2015/03 ANDERBY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF ANDERBY PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT 7pm ON 16th MARCH 2015 AT ANDERBY VILLAGE HALL Present: Councillors: Cllrs Tony Cox (Chairman) Andrew Harris, Gill Henshaw, Shirley Crow, Jennifer Forbes and Jo Sharp. Also present were Dist Cllrs Hazel Newcombe and Fiona Brown. 1. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: The Chairman said he was happy to be Chairman and would be happy to be Chairman in the coming year if elected. He would be a Chairman who got things done and would be working on parish council business outside of the meetings. He welcomed Dist Cllrs Newcombe and Brown. 2. APOLOGIES: Cllr Jenny Hayes, County Cllr Colin Davie 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – None 4. NOTES OF LAST MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th February 2015 were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman. 5. CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING a) PC Sally West could not attend this meeting but would be attending for the AGM/APM in May b) Restoration Justice Officer had been invited and would be attending the AGM/APM in May c) The Planning Training had been cancelled. d) Chris Panton from Planning would be attending the April meeting. e) Layby – still no further news. Clerk noted that the £50 cheque to Drainage Board had not been cashed. f) Pedestrian signs – on agenda 6. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF OUTSIDE BODIES Dist Cllr Newcombe did not have a report Dist Cllr Brown gave thanks to all the councillors for their support over the year and reported that: The caravan development tariff had now been investigated and it was thought that this was not the appropriate way of dealing with Section 106. Grants are now open for applications (may be of use to AVERT). She will email details to Clerk. Beacon Medical Practice in Chapel St Leonards are applying for a grant to develop the surgery. Telephone scams – a couple of people in Chapel have been scammed. This is a national problem and works by a telephone call from what purports to be the bank to check details of the account and asks that they contact the bank to confirm the details. The person calls their own bank but the scammer has not put the phone down and takes the call as though it is the bank. Cllr Brown asked people to be vigilant when taking this type of call. 7. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE a) Email and leaflet from Centenary Fields Trust giving details of how to protect land, particularly war memorials. Information passed to Cllr Henshaw. Page 1 of 3 2015/03 8. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS The Clerk stated that she would be pleased to take to Manby any election nomination forms and was duly handed 6 forms (5 from current councillors and 1 new). 9. FINANCE a) The financial statement to end March was presented. The Clerk explained that these were accounts to date but was not expecting any changes before the year end. Final accounts would be presented in April. b) Payment was approved for £73.67 and £26 for Clerk’s expenses and £200 to Beach Café owner for closing of car park barrier. c) Cllr Sharp had received an enquiry from a resident on the 11% increase in Precept on the council tax demand. The Parish Council had increased the precept by just over £200 over the previous year which could not equate to an 11% increase. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries with ELDC. It was noted that additional spending had been added in the budget for £200 contingency for possible election expenses and £200 for further training travel expenses for new councillors. Findings on the discussion with ELDC will be reported at the April meeting. 10. PLANNING a) It was agreed to object to the planning application for the erection of a time and tide bell on the shoreline at Anderby Creek on the grounds that the ground was not suitable, that the first one erected was now just a rusty object, that no-one had agreed to take responsibility for its upkeep, the possible noise pollution to nearby residents and that it is a child friendly beach and children may injure themselves when climbing on it. Dist Cllr Brown agreed to call it in to Committee for consideration. b) Cllr Sharp brought the council’s attention to the fact that trees had been chopped down at Church Close next to the Rectory which had uncovered an unsightly wall which did not comply with the original planning application. This is being reported to planning enforcement. 11. HIGHWAYS a) Layby at cemetery. Already reported under item 5(e) b) Pedestrian sign – the Chairman had met with the Officer from Highways to discuss the options available. As recommended, it was agreed to: Attach Anderby village name plates and please drive carefully signs below one of the speed limit signs at each end of the village development on Sea Road. Lay slow markings adjacent Attach Please Drive Carefully signs below the existing Anderby signs on Roman Bank. Lay Slow markings adjacent Erect Road Narrows warning signs either side of Gowt Bridge on Roman Bank Lay slow marking signs adjacent There would be a cost of £200 for four signs and this was agreed. c) The Chairman reported that he had contacted the school bus company and they have noted our request. They will put a notice on their board drawing attention of all drivers to the speed in Anderby Village and the likelihood of additional signage to protect the drop off point on Roman Bank. 12. AVERT The Chairman reported that: The emergency plan is now on the web site and communicating on Facebook and Twitter six sandbags were filled in 30 seconds by 2 people. £750 in funding had been received from Dist Cllr grants. Page 2 of 3 2015/03 Additional funding was being sought from Jewsons. CPR training on defibrillators was being sought (defib machine already installed on outside of village hall but would like more). It was agreed that there should be an awareness campaign on the availability of defibs after this training was completed. A risk assessment course will be run on 21st April at the village hall. Payment requested for refreshments from AVERT funds. Maps of the village showing all properties are now available Contact has been made with Chapel St Leonards and Huttoft to make them aware of AVERT existence. An article will be placed in the Sutton on Sea newsletter 13. SPEAKER FOR ANNUAL PARISH MEETING As previously stated, it was agreed that PC Sally West and the Restorative Justice Officer would be attend. It was agreed that the AGM and Annual Parish meeting would be held on the same evening followed by a social event with cheese and wine. 14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date for the next meeting was fixed for 7.00 p.m. on 20th April 2015 at Anderby Village Hall. 15. OTHER MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION OR NEXT AGENDA The Chairman noted that there was to be a meeting at the village hall on Tuesday 17th regarding Cycling on the Lincolnshire Coast by Sustrans. Next Agenda item – clean up the countryside day event. The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m. Page 3 of 3
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