Outbox Incubator Application Form Please enter the first name of the

Outbox Incubator Application Form
Please enter the first name of the person being nominated: Please enter the surname of the person being nominated: Please enter the email address of the person being nominated: If you are not nominating yourself, please enter your email address: If you are not nominating yourself, please enter your full name: Please enter a number we can reach you on: Q1: ​
Please tell us why Outbox Incubator is right for you?​
Please keep this to 100 words Maximum Q2: What do you hope to gain from being part of the Outbox Incubator? What kinds of skills, experiences or ideas might you bring to the Outbox? ​
Please keep this to 200 words maximum Q3: What STEM fields are you most interested in and why? Keep this to 100 words maximum Q4: Show us what you got!​
If you have any photos, videos, blogs, websites or stories you would like to share here, is the place to add links to them. Q5: Which weeks do you wish to attend Outbox? ​
If you are applying to stay overnight, we ask that you stay for a minimum of two weeks. Everyone does a minimum of one week. ○ ​
Week 1 (27th July ­ 2nd August) ○ ​
Week 2 (3rd August ­ 9th August) ○ ​
Week 3 (10th August ­ 16th August) ○ ​
Week 4 (17th August ­ 23rd August) ○ ​
Week 5 (24th August ­ 30th August) ○ ​
Week 6 (31st August ­ 6th September) Q6: Do you wish to stay in the house overnight? ​
Please note that overnight stays will be prioritised for those travelling from outside London. But don't ​
worry! You won't miss ​
out on any activities or opportunities if you are not sleeping at the house. ​
Y/N Q​
7: Where do you live? ​
Select your area, or if you're from outside UK select 'Other’ ​
Greater London Staffordshire Devon ​
Scotland ​
Shropshire ​
Dorset ​
Wales ​
Leicestershire ​
East Sussex ​
Northumberland ​
Rutland ​
Essex ​
Durham ​
Avon ​
Gloucestershire ​
North Yorkshire ​
Bedfordshire ​
Hampshire (County of ​
East Riding of Yorkshire ​
Berkshire Southampton) ​
Lancashire ​
City of Bristol ​
Oxfordshire ​
West Yorkshire ​
Buckinghamshire ​
Surrey ​
Greater Manchester ​
Cambridgeshire ​
Kent ​
Merseyside ​
Herefordshire ​
Isle of White ​
South Yorkshire ​
Cornwall ​
Wiltshire ​
Lincolnshire ​
Cumbria ​
Warwickshire ​
Nottingham ​
Worcestershire ​
Derbyshire ​
Northern Ireland ​
Other: Q8: Do you have a STEM business/startup idea? ​
Yes/No Thank you for your application! Deadline to apply is May 28th, 2015. You will be informed of our decision by 15th June, 2015. outboxincubator.com/appy #OutboxIn