Alfred-Almond Youth Soccer League Indoor Soccer Tournaments Saturday, April 11th 2015 Boys G4 Boys G6 Boys G8 8:00-12:00 (6v6 including goalie – 12 max) 12:00-4:00 (5v5 including goalie – 10 max) 4:00-7:30 (5v5 including goalie – 10 max) Sunday, April 12th 2015 Girls G4 Girls G6 Girls G8 8:00-12:00 (6v6 including goalie – 12 max) 12:00-4:00 (5v5 including goalie – 10 max) 4:00-7:30 (5v5 including goalie – 10 max) Registration deadline is Friday, April 3, 2015. The first 8 teams registered for each division will be accepted. 12 players max on roster. All games will be played in the Alfred-Almond High School gym - full court with Modified Futsal rules. Entry fee is $90 for the first team, $75 second team. Please make checks payable to AAYSL. For more information, please contact: Jennifer Warren - [email protected] Alfred-Almond Youth Soccer League Indoor Soccer Tournaments Medical Release Form This medical information form is for the Alfred-Almond Youth Indoor Soccer Tournaments being held at the Alfred-Almond Central School on Saturday, April 11, 2015 and Sunday, April 12, 2015. Player Name: _________________________________________________ Team: ____________________________________ Division: ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________ Alt Phone: _______________________________ Physician: ___________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Dentist: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Medical Issues/Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Insurance Company: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Policy #: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ I hereby give permission for any and all medical treatment necessary for my child in the event of an injury/accident under the discretion of medical personnel until I can be notified. I assume all responsibility for the payment of such treatments. I release all persons associated with the AlfredAlmond Central School District and the Alfred-Almond Youth Soccer League from any and all legal responsibilities. In the event a parent/guardian cannot be reached in a medical emergency, the following is designated to act on my behalf: Name: ________________________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________ Alt Phone: _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Alfred-Almond Youth Soccer League Indoor Soccer Tournaments Rules of Play Rosters: Equipment: Uniforms: Food: Scoring: 12 players max per G4 team, 10 Players max per G6 and G8 team– roster must be provided at check in Shin guards and non-marking indoor soccer flats or sneakers are required Jerseys/shirts should be of the same color – home team changes color in the event of a color conflict Available at the concession stand in the lobby area. Food in NOT allowed in the gym. Teams will be awarded 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 1 point for a shut-out (00 game is not considered a shut-out) and 1 point for each goal, up to three goals (maximum # of points awarded is 7). In case of a tie in seeding points: head to head fewest goals allowed total goals scored number of shut-outs Game Rules: Modified Futsal G6 and G8 – 5v5 including goalie G4 – 6v6 including goalie Any player being substituted must be off the court before the substitute can enter – violation is a yellow card Time will be continuous and will only stop at the referee’s discretion All restarts are direct free kicks from the spot of the foul except for out of bounds, physical obstructions, or improper GK distribution which will be indirect free kicks. A ball that is behind the net is out of bounds and the goalie must distribute with hands. Defending players must be at least 3 yards from the ball on all restarts – this is a yellow card NO slide tackles – this is a yellow card Goal keepers may NOT play an intentional pass from a teammate with their hands. Once the goalie sets the ball down it is live and in play. Distribution by the keeper by hand must hit the ground before passing midfield. No off-sides Flagrant fouls will result in a yellow card – offending player sits out and team plays with one less field player for 2 minutes or until a goal is scored against the offending team. 2 yellow cards and/or a red card will result in player being ejected from the game and tournament – team plays with one less field player for 5 minutes, regardless of how many goals are scored If a player accumulates 3 yellow cards during the tournament will result in player being asked to sit out the current game and all remaining games for that team. The referee’s decision will be final at all times. Restarts not taken in 5 seconds or less will result in loss of possession. Alfred-Almond Youth Soccer League Indoor Soccer Tournaments Boys Play Saturday, April 11, 2015 Girls Play Sunday, April 12, 2015 Team Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Division_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Coach___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Team Roster 12 max for G4 10 max for G6 and G8 Name Grade 1)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 3)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 4)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 5)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 6)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 7)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 8)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 9)_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 10)________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 11)________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 12)________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Alfred-Almond Youth Soccer League Indoor Soccer Tournaments Registration Form Registration Deadline: April 3, 2015 Boys Play Saturday, April 11, 2015 Girls Play Sunday, April 12, 2015 Team Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Coach___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate division and number of teams: $90 first team – $75 second Girls G4 ____________ Boys G4 ____________ Girls G6 ____________ Boys G6 ____________ Girls G8 ____________ Boys G8 ____________ Total amount enclosed: __________________ Please make checks payable to AAYSL Mail payment and registration to: Jennifer Warren 699 Karr Valley Rd Almond, NY 14804 *Rosters and insurance forms may either be mailed or turned in at tournament check in*
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