Corner Izard Road and Everest Street Khandallah Fr Doug Shepherd Priests of the Parish Tel: 479 7777 Fr Peter Fitzgibbon Presbytery 3 Everest Street, Khandallah Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 6pm Weekdays Monday 9am Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Mass Tuesday to Saturday at 9am Friday preceded by Exposition at 8.30am Reconciliation By appointment Parish Office St Benedict’s School Sunday 9am Monday, Thursday, Friday 9.30am to 3.30pm email [email protected] 50 Nicholson Road Tel: 479 6978 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time A Mission Sunday 19 October 2014 th First Reading Second Reading Gospel Isaiah 45:1,4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 th First Reading Second Reading Gospel Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 19 Oct 26 Oct Tel: 479 7777 Events in the Parish this week Sunday 19 October 11am—2pm St Benedict’s School Spring Fair 50 Nicholson Road, Khandallah All Souls’ Day Remembrance Mass Each year our parish community gather to remember and to pray for those who have been dear to us in life and who have gone before us to eternal life. It is a great consolation to us that the Church gives us this opportunity to remember and pray for our dead. Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ. All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission, for the Church is missionary by her very nature: she was born “to go forth”. World Mission Day is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands. It is a celebration of grace and joy. A celebration of grace, because the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, offers wisdom and strength to those who are obedient to his action. A celebration of joy, because Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, sent to evangelize the world, supports and accompanies our missionary efforts. Pope Francis Download Missionz News at This year All Souls’ Day is to be celebrated on a Sunday. The Grief and Loss Ministry invite parishioners attending the 9am Mass on 2nd November to bring a memento, photo, flower or candle to place at the foot of the altar in memory of their deceased family members. A Board in the foyer will display those members of our parish who celebrated their funeral Service at St Benedict’s Church during 2014. You are also invited to write the names of your family’s deceased on the pages provided in the foyer. These names will be remembered during all our November Masses and prayers. Morning tea will be served after Mass with particular hospitality offered to visitors outside the parish who have returned to mourn a family member who was farewelled from St Benedict’s in 2014. MONTH OF NOVEMBER During the month of November it is our custom to remember those whom God has called through the gates of death to eternal life. Pages are available in the foyer to record those family and friends whom you would like to pray for at each Mass celebrated in the Parish during November. A box is also available to collect specific requests for Masses to be said for their intentions. CWL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The CWL will hold its AGM on Tuesday 28 October in St Benedict’s Church Foyer, to be followed by the monthly social meeting. The AGM will commence at 7.30pm to conduct the business of the meeting, and members of the League are asked to arrive promptly for this time. The AGM will then be followed by a talk, commencing at 8pm, by Sam Walker, our parishioner and an artist; the talk is open to all women of the parish. More details to follow next week. After Sam’s talk there will be the usual delicious supper! A gold coin donation for our Mission Station in Lomary, Fiji, would be most welcome. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALENDARS The St Vincent de Paul Society will be selling packs of 5 Christmas cards ($3 per pack of 5 cards) and Columban calendars ($10 each) this Sunday after the 9am Mass. PRAYER INTENTIONS Please remember in your prayers Pat Hobbs, Frieda Allardice, Sister Mary Gordon, Eugene Crosby, Mary Cummins, Marie de Joux, Therese Walsh, Tabea Squire, Alex Lines, Jim Webber, and David Shroff. Prayers are also requested for those who have died recently, especially Karla Du Toit, Maura Bourke (mother of Rena Day) and Maria Costa (mother of Caterina Costa, one of our organists) and for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time. The Parish Prayer Group is always available to pray for your special intentions. A list of contact phone numbers is on the church notice board. Social Justice Week 2014: Catholic Social Teaching – Our tradition of justice New Zealand’s Catholic Bishops launch a justice focus in Social Justice Week each year. This year we are focusing on the principles and teachings that shape the way we engage with social issues: Catholic Social Teaching – Our tradition of justice. Over seven weeks we are looking at a different principle of Catholic social teaching each week. SOLIDARITY - Walking together Being in solidarity is recognising others as our brothers and sisters and actively working for their good. In our connected humanity, we are invited to build relationships – whakawhānaunatanga – to understand what life is like for others who are different from us. Be inspired by watching the Caritas video about Marian College and Catholic Cathedral College in Christchurch applying the principle of Solidarity through Caritas Challenge: The Catholic Discipleship College is now taking applications for students for 2015. We offer a nine month, live-in course in Auckland starting in February which includes prayer, Catholic faith teachings and development of outreach skills. Check out our web page: or contact Anne Marie at [email protected] or (09) 480 0548. Clergy Support Parish Collection $346.78 $736.92 Thank you HEARTS AFLAME The theme of Hearts Aflame 2015 is ‘I thirst’ - reflecting on Psalm 63: “earnestly I seek you, my soul thirsts for you, my flesh yearns for you”. It will held at Nga Tawa Diocesan Girls’ School in Marton from Friday 2 January to Sunday 11 January 2015. Anyone aged 18—35 years may attend. For more information, please contact the team on 022 188 2774 or [email protected] The Wellington Council of Christians and Jews presents a Public Seminar on Euthanasia— Mass at Sts Peter and Paul, Johnsonville For the next few weeks, whilst building work is being carried out, the Wednesday 22 October at 7.30pm at the Wellington 10.30am Sunday Mass at Sts Peter & Paul’s in Johnsonville Jewish Community Centre, 80 Webb Street. Entry by koha; all are welcome. More details on the poster on has been transferred to St Andrew’s Church in Newlands. the notice board. Sunday 19 October 11am – 2pm. St. Benedict’s School, 50 Nicholson Road, Khandallah. Come along and enjoy an afternoon where there is something for everyone: Toys, Clothing, Food, Cake Stall, White Elephant, Auctions, Books, Kids Zone, Craft, Tombola, Photo with Santa, and a special guest appearance from two Wellington Saints players and their NBL championship trophy! The fair will be held come rain or shine! Parishioners are very warmly invited to come along and spend some time with the local School and Parish community after Mass, and enjoy morning tea and/or lunch. We look forward to seeing you there. The Catholic Institute of Aotearoa NZ is holding an open lecture in Wellington. This year the lecture will be held at St Jospeh’s Church, 30 Ellice Street, Mt Victoria on Sunday 2 November at 6.30pm, following Sunday Eucharist at 5pm. Rev Dr Gerard Hall sm will speak with a talk on Mary the First Disciple: a pathway for mission. Refreshments will be provided and all are welcome. RSVP by Friday 17 October by either emailing to [email protected] or contacting Melania on (04) 819 8380. From the Archdiocesan Justice Peace and Development Commission: From Pope Paul VI: The superfluous wealth of rich countries should be placed at the service of poor nations. The rule which up to now held good for the benefit of those nearest to us, must today be applied to all the needy of this world. Besides, the rich will be the first to benefit as a result. Otherwise their continued greed will certainly call down upon them the judgment of God and the wrath of the poor, with consequences no one can foretell. Taizé Community Visit to Wellington The Taizé community, founded in 1940, has a passion for nourishing the spirituality of young people, and Taizé has become a significant gathering place for young men and women from all over the world. Their distinctive form of music is profound, and yet simple and accessible, and seems to strike a chord with young people. Brothers Alois, Matthew and Ghishlan of Taizé will be in Wellington from 9 – 10 February 2015. North Island enquiries [email protected] ; South Island enquiries [email protected] See poster on notice board Respite and Family Services Social Worker, Wellington: Permanent, 30 hours "Supporting Families Caring for Children" The Open Home Foundation is currently seeking a Respite and Family Services Social Worker to join our Wellington Service Centre. The successful applicant will primarily coordinate respite services for children with disabilities. The successful applicant will ideally have: - Experience working with children/ young people with physical and/ or intellectual disability and their families, - A passion for working in the disability sector and with children/young people, - A qualification in social work or a related field, - Strong administrative skills and robust assessment practices, - Some experience in working in multi-disciplinary teams, - Strong empathy with the organisation's Christian and bicultural values. For an application pack or further details, please contact: Open Home Foundation p: 04 566 3990 e: [email protected] w: Attention: those of a thinking faith, Rosmini College and St Peter’s College Gore past pupils, friends of the Rosminians Fr Michael Hill IC is launching his recently published biography of the life of Blessed Antonio Rosmini at the Sacred Heart Cathedral foyer, Hill Street, on Monday 20th October at 6.30 pm. It’s a fascinating story. Bishop Charles Drennan will introduce Father Hill and Kate de Goldi will chair the gathering. All very welcome. Refreshments will follow. Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship Grant This scholarship is available within the Archdiocese to assist students with their tertiary education. Apply in writing for application form to: Sisters of Compassion, PO Box 1474, Wellington. Closing date – 3 November 2014 Are you a Saint Bernard’s College Old Boy? The Old Boys Association is being re-established and all Saint Bernard’s Old Boys are invited to the Saint Bernard’s College Old Boys Association Inaugural AGM, Thursday 30 October 2014, at Saint Bernard’s College Staffroom, 183 Waterloo Road Lower Hutt. 7:30pm—8:30pm, followed by nibbles and drinks. RSVP or any questions, please contact Jim Nicolle: phone 027-5058421; email: [email protected] NZ Catholic on sale this weekend $4 per copy Of interest from the new issue of NZ Catholic: people involved in religion and who are married have longer, happier lives, say research studies direction of education in New Zealand is not right, says resigning principal dedication to peace, the environment and community win busy couple a peace award NZ archbishop finds hope and excitement at synod when Francis goes, what then? Family is the domestic Church. It will be our privilege to have Archbishop John Dew be present with us at St Gerard's Church on Friday 31 October at 7:30pm to share about the importance and power of family prayer in the context of Evangelisation. Come with your entire family as we join together in worship for the revival and restoration of families. ICPE Mission NZ, St. Gerard's Monastery, 75 Hawker Street, Mount Victoria. Tel: 801 7797 SEEING YOUR LIFE THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOSPELS Matthew 22:15-21 The story sees a mixture of religion and politics, a potentially explosive combination. Jesus does not ask us to avoid politics, but that our involvement in the affairs of the world be informed by the perspective of the Reign of God. How does the Gospel give you a vision of how your involvement in society should be? Pharisees and Herodians were not natural allies but a shared dislike of Jesus brought them together in an attempt to discredit him. Perhaps you experience the same opposition in society today when you profess to being a Catholic. Jesus did not get into an argument with them but simply professed his belief in the priority of God in his life. What have you found helpful in bearing witness to the fact that are still a Catholic? Jesus recognises that we can be faced with conflicting claims for attention. He does not tell us how to solve that dilemma, but challenges us to make sure that our allegiance to God takes priority. When have you been faced with a conflict of loyalties? What helped you to get your priorities right? John Byrne osa MUSINGS The story is told of a mother who wanted to convince her son to stop eating sugar. When all failed, she walked a long journey with him in the searing heat to visit his hero, Mahatma Gandhi, whom she believed would succeed in persuading him. Gandhi thought for a moment, and then told mother and son to return in three days. When they did, he simply said to the boy ‘Sugar is bad for you. Stop eating it.’ The mother enquired, ‘But Bapu, why could you not have said that three days ago?’ ‘Because’, replied Gandhi, ‘three days ago I, too, was addicted to sugar.’ Salvador Ryan, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth THE DEEP END • Missionary Zeal Can you feel the energy and passion emanating from today’s Second Reading? The Church’s early missionaries – Paul, Silvanus and Timothy – are writing to the Church in Thessalonika with words of encouragement and hope. The Thessalonians were newly converted Christians, with whom Paul had spent no more than a few weeks. The opening of his letter, which we hear today, compliments them on their faith and perseverance, and reminds them of God’s love for them. It is apt today as we celebrate Mission Sunday and reflect on the Church’s mission to spread the Good News. As followers of Christ, we are tasked with passing on the message of his love. Those who have experienced God’s love will want to pass this gift on to others. The theme for this year’s Mission Sunday is ‘That you may have life’. Paul’s message to the Thessalonians is positive and life-affirming: ‘We always mention you in our prayers and thank God for you all’. Appreciating others and acting with encouragement is part of our call to respect life and human dignity. When we pray for each other and help those in need, we are doing just that. ‘Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live for ever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect’. Pope Francis Tríona Doherty support at hand. • Think of a time when you had to make a difficult choice and there was pressure on you to do a certain thing, but you knew in your heart it was wrong. What did you do? If the same choice arose today, would you do the same thing? • Why do you think doing the right thing always takes courage? • Say a silent prayer to Jesus asking him to help you be aware of his presence always, especially in times of difficulty. ‘Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.’ Long term foster care needed The Open Home Foundation is a Christian child and family support service. We are seeking a loving home to provide long term care for a 10 year old boy. Can you provide long term care for this child?: - He is able-bodied and physically active, - He has a moderate intellectual disability and is in a mainstream class, - He has behaviour needs that require a thoughtful and patient parenting style. As an Open Home Foundation foster parent you will receive: Board payments, full training, respite care, 24 hour support, additional specialised support. For an application pack or further details, please contact: Phillip Larking or Cath Berryman on ph: 04 566 3990 Children’s Corner Matthew 22:15-21 • We look to Jesus when we are at a crossroads! This week’s Gospel is about staying true to God in our lives. In it Jesus asks us to keep God at the centre of our hearts. There are times in life when we do not know what to do, or what choice to make or how to do the right thing, because we are going against the fashion, the gang or a dare. This takes courage; but, by trying to keep a connection with Jesus through prayer and a sense of God in our hearts, we will always have help and Mass Time Greeters Children’s Liturgy Proclaimers of the Word Prayers of the faithful Offertory Procession Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Malvina Major/Homebound Hospitality Counters Linen Church Cleaning Roster for October 25/26 6pm Ramoo Family 9am Katrin Eickhorst-Squire Meredith Ogilvie & Chris Wright Wiebe & Genevieve Herder Etevise Kalolo, Natalie Brockie one of the readers McGrail Family Coad Family McGrail Family Clint Ramoo, Catherine Coad Terry Leamy, Vivienne Soldera, Tabea Squire, Lily Lau Katrin Eickhorst-Squire, Gavin McGinley Caitlin & Catherine Ramoo Joseph Greene, Aisling Lawson Terry Leamy, Gavin McGinley, Judith Marks, Robyn Radomski Kleintjes Family John Gray, Bernie Brown Anne Morrish Ita Delahunty, Margaret Morris, Gladys & Jim D’Ath
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