Embracing the worshipping communities of CHILDERS * BIGGENDEN * GIN GIN * MT.PERRY * WOODGATE Fr. Sunny Mathew CMI - CHILDERS 4126 1256 PO Box 45, CHILDERS QLD 4660 FAX 41263716 Parish Office 4126 1256; Secretary Jenny Faulkner; For urgent matters contact Fr Sunny 0428 235 783 St Joseph’s Primary School: Principal Mr John Hinton – Ph 4126 1866 St Vincent de Paul – Ph 4126 1822 PARISH WEBSITE: www.childerscatholic.com Email: [email protected] 3rd JULY 2015 14 TH Sunday in ordinary time SACRED HEART CHILDERS WEEKDAY MASS MON, WED, FRI - 9.00 am ADORATION & ROSARY Wednesday 8.00-9.00am SATURDAY VIGIL 6.00 pm SUNDAY 6.30 am Reconciliation: Sat. 5.00 pm ST PATRICK’S MT. PERRY 1st SUNDAY OF MONTH 10.30 am ST MICHAEL’S GIN GIN MASS TIMES SUNDAY - 8.30am TUESDAY - 5.00pm ROSARY - Friday 9.00am WOODGATE BEACH SUNDAY 6.15pm YEAR B ST PETER’S BIGGENDEN SUNDAY 10.30 am 1st Sunday LITURGY OF THE WORD and COMMUNION Rosary before Mass 10.05am Feast Day this week St. Benedict – 11th June Please pray for those who are ill in our families and communities especially: Martyn Jones, Elizabeth Rayner, Ray D’Cruz, Atillio Pilla, Elsa Marano, Anne Sutherland, Veronica Mary Saunders, Sonia Corfield, Raymond Corfield, and Phyllis Gilbert. Please contact the Office and let them know if someone is well again and their name can be taken off the list. Please also pray for our brothers and sisters who have departed this life recently especially, and for those whose anniversaries we remember at this time including: Aileen Moloney and Janet Caughey MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK: He went on loving them Years ago, there was a popular cartoon series shown in the theatres, called ‘Looney Tunes’. One of the favourite characters in the series was a romantic person called Pepe Le Pew. Pepe was always falling in love with someone, but because of his unpleasant odour, Pepe’s love was always rejected. But that didn’t stop Pepe. He went on loving, no matter how many times he was rejected. Pepe never gave up on people or love. Pepe was a lot like Jesus. Jesus never gave up on people either. He went on loving them, no matter how many times he was rejected. We can see the same thing in today’s gospel. It is really sad to hear about the attitude of Jesus’ home town people to their famous neighbour. On the other side, it is the usual story of how familiarity can breed contempt. They know Jesus and his relatives. He is a carpenter, and son of Mary, and they cannot allow him to represent, a world that is so much larger than their little town. This is a strange mixture of pride and envy, and we can see the same thing happening around us at this present time. Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. Jesus could not work more miracles there in his own home town because they could not permit it. He wanted to perform more miracles for his country people but they couldn’t open themselves to a world beyond their own safe little village. These people of Nazareth represent all of us, during the times when we want to make ourselves appear important and the centre of attention amongst others. We fear the uncontrollable world where God’s gifts are to be found, and so we tend to reject anything that we cannot understand, or any other things which are beyond us. Faith gives us the courage to trust the world of God’s promises and to open ourselves to these wonderful and uncontrollable realities. Faith; when truly present in our lives, puts us in touch with God’s love and thus allows us to share the experience of Jesus who left Nazareth in order to embrace the whole world. The ordinary world of ours is full of God’s presence and God’s promise. We need to open our eyes and hearts to understand it. Today’s readings give us the warning that, as Christians who accept the call of Jesus and seek to follow him, we also may face indifference and hostility, hardship and persecution, insults and rejection. St Paul knew this, and his words are: “ God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong”. God can work wonders through us, if we really trust in his miraculous power. May God Bless us all. Fr. Sunny BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS Last weekend The Gin Gin parish community welcomed through the Sacrament of Baptism, Mason Widmark., Son of Jayson & Gabriella We extend Gods richest blessings to Mason’s family, and Godparents. CWL. MEETING Catholic Women’s League ladies will meet on Wednesday 8 July 2015, following Mass and morning tea. All welcome. PARISH RECONCILIATION PROGRAM Sacred Heart Parish will be running a Reconciliation program next term for students who are currently in Year Two, and intend on making the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation in 2016. If you wish for your child to be enrolled and participate in the Reconciliation program in Term Three, please contact Lauren Robba via email [email protected] or Fr Sunny at the Parish Office: email [email protected] Once the parish has been notified of the number of participants, dates and times for this program will be decided and communicated to families. CHILDERS MULTICULTURAL MASS Parishioners and visitors are invited to attend the Multicultural Mass which will be held at 6.00pm on Saturday evening 25th July 2015. Prayers will be said in various languages. The Parish Open Day will be held in conjunction with the Childers Multicultural Festival being held on the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th July 2015. The Parish Open Day will be on Sunday 26th July between 9.00am and 12 mid-day, and volunteer parishioners are required to assist with enquiries and information on the day Please phone Denise on 41262 985 (after hours), or 4130 4650 (work), to offer your assistance. Thank you. RCIA QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE For priests, pastoral ministers, RCIA teams, catechists and sponsors. This is an opportunity to return to basics The ABC of the RCIA. Date: Friday evening 7th August (including dinner) to Sunday 9th August (concluding with lunch) Venue: The prayerful and peaceful environment of Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, 267 Wellington St, Ormiston, overlooking Moreton Bay For conference brochure, to register online, and read more about the Santa Teresa Spirituality centre: www.bne.catholic.net.au/rciaqld THE JOURNEY CATHOLIC RADIO PROGRAM This week on The Journey, Sam Clear shares some of his story whilst walking the famous Camino pilgrimage route in Santiago, and Fr Dave Callaghan reminds us that Sin is a symptom of the disease of our hearts which only Jesus can heal. We also hear from Sr Hilda Scott OSB, Trish McCarthy and Bruce Downes “The Catholic Guy”. Go to www.jcr.org.au to subscribe or to www.itunes.jcr.org.au where you can listen anytime. NEXT WEEKS ROSTERS – 11th/12th JULY 2015 CHILDERS: Saturday: Greeters/Offertory: B & M Cochrane Readers: P Russo, N Fresta, S Freeman Ministers of Communion: D Rapkins, C Gelsomino Monitor: D Rapkins Sunday: Greeters/Offertory: T Mammino, D French Readers: H Bonanno, B Larter, A Russo Ministers of Communion: Alf Bonanno, B McKenzie Monitor: S Jones Linen: Sharon Russo GIN GIN: Greeters: Zwynenberg Family Readers: Carmel & Jessica Prayers of Faithfull: Lorraine Ministers of Communion: Terry & Nathan Music: Gail Flowers: Date Claimer - St. Patrick’s Church Gympie Thursday 23rd July 2015 at 8.00pm The Chamber Philharmonia Cologne Concert will perform Classical music from Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart. For Bookings please Phone 07 5408 2556. Other bookings can be made at: http://whatsoningympie.com.au , Gympie Civic Centre and at St. Patrick’s Church one hour prior to the concert from 7pm (cash sales only) Bishop Michael McCarthy invites you to the Jubilee Celebrations of Presbyteral Ordination of Rev Fr Peter Green (60 years); Rev Fr Terry Stallard (50 years); Rev Fr Don White (25 years). The Jubilee Celebrations will be held on – Friday 21st August 2015 at St. Joseph’s Cathedral Rockhampton for 10.00am Mass to be followed by refreshments in the Cathedral Grounds. “Let your light SHINE before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven” Matthew 5: 16
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