St. Simon Catholic Parish Weekly Bulletin St. Simon Catholic Parish fosters Christ-centered discipleship through life long spiritual formation, open sharing of our gifts, and active participation in our church, schools, and greater community. Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 Our eighth graders will celebrate Confirmation this Saturday at the 5:00pm Mass May 16, 2015 with Bishop Thomas Daly. Peter Alfonsi Jose Alvarez Alexandra Attard Kirk Baranowski Sarah Bettendorf Christopher Boennighausen Rory Bradford Annalise Chisholm Christopher Clerkin Ailis Conner Sydney DeFranco Andrea Del ino Conner Demo Brennan Denzel Matthew Diamond Jan Dukic Lovro Dukic Margaret Eggleton Shannon Fairlee Bailey Ghashghai Kevin Gottlieb Ann Goulart Mia Grizelj Nolan Nepomuceno Elizabeth Hong Grace Karic Anthony Katwan Matthew Larson Thomas Lawler Nathan Lue Sophia Lu kin Tyler Owens Madeline Luscher Andrew Lutsky Giancarlo Magarelli Luka Margaretich Antonio Matusich Irene McNelis Heather Migdal Stephen Migdal Kalena Moreira Jakob Motogawa Stephanie Munday James Nell, Jr. Matthew Pfeifer Joshua Ploshay John Powell Maxine Quinn Natalie Robles Tyler Roey Victoria Sanchez Kevin Schmidek Katherine Sturtevant Ryan Swearingen Cole Troedson Ryan Troedson Derrick Turner Justin Valestra Victoria Verceles Jake Webster Luke Zamlich Today’s Readings First Reading — This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven (Acts 1:1-11). Second Reading — God seated Jesus at his right hand in the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23). Gospel — The Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God (Mark 16:15-20). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. St. Simon Catholic Parish 1860 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 T: 650-967-8311 F: 650-967-8876 St. Simon Parish School 1840 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 650-968-9952 Parish Directory Office Hours: Mon.—Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Office Phone: 650-967-8311 24 HourEmergency:408-982-2061 Pastor Rev. V. Warwick James [email protected] LastweekendweheldaspecialcollectionforCatholicReliefService’sAid tothepeopleaffectedbytheearthquakeinNepal.Anewearthquakeof magnitude7.3occurredTuesday,totheareawhichisstillstrugglingto recoverfromthedevastating7.8quakethathitApril25andleftmore than8,000dead. Ext 17 Parochial Vicars Rev. Noel Sanvicente Ext 18 [email protected] Rev. Mendie Nguyen [email protected] More Urgent Collection for Nepal Earthquake Relief Ext 19 Rev. Michael Burns, Retired Ext 20 Liturgy ThisonewascenteredmidwaybetweenKathmanduandMountEverest. ImpoverishedNepalappealedformonetaryaid,aswellasmedical experts,andhelicopterstocarryfoodandtemporarysheltersto hundredsofthousandslefthomelessintherain. Sofarwehavecollectedover$5,800tohelpwiththereliefeffort.Ifyou wouldstillliketocontribute,thenpleasemakeacheckoutto“St.Simon Parish,”andMemo“NepalEarthquakeRelief.”Wewillmakesurethe moneygoestohelpthoseaffectedbythesenaturaldisasters. Suzanne Fitzgerald, Dir. of Liturgy [email protected] Ext 21 Amy Stacke, Music Coordinator [email protected] Rectory Office Joan Mibach, Business Manager [email protected] Ext 16 Lyn Patton, Admin. Assistant [email protected] Ext 10 Darcy Yaley, Bulletin Editor [email protected] Ext 22 Brenda Moceyunas, Welcome Min. [email protected] Ext 11 Matt Wagner, Tech. Ministry Coor. [email protected] Ext 10 Faith Formation Sr. Rebecca Shinas, ASF & RCIA [email protected] Ext 13 Monica Miller, Dir. Catech. Min. [email protected] Ext 32 TBA, Director Youth Ministry [email protected] Ext 31 with local aid in the domestic U.S. Angela Johnson/Melissa Powell, PSR [email protected] Ext 32 Facilities Victor Ramirez, Facilities Manager [email protected] Ext 24 Juan Navarro, Facilities [email protected] Ext 24 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Canned meals,alongwithchili, pork and beans,and baked beansareneededforourfoodpantry.Wealso needHEALTHY FOOD SNACKS!!!Allyourfooddonations areusedandappreciated! Saint Simon Parish School Marriage Preparation Steve Rummell, Principal [email protected] St.SimonwillbeholdingmarriagepreparationcoursebeginninginJune. EngagedcouplesplanningtobemarriedintheCatholicChurchmust eitherattendamarriagepreparationcourseoranengagedEncounter weekendretreat.Thecourseconsistsof ivemeetingsandisfreeof charge.Formoreinformation,pleasecontactTerriChapmanat 408‐313‐3727. Michelle Nealon, Vice Principal [email protected] Page 2 Lay Reflection Opportunity On-Going Prayers Liturgical Celebrations Interestedindrawingon experiencesfromyourpersonal faithjourneytoserveasaLay Re lector?Ifso,pleasejoinuson Tuesday,May 26from1:30‐ 2:30pmattheRectory ConferenceRoomforaninfo. sharinganddiscernment session.LayRe lectorsareneed‐ edforFather'sDay(June20‐21). It’sanenrichingopportunitywith awell‐establishedprocessand experiencedre lectorstoguide youthrougheachstep.Please contactRoseLue [email protected], 408‐807‐5268ifyou’dliketo attendorhavequestions.Allare welcome! EveryThursdayPraytheRosary fortheprotectionoftheunborn andbornbabiesstartingat 10:45am.PlannedParenthoodin MountainView,225SanAntonio Rd.(intersectionofCaliforniaSt. &SanAntonioRd.).Weneed morepray‐ers. ~Thanks, Rita Donnelly Every vocation to consecrated life is born in contemplation, from moments of intense communion and from a deep relationship of friendship with Christ, from the beauty and light which was seen shining on his face. –StartingAfreshfromChrist: ARenewedCommitmentto ConsecratedLifeintheThird Millennium,no.9 How to Create Your Memoir OnThursday,May 28from7:00‐ 9:00pmintheSimonRoom, JackieHaughwilldiscussthe writingprocessforcreatingone's memoir,thegiftweleavebehind forfuturegenerations.Shewill alsobesigningherbook,MyLife inaTutu.Refreshmentswillbe served,sorsvpto [email protected]. Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am, and 5:00pm. 10:30am for Forum Residents Holy Days of Obligation 6:30am, 8:30am, and 6:30pm School Masses 8:30am 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month during the school year. DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration Tuesdays from 9:00am to 3:30pm in the chapel. SACRAMENTS RCIA Youth and adults interested in exploring the Catholic Faith or completing the Sacraments of initiation, please call 650-967-8311. Marriage Couples must complete Marriage Preparation. Contact a parish priest to make arrangements at least six months prior to the date of marriage, at 650-967-8311. Beading/Jewelry Sewing/Knitting Curling ribbon Beads, we love beads Buttons, Sewing needles Do A Dot markers Clean washers and bolts Yarn Puff balls Elastic beading string Pillow stuffing Toys/fun/sport Weekend Mass Saturday 8:30am, 5:00pm (Sun. Observance) Reconciliation 4:00pm Saturdays or by appointment, 650-967-8311 ThankyouforyourgeneroussupportoftheTijuanaMinistrymission. Followingisa“wishlist”ofitemsneededtosupportourprogramsfor children,teensandmothers.Itemsmaybedroppedoffattheparish Rectory. Paint brushes Daily Mass - Monday—Friday 6:30am and 8:30am Baptism Infant baptism is celebrated upon completion of our parish Baptism Preparation Program. Generally celebrated during Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. For more information contact a parish priest at the rectory, 650-967-8311. Tijuana Ministry Wish List Craft Supplies MASSES Thread/Ribbon/ric rac Paper Colored duct tape New play dough Googlie eyes Plastic cookie cutters Color/white cardstock Paint brushes Fold up soccer goals Tissue paper Popsicle/craft sticks Ball pumps Scrapbook Paper "Pipe Cleaners" colored Simple Lego (just blocks) Stick on jewels Lego official building boards Granola bars, no chocolate Simple Stickers - stars, hearts, dots, shapes, flowers Travel shampoos, lotions, soaps, etc. Jars of Peanut Butter Snack Items Sacrament of the Sick Ministers can bring communion or, anointing can be arranged, for parishioners who are ill, home-bound or in the hospital. For more information please contact the Rectory office, 650-967-8311. Saints and Special Observances Wed: St. Bernadine of Siena Sun: Vigil of Pentecost Next Week’s Gospel Readings Mon: Jn 16:29-33 Tue: Jn 17:1-11a Wed: Jn 17:11b-19 Thu: Jn 17:20-26 Fri: Jn 21:15-19 Sat: Jn 21:20-25 Sun: Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23 page 3 St. Simon Parish Financial Results For Third Quarter Ended 3-31-2015 The Church showed income for the quarter of $578k versus budget of $523k. This increase over plan was due primarily to additional income generated by the auction. Collections were lower than budget by 6% for the quarter, and 4% for the year. Q3 expenses of $370K were lower than planned expenses of $396K, primarily due to lower than planned salary and expenses for fewer employees, and reduced spending on facilities for one priest not yet relocated. Online giving continues to increase, with over 290 parishioners participating. You may sign up by clicking the online giving link on the Church website at For the School, income was 99% of budget, at $1,214k vs. $1,224k. Expenses for the third quarter were 5% lower than budget primarily due to lower than planned salaries and benefits. This resulted in the School showing third quarter net income of $147k vs. $100k budget. School year-to-date net income was $363K, about 13% over plan. Upcoming changes to Church and School financial reports Based on comments the Finance Council and parish staff have received regarding the Church and School finances, we believe that the current financial reporting format should provide a more comprehensive picture of the Church and School financial obligations and cash requirements. In particular, with the current financial reports, it may be difficult to see potential Church and School liabilities, and how we plan to pay for future commitments. After consulting with financial advisors and researching the approaches taken by other parishes, the Finance Council has recommended that St. Simon Church and School revise their financial reports to include an analysis of the reserves necessary to maintain the financial viability of the Church and School, and the status on meeting those reserve levels. The reserves fall into two broad categories. The first is an operating reserve to handle any contingencies that may occur, similar to the way an individual may set aside salary to handle potential emergencies. The second is a facilities reserve to pay for lar ge capital expenditur es to maintain the buildings as they age, such as r eplacing car peting, modernizing the plumbing and electrical infrastructure, upgrading computer networks, refurbishing air conditioning and heating systems, and renovating the roof. This September, the financial reports for the 2014-15 fiscal year will include an estimate of the recommended operating and facilities reserves for both the Church and School, and will outline the progress in meeting those reserves. Our hope is that by focusing on 1) the reserves needed to maintain the Church and School, and 2) how the reserves are being used each year, there will be a clearer understanding of the financial condition at the Church and School. We believe in transparency in the financial operations of St. Simon Church and School. Complete financial statements are available for your review in the parish office. If you have any questions, please contact any of the Parish Finance Council members. Sincerely, St. Simon Parish Finance Council Alisanne Allen, Chair Michael Boennighausen Marty Bradford Christine Coli Lincoln Clark Bob Franceschini Steve Giusti Fr. Warwick James Bill Klaus Joan Mibach Steve Rummell Stephanie Tsiagkas Dave White St. Simon Church Income Statement Performance (Dollars in Thousands) Actual Qtr Ended 3-31-2015 Budget Qtr Ended 3-31-2015 Actual 9 mo ended 3-31-2015 Budget 2014-2015 9 mo ended Annual Budg3-31-2015 et Income Sunday Collections Gifts, Other Income Total Income $264 314 $578 $281 242 $523 A B $867 558 $1,425 $901 478 $1,379 $1,231 398 $1,629 Expenses Staff Salaries & Benefits Admin & Cathedraticum Ministry Programs Facilities Outreach Total Expense $196 45 35 82 12 $370 $209 44 40 95 8 $396 C $610 132 62 275 31 $1,110 $629 132 88 318 25 $1,192 $834 178 112 411 57 $1,592 Net Income $208 $127 $315 $187 $37 D Church Note A: Church Note B: Church Note C: Church Note D: Sunday and Holy Day collections behind 6% for quarter and 4% year-to-date. Auction income higher than budgeted. Salaries and benefits lower than budget due fewer employees. Facilities budget includes off-site housing for one priest not yet relocated. St. Simon School Actual Qtr Ended 3-31-2015 Budget Qtr Ended 3-31-2015 Tuition Fees, Donations, Fundraising Programs $1,123 50 41 $1,130 44 50 Total Income $1,214 $1,224 Expenses Staff Salaries & Benefits Instruction, Technology, Supplies Facilities & Maintenance Programs Total Expense $861 85 110 11 $1,067 $911 82 100 31 $1,124 $147 $100 Income Statement Performance (Dollars in Thousands) Actual 9 mo ended 3-31-2015 Budget 9 mo ended 3-31-2015 2014-2015 Annual Budget Income Net Income Note A: Note B: Note C: Note D: A B C D $2,971 474 141 $3,008 441 120 $3,768 457 162 $3,586 $3,569 $4,387 $2,547 289 330 58 $3,224 $2,577 297 301 74 $3,249 $3,485 388 399 113 $4,385 $362 $320 $2 Timing difference on extra curricular income collection for quarter. Extended care income higher than budget. Salaries and benefits lower than budget for substitutes and classroom aides. Depreciation costs for classroom upgrades higher than budget. Budget timing difference on expenses for field trips and extra-curricular activities. Consolidated Balance Sheet Church, School, Teacher Fund (Dollars in Thousands) ASSETS Current Assets Unrestricted Cash Donor & Designated Cash Teacher Endowment Investment Rooted In Faith Campaign Funds Receivables Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Actual Qtr Ended 3-31-2015 $ Actual Year Ended 6-30-2014 $ 2,417.1 1,432.2 1,459.3 92.2 03.9 65.1 5,469.8 $ $ 1,871.1 1,161.5 1,427.3 92.2 26.7 55.4 4,634.2 $ 5,432.0 $ 5,620.0 $ 10,901.8 $ 10,254.2 $ $ $ $ 216.8 618.2 348.3 0.4 1,183.6 1,183.6 Notes A B A. Includes Auction proceeds and cash for summer months without tuition income. B. Includes restrictions for scholarships, facility projects, prepaid tuition deposits and operating reserves. Fixed Assets Buildings, Fixtures, Equipment (Less accumulated depreciation) TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenue Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY Restricted & Donor Designated Rooted In Faith Cap. Campaign Funds Retained Earnings Current Year Net Income TOTAL EQUITY $ $ 3.7 852.3 264.1 1.9 1,122.0 1,122.0 $ 2,660.3 92.2 6,350.1 677.3 9,779.9 $ 2,644.8 92.2 6,260.7 72.9 9,070.6 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $ 10,901.8 $ 10,254.2 C A C. Accrued expense for retirement, summer salaries and benefits. See Note A Please pray for our sick, homebound, those with special prayer needs, and all the sick of our parish. With permission we publish the names of those who request special prayers. Names will appear in this section of our bulletin for three weeks. If you wish to have your name left on or included please call 650-967-8311. RichardAnderson CatherineBruck ChristineBrugnoli WilliamBrugnoli BettyClarke RonEssary EileenFaria NelsonGuiab ConnieHall McCoy Martin LisaMcBride RitaMcDevitt GaryMcLain NinaMissman JoanneMoore EmmaNapoli LeePanec PatriciaPelger Anne&JoeSchram SherronSmith GuadalupeThidemann MichaelTeubert BeckyMcLainVanMeter JulieVeit MaryVieira Gilda Zalata Mass Intentions for May 16/17 Sat.,May16 Sun.,May17 Mon.,May18 Tues.,May19 Wed.,May20 Thur.,May21 Fri.,May22 Sat.,May23 Sun.,May24 8:30pm 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 11:15am 5:00pm 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 8:30am 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 11:15am 5:00pm Mother’sDayNovena Fr.Warwick Mother’sDayNovena BishopDaly Sp.Int.ofMarieFox Fr.Warwick Mother’sDayNovena Fr.Noel *PPItheForum Fr.Warwick FortheSt.SimonParishioners Fr.Mendie IdaVenturino Fr.Mendie DianneRavizza Msgr.Mike Dr.&Mrs.J.J.Dalpiaz Fr.Mendie AnneSchraer Fr.Mendie TheZipse&BartolottiFamiliesFr.Noel DorotheaScalise Fr.Warwick ReginaDowling Fr.Noel LouiseGravino Fr.Noel GabrielDavid Fr.Warwick MariaReyes Fr.Warwick Sp.Int.ofMichaelScott Fr.Warwick WalterO’Neill Fr.Warwick SueRamirez Fr.Mendie TheBischeriGalliFamily Fr.Noel FortheSt.SimonParishioners Fr.Warwick *PPItheForum Fr.Mike Sp.Int.ofFr.MarvinDeutsch Fr.Noel Sp.IntofChristopherChang Fr.Warwick *PPI=Priest’sPersonalIntention. Pleaseprayforthereposeofthesoulswho’vediedthisweek.Pray especiallyforHowardFolger,andMichael Patrick Macaraeg Manotok . PLG Cash Calendar Congratulationstothisweek’s$100 CashCalendarwinner:L. Morey.Thankyouforyour support! Joinover290fellowparishionerswho nowenjoytheconvenienceofsafe, secureandeasyOnlineGiving.Please visit: online-giving to signuptoday. Sharing the Gifts of Treasure—Thank you! Following is the budgeted and actual money received from Sunday and Holy Day collections: as of May 10, 2015.Note: Does not include all the online giving numbers. YTD Budgeted YTD Collected YTD Variance $1,086,032. $1,023,309. ($62,723.) AnynegativeamountintheYearToDateVariancemayhavean affectontheparishnotreachingour inancialgoalsthisyear. Welcome! regardingregistration,orSt.SimonParish’sministriesandorganizationscontactBrendaMoceyunasat650‐967‐8311x11or [email protected]. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address, City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number / Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Phone Number ( ) New Address ( ) Moving—Remove from list ( ) New Email Address ( ) Please Send Contribution Envelopes available at:
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