Safe Kids Week 2015 postcard - with messages.pages

Parachute’s Safe Kids Week
May 4 - 10, 2015
Ride Together!
@parachutecanada #safekidsweek #savekidslives
Ride Together! Be safe this summer and all year long.
✦ Protect Your Head, Wear a Helmet. Head injuries are the No. 1 cause of serious injury and death to kids on bicycles. A
head injury can permanently change the way a child walks, talks, plays and thinks. A properly fitted and correctly worn bike
helmet can make a dramatic difference, cutting the risk of serious head injury by up to 80 per cent.
✦ Check Your Ride. For kids and families, a fun, safe cycling experience starts with a properly equipped bicycle. Ensure bikes
are adjusted to the recommended height for the rider. Be sure to inflate tires and always check brakes are working properly.
✦ Be Prepared. Get trained in bicycle safety and rules of the road. Use appropriate hand signals and respect traffic signals,
stopping at all stop signs and stoplights.
✦ Pick Family Friendly Routes. Protect young riders by using designated
areas for riding when available. These areas — often governed by bylaws —
are in place for your safety as well as others such as pedestrians.
✦ Be A Role Model. Kids learn from watching you, so it’s extra important for
parents to model safe cycling and road safety behaviours. Help create a
lifetime of good habits.