a me Section LAB 4.3 Date Designing and Monitoring a Strength Training Program :·rgoals. List goals for your strength training program. Your goals can be specific or genera: shon or long term. ln '1e first section, include specific, measurable goals that you can use to rrack the progress of )OUT fitness program . :hese goals might be things like raising your upper-body muscular strength rating from fau l v .:ood or heing able to mplete 10 repetitions of a lat pull with 125 pounds of resistance. In the second section, mc1t..de long-term and More qualitati ve goals, such as improvi ng self-confidence and reducing yo ur risk for back pain. ''"~ecific Goals: Current Status Final Goals Other goals: ::'loose exercises. Based on your goals, choose 8-10 exercises to perform during each weight training session. lf your _'1al is general training for wellness, use one of the sample programs in Figure 4.4 (p. 104) and on pp. 115-126. List our exercises and the muscles they develop in the program plan. '=·equency: Choose the number of training sessions per week. Work out at least 2 nonconsecutive days per week. Indicate ae days you will train on your program plan; be sure to include days of rest to allow your body to recover. - -:ensity: Choose starting weights. Experiment with different amounts of weight until you settle on a good starting e1ght, one that you can Lift easily for 10-12 repetitions. As you progress in your program, add more weight. Fill in ie starting weight for each exercise on the program plan. -me: Choose a sta rling nLtmber of sets and repetitions. Include at least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions of each exercise. (When 0u add weight, you may ha\'e to decrease the number of repetitions slightly until your muscles adapt to the heavier .:ad.) lf your program is focusing on strength alone \·our sets can contain fe"·er repetitions using a hea\ier load. If ou are over approximately age 50-60. your sets should com.am more repe1..::..ons _('-!5 asmg a hghter load. Fill -: the starting number of sets and repetitions of each exerciSe on Lile prognm ?::an. .onitor your progress. Use the workout card on the next page to mmmor} o_r pr~es:; .: _ ~eights, sets, and repetitions. (A more extensive series of logs is mcluded m ~ ~ailv ?~ a:"!mal Program Plan for Weight Training Exercise Muscle(s) Developed Frequency (check .1) M I w Th F Sa Su - Intensity: Weight (lb) ~ Repetmcn: I I I Sets I I -w.mhhe.com/fahey Lab 4.3 Designing and Monitoring a StrcngLh Training Program 139 ~ WORKOUTCARDFQR ___________________________________________________ n .,::r "0 ~ Exercise/Date ~ ... c .,"'.., (') :: Vl ~ = as. ~ Q. m = c.. :; "' = (') (') Wt Sets Reps Wt Sets Reps Wt 'X·ts Rq1s -~ - - Wt - •.,., II' I'" Wt ..... , Rrp·. Wt Sets Reps = -· = ·.-;-.;,- ·- - -· ·-- .. -· -- ~ ~ = - - - - ._ ·....;;.;;...,._ ~ = ~ - - - - I - - Wt Sets Reps Wt Sets Reps Wt Sets Reps Wt Sets Reps Wt Sets Reps Wt Sets • - Rt'Jl' - I •. I \ , , , - ~ - -
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