,{9y / FAX/SPEEDPOST TOP PRIORITY/ EXAMINATI ON MATTER OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CON'TROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS) 1O-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, No.270lAN-lV/SAS Part It KOLKATA _ TOOOOI lF eb/ 20 I S/Rev. Dated 0610412015 To i) All C F &A (Fys) A O, OF Nalanda project ii) -\-.fr!' All sections in MO, including Rly, A,/cs & RTC Subject: Revaluation of Answer Books - SAS Part-II Examination held in February,2015. 1 6 1 02/SAS -lI EEB/ 20 15/REV Reference : CGDA' s Important Circular no. AN/SAS/ dated2T/0312015 {' *** 'F x* ,' * {< ,( * * * * ,k * * ,k {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * {< * *( * >1. ,1. 'F {. ** {. * + **** ,& x + {< :& {. ,1. *( **** * Result of SAS Part-II Examination held in February'2015 has been published vide this office Part II O.O. no. 417 dated 25.03.2015. A bookiet containing the ietailed result has since been sent separately to the respective offices. 2. The candidates who are unsuccessful in the aforesaid examination desirous of revaluation of their Answer Books may apply within a period of 15 days from the date of issue of this circular. It may be informed to the candidatis that in terms bf SnS Rule-19 reevaluation is restricted to the following :- a) b) c) Checking of Totals; Corect carry forward to the Top Sheet; Checking that all answers are evaluated; Rectification of other erors and omissions; d) e) Revaluation does not mean remarking of the answers. 3. Applications may be preferred as per enclosed proforma within the prescribed time limit after fulfilling the conditions laid down in Rule l9 of the sAS Rules and forwarded to ice b 15. Wh r revaluati be ensu that desire revaluation. Applications of candidates which do not for Revaluation, may not be entertained at this end. 4. Individuals concerned have fulfill the requisite conditions to deposit @ of Rs. 50/- per paper required for revaluation through MRO as per enclosed proformi. Receipt of this communication may please be acknowledged. r ( vid ggarwal ) Asstt Control er of Accounts(Fys) tri* '"fv n To, The CGDA Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt. 110 010' Subject: Sir/Madam, as detailed below in resPect of the subiect intend to revaluate my Answer Book(s) The requisite details are 30o/o of marks in the Paper(s)' secure/obtained have I as examination I furnished below:No' (a) Name of the candidate with Grade and Account (b) Roll Number; (cj ' centre from which aPPeared; iO) Marks secured/obtained' PaPer-V p"p"<tl 2. Paper-VII Paper-VI Paper-VIII Paper-IX | Practica! ineory is/are as under:in which revaluation is sought by me Faoen-V Paper-VII Paper-VI Paper'VIII ffi PaPer-IX Note:Theword.NlL,maybewrittenundertheretevantPaper(s)where of Paper(s) is not allowed in revaluation is not required' Revaluation Faper(s) where there is/are no eligibility' I 3. have dePosited a fee of Rs vide MRO No. . and for revaluation' . (@ of Rs' 50/- per Paper) required date 4. Ibelong/notbelongtoSC/STCategory(Strikeoutclearlywhicheverisnotapplicable)' 5. Theinformationgivenabovearecorrecttothebestofmyknowledge. Yours FaithfullY, Signature: Name: Grade/Account No': Office Bv Officer of FCDA/CDA Informationabovehasbeenverifiedandfoundcorrect'TheMRo(s)has/havebeenreceived and adjusted signature Go(AN)/SAo/Ao(AN)
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