How to Draw in Perspective

How to Draw in Perspective
Your drawings of buildings will look more realistic if you use perspective. This is a way of
drawing an object so that the drawing shows depth. A far-away object appears smaller than a
close-up object, even if they are actually the same size. A drawing made in perspective will
show the two objects in their correct relative sizes.
Learn how to use perspective to draw this building.
It’s easy to draw both near and far objects the correct size if you use vanishing points. If you
look down a pair of railroad tracks, you can see that in the distance they appear to come
together. The point at which lines that are actually parallel appear to come together is called
the vanishing point.
Drawing a building requires two vanishing points -- one on each side of the building. These
two points represent the point where the horizontal lines of the building would come together
if they were long enough.
In this section, we'll show you how to use perspective in your drawings. You can draw the
building below freehand while looking at your computer monitor, or you can print out this page
to get a closer look at each step.
Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to
draw it. Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The
lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray.
Step 1: To use perspective when drawing a simple building, draw a straight line across your
paper. The line will represent the horizon, and points at either end of your line will be your
vanishing points. Then draw a vertical line extending through the horizontal line to show the
front corner of your building. The front corner will be the tallest edge because it is closest to
Step 2: If you draw a straight line connecting the top of this vertical line with the left-hand
vanishing point, and then draw another straight line connecting the top of the vertical line with
the right-hand vanishing point, those two lines show the proper angle for the roof line.
Connect the bottom of the vertical line with both ends of the horizontal line. Now you have
drawn the proper angle for the bottom of the building.
Step 3: Between these diagonal lines, draw another vertical line about halfway on either side
of the center line. These are the left- and right-hand sides of the building.
Step 4: To draw something parallel to the roof line of the house -- the tops of windows, for
example -- draw a line from the front corner of the building to each of the two vanishing
points. This shows the correct angle for other lines parallel to the top and bottom of the
Step 5: Finish the building by adding windows, a door, and a chimney. Erase unnecessary
pencil marks. Now you have a realistic-looking structure that you can build on!
Your drawing is finished! Even if you don't get perspective right the first time, keep practicing
until you're happy with your drawing.
A lighthouse helps guide ships home. Learn how to draw a lighthouse in just four steps in the
next section.
How to Draw the Eiffel Tower
One of the world’s most beloved landmarks, the Eiffel Tower dazzles with its intricate
construction. This drawing might look complex, but our steps make it simple.
Learn how to draw the Eiffel Tower.
In this section, we'll show you how to draw the Eiffel Tower. You can draw it freehand while
looking at your computer monitor, or you can print out this page to get a closer look at each
Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to
draw it. Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The
lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray.
Step 1: Draw a large triangle and split it in two vertically with another line. Add a long
horizontal line near the bottom of the triangle for the ground.
Step 2: Draw three sets of horizontal lines as shown. Add a small arch near the top of the
triangle. Shape the tower with three sets of slightly angled lines. Add a set of vertical
lines to both of the lower horizontal tiers to create rectangles.
Step 3: Draw two vertical lines under the arch. Connect them at the top with a horizontal
line. Add a second line to each of the slightly bent lines as shown. Draw an upside-down
Y in the top tier with double lines. Divide the rectangle near the center of the tower with a
double horizontal line and a single horizontal line.
Connect the upper double horizontal line to the line above it with an angled line. Add two
short vertical lines to the single horizontal lines to connect them to the lines below. Continue
double lines below the second horizontal tier. Draw double angled lines below the third
horizontal tier. Use curly lines to add shrubs.
Step 4: Draw many sets of double horizontal lines for the supports. Add several diagonal lines
below the upper part of the tower. Detail the two lowest rectangles with short double
horizontal lines. Outline the lowest rectangle. Add more shrubs with curly lines.
Step 5: Draw double X-shaped figures in all the rectangles created by the previous step.
Shade the horizontal tiers with diagonal lines. Add double bent lines to the curve at the
bottom of the tower and to the area above it.
Your drawing is finished! Even if you don't get it right the first time, keep practicing until
you're happy with your drawing.
No medieval scene is complete without great, towering castles. Learn how to draw castles in
just five steps in the next section.
How to Draw Castles
You can almost see the tips of these mountain-top castles touching the sky. Take a trip to the
past and learn how to draw these stunning castles.
Learn how to draw these castles.
In this section, we'll show you how to draw castles. You can draw it freehand while looking at
your computer monitor, or you can print out this page to get a closer look at each step.
Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to
draw it. Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The
lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray.
Step 1: Draw the basic shape of the building using a rectangle, a box, an odd-shaped
rectangle for the roof, and two straight lines on the left side that meet as shown.
Step 2: Add the building extension on the right and the towers with rectangles and straight
lines. Top some of them with triangles. Sketch a horizontal line behind the building. Draw the
trees with a long squiggly line that covers the entire bottom of the castle as shown.
Step 3: Draw the mountains with uneven lines behind the building. Add two towers to the top
of the roof with rectangles and triangles. Draw two rectangles beneath the towers as shown.
Sketch curved lines in the upper rectangle. Draw curved lines on two other towers as shown.
Add a straight vertical line at the top of the tower on the right and to the roof on the left. Block
many windows using rectangles and odd-shaped triangles. Add some surface detail to the
side of the building with straight horizontal and vertical lines.
Step 4: Use odd-shaped rectangles and lines to add many windows to the side of the
building. Add small straight lines to the tops of most of the towers. Draw a curly horizontal line
wherever the roof meets the side of the building. Use uneven ovals to form the stones on the
right side of the building.
Step 5: Add texture to the castle with straight vertical and diagonal lines. Shade the tree
line and the stones on the lower right-hand side with diagonal lines. In the area where
there are no stones, use diagonal lines to shade the ground.
Your drawing is finished! Even if you don't get it right the first time, keep practicing until
you're happy with your drawing.
Everyone dreams of living in a beautiful mansion. Learn how to draw a mansion in the next