Dr. Gonca Gunay ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS HELD 2014- Kadir Has University, Turkey Associate Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration 2013-2014 Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Associate Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration 2013 - 2014 Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Interim Dean, Graduate School of Social Sciences 2012- 2013 Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey Associate Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration 2012- 2013 Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2010-2012 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Associate Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration Spring 2010 Harvard University, USA Fulbright Fellow, Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School, Program on Negotiation 2008-2011 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2007-2011 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Coordinator, SUNY New Paltz - Dual Diploma Program in Business Administration 2006-2012 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Director, Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship Spring 2006 Columbia University, USA Visiting Scholar, Columbia Business School, Chazen Institute 2004-2010 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Assistant Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration 2003-2006 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Academic Secretary, Office of International Affairs Gunay – March 2015 1 2001-2004 Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Research Assistant, Department of Business Administration EDUCATION 2000-2004 Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey Ph.D. in Business Administration Dissertation Title: The Relationship between the Self-Concept and the Color Preferences of Fashion Consumers 1996-1998 Koc University, Turkey M.B.A., Graduate School of Business 1992-1996 Bilkent University, Turkey B.A. in Business Administration 1985-1992 American Collegiate Institute, Turkey AWARDS AND GRANTS 2011 Best Presenter Award, The Global Management, Finance & Information Technology Research Conference, New York. 2010 Asian Productivity Organization – Grant provided for the project titled “Global Leadership Competency Comparison between Asian and European Regions” conducted by the GHRD (Global Human Resource Development Study Group) lead by Professor Hirohisa Nagai 2010 Fulbright Post-Doctoral Research Grant, Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation 2008-2011 TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Grants for Participation in International Meetings 2008-2011 TÜBİTAK Grants for Scientific International Publication Support 2007 Best Paper Award, 3rd International Strategic Management Conference, Antalya, Turkey. 1996-1998 Koç University Scholarship 1992-1996 Bilkent University Scholarship 1989 Mathematics Contest Award, TÜBİTAK Gunay – March 2015 2 PUBLICATIONS Uygur, D., Kahraman, E.B. & Gunay, G. (forthcoming- 2016). Empowering Women through Social Entrepreneurship with Innovative Business Models: Cases from Turkey. In Garcia, M.C.D. & Brush, C. (Eds.) Women’s Entrepreneurship in Global and Local Contexts. Edward Elgar. Uygur, D., Kahraman, E.B. & Gunay, G. (forthcoming-April 2015). Female Social Entrepreneurship in Turkey. In V. Ramadani, S. Gërguri-Rashiti & A. Fayolle (Eds.) Female Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies. Palgrave Macmillan. Gunay, G., Zaptcioglu, F.D., Gunerergin, M. & Sagnak, M. (2014). Turkish Airlines: Fast Growing Star of Skies. Asian Case Research Journal, 18(1), 35-59. Gupta, V.K., Goktan, A.B. & Gunay, G. (2014). Gender differences in evaluation of new business opportunity: A stereotype threat perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(2), 273-288. Niranjan, S., Gupta, V.K., Goktan, B., Cheung, A.B. Gunay, G. & Pareek, A. (2013). Cultural value orientation: Measurement invariance in a multi-country sample, Journal Of Managerial Issues, 25(3). Littrell, R.F., Yurtkoru, E.S., Sinangil, H.K., Durmus, B., Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Cangarli, B.G. (2013). Explicit leader behaviour preferences: Turkish and cross-national sample comparisons, Journal of Management Development, 32(6), 606 – 628. Zaptcioglu, D., Ada, N., Gunay, G. & Katrinli, A. (2013). Ethical Leadership And The Normative Commitment Of Followers In A Healthcare Setting, International Journal of Strategic Management, 13(3), 147-152. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2012). The change story of yellow auto company. In D.L. Anderson (Ed.) Cases and Exercises in Organization Development and Change (pp. 266-272). Sage Publications. Gunay – March 2015 3 Goktan, B. & Gunay, G. (2011). Is entrepreneurial cognition culturally bound? A comparative study conducted in Turkey and the United States. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 24(4), 455-469. Katrinli, A. & Gunay, G. (2011). Corporate social responsibility, strategy and culture: Batı Anadolu Group case. International Journal of Business Strategy, 11(2), 32-38. Karaibrahimoglu, Y., Acar, E. & Gunay, G. (2011). The Relationship between MCSs and strategy: An evidence from SMEs. International Journal of Strategic Management, 11(1), 113-119. Katrinli, A., Gunay, G. & Biresselioglu, M.E. (2011). The convergence of corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability: Starbucks Corporation’s practices. Business Review, 17(1), 164-171. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2011). The moderating role of leadermember exchange in the relationship between psychological contract violation and organizational citizenship behavior. African Journal of Business Management, 5 (1), 1-6. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2010). Nurses' perceptions of individual and organizational political reasons for horizontal peer bullying. Nursing Ethics, 17(5), 614-627. (SSCI) Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2010). Perceptions of organizational politics and LMX: Linkages in distributive justice and job satisfaction. African Journal of Business Management, 4 (14), 3110-3121. Katrinli, A., Gunay, G., Acar, E. & Karaibrahimoglu, Y. (2010). Gender stereotyping in the accounting profession in Turkey. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 6(4), 15-25. Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B. G. (2010). Bir yenilik girdisi olarak egitim. Ozmen, O.N.T, Ozer, P.S. & Eris, E.D. (Eds.) Secme Yazilarla Orgutler ve Yenilik. Detay Yayincilik. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2009). Service quality in health care: A challenge for both public and private hospitals. European Journal of Management, 9(2), 121127. Gunay – March 2015 4 Gunay, G. & Kucuk, D. (2009). Effect of self-concept and retail store image in consumer’s store choice. European Journal of Management, 9(2), 108-111. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Guneri, B. & Aktan, A. (2009). Innovativeness: Is it a function of the leadership style and the value system of the entrepreneur? In N. Aydogan (Ed.) Innovation Policies, Business Creation and Economic Development: A Comparative Approach (pp. 113-136). Springer. Gunay, G. (2009). Orgutlerde yaraticilik: Yaraticilgin kurum tarafindan tesvik edilmesine iliskin algi ve yaraticlik arasindaki iliskide is doyumunun rolune yonelik bir arastirma. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2009). Exploring the antecedents of organizational identification: The role of job dimensions, individual characteristics, and job involvement. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(1), 66-73. (SSCI) Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2008). Leader member exchange, organizational identification and the mediating role of job involvement for nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(4), 354-362. (SSCI) Gunay, G. (2008). A source of happiness at work: Organizational justice. In A. Katrinli (Ed.) Real Life Stories of How People Feel and Behave in Organizations (pp.55-76). BookSurge. Gunay, G. (2008). How much do we care about our jobs? Job involvement. In Alev Katrinli (Ed.) Real Life Stories of How People Feel and Behave in Organizations (pp.31-54). BookSurge. Gunay, G. (2008). The mediating role of occupational identification in the relationship between occupational prestige and happiness. Journal of International Business and Economics, 8(1), 48-57. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G. & Gunay, G. (2008). A historical view of diversity management: The Ottoman Empire case. International Journal of Business Research, 8(2), 137-145. Katrinli, A., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B.(2008). Deneyimsel Ogrenmenin Isletme Egitimindeki Yeri ve Egitim Oyunlarinin Rolu. Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi Yayini no: 024. Gunay – March 2015 5 Atabay, G. & Gunay, G. (2007). Perceptions of change regarding nursing applications: A longitudinal study. Review of Social, Economic & Business Studies, 7/8, 45-57. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G & Gunay, G. (2006). Congruence of family and organizational values in relation to organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Human Values, 12(1), 81-89. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Niranjan, S., Bilhan, A.G., Pareek, A., Gunay, G. & Cheung, Y.H. (2011). Cultural value orientation: Measurement invariance in a multi-country sample. Southern Management Association 2011 Meeting, Savannah, USA. Gunay, G., Yurt, O. & Misci, S. (2009). Value creation through inventive templates. Ankara University International Conference on Market, Marketing & Entrepreneurship: Creating & Capturing Value in the 21st Century, Antalya, Turkey. Gunay, G., Sevil, B. & Guneri, B. (2008). The impact of organizational cultural congruence on strategic outsourcing in healthcare industry: A conceptual model. 4th International Strategic Management Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia. Gunay, G. & Yumurtaci, O.I. (2008). Academic entrepreneurship: The role of the university and the researcher. 4th International Strategic Management Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia. Ozer, P.S., Gunay, G. & Basbakkal, Z. (2007). The moderating effect of justice sensitivity on organizational justice-job satisfaction relationship in a health care setting. International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, Cesme, Turkey. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2007). Girisimci universite kavrami ve bir uygulama ornegi: Embryoniks Ltd. Şti. 6. Uluslararasi Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yonetim Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkey. Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2007). The roles of education for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in a country: Turkey case. 3rd International Strategic Management Conference, Antalya, Turkey. Gunay – March 2015 6 Katrinli, A., Topsever, Y., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Guneri, B. & Kaya, A.G. (2005). Role conflict in relation with congruency of family and organizational values. International Management Development Association 14th Annual World Business Congress, Granada, Spain. Katrinli, A., Topsever, Y., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Kaya, A.G. & Guneri, B. (2005). Importance-performance analysis applied to shopping centers as attractions for tourism. International Management Development Association 14th Annual World Business Congress, Granada, Spain. Katrinli, A., Topsever, Y., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Guneri, B. & Kaya, A.G. (2005). Perceptions of individuals about a new currency unit: The Turkish case. 14th Annual Meeting of Global Awareness Society International, Rome, Italy. Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Halil, B. (2004). Evaluation of perceptions of change regarding nursing applications. The 9th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values Congress, New Orleans, USA. Katrinli, A., Kesken, J., Atabay, G. & Gunay, G. (2004). History that embraces diversity. The 9th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values Congress, New Orleans, USA. Katrinli A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Ozyigit. M. (2004). Problem – based learning evaluated in comparison with another education system based on work values. 15th Annual Meeting of Global Awareness Society International, Moscow, Russia. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G. & Gunay, G. (2002). The fit between family values and organizational values and its effects on organizational citizenship behavior. The 8th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values Congress, Warsaw, Poland. Gunay – March 2015 7 Katrinli, A., Atabay, G. & Gunay, G. (2002). Perceptions of social responsibility in case of Turkish universities. 11th Annual Meeting of Global Awareness Society International, Vancouver, Canada. Gunay, G. & Kobal, M. (2002). Social Responsibility Status of Media in Protecting Consumer Rights. 11th Annual Meeting of Global Awareness Society International, Vancouver, Canada. PRESENTATIONS Uygur, D., Kahraman, E.B. & Gunay, G. (2014). Empowering Women through Social Entrepreneurship with Innovative Business Models. Diana International Research Conference 2014, June 14-17, 2014. Stockholm. Katrinli, A., Gunay, G. & Teraman, B.S.S. (2013). Girişimci Bilişi Kapsamında Duygulanım ve Yaratıcılık, 21. Ulusal Yonetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Kütahya, Turkey. Katrinli, A., Gunay, G. & Zaptcioglu, D. (2013). Etik Liderliğin Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İş Doyumu ile İlişkisinde Makyavelizm Yöneliminin Düzenleyici Rolü, 21. Ulusal Yonetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Kütahya, Turkey. Gunay, G., Teraman, B.S.S. & Katrinli, A. (2013). Affect and Creativity in the Context of Entrepreneurial Cognition, European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2013 Conference, Istanbul. Gunay, G., Zaptcioglu, D. & Katrinli, A. (2013). Ethical Leadership and the Machiavellian Orientation of Followers, International Network of Business and Management Journals 2013 Conference, Portugal. Gunay, G., Teraman, B.S.S. & Katrinli, A. (2013). Affect and Creativity in the Context of Entrepreneurial Cognition, International Network of Business and Management Journals 2013 Conference, Portugal. Gunay – March 2015 8 Gupta, V. K., Goktan, A. B., & Gunay, G. (2012). Influence of gender stereotype threat on men and women's evaluation of new business opportunity. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Fort Worth, TX, USA. Gupta, V. K., Goktan, A. B., & Gunay, G. (2012). Stereotype threat effects on evaluation of new business opportunity by men and women: Evidence from Turkey. Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Cangarli, B.G. (2011) Orgutsel politika algisi ve is doyumu iliskisi uzerinde Makyavelizm’in duzenleyici rolu. 19. Ulusal Yonetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Canakkale, Turkey. Gunay, G. & Dalkilic, O.S. (2011). Meslek etigine sosyo-psikolojik yaklasim. 3. Turkiye Muhasebe Etik Kongresi, Hatay, Turkey. Biresselioglu, M.E. & Gunay, G. (2011). The role of renewable sources in Turkish energy sector: Impact on new ventures. Second International Entrepreneurship Congress, Izmir, Turkey. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2010). Orgutsel politika algisinin dagitimsal adalet, lider uye etkilesimi ve is doyumu iliskisindeki duzenleyici rolu. 18. Ulusal Yonetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Adana, Turkey. Gupta, V.K., B. Goktan, Niranjan, S., Gunay, G. Cheung, Y.H. & Pareek, A. (2010). Testing for measurement invariance in cultural value orientation: A multi-country comparison. Academy Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2010). Perceived effectiveness of bullying behaviors as organizational political tactics. 23rd Annual Conference of the International Association of Conflict Management, Boston, USA. (Posted on Social Science Research Network) Gupta, V. K., Goktan, A. B., Cheung, Y. H., Pareek, A., & Gunay, G. (2009). The relationship between culture and entrepreneurial orientation at the individual level. Singapore Management University Entrepreneurship Conference, Singapore. Gunay – March 2015 9 Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Cangarli, B.G. (2009). Lider uye arasindaki etkilesimin psikolojik sozlesme ihlali ile orgutsel vatandaslik iliskisi uzerindeki duzenleyici rolu. 17. Ulusal Yonetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Eskisehir, Turkey. Ozer, P., Gunay, G. & Basbakkal, Z. (2008). The moderating effect of justice sensitivity on organizational justice-job satisfaction relationship in a health care setting. Presented at the Invited Symposium on Justice Sensitivity at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2008). Leader member exchange, organizational identification and the mediating role of job involvement for nurses. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2008). Yildirma davranıslarinin politik taktikler olarak degerlendirilmesine iliskin bir arastirma. 16. Ulusal Yonetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Guneri, B. (2007). Service quality in health care: a challenge for both public and private hospitals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G. & Gunay, G. (2006). A historical view of diversity management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA. Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Halil, B. (2005). Perceptions of change regarding nursing applications: A longitudinal study. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G. & Ozyigit, M. (2003). Effect of undergraduate education in the formation of work values in Turkey. 11th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Lisbon, Portugal. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Fall 2013 Strategic Management (Online), MBA Course, Istanbul Bilgi University Gunay – March 2015 10 Fall 2013 Strategy, MBA Course, Istanbul Bilgi University Fall 2013 Management Communication, Undergraduate Course for Sophomore Business Students, Istanbul Bilgi University Spring 2013 Business Policy, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business and International Trade Students, Istanbul Aydin University Fall 2012 Negotiation Techniques, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business and International Trade Students, Istanbul Aydin University Summer 2011 International Negotiation, Intensive MBA Course Tsukuba University, Tokyo, Japan. (over polycom) Spring 2011 Negotiation, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.69/5 ) Spring 2011 Creativity and Innovation, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.69/5) Fall 2007-2011 Corporate Strategy, PhD Course, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 5/5) Fall 2005-2011 Fundamentals of Business, Undergraduate Course for Freshman Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.46/5) Spring 2005-2009 Organizational Behavior, Undergraduate Course for Junior Public Relations and Advertising Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.75/5) Fall 2004, 2007, 2009 Organizational Behavior, Undergraduate Course for Junior Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.45/5) Spring 2005-2008 Introduction to Management, Undergraduate Course for Freshman Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.4/5) Spring 2008 Business Policy, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.66/5) Fall 2006-2008 Managerial and Organizational Development, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business Students, Izmir University of Economics (Instructor evaluation: 4.27/5) Summer 2006-2007 Current Issues in Management, Undergraduate Course for Senior Business Students, Izmir University of Economics Fall 2004 Gunay – March 2015 Strategic Management, MBA Course, Izmir University of Economics 11 Fall 2004 Fundamentals of Management, MBA Course, Izmir University of Economics CONSULTANCY PROJECTS “Assessing Service Quality and Related Training Needs at ESHOT (Izmir Municipality Transportation Authority)” Project Team Member, 2011. “Strategic Tourism Plan for Karsiyaka Municipality” Project Team Member, 2008. “A.R.T.E.M.I.S -Achieving Reinforcement in Training of Employees and Managing Innovation in South – Eastern Europe” Project Team Member, Funded by the European Union, 2007. “Strategic Plan for Odemis Municipality” Project Team Member, 2007. “Brand Images of the Universities in Izmir” Project Team Member, Funded by the Izmir University of Economics, 2006. “Importance-Performance Analysis Applied to Shopping Centers in Izmir” Project Team Member, Funded by the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, 2005. “Perceptions of Individuals about a New Currency Unit: The Turkish Case” Project Team Member, Funded by the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, 2004. “Expectations of Companies Regarding the Turkish Economy in the Aegean Region” Project Team Member, Funded by the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, 2003. UNIVERSITY SERVICE Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey Member, Erasmus Budget Aduiting Committee, 2012-2013. Member, Board of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2012-2013. Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Member, Ph.D. Admissions Committee, Department of Business Administration, 2010-2011. Coordinator, Ph.D. Program, Department of Business Administration, 2010-2011. Member, Transfer Students Admission Committee, 2008-2011. Member, International Students Admission Committee, 2008-2011. Member, Board of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2008-2010. Gunay – March 2015 12 Member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2008-2009. Member, Board of Directors of the Continuing Education Center, 2005-2008. Coordinator, Major and Minor Programs, Department of Business Administration, 2005-2008. Member, Reorganization Project Committee, 2006. Member, Committee for Launching the Following Academic Units and Programs: o Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship o Embryonix Incubator Unit o Center for African Studies o American Corner o Retail Management Minor Program (in collaboration with Tesco-Kipa) o Erasmus Program o Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology o Faculty of Computer Sciences o Department of International Trade and Finance o Graduate Programs: Ph.D. in Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of Sports Management, Master of Management Science and Engineering PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND AFFILIATIONS Ad-Hoc Reviewing for Journals and Conferences: Journal of Business Economics and Management Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Journal of Nursing Management Academy of Management Annual Meetings European Academy of Management Annual Meetings Conference organizing: Second International Entrepreneurship Conference, April 27-29, 2011. International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, November 11-12, 2010. First International Entrepreneurship Conference, October 14-16, 2009. Gunay – March 2015 13 Seminar Series on Current Issues by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2008-2009. 2nd Biannual International Women Studies Conference, June 12-14, 2008. 1st Biannual International Women Studies Conference, June 21-23, 2006. Professional membership: Academy of Management European Academy of Management MEDIA COVERAGE “Akademik Performansı Ölçmek Mümkün Mü?” (with Metin Ger, Hasan Saygın), Milliyet, Düşünenlerin Düşüncesi, 18.05.2013. “Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçilik Endeksi ile Hayatımıza Giren Girişimci Üniversite Kavramı” (with Alev Katrinli), March 2013, IAU Business Review. “Is entrepreneurial cognition culturally bound? A comparative study conducted in Turkey and the United States” (with Banu Goktan) cited by ASOMEDYA- Dosya, September-October 2012 issue, published by Ankara Chamber of Industry. “Innovativeness: Is it a function of the leadership style and the value system of the entrepreneur?” (with Alev Katrinli, Gulem Atabay, Burcu Guneri) cited by Yeni Asır Newspaper on 22.08.2009. “Ekonominin Kodları” Televizyon Programı (TV Program on Economics), Yeni Asır TV, May-September, 2008. (with Halit Soydan as the moderator). Gunay – March 2015 14
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