Document 157698

The Oaks Veterinary Clinic
14202 Benns Church Blvd
Smithfield, VA 23430, 757-357-2324
February 2013
The Importance Of Dental Care For Dogs &
February is here, and that
means it's National Pet Dental
health Month. It can be easy to
overlook your pet’s oral health
on a day-to-day basis. This
campaign is a great reminder to
take care of your pet’s teeth
now and all year round.
Oral hygiene is an essential
part of caring for your pet. Bad
breath (halitosis) is a sign of an
oral problem. Plaque and tartar
buildup can lead to serious oral
problems such as periodontal
disease. Dental problems cause
oral pain and can lead to loss of
appetite, weight loss, and systemic diseases.
Prevention is the cornerstone
of dental health. Many dogs or
cats may need a professional
cleaning every year or two, but
daily home care might lead to
less frequent professional
cleanings. February is a great
Dogs start out with 28 decidutime to visit your vet for an oral ous (baby) teeth, cats start out
exam and
with 26 deciducleaning. Howous teeth. By six
ever, regardless
months of age,
of the month,
these baby teeth
remember to
fall out and are
keep those
replaced by perpearly whites
manent teeth, 42
in the dog and 30
Bad breath in
in the cat.
pets, particuWill I find the
Plaque and tartar buildup deciduous
larly dogs, is
can lead to serious oral
often joked
teeth, and what
such as perioabout, but it is
happens when
dontal disease.
not a laughing
they don't fall
matter. Dental
out on their
disease affects up to 80% of
pets over the age of three, and
You may or may not find the
just like humans, there can be
teeth as they fall out. As dogs
serious consequences of poor
play and chew on toys, you
dental health.
might see a tooth. Likewise, as
a cat grooms, you may find a
How many teeth do dogs
tooth in the fur. (cont. pg 2)
and cats have, anyway?
Therapeutic Laser
Advanced Pain Relief
and Faster Healing
for your Dog or Cat!
The Oaks Veterinary Clinic is
pleased to offer Laser Therapy
treatments for your pet. This is a
“cold” or low-level
laser therapy that
directs an intense
beam of light into
tissue, to treat tissue
injury without damaging it. It induces a
biological response in the cells
which leads to reduced pain,
inflammation, increased joint
mobility, and increased speed of
healing. Most treatments only
take a matter of minutes. It is a
noninvasive, painless and sideeffect free treatment for your dog
or cat. It does not
require your pet to
be sedated.
We use the therapeutic laser to
treat a variety of
injuries and illnesses your pet might be experi-
encing. It can also increase your
pet’s joint flexibility and relieve
any joint pain your dog or cat
might feel, especially in senior
pets. Treatment protocols are
unique to each patient and condition, varying in time, complexity
and costs. Laser therapy can also
be used to enhance other treatment plans recommended by
your attending veterinarian.
Please call us to schedule a consultation if you feel your dog or
cat could benefit from this wonderful new treatment.
February is National Pet
Dental Month
Every Wednesday Emergency
Responders 5%
20th &
Valentines Day
Senior Citizens
& Military 5%
Discount week
Join Our Referral
Tell your
friends, coworker, or neighbors about
The Oaks Veterinary Clinic
and you could receive a
$10.00 credit. They must be
a new client to our clinic
and bring their pet in for an
exam. When they come in
we will ask them to fill out
a client information form.
On this form they will
asked who referred them.
Tell them to write your
name down as person who
referred them. That’s all
you have to do to receive
the credit. There is no
limit. So spread the news
and take advantage of this
The Importance Of Dental Care For Dogs & Cats (cont.)
If the deciduous teeth don't fall out and the
permanent teeth erupt under them, this can
lead to problems, such as increased tartar
formation, malocclusion problems, and
gingival (gum) irritation.
When should dental care start with my
The earlier the better. With the help of your
Veterinarian, be on the lookout for retained
deciduous teeth and malocclusion (bad
bite) problems. Your Veterinarian can
teach you how to care for your pet's teeth
and gums early on.
How can I tell if my pet has a dental
Bad breath is often a first
indicator of dental disease. Gently lift the lips
and check for tartar, inflamed gums, or missing/broken teeth. Cats
may exhibit increased
drooling. Both cats and
dogs can exhibit reluctance to eat or play with
toys, "chattering" of the
teeth when trying to eat, lethargy, bleeding
gums, eroded teeth, and failing to groom
(cats). Dental disease progresses in stages - if caught early, you can prevent further
damage and save as many teeth as possible.
How is the rest of the body affected by
bad teeth?
Infected gums and teeth aren't just a problem in the mouth -- the heart, kidneys, in-
Specials for
February 2013
Bring your dog or cat in for a
free dental exam
$50.00 off dental cleaning with
Free bag of Healthy Advantage
or TD Hills Science Diet with
dental cleaning
$2.00 off C.E.T. HEXtra Premium Chews for dogs, toothpaste or toothbrush kit.
Page 2
testinal tract, and joints may also be infected. The tartar and any infected areas of
the mouth contain a multitude of bacteria
than can 'seed' to other parts of the body.
With regular dental care, you can prevent
some of these more serious side effects.
Where should I start?
With a new puppy or kitten, talk to your
Veterinarian at the vaccination appointments on how to initiate a good dental care
program at home. Most Veterinarians are
happy to provide brushing lessons, and
many carry brushes and toothpaste specifically for dogs and cats. (NOTE: do not use
human toothpaste on your pet!)
If your pet is
an adult over
3 years of age,
it would be
wise to schedule a dental
check up with
your Veterinarian. If a
dental cleaning is necessary, it is advisable to do preanesthesia blood work to make sure your
pet does not have any underlying problems.
My pet needs a dental cleaning -- what is
involved with that?
As mentioned above, pre-dental blood
work is recommended. This is a check on
the overall health of the pet to make sure
that liver, kidneys, and blood counts are
$50.00 off a
Cleaning for
your pet.
May not be combined with any other
discounts. Requires an appointment.
Please call
757-357-2324 to
schedule your pets
dental cleaning. No
cash value. Offer
expires on February
28, 2013.
within normal ranges and to reduce any
risks possible prior to the anesthesia. Many
pets with bad teeth will be put on an antibiotic a few days prior to the dental to calm
the infection and reduce possibility of complications.
Your pet will be fasted from the evening
before for the anesthesia. The dental itself
is similar to a human dental cleaning - tartar removal, checking for cavities, gingival
(gum) pockets, loose teeth, any growths on
the gums or palate, removal of diseased
teeth, and finally, polishing. The polishing
is to smooth the tooth after tartar removal,
as the tartar pits the tooth. A smooth tooth
will not encourage tartar formation as easily as a roughened tooth.
With good dental care, your pet can enjoy a
long and healthy life.
By Janet Tobiassen Crosby, DVM, Guide.
$2.00 off
any Size
C.E.T. HEXtra premium Chews for dogs,
toothpaste, or
toothbrush kits.
May not be combined with other discounts
or coupons. No cash value. Offer expires
on February 28,2013.
“ A H A P P Y M OU T H M E A N S H A P P Y T A I L S ”