Discover Secrets On How To Grow Longer & Thicker Eyelashes Naturally”

“Discover Secrets On How To Grow
Longer & Thicker Eyelashes Naturally”
By Shimarz
1) How to Get Longer Eyelashes Naturally
2) Natural Ways to Make Eyelashes Grow
3) Home Remedies to Grow Long Eyelashes
4) How to Naturally Thicken My Eyelashes
5) Eyelash Growth Cycle
6) Will Certain Vitamins Make Your Eyelashes Grow?
7) How to Grow Back Eyelashes Faster
8) Can Certain Nutrients Prevent Eyelash Loss?
How to Get Longer Eyelashes Naturally
Long lashes increase the contrast between
your eyes the rest of your face, giving your peepers an alluring appearance. To
whip those lashes into pin-up shape, though, you have to develop a simple
eyelash regimen. Chemical-heavy makeup products offer a quick fix, whereas
going au natural takes a little more time. However, your results won't wash off
in the sink -- they'll last as long as you maintain your healthy habits, and they'll
only get better over time.
Step 1
Curl your lashes by clamping and pressing the roots for a few seconds, then
moving out to the mid-lash and holding for a few more. Finally, clamp the very
tip of your lashes and hold once again. Practice this curling routine every day
to dramatize your lashes naturally.
Step 2
Comb your lashes daily after your curling regimen, gently starting from the
root and going to the tip. This practice, which only takes about 5 to 10 seconds
per eye, lends your lashes a longer, less-clumpy look with the use of chemicals.
Step 3
Create a natural eyelash serum by combining equal parts castor oil and sweet
almond oil. Squeeze in the liquid of a vitamin E gel capsule and mix thoroughly.
Dip a clean mascara wand into the serum and apply a single, very light coat to
your eyelashes, brushing from root to tip. L'Oreal Luxe makeup designer
Michelle Phan recommends applying this solution nightly to bolster your
lashes' vitamin E, antioxidant and Omega 6 content, making for healthier and
smoother lashes with stronger growth.
Step 4
Always be gentle around your eyes. Roughly rubbing or scrubbing the delicate
skin around your eyes, or trying to remove makeup with excess force causes
you to break or lose lashes. Nurture your lashes over time for the most
luxuriously long results.
Step 5
Including foods such as walnuts, lean red meat, dark green vegetables, sweet
potatoes, legumes, and fruits in your diet can help hair growth and strength.
For healthier, fuller lashes, focus on eating well and hydrating often.
Do not tug at your eyelashes. Harsh treatment is a sure way to lose them.
To extend your lashes with makeup yet right by nature, turn to an all-natural
volumizing mascara. Apply it with the included wand from the root to the tip,
using a gentle wiggling motion as you cover the lash. Repeat the process with
just the brush -- no need to re-dip -- to give your lashes a little extra oomph.
Natural Ways to Make Eyelashes Grow
Like the hair on your head, eyelashes
follow a growth rate pattern. If your eyelashes fall out or are damaged by
mascara, plucking or dyeing, you have to wait for them to regrow. While the
length and health of your eyelashes is determined by genetics, there are
certain natural ways to make your eyelashes grow.
Vitamin H (Biotin)
Vitamin H (Biotin) promotes faster hair growth and helps strengthen hair.
Vitamin H is a B-complex vitamin that is found in numerous cosmetic products,
as well as certain foods. This water-soluble vitamin is found in sardines,
pecans, almonds, brewer's yeast, bananas and whole grains. Additionally, it
can be found in egg yolk; however, raw egg whites contain Avidin, a protein
that prohibits vitamin H absorption.
Vitamins C and E, two antioxidant vitamins, are important for normal hair
growth and development. Without vitamin C, your hair can become dry and
split. Additionally, vitamin C can block damage to hair from free radicals so it
stays healthier and it helps healing and repair. Vitamin E increases scalp
circulation for a healthy scalp. These vitamins are found in citrus fruits,
avocados and leafy green vegetables.
Olive Oil
Dab a small amount of olive or castor oil on your eyelids at the base of your
eyelashes every night to encourage longer, thicker lashes. You should start to
see signs of new hair growth after a month or two. The new hair growth will be
healthier and stronger than previous hair growth. If nothing else, olive oil acts
as a conditioner to improve the health of your eyelashes.
Emu Oil
Emu oil conditions eyelashes and stimulates longer, thicker lash growth. Use a
cotton ball or Q-tip to dab a small amount of the oil onto your eyelashes to
condition the hair and stimulate new hair growth.
This alternative treatment works in much the same way as olive oil and castor
oil. Dab a bit of it on the base of your eyelashes each night before going to bed.
You can wash it off after 15 minutes if you prefer. You may see new hair
growth after a few weeks.
Eating a healthy diet rich in protein and vitamins helps eyelash hair grow. Good
foods to help your eyelashes grow include fish, eggs, beans and yogurt. Soy
protein is also beneficial for simulating eyelash growth.
Home Remedies to Grow Long Eyelashes
Eyelashes not only protect your eyes, they flatter
and enhance their appearance. Although heredity may dictate the ultimate
length of your eyelashes, you can take steps to protect and condition the
lashes you have.
Many women use home remedies to try to achieve long, sweeping eyelashes.
Apply a small amount to the inside of your wrist 24 hours before using any
home remedy to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients, and
be careful not to get any of the substances into your eyes.
Petroleum Jelly
This inexpensive product, which has emollient and protective effects, is a
mainstay of home remedies to increase eyelash length. First remove any
eyeliner, eye shadow or mascara with a cotton ball, then apply petroleum jelly
with a new mascara wand, or one that you have first cleaned well to remove
any trace of the original product. recommends sleeping with
the petroleum jelly on your eyelashes, but washing it off in the morning before
you go about your day. For best results, repeat the treatment three times a
Green Tea
Natural Home Remedies recommends applying cool, unsweetened green tea
to your lashes with a cotton ball to take advantage of green tea beneficial
properties. According to Whole Foods, green tea is rich in flavonoids, including
epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has potent antioxidant and health-supportive
effects. As with all home remedies for eyelash growth, take care not to get the
liquid into your eye, and rinse well with cool water if you do.
Olive Oil
From comes the suggestion of using olive oil to help protect,
condition and lengthen eyelashes. Apply at bedtime with a clean mascara
brush. Keep the oil on overnight, then remove it in the morning with a gentle
eye makeup remover; according to iloveindia, the olive oil can attract dirt and
dust to your lashes.
Brushing and Caring For Eyelashes
To stimulate growth and promote healthy lashes, YGOY advises using a
commercial professional eyelash brush to groom lashes twice a day. As with
brushing your hair, this can help distribute natural oils along the length of your
lashes. To avoid stress on your lashes and eye area, always remove eye
makeup before going to bed. Good Evening World also cautions against
wearing mascara for prolonged periods of time.
Lemon Olive Oil
Natural Home Remedies suggests enhancing the healthful properties of olive
oil by soaking a lemon peel in a jar of oil for several days, then carefully
applying the mixture to your lashes. Lemon is a mild natural antiseptic and
antimicrobial agent, and may help promote healthier lashes.
Proper Diet
You can enrich your diet to make sure you are getting the right nutrients and
vitamins to promote eyelash growth. Eyelashes are made of keratin, a type of
protein, and can benefit from a diet that includes high-protein foods like meat,
fish, chicken, soy and tofu. Vitamin A, essential to lash growth, is found in eggs,
fish oil, and red, yellow and orange fruits, while citrus fruits, potatoes and
tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. Calcium, also essential for
lashes, is found in milk, as well as in dark green leafy vegetables.
Eyelid Massage
Massaging your eyelids gently can increase blood flow and may stimulate
growth of lashes, according to Grow Eyelashes. After washing your hands well,
use the pads of your fingers to massage along your lids and lash line.
How to Naturally Thicken My Eyelashes
You can achieve naturally thick eyelashes safely and
inexpensively without even leaving your house. The ingredients for naturally
thick and longer eyelashes are right inside your medicine cabinet -- or at your
nearest health food store. Add these steps to your daily beauty regimen and in
weeks you may be able to toss your mascara and fake eyelashes for good.
Whatever the outcome, your lashes will definitely be in better shape than they
were before.
Step 1
Practice regular grooming of your lashes as you do your hair. Brush your lashes
twice a day using an eyelash brush or comb. You can also use a clean mascara
brush if you don't have an eyelash brush. Add a few drops of vitamin E oil to
the brush, or apply directly onto the lashes. Vitamin E oil helps prevent lashes
from shedding. Daily brushing stimulates lash growth and makes your lashes
look softer and thicker.
Step 2
Apply olive oil to your lashes. Olive oil is widely used to strengthen hair and
stimulate hair growth. Apply a few drops on a cotton ball and dab on
eyelashes. Leave it on for five minutes, then rinse off with tepid water. Do this
for four weeks or until you get desired results.
Step 3
Vaseline stimulates hair and lash growth. Apply to your lashes before going to
bed at night and rinse off with warm water in the morning. Vaseline is a good
substitute if you don't have vitamin E on hand for your nightly lash-brushing
ritual. Just add it to your lash brush and brush through your lashes.
Step 4
Make sure your daily supplements include vitamins that promote lash growth
and strength, such as vitamins B, D and E. These vitamins keep the eyelashes
strong enough to withstand the wear and tear that comes with the daily use of
mascara or eyelash curlers. These vitamins also promote hair growth.
Step 5
Remove all traces of eye makeup from the eye area, especially your lashes. Any
good eye makeup remover, or even cold cream, will do the trick. Avoid roughly
tugging or rubbing when you remove our eye makeup to protect your lashes as
well as the sensitive skin around the eye.
Eyelash Growth Cycle
Long, thick eyelashes are touted as one of
the most desirable features a person can have. Thousands of products are sold
to enhance the look of lashes, from mascara to lash conditioner to lash
extensions. So, when you wake up in the morning and notice an eyelash or two
that have fallen out and are resting on your cheeks, it can be a little unsettling.
But it's important to understand that this is normal process, because like every
other hair on your body, eyelashes are perpetually moving through a natural
growth cycle.
Eyelash Function
Eyelashes aren't just a pretty feature on the body; they have a very specific and
important function. Eyelashes are designed to prevent objects from getting in
the eyes. Each eyelash is actually a sensory hair that reflexively shuts the eyelid
whenever it is touched by dirt, dust or anything else that could possibly get in
the eye. The upper lid typically has about 90 to 150 lashes on it, while the
bottom has between 70 and 80 lashes. Most eyelashes grow to be about 10
mm long (just over 3/8 inch).
Eyelash and Hair Growth
Although it may not seem like it, hair growth is a present function of the body.
Every hair on your body follows a specific growth cycle and will grow to a
specific length. Hair follows a three-phase growth cycle and eventually falls
out, which is typically nothing to worry about. In fact, body hair, including
eyelashes, completely replaces itself every few years.
nagen (Growth) Phase
The anagen phase is also called the growth phase. This is the phase when
lashes are actively growing, and it lasts between 30 and 45 days. Only about 40
percent of the upper lashes and 15 percent of the lower lashes are in the
anagen phase at any one time. Each lash will grow to a specific length and then
Catagen (Transition) Phase
The catagen phase is also known as the transition phase. During this phase, the
lash stops growing and the hair follicle shrinks. If an eyelash falls out or is
plucked out during this phase, it won't grow back right away because the
follicle needs to complete the catagen phase before it can move on to the next
one. This phase lasts between two and three weeks.
Telogen (Resting) Phase
The telogen phase is also referred to as the resting phase. This phase can last
more than 100 days before the eyelash falls out and a new one begins to grow.
Because each individual lash is in its own phase of the growing cycle, it's
normal for a few lashes to fall out most days. It typically takes between four
and eight weeks to fully replace an eyelash.
Will Certain Vitamins Make Your Eyelashes Grow?
Your eyelashes have a relatively short growth
cycle, lasting for approximately 30 to 45 days, according to Dr. Beth Ann
Ditkoff, author of "Why Don't Your Eyelashes Grow? Curious Questions Kids
Ask About the Human Body." Toxins, allergic reactions, eye infections, a
thyroid problem, constant eye rubbing, sun radiation, medical conditions and
certain medications can contribute to eyelash breakage and prevent eyelash
growth. The rate that your eyelashes grow is predetermined by genetics, but
certain nutrients might support eyelash growth.
Vitamin B-3
Vitamin B-3, also known as niacin, stimulates eyelash growth, eliminates dry
and brittle eyelashes, improves blood flow to your hair follicles, aids in cellular
reproduction, prevents your eyelashes from falling out and helps your body
metabolize keratin, a protein that supports hair growth, according to Abram
Hoffer, author of "Feel Better, Live Longer with Vitamin B-3." Foods rich in
vitamin B-3 include beef liver, salmon, tilapia, tuna, sunflower seeds, peanuts,
mushrooms and asparagus.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens your immune system and protects
your eyelashes from infections, toxins and diseases that can inhibit hair
growth, according to Charles Alan Blake Clemetson, author of "Vitamin C."
Clemetson adds that vitamin C hydrates your eyelashes, accelerates the
healing process, decreases hair follicle inflammation, repairs hair follicle
damage, aids in collagen production and lowers your risk of eyelash breakage.
Foods rich in vitamin C include cranberries, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, pineapples, oranges, tomatoes, grapefruits, kale and strawberries.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that improves immune system function and
protects your hair follicles from damaging free-radicals that can prevent your
eyelashes from growing, according to Steve Blake, author of "Vitamins and
Minerals Demystified." Blake adds that vitamin E transports blood and oxygen
to your hair follicles, reduces hair follicle inflammation, encourages hair
growth, eliminates dry and brittle eyelashes, repairs damaged hair follicles,
aids in cellular reproduction and lowers your risk of eyelash breakage. Foods
rich in vitamin E include almonds, hazelnuts, kale, spinach, sunflower seeds,
safflower oil, blueberries, peanut butter and avocados.
Vitamin H
Vitamin H, also known as biotin, encourages eyelash growth, increases blood
flow to your hair follicles, thickens your eyelashes, prevents your eyelashes
from drying and falling out, improves the condition of your eyes and eyelashes,
and helps your body absorb nutrients such as fats, amino acids and
carbohydrates, which are needed to stimulate and maintain healthy eyelashes,
according to Alan Pressman, author of "Pocket Idiot's Guide to Vitamins."
Foods rich in vitamin H include soybeans, bananas, mushrooms, sardines, eggs,
walnuts, beans, black-eyed peas and nut butters.
Calcium is a mineral that aids in eyelash growth, helps lengthen your
eyelashes, prevents eyelash breakage and lowers your risk of hair loss caused
by hypothyroidism, a condition that occurs when your thyroid gland no longer
produces enough hormones to regulate your body's metabolic rate and blood
calcium levels, according to Dr. Michael Zimmermann, author of "Burgerstein's
Handbook of Nutrition: Micronutrients in the Prevention and Therapy of
Disease." Foods rich in calcium include yogurt, cheese, milk, almonds, peas,
okra, collard greens, salmon, tofu and sardines.
How to Grow Back Eyelashes Faster
Thin and sparse eyelashes can draw
attention away from your gorgeous eyes. Luckily, topical treatments and good
lifestyle choices can help your eyelashes grow back faster and fuller. In the
meantime, you can use mascara to enhance the appearance of your lashes. If
you have lost your eyelashes unexpectedly, you should speak to your doctor.
Certain medical conditions and drugs can cause sudden hair loss. The
underlying problem may have to be treated before normal eyelash growth can
Step 1
Eat a well-balanced diet. Your nutritional needs should be met to ensure
healthy hair growth on all areas of your body. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits,
whole grains and lean proteins.
Step 2
Take a daily multivitamin supplement. If you are not receiving enough
nutrients for proper hair growth from food sources, take a daily multivitamin.
Step 3
Try an over-the-counter conditioning treatment. Products like RevitaLash or
LiLash contain a mixture of ingredients used to speed up how quickly your
lashes grow. Each night, apply the conditioner to the base of the lashes. You
may need to wait several weeks to months until you notice fuller and longer
Step 4
Swap out regular mascara for one with a lash conditioner. Look for new
generation mascaras that contain a special lipid complex or lash conditioners
that promote lash growth while you're wearing it.
What Veggies Cause Eyelash Growth?
Eyelash growth can occur from eating foods rich
in nutrients known for encouraging hair growth. Nutrients such as vitamins E, B
complex and C increase blood circulation throughout your body and stimulate
hair follicles, according to Holistic Online. Iron, an essential mineral, also plays
an essential role in eyelash growth. Eating a well-balanced diet with foods from
all food groups is the best way to improve your eyelash and hair growth.
Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse that can help your eyelash growth in a
variety of ways. Spinach, classified as a dark green leafy vegetable, contains
rich amounts of iron. Iron is necessary for good hair health, according to If your diet lacks sufficient amounts of iron, hair growth is
hindered and hair loss can occur.
Eating a 1-cup serving of boiled spinach will provide you with 35 percent of
your daily nutritional requirements of iron, according to the World's Healthiest
Foods. Spinach provides an excellent source of the hair-healthy B-complex
nutrients of vitamins B2, or riboflavin, and B6, or pyridoxine. Eating 1 cup
boiled or 2 cups of fresh spinach will supply you with 26 and 22 percent,
respectively, of your daily nutritional requirements of these vitamins.
Spinach makes an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamins C and E. Vitamin
C helps with iron absorption, according to MyPyramid of the United States
Department of Agriculture. A 1-cup serving of boiled spinach supplies 29 and
19 percent, respectively, of the daily nutritional requirements for the nutrients.
Winter Squash
Varieties of winter squash can help your eyelash growth. These vegetables
contain rich amounts of vitamins A, C, E and the B complex vitamins, according
to Produce for Better Health Foundation. Excellent sources of these hairhealthy nutrients include autumn harvest gourds such as pumpkin, sweet
potatoes, butternut, spaghetti, Hubbard, banana, buttercup, carnival, delicata,
zucchini, autumn cup and yams.
Help your eyelash health by enjoying squash in soups, casseroles, stews or as
side dishes. Eat the entire squash, including the seeds, flesh and root. Squash
can be baked, boiled, grated, grilled and/or broiled. Winter squash can easily
be interchanged for pumpkin in recipes. When choosing fresh gourds, pick only
those with brightly colored, blemish-free skins, according to What's Cooking
Carrots contain large amounts of the antioxidant vitamin A and respectable
amounts of vitamin C, according to the Produce for Better Health Foundation.
A 1/2-cup serving of raw carrots will satisfy over 200 percent of your daily
nutritional requirements for this nutrient. The brighter the color, the higher
the nutrient content. The same serving size also provides a respectable 6
percent of your daily vitamin C allotment. Enjoy orange, red and/or yellow
carrots as part of your diet. If you do not like raw carrots, drinking carrot juice
or cooking your carrots will provide nutritional hair benefits.
Dark Greens
Dark greens contain numerous hair-healthy nutrients including vitamins C and
E. Vegetables falling into this category include lettuce varieties such as
romaine, butter and red leaf. Mustard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens,
kale, collards and bok choy will help your eyelash growth. Other vegetables
include broccoli, endive and watercress, according to MyPyramid of the United
States Department of Agriculture.
Can Certain Nutrients Prevent Eyelash Loss?
Eyelashes play an important role in the
health of your eyes. These fine hairs growing out of your eyelids protect the
eyes from dirt and dust, and serve as a warning system when something comes
too close to your eyes. In addition, they serve an ornamental function, framing
the eyes and contributing to your appearance. Losing your eyelashes can be
alarming, but there are nutrients you can take to help you avoid this.
While most people only need small amounts of biotin to meet their nutritional
needs, according to, you need biotin to form fatty acids and
glucose, both of which find use as energy for your body. This nutrient also
metabolizes amino acids and carbohydrates. When you experience a deficiency
in the biotin you require, it may result in hair loss, including the loss of your
Your physician may recommend biotin supplements, although you can also
modify your diet to eat foods with more biotin. MedlinePlus indicates that you
can find biotin in food rich in the B vitamins, including eggs, fish, lean beef,
white and sweet potatoes, broccoli, legumes, whole grain cereals and milk and
other dairy products. The recommended daily intake of biotin is 30 mcg daily
for both men and women.
Vitamin Bh
Vitamin Bh, also known as inositol and vitamin B-8, is one of the B complex
vitamins. This nutrient is required for forming cell membranes in your body, as
well as transporting fats, but is not considered a vital nutrient, according to the
Health Library website. The Vital Health Zone website notes that an inositol
deficiency may result in hair loss. While it's not common, certain groups of
people may find themselves at risk, including alcoholics, people who drink high
volumes of coffee, those on antibiotics and some other drugs, and people
under stress.
You may also experience an inositol deficiency if you have high blood pressure.
In addition to taking inositol supplements, the foods you can eat to increase
your inositol intake and decrease your risk of losing your eyelashes include
wheat germ, brewer's yeast, bananas, liver, brown rice, oat flakes, unrefined
molasses, nuts and raisins, according to the Vitamins and Health Supplements
Vitamin C
To protect your eyelashes from falling out, consider adding more vitamin C to
your diet. The University of Maryland Medical Center website notes that a
vitamin C deficiency may result in hair loss. It recommends taking 500 to 1,000
mg of vitamin C daily for its anti-oxidant properties to treat hair disorders.
The American Pregnancy Association indicates that if you experience hair loss
during pregnancy, supplementing your diet with vitamin C is safe to combat its
effects. KidsHealth from Nemours reports that you can eat a variety of foods to
get more vitamin C, including cantaloupe, sweet bell peppers, kiwi fruit,
cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, and oranges and other citrus fruits.
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