DEPARTMENT REVENUE SERVICE INTERNAI, P. O. BOX 2508 45204 OH C]NCINNATT, Employer tdentif 46-2999635 D a r eS: E P? ' 4 2 A 4 icat.ion OF THE TREASURY Number : DLN: ALL]ANCE HIGI{ SCHOOL ENDOWMENTFUND 12765 LORNE STREET NORTH HOI,LWIIOOD,CA 91-605-11-38 L 7 0 5 3 2 4 7 30 L 0 1 3 Contact Person: EUGENIA P ASCENCIO_MADRIGAI, ID# TelePhone Number: Contact (e77) 829-ssoo Period Ending: Accounting Decemlcer 31Status: Public Charity 170(b) (r) (a) (vi) 951.33 -'-Fbitn -e3b--Fae"gui reA : Yes DaLe of ExemPtion: Effective May 28 ' 2OL3 : DeductibilitY Contribution Yes Addendum APPlies: No Dear AppllcanL: for tax We are pleased to j-nform you ttrat upon review of your application income Lax Federal from you exempt are that we have deLermined exempt status to you are C o n L r i b u t i o n s C o d e . Revenue SOI-(c)(3) of the Internal under section qualified Lo receive aLso You are t7O of the Code. under section deductible 2 0 5 5, 2106 g i f t s s e c t i o n u n d e r or d.evises, transfers bequests, tax deductible questions any resolve could help l-etter Because this or 2522 of the Code. your exempt status, regarding 1rou should keep it in your permanent recordsexempt under Organizations pqblic charities as either under the charity a public leLter. classj-fied secti-on 5OL(c) (3) of the Code are further that you are We determined foundations. or private in the heading of this tisLed Code section(s) as a tax-exempL about your responsibilities information For important (422L-PCI i-n the search bar E n t e r g o to organization, (3) Public Charities, to vj-ew pubticaLi611, 422I-PC, Compliance Guide for 501(c) requiremenls. disclosure and reporLing, your recordkeeping, which describes Sincerely, DirecLor, Exempt Organizations Letter 947
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