MINCHINHAMPTON PARISH COUNCIL The Trap House, West End Minchinhampton GL6 9JA Tel/Fax: 01453 731186 e-mail: [email protected] Councillors are summoned to a meeting of Minchinhampton Parish Council on Monday, 27th April, 2015 at 7pm in The Trap House, West End. The business will be as follows: Jo Barber, Clerk, 20th April 2015 Agenda 1. To receive apologies for absence. 2. To answer questions from members of the public (10 minutes). 3. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda. 4. To approve the minutes of the full council held on March 30th, 2015, and of the council planning meeting held on April 13th, 2015. 5. Presentation by Colburn Homes re: land at Amberley Ridge. 6. To receive reports from county and district councillors. 7. To receive updates on: a) Seats/seats survey (Cllr Ford); b) Beeches Park bus shelter (clerk); c) Section 106 preferred option(s). 8. To receive reports on: a) Nkokoto Link (Cllr Lloyd); b) Cows on Commons meeting (Cllr Schwartz); c) Cotswold Care Hospice five year plan (Cllr Hurst); d) Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group; e) Policies Review Working Party re: asset register. 9. To adopt updated Code of Conduct (attached). 10. To further consider the future use of the Vosper Field and Legacy, including tenancy arrangements. (Cllr Mylechreest). 11. To receive updates on traffic matters. 12. To receive the clerk’s report/correspondence. 13. To authorise payments of the parish council (to follow) 14. To receive councillors’ items for future discussion.
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