agenda item 9 - WW1 Tree Memorial Scheme

Response to WW1 Tree Planting Scheme
At the end of January, when we had been informed by the Woodland Trust that we had been
successful in our bid, we wrote to the following village organisations, offering them a tree or trees, as
a priority:Church, School, Cottage OPH, Allotments, VHMC, Cricket Club, Nocton Park Residents Assoc, and
Village Trail.
To date we have heard from the Church and the Cricket Club. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, the
Church will not have room to plant a tree. The Cricket Club had shown an initial interest but as yet
has not confirmed if it would like any trees.
We advertised the tree scheme to all Councillors, on the front page of the Nocton Doodle, the Nocton
Blog, Post Office, Parish Council notice board and Nocton Gardening Club. To date the response has
been as follows:Requests for trees – Members of the Public
Jilly Burr
David Reay
Type and number of trees
Silver Birch (1)
Wild Cherry (1)
Sheila Redshaw
Linda & Kim Coxon
Silver Birch (1)
Wild Cherry or Silver Birch (1)
Planting Site
Front Garden – The Avenue
Grassed area outside houseNocton Park Road
Front Garden – Wellhead Lane
Garden to right of Nocton Hall
Suggested sites for planting around the Village
3 entrance points to the village
Dyke bank in the allotments – to form a windbreak
Entrance to Nocton Park
On the sharp bend near 1 Potterhanworth Road to slow traffic
Next to each village planter (see above)
Village Green, opposite Park Farm (1 or 2 trees)
Suggested By
Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Janet Goldsworthy
Janet Goldsworthy
Some time during the first week in March, we will receive our allocation of 30 trees. 10 x Silver
Birch, 10 x Wild Cherry and 10 x Rowan. Councillor Kania has kindly offered to donate tree sleeves
for all the trees to protect them, (as advised by the Woodland Trust). The trees will need to be planted
within two weeks of receiving them, at the latest.
The Parish Council is asked to agree the allocation and siting of these trees.