Panther Creek High School 2ND Semester “Grades 9, 10, 11” Exam Schedule 2014/2015 Schedule Friday, May 29 7:25-10:24 Period 2 Exam 10:24-11:18 SMART Lunch 11:24-2:18 Period 4 Exam Special Notes Students are expected to take exams at the scheduled times. Students must be present at the beginning of the exam period to take the exam and must remain for the entire exam period to receive credit for the exam. Any student seeking principal approval to take an exam earlier than the scheduled time must present clear evidence supporting the validity of the request. Requests should be submitted to the Attendance Office no later than Thursday, May 14, 2015. Requests for courses with state exams are likely to be denied because of state testing procedures and regulations. If absent from an exam, a student must submit a parent note to the Attendance Office upon return to school. Then the student is responsible for working with the teacher to schedule the make-up exam for a teacher-made exam. For a state exam, the assessment coordinator for state exams will schedule the make-up state exam. Students who do not have an EOC exam or a make-up exam do not report to school on June 3, 4, or 5. Students who remain on campus after the EOC exam or make-up exams conclude must remain in the designated supervised areas and follow the schedule provided on those days. In the three courses that have state end-of-course exams (Math 1, English 2, Biology) the exam shall count as 25% of the final grade. All other final exams shall count as 20% of the final grade. According to North Carolina testing policy, students are not allowed to bring electronic devices (other than approved calculators) into the testing room at any time during state testing, including breaks. Any student with a cell phone/ electronic device during the testing period must be dismissed from testing, and a misadministration will be declared for that student. A student who has been dismissed for a violation of the electronic device policy must take the missed EOC exam on the make-up day, Thursday, June 4. Per Wake County School Board Policy 6410 C, I-6, the student is subject to disciplinary action by school administration. Under no circumstance can students be on other school campuses on exam days. The exam schedule is subject to change. Monday, June 1 7:25-10:24 Period 1 Exam 10:24-11:18 SMART Lunch 11:24-2:18 Period 3 Exam Tuesday, June 2 7:25-11:48 English 2 or Math 1 EOC 11:55-12:25 Lunch 12:25-2:18 Post Exam Session Wednesday, June 3 7:25-11:48 Biology EOC 11:55-12:25 Lunch 12:25-2:18 Post Exam Session Thursday, June 4 5/21/15 7:25-11:48 Make-up Exam 11:55-12:25 Lunch 12:25-2:18 Post Make-up Exam Session
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