Neighborhood Gouncil Funding Et**p6r4'ERux-ffi Program i'a';x;l;looD purposes Grant (NPG) AppLrGATroN for Neighborhood seekins'n" rhis form is to be compreted bv the appricant €MPovrrRr*EHr Y'-n::."'*::,:#";::,"J:":"T3-'Ji:[5ii"t[iJ:flt:11"4 p' fi "'oo'"*o cati on aron g with a'' ffi lT;J:[i,:#fftrif;58l":1ff':P'fJ'ffi:illl1"ffiid;'"ffi#il'fi1","';y""S:l,i::i':""":'il,"J''i':i j[U;q:i:l3"i "ili :""U,"* nl :iilfiif :.l[+H:"S:Empowerment Neighborhood oi ap ffi:l':!. ^Wn l,::J;H'#,ffi;;;;i,"nt E i Palms Neighborhood Council NaqeofNeighborhoodCounci|yoUareseekingthegrantrom: Motor Avenue Foundation t\lbrganization Name 37 51 Motor Avenue #341248 1B) ffi; City City Adiress (tf different) cable) 1D) :: State of lncorPorauon Los Angeles Mailing Address @mon 1C) ffiiTD#(EtN#) 0912012 CA 45-5405527 CitY CA : Date of 501(c)(3) Status (if aPPlicable) 90034 State Zip Code State Zip Code Sfafe Zip Code Name: Nameandaddressofpersondesignatedtoreceiveofficial/legalnotices: City Streef anilatio1frx;i|,"rfi"f.:? of o1oln!zat13n::,:i,::"^:,:.::1"::"'n trr 3) rv*, 'ffi schools) '- vv r\Y/\-/ punti" S"hool (notto Attach Letterhead inctudeprivate ffi-affi Angetes) i"wii,:::,:::!'':f"k?; Attach IRS Determination Letter 4)PleasedescribetheNeighborhood|mprov6mentProjectforwhichthegrantisintended. rhis runding wirr provide Recvcrins marketip,'uryl?:^t"^i::P.?::T[: il1ffi:lJl:]::ilftYXTe :!",J!Xi#ff ;J"ffirK;;;;rmpiou"mentAssociationand already spent $450 I5r3li';Xilil['il:iff Arro"iution unJ-coripuTech have Motor Avenue rmprovemJnt and make sure Palms compuTech. in! to oroeri;;;;ti;;" tn "orrunitv Associate would like to double "ouJrt" dorars on outreach materiars. Avenu"-ri,p,.oultent r'rotor prop"irv, residents dispose of the ewaste in" tutr."ting efforts already underway' 5) pub'c purpose and benefit the a non-discriminatory, serve or support to primarily How wilr this grant be used Public at-large' such as TheLoca|E|ectronicWasteRecyc|ingprogram|,?l'i'portantserviceforthePa|mscommunity. of the harmfur heavy metars o"*ui" necessarv is.,incrJoiory are not Disposing of ewaste properry in electronics. rf electronics i"und in"i"i" potentia*y;;;,.n"t"riur, u public red and copper ano oinei 1"".n inio soit and ground*?l9t nururolul r"t"riur. "un a.n accessible providing"?:tllg disposed ot properry, these etrorts on this matter lnd marketing ensure all Palms residents hearth risk. By continued"'r,ipl.ioltr""tiu"ly rrproirJrl,it disposar site, Motor Avenue ' responsibly waste of electronic ;il';;;;itn li;;;." City of Los Angeles, Department of Neighborhood Empowerment NPG APPLICATION Paqe 2 fotal Proiected:,Cost Requested of NC 6A) Personnel Related Expenses I N/A Total Proiected Cost Requested of NC 6B) Non-Personnel Related Expenses $ Flyers Racks 3o.oo o $ 350.00 70.00 Rack Cards s D 7l ls the implementation of this specific program or purpose described in box 4 above contingent on any other factors or sources or funding? D Yes, please describe below tr No Total Proiected Cost Amount Source of Fundinq t D 8) What is the TOTAL amount of the grant funding requested with this application: s) What is the expected completion date? 3 1 1 1 2015 (mm/dd/yyyy) $ 450.00 (required) @onenumber,faxande-mai|address(ifapp|icab|e)oftheperson(s)responsiblefor the funds and program(s) listed in Section ll of this application. Wallach Lee (310)202-e002 Telephone Number (31)202-0433 Polizzotto 108\ First Name Last Name Telephone Number [email protected] E-mail Fax Number Nikki (310)202-9002 MI Last Name 10A) Fr'rsf Name MI (310)202-0433 Fax Number 11) ls there a former or existing relationship between your organization and a NG board member? 11A)lf yes,didyouand/ortheboardmemberconsulttheOfficeof theCityAttorney? [ Yes ENo lvpe of RelationshiP Board Member Name Example: Former board member So Conflicted City of Los Angeles, Deparlment of Neighborhood Empowerment NPG APPLICATIoN Page 3 I hereby affirm that, to tne o?Effiil,"dn :H'"f,[1,"#;?:::lJi1T1;,1']Ij::-:11:TT1l.lTj; "conflicts of Interest" of this Gst e, "what is a p"i,i" Benerit,', and Appendix B application and affirm that the ^;;;noi' proposed project(s) criteria of a pubtic benefit project/program and that no conflict of interest exist that would prevent the awarding of Two signatures required ""oror";:;;"*iJ[,iii"rT';: .,1 12A) Executive Director of Non-profit Gorporation or Schoor principal Lee Wallach Executive Director PRINT First Name/ Last Name Title 128) Secretary of Non-profit corporation or Assistant school principal Nikki Polizzotto Receivecl - Date Reviewed lDate submirca to f ue+eei runffiGii lr.g.r9gl. - -? -Er."]!.. t! ,1n1,. Signatu're ", Date . Signature Date Project Manager PRINT First Name/ Last Name iDate ./ ':'' -B- fgl. _?- !t".,:ggpe$ne_!la.l me,.J ;1..,rr 'it { INTERNAI REI/ENUE SERVTCE P. o. CINCINNATI, Dare: DErirRt{lfBlrf BOx 2508 olt or irnE txr{l,stiny 45,201 nm1l_oVe1 stP 27 mn fdent,if ication Nunber 45-5405'527 : DhN: :.to3ilA*iaitOt;z Contai:t person: MoroR aVeNUs rourvoerrpu 3751 MoTOR Ar/a gTE 341248 rros ANGErrEs, cA 9ooi4 GERRY R tylCLAUcI{fJIN Contact Tb.Lerllhone Number (877) 82e_5s00 Accoungtng period lrtding 3l public Charity Status: December * (bt (1i(ifi"(vii Form 990 Requlred: 1?o rD# 3L11s : : . yes Effect,ive Date of bcem;rtion: March !2, ZOLT Contrlbut,ion Deduct{bllity : Yea Addendun Applies: No Dear Applicant: are plea€ed to Lnform you that, upon revlew of your exempt Bt'atua we have det'ermLned thac you are exenpt appricat,ron for tax under sectLon 501(c)(3) of the rnternal nevenue coie.from Federal incgme taN Eo you are deductlbLe under seetion 1?0 of the code. you are alaocontribubiona guarified to reeeiv€ tax deductible beg'ests, devJ.see, traneferE or gifts oic"" eection 20ss, 2105 or 2522 of the code, Becauee this letter coul"d hetrp resolve any questJ.ona regarding your exempt status, you should keep it ln'your perman€nt recorde. hle org:nl2aglonE exempt under sectiofl So1(c)(3) of the Code as either pr.rbLic charltie'b or private foundations. tfe are furth€r classified clet.enndned, that you are a public charity. r.rnder the Csde eee.U&-ow(s, Lj*p,Ued *rn-,Sb-{Fr hFaal$ng .o.f leEter. - PLeaae eee encr.osed charitieF, for some exempt organizatlon. kh,{E pr:blication 42zr-pc, compltance cuide for sor,(e) (l) herpful inforrnation aboui your resfonsibtrLt,iee aa anFublic Lette.r 947 (DO/cc) ry / T,IOTOR AVENUE FOUNDAT ON gincerely, Director, Exempt- OrganizaLions Rul-ings and Agreements Enclosure; publicatio:n 4221-pC Lett:er 947 (DO,/CG) ,.,,' lllf-9 Request for Taxpayer ldentification Number and Certification (Hov. August 2013) Department of the T{easury lnternal Revenue Service Give Form to the requester. Do not send to the lRS. Name (as shown on your incoms tax return) Motor Avenue Foundation c! Business name/disregardod entity name, if O Motor Avenue .G c ",2 ab t'x oi FZ o- .t E oq) Association I Exemptions {see instructions): Check appropriate box.lor federal tax classlfioation: I proprietor E] tndividuat/sote c Coriroratlon n s corporation fl Partnership n Trust/ostate Exempt I LimiteO liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporaiion, S=S corporation, P=padnership) ! Otner lsee instructions) > > pays code (jl any) Exemption from FATCA reporting code (if any) Requsster's name and address (optional) Address (number, str€61, anil apt- or suite no.) 3751 Motor Ave #341248 City, state, and ZIP code c) a Los An{eles. CA 90034 LIst account number(s) here (optional) ldentification Number Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on the "Name" line to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions.on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (ElN). lf you do not have a number, see How to get a I/N on page 3. Note. lf the account is in moro than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) | am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) | have not been notilied by the Internal Revenue Service (lRS) thai I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below), and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicatino that I am exempt from FATCA repofting is correct. Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently sub.iect to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For modgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (lRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TlN. See the instructions on oaoe 3. Sign Here s.ignatureof ) General Instrubtions U.S. person ///5 ...4' 7/ 'z tt*l withholding tax on foreign partners' share of etfectively connected income, and 4. Certify that FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicaling that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting, is correct. Section references are to the lnternal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted Future developments. Ths IBS has created a page on for intormation about Form W-9, al www.irs.gavlw9. Information about any future developments affecting Form W-9 (such as legislation enacted after we r€loase it) will be posted on that page. Note. lt you are a U.S. person and a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to request your TlN, you must use the requester's form if it is substantially similar to this Form W-9. Purpose of Form person if you ara: A person who is required to file an information return wilh th€ IRS must obtain your correct tilpayet identification number OIN) to report, for example, income pald to you. payments made to you in settlement of payment card and third party network transactions, real estate transactions, moftgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured propedy, cancellation of debt, or contributions you mada to an IRAUse Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, wnen applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting tor a number to be issued), 2. Certity that you are not subi€ct to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.s. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S. person, your allocable share of any partnership income from a U.S- trade or business is not subiect lo the Delinition of d U.S. person. For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. . An individual who is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien, A partnership, corporation, company, or association created er organized in the United States or under the laws of the Unitod States, . . . An sstate (other than a loreign estate), or A domestic trust (as defined in Regulations saction 301 .7701 -7)" Special rules for partnerships. Partnerships lhat conduct a trade or business in the United States ars generally roquired to pay a withholding tax under section 1446 on any foreign partner6' sharo of etfectiv€ly connected taxable income from such business. Further, in certain cases where a Form W-9 has not been recaived, the rules under section 1 446 require a partnership to presume that a partner is a foreign person, and pay the section 1 446 withholding tax. Therefore, ii you are a U-S- person that is a partner in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Form W-9 to the partnership to establish your U.S. status and avoid section 1446 withholding on your share of partnership income. Cat. No. 10231X Form W-9 Hev.8-2013)
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