,r9/ Imoortont Circulor l{[{A S{6-R, {&TI q-flffT / Govt, o1'hrdia, Miuistly of Det'ence 1. irEnq &'GT Fc?iT6" (FffiffrT), l 0u, u-q.b.dr"fi' trB, dairrdT-70000 Principal Coutlollsr ofAccou s (fys), l0A, S. K. Bose Road, Koikata-?000U No. 025lAN-VIII /T Sub: .r h"iJ. ;":,, ";.,.;r .. ";*& baled;.27/O3/?O15 A-D A/ XXV 6uidelines for seeking reloxqtion of rules from Ministrv occounts of trovel by privote qirlines. of Civil Aviation on ---------- x I [9k copy of HQrs office lhPortont Circular no. AN/\TV/1416?/TA/DA/|\C/ /Vol-TTl, dared 17/O3/2Q15 on the obove subject is forwarded herewith for informotion ond guidonca, pleose. Content of the ibid communicotion mqy pleose be brought to the notice of oll concerned, Euet '" 4 l^{) 5dl-xxx Asstt. Controller of Accounts (AN-VIII) Distribqtion: * All Controller of Finonce & Accounts (Fys) * All Br.AOs under PCA(Fvs) Kolksio .r etl section in Moin Office incluoing Rly. BIog. ' ,l & RTC. Kolkoto under PCA(Fys) Kolkoto the Officer Tn-charge, Web Development Cell ..... For uploading in website of PCA(Fys), Kolkoto. (Locol) unts Officer (AN-VIII) {qTT tut Ft6rF"iTfi-, sdla sar fu, qraq, ffi - 11oo1o Controller General of Defence Accounts, Ulan Batar Road, Palam , Delhi Cantt-110010 IMPORTANT CIRCULAR No. AN/XIV / 14 162 I TA / DAlLTC/Vo1-III ro./ \'/ All PCsDA/CsDA P C of A(Fys) Kolkata IThrough CGDA Mail Server Subject: Dated: 17 /Q3/2OLs ] Guidelines for seeking relaxation of rules from Ministry of Civil Aviation on account of travel by private airlines. A reference is invited to this HQrs Important Circular bearing No. AN/XIV/ 14162 /TAIDA.WC lDeviation dated 28 /O2 /2O1 1 under which trrtinistry of Civil Aviation guidelines/instructions to be followed before referring cases to the Ministry for seeking relaxation of rules on account of air travel by private airlines were circulated. 2. Now, in the light of fresh guidelines uploaded on Ministry of Civil Website (copy enclosed) the undersigned have been directed to state that all requests from Officers/staff seeking relaxation of rules on account of travel by private airlines may be forwarded through e-mail on official website of MocA ([email protected]) in the proforma annexed. Further, instruction laid down therein providing details of documents/information to be enclosed may be complied with. Also to avoid reference from officers/ staff whose case does not merit consideration for relaxation as laid down by MoCA under the instructions issued , the contents of the circular may be widely publicised. 3. This is for your guidance and compliance please. This has the approval of JI.CGDA(AN). For CGDA Copv to: AT-I/AT-II Section (local) AN-IV/ AT-IV Section (Local) EDP Section (local) -With a request to upload the circul* o.r dGDA Website CENTRAD, Brar Square, Delhi Cantt Library (local) MNB (Local) Secretar5r General , AIDAA (CB) Pune [through PCDA(O) pune] secretary General , AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata I through pcA(Fys) Kolkata ] (S. C. Gupta) -s4 For CGDA -e mail -Telephone Permission Cell : permissioncell.moca@nic'in No : 011-24632950 Extn : 2873 -Address : Ministry of Civil Aviation, Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Safdarjung AirPort, New Delhi - 110 003. All requests to €ome by e mail in the Proforma (Annexurq: A) . Those seeking relaxation to travel by airlines other than Air lndia are required to apply as per Performa annexed as Annexure-A and may be emailed at the following official website of MOCA :pe rm i sslqrr ggl!.m gg.{Qgiqi! ln case of any clarification pertaining to air travel by airlines other than Air lndia the following officers may be contacted :- Rastogi Ministry of Civil Aviation Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan Shri Dinesh Kumar Sharma Safdarjung Airport New Delhi - 110 003. Safdarjung Airport New Delhi - 110 003' Shri M.P. Ministry of Civil Aviation Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan On Telephone No:011-24632950 (Extn' 2873) o The Cell is functioning under the control of 5h. B.S. Bhullar, JS{BS) in MoCA. Sectors on which General/blanket relaxation issued are at MeI@L& Annexure- ll. lnstructions to be followed while seekinq relaxation from the Ministrv of Civil Aviationr on ground of Non-Avoilobility of seats(NAS) must enclose NAS Certificote/Endorsement from At Office/Govt. authorized travel agents - M/s. Bolmer Lawrie & co., Ashok Travels & Tours and IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoP&T OM No. 31O71/6/2002-Estt.(A) doted 2.72.2A09)/a copy of Those seeking relaxation the website of AI i.e. Atso \ oirindia.in ftight Number with deporture & orrivol timings, which one wishes to avail, should be qiven. The request should be sent at least one week in advonce from the date of travel' Those seeking ex-post foct approval on ground of NAS must enclose the documentary evidence os mentioned above and a copy of ticket purchased. For sectors which are not connected directly by any of the airlines, .as per Ministry of Finance order, on employee must travel by Air lndia upto the nearest stotion. Relaxotion will be granted for the remoining segment. Flight with stop-overs between two destinotions is not to be treoted as direct flight. Non-ovailability of direct fliqht is not the criterio for seeking relaxotion. dated Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure vide ID No,19024/01/2oog-E.tV revising their July, 2O1i, have clarified thot since Govt. Officiots hove the option of LTC trovel plans, reloxotion to trovel by airlines other than Air tndia while avoiling Al of ovailability non Therefore, circumstances. exceptionol will be granted only in not be considered os a valid ground for would doy/time porticuldr o on ftight/siats 28th seeking relaxation' Avaitability of tower fare is no criteria for seeking relaxotion' Non-availobilityofseatsinExecutiveClosswouldnotentailgrontofrelaxotionand the journey has to be performed in Economy Class' Thoseseekingrelaxationonthegroundofattendingmeetingotaparticulortime, must ottach meeting notice ond approved tour programme' partia! grants are received, iourney has to be foreign travel coses, where full or place upto which Air India is available and seek the upto lndio prior^ia on Air lndia with its relaxotion for the remaining sector. on interndtiono! routes whete Air For be utilised' code- share foreign oirlines partner, is availoble, the same must lncontinuotionofobovepoint,relqxdtionwillnotbegrantedonaccountoflote receiptofopprovalfromMinistryofCivilAviation/receiptofgrontsopprovalfrom the funding agency /visa/transit visa/ong iourney hours etc'etc' For invitees from abroad, efforts should be made to book them India code share flights to the extent possible' Adherence to the approved on Air tndia and Air route list on internotiono! sectors must be observed' Cosesinvolvingfixedomountofreimbursementlikeseopassogefare,llndclossAC Civil Aviation' roil-fare etc., non-entitled officers. need not be referred to Ministry of regarding Air tndia tickets purchased from unauthorised agents, relaxation to under requests dily for.worded by Deptt. Heod, moy be directly referred Block' North Expenditure' Secretary, ElV Section, Ministry of Finance, Depu' of For cases New Delhi. Non-receiptofopprovalbythestipulateddotedoesnotentitleonetocloim relaxotion as a matter of right. ANN[ilHNEsA PROFORMA t. Name with designation 2. E-mail address 3. Mobile/telephone/faxno. 4. Address along with Department/Ministry 5. Whether on duty or 6. Details of family members in case of LTC 7. Complete sector for which travel is intended with flight numbers, and departure and arrival LTC (Purpose) timings of flights Sector Date To From Flight No. Dep. Arr. Sector 1 Sector 2 8. Sector for which relaxation is required to travel by airlines other than Air lndia. Sector Date To From Flight No. Dep. Arr. Sector L Sector 2 9, Date(s) of travel-to & fro wherever applicable L0. Detailed reason(s) for not utilising Al 1"L. services : : Whether NAC in accordance with the instructions of Ministry of Civil Aviation on the subject, is attached or not; if not , why? : Signature (Name & Designation) Forwarded bv:
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