NEWSLETTER— 24,, 201 2015 OCEAN VIEW PARENT NEWSLETTER —APRIL 24 5 Ocean View School--1000 Jackson Street, Albany, CA 94706 (510) 55 (510) 558-4800 Phone (510) 558-4801 Attendance (510) 528-6486 Fax Terry Georgeson, Principal 510-558-4804 [email protected] Pl Please visit our Website: Ocean View strives to support a safe and secure learning environment that treats all students with dignity, respect and high expectations. AEF ANNUAL SCOOPS FOR SCHOOLS ICE CREAM SOCIAL: On Sunday, April 26, the Albany Community Center (1249 Marin Ave. Albany) will be filled with extraordinary musicians from the Albany Schools along with ice cream and cookies. “Scoops for Schools”, the Albany Education Foundation’s annual free ice cream social will be held from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Throughout the year AEF solicits donations from parents and community members which are used for new teacher grants, field trip grants, mini grants, and Sally Outis block grants which provide funds for large numbers of students or across a curriculum area. “Scoops for Schools” is our thank you to the community for all of the support we receive. Once again this year, Serves You Right Catering is supplying all of the ice cream and toppings. We will also have a fun silent auction, including items such as tickets to a Giant’s Game. Thank you to Matt and Marcie Wyss for their continuing generosity. Ice cream and cookies will be served by local “celebrity scoopers”. AEF hopes to see you there! PARENT EDUCATION NIGHT: This year Albany elementary school PTAs have been teaming up to offer a variety of parent education events that are open to parents at all three schools. Come join us for the next parent education event: Navigating Boyhood: How to Raise Resilient Sons--Wednesday April 29th (7:00 PM-8:30 PM), Marin Multi-Use Room. Parenting coach and speaker Rachel Sklar, MSW, will present practical tricks for raising your son’s confidence, tools to help him navigate the social climate at school, how to successfully guide your son...and his energy, and the most surprising thing your son needs, and isn’t getting. Sign up for childcare in Marin office or contact Kelley Callahan @ [email protected]. (Marin Address: 1001 Santa Fe Avenue, Albany) DID YOU KNOW THAT 1 OUT OF EVERY 3 CHILDREN IN ALAMEDA COUNTY FACES HUNGER EVERYDAY? Senior citizens are the next largest group facing hunger in Alameda County. Please join Ocean View’s Student Council in working to help those that go hungry in our community. We will be holding our Food Drive 4/24 – 5/28. There are two ways to donate to our food drive. One way is to donate healthy, non-perishable food. The second way to donate is to send in cash or a check payable to the ACCFB (Alameda County Community Food Bank). For every dollar donated, the Food Bank can distribute $5.00 worth of food. Your student will be bringing home all the details today. Please do not send in: anything in glass, soda, chips, snack foods, anything too salty or sweet. RETURN INTENT TO RETURN FORMS BY FRIDAY, MAY 1ST: Student “Intent to Return” forms will be sent home with your child, where you may also indicate Early Bird/Late Bird preference; however, please be aware your choice is not guaranteed. Please return them to your child’s teacher or to the Ocean View Office by Friday, May 1st. This is important information that helps us plan for the fall. If your child will be attending Albany Middle School, please also turn in your forms. SCHOOLCARE HAS KICKED OFF ALBANY'S ANNUAL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN: A warm thank you to everyone who has already made a donation and volunteered. Albany students appreciate your support! SchoolCARE volunteers would love to deliver a SchoolCARE lawn sign to your home. Just email [email protected] with your street address and you can join your neighbors in showing a strong commitment to our schools. And besides….SchoolCARE lawn signs add color to your yard and don’t need to be watered. Get one today! Join the SchoolCARE family. Donations can be made on-line at or by bringing a check to your student’s school and by mail to Albany SchooCARE, 1563 Solano Ave., #537, Albany, 94707 MANY THANKS TO OUR FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW PARENTS/PTA! Ocean View Teachers and Staff want to thank you for the two delicious feasts that were provided for us by Ocean View Families and the PTA (both this week and the week before break). We so enjoyed the many scrumptious dishes that were prepared. We feel so appreciated by you, and wish to express our appreciation to you, as well. Many thanks to all of you for your thoughtfulness!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO MARISA KAGEYAMA! Senator Barbara Boxer sent a Certificate of Appreciation to Marisa; she was selected as a winner in the K-1st grade category for Senator Boxer’s Earth Day “Help Save the Earth” Poster Contest. CONGRATULATIONS TO 5TH GRADERS FRANCESCA PATENT AND BOBIN KANG! Two students in Renee Theriault’s 5th grade class were honored in the top 10 entries for the annual Celebrate America Creative Writing Contest, sponsored by the Northern California Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Ms. Theriault’s class submitted entries, and all of her students will be awarded certificates. Over 220 entries were submitted by 5th graders all around the Bay Area; Ocean View is proud that two of its students placed among the top 10 winners. This year’s judges included Congress members Nancy Pelosi and Jackie Speier, San Francisco Supervisors David Campos and Jane Kim, Immigration Judges, journalists, and others. These students, their families, and Ms. Theriault, will be honored at an upcoming awards ceremony. Way to go, Francesca and Bobin! Page 1 of 5 ALBANY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT'S FOOD SERVICES DIVISION IS PARTICIPATING IN CALIFORNIA THURSDAYS! Click on links below and look for more info to come. AUSD Website: AUSD Facebook page: AHS GRAD NIGHT 2015 FUNDRAISING DAY: Wednesday, April 29 (11:00 AM – 9:30 PM) at Zachary’s Pizza on Solano. See Flyer at ALBANY CHILDREN’S CENTER SPRING FLING: On Sunday, May 3rd, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, the Albany Children’s Center (720 Jackson Street) is having their Spring Fling. $4.00 per person. Tickets are available at the ACC’s front office and at the event. Tickets are OCEAN VIEW ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY EVENT WITH OAKLAND A’S STEP UP TO EDUCATION: We recommend getting your ticket order in ASAP if you would like to attend a specific game. To purchase and print tickets, go to the link below; a portion of each ticket sold will be donated directly back to the Ocean View Elementary. Deadline to purchase tickets is April 30th Available Dates: • Friday, May 15 – 7:05 game vs. Chicago • Tuesday, June 9 – 7:05 game vs. Texas (special promotion: Free Parking) • Wednesday, July 22 – 7:05 game vs. Toronto (special promotion: Root Beer Float Day) • Friday, August 7 – 7:05 game vs. Houston (special promotion: Italian Heritage Night) Prices: Plaza Outfield $15 ($5 of this ticket sale will go back to OV)/Field Level $25 ($10 of this ticket sale will go back to OV) 5TH GRADE PARENTS—PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT REGARDING FAMILY LIFE (PUBERTY) EDUCATION: Our 5th grade students will be receiving Family Life Education instruction June 1st – June 5th. Family life Parent Information night for parents interested in learning about 5th grade Family Life Instruction, presented by Ivy Chen, will be held on Wednesday, May 6th (6:00 PM – 7:30 PM), in the Ocean View Library. 5TH GRADE BAND: The band students at all the schools are making great progress and preparing for our upcoming performance. Save the Dates! Special evening rehearsal to prepare for our May 17 Band Extravaganza: Wednesday, May 13, 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM Ocean View School Multi-Purpose Room. All band students are encouraged to attend this important rehearsal with the AMS Cobra Band. Students should bring their own music stands to this rehearsal if possible. Students should arrive early so we can start our rehearsal on time at 7:15. Albany Schools Band Extravaganza at AHS Gym: Sunday May 17, 12:00 PM to 1:45 PM. Students arrive by 12:00 for set up and warm up. The concert will begin at 1:00. Wear white tops and black pants/skirts. If you are a parent who can help with set up and supervision or if you have further questions, please contact Mr. Nemoyten (Elementary Band Teacher) [email protected] 5TH GRADE PARENTS—AMS INFORMATIONAL EVENTS: Albany Middle School will be hosting: a PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT--Wednesday, May 27th, AMS Gym (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM). All incoming 6th Grade Parents/Guardians are invited to the Gym to get an overview of Albany Middle School. This is an event for ADULTS ONLY. There will also be a PRINCIPAL’S COFFEE--Friday, June 5th, AMS Library (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM). This is a less formal opportunity to come and talk and ask questions of Principal Deborah Brill and other staff about what to expect next year. Students will be coming up for tours in June during the school day. Additionally, Principal Deborah Brill will be visiting each class during library time to answer their questions. On August 24, 2015 we will be having an Orientation where parents and students come and meet in the gym for a brief orientation and then have a chance to get PE clothing, schedules, and more! SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT CONSORTIUM (SBAC), PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 4th Grade: 5th Grade: Week of April 20th through April 24th = MATH---Week of April 27th through May 1st = ENGLISH Week of May 4th through May 8th = MATH---Week of May 11th through May 15th = ENGLISH ALBANY FAMILIES MUST RE-VERIFY THEIR ADDRESS ANNUALLY: Parents are required to verify their Albany address annually at the District Office or via email beginning April 7, 2014 - June 26, 2014. Parents are encouraged to submit the required documents according to the schedule by alpha group (last name): A-H (April 7- May 1), I-P (May 4 – May 29), Q-Z (June 1- June 26). Please go to the following link for specific instructions: LINK TO AUSD BOARD MEETING MINUTES AND AGENDAS: LINK TO AUSD BOARD MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Page 2 of 5 LINK TO 2015/2016 AUSD CALENDAR: A NOTE FROM ALBANY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING STUDENTS LEAVING EARLY FOR SUMMER VACATION: Albany Unified School District is dedicated to academic achievement and success for all students. Regular school attendance is an integral part of that success. California law states that absences are excused only if the child is ill or for bereavement of an immediate family member. All other absences are unexcused. School districts are required to report students as truant when they have 3 or more unexcused absences and/or over 30minute tardies in a school year. Many parents may be unaware that taking a vacation or going out of town for a "family emergency" during school is an unexcused absence, and thus subject their child (or children) to laws related to truancy. Therefore we are implementing the following policy for students who leave for vacation or family emergencies during the last 30 days of school. Students who are absent 10 or more consecutive days of school and not returning before the last day of school will be dis-enrolled to avoid being reported as truant. Students must re-enroll at the District Office upon returning to Albany; however there is no guarantee that you will receive the same school assignment. Returning students will be treated as new applicants and will be assigned to an elementary school based on space availability. Middle school and high school students will not be guaranteed to receive the courses previously selected for 2015-16. Courses, including elective, will be assigned on a space-available basis. Parents must also verify their Albany address at the time of re-enrollment. Students with inter-district permits will be in violation of the Inter-district Attendance Agreement and risk losing their permit to attend school in Albany. I'm confident that by working together, we can ensure excellent attendance for each and every one of our students. Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact your school principal. Linda Williams, Student Services Coordinator—AUSD ([email protected]). HAVE YOU MOVED RECENTLY? If so, you must verify your NEW address with the District Office. Email proof of your new address to Linda Williams [email protected]. Please help us conserve resources by updating your address when you move. JINGLE JEFF’S SUMMER MUSIC CAMP: Join the cast of "The Sound of Music" at Jingle Jeff's summer music camp June 29 July 10 with an evening performance on July 10. There is a special $100 off during the month of April. OR Learn how to play instruments in a school band, orchestra or Rock Band at Jingle Jeff's fun "Music Exploration" for instruments summer camp June 15 - 26. Students who have finished Kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome to sign up for the camp. All camps include crafts, snacks, music games, theater games and many fun activities. Camp runs from 9 am to 3 pm with extended care from 8 am to 5:30 pm. (Extended care is on a drop-in basis). See more info at or sign up at Monthly payments available (510) 334-8851. Mention this announcement and pay just $600 (Regular price $750). MUSICAL TEAMWORK HAPPENS AT BANDWORKS SUMMER CAMP! For kids 8+, BandWorks award-winning Rock n’ Roll Camp is open to young beginners through advanced, older teen players. Top professional musician-instructors create a team environment while teaching kids the skills they need to play in a rock band! By the end of the week, students are rocking out in a live performance in the classroom. Locations in Oakland, San Rafael, San Carlos and Los Altos. For registration and more info about BandWorks Summer Camp, please contact us today [email protected], 510.THE.BAND (843.2263), or visit the BandWorks website: BandWorks Summer Camp believes that ALL children and schools should have access to high quality Summer Camp and School Year enrichment programs. Edventure More has a Sliding Scale (Financial Aid) program. Camp weeks are as low as $50.00 per week. Assistance will be provided to any Ocean View Elementary School family who needs it this summer-whether they need just a little help or a lot. Contact Edventure More for Camp Edmo (Pre-K—4th grade) or Camp EdTech (5th-8th grade) at 415.282.MORE(6673) 877.993.MORE(6673) Courtney Hann Outreach Mgr. EDVENTURE MORE SUMMER CAMPS: SUPPORT OCEAN VIEW! Sports Basement - Shop at any Sports Basement location for your sporting needs and you will receive 10% off your purchase and 5% of your purchase will be donated to the Ocean View PTA. The closest Sports Basement location is 2727 Milvia Street in Berkeley. All you need to do is let the cashier know you are shopping for Ocean View School. Amazon Smile -Ocean View PTA is a charitable organization in the Amazon Smile program. They will give back .5% to the PTA for each eligible purchase. Go to, sign in to your Amazon account, enter a search for "Ocean View PTA" and then choose the Ocean View School listing that is located in Albany. That's it! Your friends and family, as well as your place of employment, can also register on Amazon and choose Ocean View. Target REDcard (Gives 1% to Ocean View)--What is a REDcard - Target designed REDcards to complement your lifestyle. Use your Target Debit Card™, Target Credit Card® or Target® Visa® Credit Card to get everyday savings, support Ocean View School, make prescriptions rewarding and more. How to apply - Simply apply online, in store or by mail. If you choose the in store Debit Card option, it works like a check by drawing from your checking account, allowing you to pay conveniently with no bills or late fees. Just bring a voided check to a cashier, and they will assist you in the application process. More information: or call 1-800-316-6142 Box Tops – Every dime counts! In December the Ocean View PTA received a check for over $400 from redeemed Box Tops. You can find the small pink Box Top coupon on hundreds of products such as breakfast cereals, crackers, tissue boxes and more. Just clip out the coupons (your kids will love to do this for you) and leave them in the Box Top collection container on the counter in the Main Office. For more information on this program as well as to see what a Box Top coupon looks like, Page 3 of 5 WE ARE A NUT-FREE SCHOOL: Please be mindful of our students who have nut allergies or other allergies in your child’s classroom. Even treats can be a teachable moment! One of our students has recently had a life-threatening reaction, as a result of exposure to nuts or products manufactured on equipment also used to process nut products. Please join us in helping to keep all of our students safe. Thank you for your support! PARENT YARD DUTY SUPERVISORS NEEDED FOR LUNCHTIME: Do you enjoy working with children? Want to be a part of our school community? Come volunteer at OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL during lunch and help make lunchtime the fun, relaxing time it’s meant to be!!! There are paid AND volunteer positions available. Call or email for more information: Gabrielle Galvarro (925-457-4337) [email protected] OCEAN VIEW PLAYGROUND IS CLOSED PRIOR TO 8:15 AM: All students at school prior to 8:15 AM, should report to the Multipurpose Room. The school is responsible for all students when at school; because there is no supervision until 8:15 AM, the playground must be closed until 8:15 AM. Please also do not drop off students prior to the 9:30 AM recess. Thank you for your support in helping to keep our little Otters safe! STUDENTS CAN BUY BREAKFAST AT OCEAN VIEW--(SERVED 8:00 AM TO 8:15 AM): Ocean View School is piloting a Before- School Breakfast Program in the Ocean View Multipurpose Room. Doors will open at 8:00 AM with the playground opening at 8:15 AM. This program serves all students including student on the free and reduced program. The regular cost of each breakfast will be $1.50; the reduced price will be $.30. Students who use an AUSD lunch account can access this account for breakfast. Available Every Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday cereal, fruit, juice, milk French Toast Breakfast Burrito Bagel & Cream Cheese Pancake & Sausage on a Stick Pizza Bagel Some simple things can help us all stay healthy this flu season—1) wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizers 2) cover a cough or sneeze with your arm 3) stay home with a fever, vomiting or if you are contagious. If your child is ill, please keep them home and notify us on our attendance line: 558-4801. Thank you for your help! FLU SEASON IS HERE: POLICY REGARDING ABSENCES DUE TO ILLNESS: Please note that according to Albany Unified School District’s Administrative Regulation (AR) 5113, a student is allowed to be absent for 10 verified days for illness before requiring further illnesses to be verified by a physician. If your student has been absent for 10 days due to illness, any further absences will need to be verified with a doctor's note in order to be excused. INDEPENDENT STUDY CONTRACTS: Families are encouraged to use school breaks for vacation plans. However, if you find that your child must miss school for an extended amount of time (at least five consecutive days and up to 20 consecutive days) for reasons other than illness, medical appointments or bereavement—your child’s teacher can offer classroom assignments through our Independent Study program. Please let the teacher know, preferably at least two weeks in advance, so that there is sufficient time to prepare work for your child; and then request/complete an Independent Study contract (available in the Ocean View Office or on our website) prior to taking leave from school. Assignments must be completed and turned into your child’s teacher upon return to school. Many parents are unaware that going “out of town” with your child during school is an unexcused absence, as are “family emergencies”; planning ahead will avoid unexcused absences. YOUR CHILD’S ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT: Regular attendance is vital to your child’s success in school, and to the fiscal health of the district. Thank you for helping to ensure that your child attends school every day, unless they are ill. If at all possible, we ask that you schedule medical appointments after school, and that you plan family vacations for days that school is out. Below are some dates that would lend themselves to vacation days. In the event that your child is going to be absent, please either email [email protected] or call our attendance line at 558-4801 before 9:30 AM and leave a voicemail message, indicating your 1) Child’s Full Name, 2) Room Number, and Reason for the Absence. If we don’t hear from you when your child is absent, an auto dialer call will be sent. Spring Break: 4/13 – 4/17 Memorial Day: 5/25 ■ ■ under the “Parents” tab at the top of the page for Parent Information & Forms) . Have a Great Weekend!—Terry Georgeson, Principal CHECK OUT THE OCEAN VIEW & PTA WEBSITES: Page 4 of 5 CALENDAR Sun., 4/16 Wed., 4/29 4/20 – 5/1 5/4 – 5/15 Fri., 5/1 Sun., 5/3 Mon., 5/4 Wed., 5/6 Wed., 5/13 Thu., 5/14 Sun., 5/17 Wed., 5/20 Thu., 5/21 Fri., 5/22 Mon., 5/25 Wed., 5/27 Thu., 5/28 Fri, 6/5 Fri., 6/5 Fri., 6/12 Fri., 6/12 Tue., 8/25 Page 5 of 5 Scoops for Schools Ice Cream Social (2:00 PM – 5:00 PM)—Albany Community Ctr. Parent Ed. Night—Navigating Boyhood (7:00 PM – 8:30 PM)—Marin Multipurpose Rm. SBAC Testing, Grade 4 SBAC Testing, Grade 5 Intent to Return Forms Due ACC Spring Fling (11:00 AM – 2:00 PM)—ACC (720 Jackson St., Albany) Site Council Mtg. (5:30 PM – 7:00 PM)—OV Library 5th Grade Parent Info. Night--Puberty Class—(6:00 PM – 7:30 PM)—OV Library Band Practice (7:15 PM – 8:15 PM)—OV Multipurpose Rm. PTA Mtg., (7:00 PM)—OV Library Albany Schools Band Extravaganza (1:00 PM)—AHS Gym (Band Mbrs. arrive at 12:00) 5th Grade Panoramic Photo (8:45 AM) OV Open House (Food 5:30/Art & Science Fair 6:00/Open House 7:00) Eat-on-the-Field Day (Lunch time) Memorial Day Holiday AMS Parent Info Night for 5th Grade Parents (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM)—AMS Gym 4th & 5th Grade Talent Show (6:30 PM – 8:00 PM)—OV Multipurpose Rm. AMS Principal’s Coffee for 5th Grade Parents (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM)—AMS Library OV PTA Aloha Potluck (6:30 PM – 8:00 PM)—OV Multipurpose Rm. Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony (12:30 PM)—OV Multipurpose Rm. Last Day of School (minimum day schedule for Grades K-5) First Day of School
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