The Palgrave Star June 2015 THE PALGRAVE STAR The magazine of the Palgrave and District Community Council Registered Charity 269132 PDCC Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Bookings Secretary Alan Spoors Martin Dyer Emma Callaghan Heather Goddard Helen Thorburn (01379 651749) Susie Dyer (07554 945682) [email protected] Committee Members: Hugh Bunbury, Emma Callaghan, Susie Dyer, Diane Gibbons, John Gibbons, Di Grantham, Gill Heriz, Jan Hicks, John Kilgannon, Ted Ling, Lee Lockwood, Jane McClintock, Robert Moore, Jean Potter, Val Pudney, Pat Simms, Margaret Spoors. Applications for membership are always welcome. Application forms are available from Committee members, and at the Community Centre. If you would like to advertise in The Palgrave Star, or have material for publication, please contact Alan Spoors at [email protected]., or by ‘phone on 01379 650639. Please include your name and telephone number. Material will be included at the editor’s discretion. The deadline for the July edition is Saturday, 20th June 3 Palgrave Parish Council - May 2015 th Annual Parish Meeting 24 April Only 18 Electors attended (of over 700 on the Register). Their main concerns include speeding, surprise at restrictions on working hours for police community support officers and civilians, HGVs through the village, through traffic and the ‘Access Only’ road, delays with speeding signs, dirty and obscured road signs and untrimmed verges. Managed conversion of footway lighting to LED met with approval (when the present lights fail they will have to be converted). Annual Parish Council Meeting 14th May The newly-elected councillors met with the first order of business always being election of a chairman. Cllr Mike Bootman was re-elected for a second year with Cllr Val Pudney as vice chairman and also Financial Officer, a key post usually filled by the Clerk. Appointments - Michael Lockett was re-appointed and Ian McClintock appointed as representatives on the Palgrave Welfare Trust, Ted Ling retiring after many years. Cllrs Neil Weston and Wendy Cooper to be representatives on St John’s Liaison Group, Cllr Elaine Bootman will be representative on the PDCC while Cllr Mike Bootman continues on the Wind Turbine Working Party. Calendar of Meetings Confirmed for the year. Copies will be on notice boards and parish website. Grass Cutting The work was re-awarded to Mid Suffolk DC, having submitted competitive prices, and we have this year included regular strimming of the verge in front of the Cemetery and also 3 careful strims around the Pond in an attempt to contain the weeds while aiding the natural planting. Speeding In view of concerns expressed at the Annual Parish Meeting about the restricted hours operators of mobile camera vans and police community support officers are permitted to work, and with it being a year since the application to County Highways for the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS), we have asked local police to arrange for a roads policing-officer to identify sites suitable for hand-held radar. This will provide a legal opinion of those sites suitable for VAS as well as helping to decide whether ‘Community Speedwatch’ might be a more effective way of dealing with speeding. Through Traffic using the ‘Access Only’ Road In the light of concerns raised by the School in their Travel Plan, local police continue to monitor and advise drivers as and when duty permits whilst County Cllr Jessica Fleming is working with Highways on plans to (i) close it, (ii) lay speed humps or (iii) narrow the road, the local preference being for closure at the north end. Which do you prefer? Footway Lighting In the light (pun intended) of support at the Annual Parish Meeting, we agreed that County Highways should make a start on replacing these with LED fittings. The first lights to be changed are, for safety reasons, those that are too close to the electricity cables on the poles. There will be one (of two lights) changed on Crossing Rd, Lows Lane, Priory Rd, Upper Rose Lane and near Church Farm Close, with another in Lows Lane located close to the first either being removed or replaced. BT Telephone Box We have an opportunity to ‘adopt’ it for just £1, but it would be very good if you came up with plans for potential Community uses for it. Please send your ideas to Mike Bootman. A reminder of the ‘Cherish your Churchyard’ Work Day on morning of Saturday 30 th May ‘Lorrywatch’ Volunteers continue to observe and report HGVs going through the 7.5T restriction across The Green/Denmark Hill and Suffolk CC is following these through. We have also been asked to monitor HGV use of Crossing Road and Priory Road to support restrictions on these too. Next Meeting will be held on Thursday 25th June - 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Members of the public are always welcome to attend with 15 minutes set aside for any questions. The agenda is displayed 1 week in advance on the council’s notice board by Forge Close and the Palgrave website: where you will find much other useful information. In the absence of a Clerk please contact the Chairman: [email protected] or tel: 01379 640211 4 DAWN CHORUS WALK ON WORTHAM LING In the spirit of David Garnham's rambles a few years ago, a group of hardy folk, 16 strong, defied the clock to be on The Ling by 5.30a.m. on a glorious Sunday morning. The sun was just rising, dispelling an atmospheric mistiness hanging over the heath. The purpose was to discover the wildlife to be seen and heard whilst most people were still in bed, enjoying a gentle stroll and good company at the same time. We strolled round the Ling for a little over 2 hours, covering almost 3 miles at a very gentle pace, through heather and gorse, grassland and trees. Though of course we did not see as many different birds as we would have hoped (birdwatchers never do!), we either saw or heard some 37 species. The 'star' was a barn owl as we first arrived, sadly seen by very few, but more intriguing and difficult were the several warblers heard - the consensus being chiffchaff, willow warbler, blackcap, garden warbler and whitethroat. Mammals and insects were reluctant to appear (rabbits excepted), the former probably due to the more usual dog-walkers and the latter because it was too chilly for them at that hour! Wild flowers abounded - if only we knew what they all were! The finale was a welcome full English breakfast at the Community Centre, which really 'hit the spot'. Thanks to Helen Thorburn and friends for putting on a very much appreciated spread for us - a nice way to finish what, I think, was an enjoyable reintroduction to the PDCC's programme of events. Ian McClintock Every Friday from 10am - 11am In the community centre £6 per session Great fab dance workout, energising and exhilarating! Contact Jill on 01379 897055 or 07800639141 Email: [email protected] 5 Events at Redgrave and Lopham Fen, nr Bressingham, IP22 2HX June, July, and August 2015 Guided Fen Walks Saturdays - 4 July, 1 Aug 10.30am - 1pm Enjoy the sights and sounds of the Fen with enthusiast and naturalist John Hill. £3 Meet at the Education Centre, no booking required. Wildlife Watch Group Saturdays – 13 June, 11 July 10.30am – 12.30pm A club for 6 – 12yr olds, £2 Contact [email protected] or call 01379 688333 Summer Holiday Activities Family Events, £2.50 per person Wednesday 29 July, 10am-12noon and 2pm-4pm - Pond dipping Wednesday 5 August, 10am-12noon - Super furry animals Wednesday 12 August, 2pm-4pm - Awesome arachnids Wednesday 19 August, 2pm-4pm - Pictorial orienteering Tuesday 25 August, 10am-2pm - Fabulous flowers Wednesday 26 August, 2pm-4pm - Beetlemania Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential 01379 688333 Activity Days, £6 per child Tuesday 4 August, 10am-2pm - Wild art Tuesday 11 August, 10am-2pm - Bio challenge Tuesday 18 August, 10am-2pm - Wild fun and games Unaccompanied children only. Booking essential 01379 688333 Art Exhibition Sat 29, Sun 30 & Mon 31 August, 10am - 4pm Artwork by local artists inspired by nature. Free entry. Refreshments available. Adult Courses Botanical Illustration Saturday 1 August 10am – 3pm Illustration techniques with the emphasis on botanical accuracy, using summer plants. With botanical illustrator, Christine Grey-Wilson £25/£21.50 Booking essential 01473 890089 6 GARAGE SALES SUNDAY 17th MAY A sunny day, hurrah! Our Garage Sale day organised so brilliantly by Helen was a huge success. I know because I was there – were you? I was on duty at the Community Centre selling maps at 50p each and cups of tea and coffee, sausage rolls, cakes and cookies. People were waiting for us to arrive soon after 8.30 and the steady stream of shoppers went on for at least three hours before calming down a bit. We found that people had travelled from Ipswich, Long Stratton, Hemsby(!) as well as fromour neighbouring villages - and friends were greeting friends - it was a lovely atmosphere. We did lose count of how many people came into the Centre – but we were very pleased to hear a lot of them saying what a lovely Centre we have and what a lot goes on and how they wished their villages had a meeting-place like ours especially the newly refurbished Bar where they could sit with a cup of tea after their shopping. We heard that the village was alive with visitors and one householder counted 400 visitors through their gate – thank you to all of you who took part – this was really what village life should be. THANK YOU J and P SUNDAY 21st JUNE - AFTERNOON TEA PARTY We are planning an Afternoon Tea on Sunday 21st June at the Community Centre, 3pm – 5pm A proper tea-party with tablecloths and teapots and some special tea-party treats! We might even have ‘proper’ waitresses! Please book your place by phoning Pat (643629) or Margaret (650639) by Tuesday 16th June Only £6 per person (£5 for members of the PDCC) 7 PALGRAVE WALKING GROUP Our group, which now regularly attracts between 20 and 30 walkers, meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month leaving Palgrave Community Centre at 9.45 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join our friendly group but it is regretted that dogs cannot be allowed on our walks. Additionally Palgrave Walking Group, or its walk leaders, cannot be held liable for any injury sustained whilst on any walk they organise. Please contact Brian Beecroft on 01379 642208 or Sam and Eileen Turner on 01379 643160 if you would like further details. June 2015 Walks Tuesday 9th June Caron and Alan will lead us on a flat 5 mile walk from New to Old Buckenham via the Old Buckenham Stud. The route goes across fields and minor roads to New Buckenham Castle and St Mary's Chapel built in the 12th century. Along the way one of the largest restored windmills in England can be seen. There are 3 stiles and part of the walk is along the B 1077, afterwards we can visit the Inn on the Green for refreshments. Meeting point for the walk for those going to it directly will be outside the Inn on the Green in New Buckenham. Tuesday 23rd June Davina is going to take us on a walk around the village of North Lopham. The walk is mostly open countryside, no stiles and the length is about five and a half miles. Refreshments afterwards in the Kings Head, North Lopham If you wish to join us on these walks (or any future walks) please be at Palgrave Community Centre car park ready to leave for the starting point at 9.45 a.m. All the best Sam and Eileen 8 Palgrave Film Nights Entrance to all films £5 (£4 for PDCC members) SaturdayJune 6th at 7.30 pm BIRDMAN 12a Oscar for Best Film Sat July 11th AT 8 PM THE SECOND BEST MARIGOLD HOTEL The return of your favourite characters Coming shortly ... Blade Runner - The final cut Woman in Gold Films presented in digital surround-sound Seats must be reserved in advance for payment on the door. E-mail [email protected] or phone 01379 742983 Free parking 9 Bar We will ‘forget you not’ this Fathers Days This month, while many celebrate Father’s Day, there will be a group of people spending this special day without their dad and we have commissioned a special book of memories from which people may draw comfort by expressing how they feel or sharing prayers, poems, thoughts and inspirational sayings. Anyone who has been bereaved of their dad can contribute to the book, and children and young people are also encouraged. There will be a Father’s Day book of memories in our Rosedale Funeral Home in Diss. From all of our Funeral Homes we have available beautifully presented ‘forget me not’ seeds for families to take away and plant in memory of their dad. If you would like to receive a sachet of seeds, please contact Diss 01379 640810 The seeds and the book of memories will be available in the week prior to Father’s Day for those wishing to contribute. Our Funeral Homes are open 9am-5pm every week day. Rosedale is pleased to be supporting a special service of Remembrance on Father’s Day at GreenAcres Woodland Burials – Colney, near Norwich. The service will begin at 11am and will be held in the Woodland Hall and it is free to attend and open to all. Advance booking is advisable on 01603 811 556 or PALGRAVE GARDENING AND SOCIAL GROUP Angie Jones was our speaker once again on May 11th for a Question & Answer session. Questions included the differences between using comfrey and nettles as a natural fertiliser; ridding the garden of leatherjackets; planting in heavy soil; peach-blight; and the right time to plant out Ipomoea (Morning Glory). The warm sunny morning allowed us to enjoy our hostess’s garden where Angie continued to answer a myriad of questions. Thought for the Month Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning? ~ Coleman Cox. Tip of the Month June 2015 Slug pellets made from recycled wool (for example Vitax “Slug Gone”) are entirely safe to hedgehogs , birds and pets - and even to slugs, for they don’t kill them but only form a barrier which protects your plants. They are especially good at protecting plants in pots (but make sure the leaves aren’t touching a wall or snails will approach that way) ) , vulnerable clematis stems and hostas. As they gradually rot they add humus to the soil and another layer of pellets will need to be added. JAL Recipe of the Month Baked Rhubarb and Orange Sponge This is a lovely way to use your garden rhubarb. 1 lb rhubarb cut in half-inch slices.; 2 oz soft brown sugar; 2 teasp finely grated orange rind (optional); 3 tabs melted honey; 2 oz butter; 2oz caster sugar; 1 beaten egg; 3oz self raising flour Butter a pie or soufflé dish (approx 1½ pint capacity) and tip in the rhubarb. Sprinkle with the brown sugar and half the grated peel and pour over the melted honey. Cream the butter and sugar in the usual way, adding the rest of the grated peel. Now beat in the egg gradually (adding a little of the flour to stop it curdling) and stir in the flour. Bring the mixture to a soft dropping consistency with a little milk if necessary. Spread over the rhubarb and bake in a moderate oven (Reg 5 or equivalent) for about 40 mins or until risen and golden. Now pierce the sponge carefully with a skewer in several places to check that the rhubarb is completely tender. If it isn’t, put it back in the oven for 5 mins and check again. Serve hot with cream, but it is also good cold the next day. JAL Anyone interested in the above or in Membership of the Group please contact Diane Gibbons on 01379 641760. 10 Fancy a day out with Borderhoppa? At Borderhoppa we operate regular weekly outings for our members throughout the year. We operate a door-to-door service and it’s a great way to get out and about, meet people or just visit somewhere different. So far this year our members have enjoyed shopping trips to Stowmarket, Beccles, The Range, Thetford and Bungay. pub lunches at Half Moon, Rushall, The White Horse, Stoke Ash, The Black Horse, Thorndon and The Jolly Farmers, Forncett St Peter. Outings for the next few months include, Lowestoft, Taverham Country Shopping Centre, Aldeburgh and Thorpeness, Waveney Stardust boat trips, Southwold, Gt Yarmouth, Felixstowe, Fairhaven Water Gardens, Raveningham Country Fair, Stowmarket and several pub lunches. If you or someone you know would like to join us, please call us on 01379 854800. Membership is £6/6 months or £10/12 months, outings are individually priced. If you would like more information please visit our website Once you become a member you can also use our door to door Dial-a-Ride service for appointments, shopping or just to visit friends or family. Our buses are fully accessible and can be used by anybody of any age. Summer Barbecue Sunday 5th July at the Community Centre – all welcome – see posters for further details or phone Susie (650382). Bar open – and again a friendly Palgrave Community Centre welcome. 11 12 NICK BOBBY TREE SERVICES All Aspects Of Tree Work Undertaken Professional Hedge Cutting/ Reducing Grass Cutting & Strimming Seasoned Firewood ready for delivery Competitive Rates Professional Service NPTC a LANTRA Qualified Free Quotations call 01379 788757 or 07545 989081 Tree Specialists Your local tree surgeons. Based in Hoxne We specialise in: Tree surgery Trimming of trees and hedges Disease and damage correction Fully qualified, certificated and insured. For a free estimate please call Joan or Alan on: 01379 668636 or 07990 801 388 [email protected] E&D Boiler Maintenance Ltd Upper Church Farm, Finningham Road, Rickinghall, Suffolk,IP22 1LP Specialists in Oil, Gas, & LPG Boiler Maintenance, Breakdowns, Repairs, and Installations All makes covered including: Worcester Bosch, Boulter Camray, HRM Wallstar, Vaillant, Baxi Boiler Insurance, annual maintenance reminders, and controls work [email protected] 13 Tel: 01379 898574 Mobile: 07771 880525 HELP URGENTLY REQUIRED!! Are You a Frustrated Thespian? Can you spare an hour once a week? We are looking for additional helpers for our Open the Book Team. Every Thursday at 9:00 the children from Palgrave School come into church for Open the Book. This is a specially produced collection of bible stories covering both Old and New Testament. With the help of a few of the children, we all act out a different bible story each week. We then think about the content, have a prayer and sing a suitable song to finish off. There is no requirement to learn lines as we each carry a script and most of the story is told by the narrator. We would be pleased to see both men and women joining us as we are sometimes very stretched when there is a large cast, perhaps, or members are on holiday or ill. If you would like to experience an Open the Book morning just come along to church at 9:00 one Thursday during term time to meet the team and see what goes on. There will be no pressure for you to join. And ... Joyful village worship to celebrate summer, with hymns suggested by you! You are warmly invited to come and sing at the Summer Songs of Praise at St. Peter’s Church at 10.00 am for 10.15 am on Sunday 21st June. Joyful village worship to celebrate summer together with favourite hymns, followed by summery refreshments … Bring a friend! This service will be dedicated to our late organist, Dr Merlin Channon, in memory of him and his love of music. So let’s raise the roof as we remember him! 14 15 All types of carpentry Roofs, Doors, Tiling Fitted Kitchens / Bathrooms Free estimates NEIL M FOULGER Carpenter & Joiner 01379 898048 mobile 07766337081 [email protected] 16 Jill Mitev-Will BA(Hons) Dip. MBACP Aisling house Counselling Practice 01379 897055 Mobile: 07800 639141 Email : [email protected] Life's full of challenges: I offer a safe professional confidential service and support for all emotional concerns including Relationship issues/bereavement/ eating disorders/low self esteem/ depression/Addictions/ domestic abuse. I have a delightful room in my home and parking. BOOKING RATES FOR PALGRAVE COMMUNITY CENTRE MONDAY – FRIDAY FRIDAY EVENING, SATURDAY & SUNDAY £10.00 PER HOUR £12.00 PER HOUR Bar Service for functions £30.00 for 4 hours Deposit of 50% with booking PALGRAVE PARISH WEBSITE – webmaster Dave Whitehouse, Hyland House, Lion Road, Palgrave. Telephone. 01379 644656 or email: [email protected] CLUB BAR OPEN Friday 8.30pm – 11pm Bar Manager: Martin Dyer 07554 945682 Did you know that you can hire the Community Centre for children’s parties? It’s an ideal venue: big enough for most groups, warm, and secure. Our charges are lower than most, and we try our best to help - we can even accommodate an indoor bouncy castle. Please contact our Bookings Secretary, Susie Dyer, on 07554 945682. 17 Friendly & Reliable Service General Plumbing Bathroom Fitting & Tiling Sinks/Taps Water Softeners Fully qualified & Insured Mr Pat Marsden T: 01379 651007 M: 07799 895958 Hurt or Injured? Maximum compensation, minimum fuss Members of the Law Society Specialist Personal Injury Panel Members of Headway & Spinal InjuriesAssociation Panels Chancery House, Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk. IP22 4HZ : 01379 644311 Commercial and Commercial Property Residential Conveyancing Debt Recovery ~ Litigation Matrimonial ~ Personal Injury Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney Proud to support the East Anglian Air Ambulance For competitive fees and a personal service call 01379 854455 Grow Your Business Offices at Diss, Ipswich, Felixstowe and at Ancient House, The Thoroughfare in Harleston. IP20 9AS (formerly Taylor & Co) With The Palgrave Star Why not take a look at our website? Advertising Rates Small Box £30 Large Box £50 Half-Page £100 Full Page £175 For 12 advertisements RICHARD KEEBLE Painter – Decorator Ceramic Tiling Plus General House Maintenance For a free quote please telephone 01379 644867 Mobile 07768 229 700 The Palgrave Star is delivered every month to 500 homes in the Palgrave area. 18 Anglia Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Phobias . Fears . Depression . Anxiety Confidence . Weight Loss . Stop Smoking Contact Ruth ☏ 07919 418815 [email protected] for your FREE Assessment Consultation Ruth Watson BA(Hons)Psych, DHip(Adv), MIAEBP 19 B.C.GODDARD Anglia INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTER & DECORATOR AND Chimney Sweeps GENERAL MAINTENANCE 01359 221893 07711 458575 FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT BRIAN ON 01379 388174 Power sweeping for a thorough clean Smoke draft test with every sweep Fully trained and insured Insurance-recognised certificates OR 07759956627 E-MAIL [email protected] DISS FOOT CARE Foot care in the comfort of your own home Sherralyn Blakely TCFCP dip Foot Care Specialist Friendly and professional service Nails cut, hard skin removed Corns, fungal nail, ingrown nails, callouses treated. Call for more details: 07876648667 20 J&J’s SERIOUSLY GOOD MEATS formerly Stuston Farm Shop Specialising in seriously good quality meats, fruits & vegetables Open... Thursday Friday Hall Farm Stuston IP21 4AH 8.30—5.30 8.30—5.30 Wedding Limousine Hire Palgrave Based Alec Butcher Mercedes E280cdi Tel: 07585 099 572 Diss Garden Centre For all your Gardening, Pet Supplies and Wild Bird Food Victoria Road Diss IP22 4JG tel.01379 642873 Deliveries available. Helpful service and advice at all times 21 THE CUTTING COTTAGE HAIR SALON Old Bury Road, Palgrave 01379 783003 Open Tuesday - Saturday Family Run Ironing & Dry Cleaning service (Late nights available Thursdays & Fridays) Established 9 years Lesley is available for Waxing & Nails and now offers Gellux nails (like a manicure but instant dry with no chipping and lasts for up to 2 weeks) Collection & delivery Based in Roydon Tigi & Kms products sold Phone Karen for details 01379 652767 22 Rushford Services N C Beaney Ceramic Tiling 07825512583 or 01379 640433 Limited ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR All types of tiling carried out from Kitchens to Swimming Pools DOMESTIC SPECIALIST Part P Registered Over 20 years experience Free estimates and advice All Electrical Work Undertaken Free No Obligation Quotation Test & Inspection 24 Hr Emergency Breakdowns All Work Insured & Guaranteed find me on facebook @ N C Beaney Ceramic Tiling 01379 788188 07809481210 TOM'S HEATING SERVICES Oil Boiler Installation, Servicing ,Breakdowns Heating System Upgrades General Plumbing & Bathroom Installations 01379 741545 07810 452043 Free quotations Emergency Callouts OFTEC Reg/FullyQualified Park Flowers Flowers for ALL occasions Park Road Diss IP22 4AS 01379 644 171 JLW Electrical Services Domestic ▪ Industrial ▪ Commercial ▪ Agricultural All types of electrical work undertaken Part & full rewires New installations Free written quotations No job is too small Tele. 01379 890364 Mobile 07800 739476 [email protected] Hedge Management Traditional Mole Control for Grass Cutting Large Gardens, Farms & Weed Control Equestrian Properties Tree & Hedge Planting Scrub Clearance Fully Insured and Qualified 01379 890333 mob. 07801 297152 Molecatching 23 The Swan Nursery School Hall Lane, Roydon, Diss Est. 1990 Beautiful Nursery set in private woodland grounds CARS - VANS - TRUCKS SERVICING - DIAGNOSTICS - MOT ALL MAKES, INCLUDING PEUGEOT LOCAL - ESTABLISHED - RELIABLE VEHICLE COLLECTION FROM HOME OR WORK Free Funding for all 3 year-olds and some 2 year-olds FOR PROMPT SERVICE FROM A FAMILY-RUN FIRM CALL Private Day Nursery for children aged 2 to 5 years Highly Qualified and Dedicated Staff 01379 641808 / 07799 885558 Excellent child/adult ratios Tel: Michelle 01379 644588 for details UNIT 2, FORGE BUSINESS CENTRE, ROSE LANE, PALGRAVE, DISS, IP22 1AP Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Restores Your Health Deborah Ellis LicAc M.B.Ac.C 25 years experience 01379 651553 The Paddocks, The Green, Palgrave J.B.PLUMBING For a friendly and reliable service please do not hesitate to contact Jack Buckmaster Tel 01379 644027 or 07912092212 - E-mail: [email protected] For all your plumbing requirements such as: Bathroom installations + Water softeners + Shower pumps Outside taps + Changing and moving radiators Kitchen sinks + Extensions No job too small - Qualified and Insured - Based in Palgrave 24 PDCC Diary—June, 2015 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2pm Carpet Bowls 7pm Cribbage 2 9am Fit to Drop 7pm Drumming 3 12.00 Extend 7pm & 8pm Bounce Fit 730pm PDCC 4 1pm School PE 5 10 am Fit Steps 6 7.30 pm Film Night 7 8 9 2pm Carpet Bowls 9 am Fit to Drop 7pm Cribbage 7 pm Drumming 7.30pm Line Dancing 10 12.00 Extend 7 pm Bounce 8 pm Bounce 11 9.30 am Quilters 12 10 am Fit Steps 13 10.30 am Peacock Nursery Fun Day 14 15 2pm Carpet Bowls 7pm Cribbage 7.30pm Line Dancing 17 12.00 Extend 7 pm Bounce Fit 8 pm Bounce Fit 18 19 20 21 1pm School PE Fit Steps 7.30 pm Film Night 2 pm—5 pm Afternoon Tea 24 12.00 Extend 7 pm Bounce Fit 8 pm Bounce Fit 25 1pm School PE 26 10am Fit Steps 27 25 Monday 16 9 am Fit to Drop 12.30 pm Friendship Club 7pm Drumming 22 23 2pm Carpet Bowls 9 9m Fit to Drop 7pm Cribbage 7.30pm Line Danc- 7 pm Drumming ing 29 2pm Carpet Bowls 7pm Cribbage 7.30pm Line Dancing 30 9 am Fit to Drop 2 pm Friendship Club 7pm Drumming 7.30 pm PC 28 QUICK CROSSWORD 26 THE PALGRAVE STAR JUNE 2015 Palgrave and District Community Council Registered 28 Charity 269132
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