Hintze, Marion Jahn, Rick & Gina Hoff, Brian & Carolyn Jertson, Bev Hoffman, Dennis & York, Stacey
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