IMPORTANT CIRCULAR Fax/Speed post NO. IA/II/025/AAC O/o PCDA(WC) Chandigarh Dated:- /05/2015 To Sub: Ref: Annual Audit Certificate for the year 2014-2015. HQrs office letter no.AT/XII/12016/ATR/AAC/Vol-XXIII dt.15th April 2015. ******** In continuation to this office letter of even no. dt.08.05.2015, all the Sub offices/Sections in Main office (Local) are impressed upon to submit the AAC report in time. The main AAC for the year 2014-2015, has to reach this office on or before 10/06/2015, positively and further the follow up reports for Sep, Dec and March, may be submitted by 10th Oct, 1st Jan and 5th April respectively. Further, the following points may also be noted for strict compliance while forwarding the Main AAC and the Follow up reports every quarter. 1) The Reports may be submitted in proper performa as it is seen from the reports received from different offices that each office is sending the same in different performa. 2) All the performa are being uploaded in the PCDA (WC) Chd web site under IA Sec. 3) The report should be based on the Main AAC submitted and no fresh items should be included without proper justification in any in the follow up reports. 4) The report may be forwarded through mail to IA Section – either to CGDA Mail server (Zimbra) to “pcdawc-ia” or [email protected] in addition to the hard copy. 5) The report forwarded through mail should be in ms-word document form or in excel form and not scanned copy. The forwarding memo may be scanned and mailed. The receipt of this letter may be sent through CGDA Mail server (Zimbra) to “pcdawc-ia” or [email protected] GO(IA) Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH APPENDIX – 'A' STATEMENT SHOWING COMPARATIVE POSITION OF VARIOUS ANNEXURES/STATEMENTS REFLECTED IN AAC 2013-14 SL. NO. ANNEXURE /STATEMENT SUBJECT OF ITEMS Items showing the expenditure exceeding Rs. 50000/- in each case in respect of which sanction of Govt. of India is still awaited. Important cases of incomplete maintenance/non maintenance/non production of store accounts noticed during the year requiring regularisation/Condonation under Govt. orders. Statement showing few important cases of financial and procedural irregularities. 1 Annexure -I 2 Annexure-II 3 Annexure-III 4 Annexure - 1V 5 Statement- 1A Important cases indicating defective planning and implementation of project etc involving significant investment Non maintenance of accounts. 6 Statement-1B Improper maintenance of accounts. 7 Statement-1C Non production of accounts. 8 Statement-2 Stock verification of Ord/Vehicles Depots. ASC, Medical ESD etc. 9 Statement-3 Non linking of CRV’s. 10 Statement-4A Vouchers in r/o which credits are not traceable in consignee’s ledger below Rs. 5000/- (other than imported stores). 11 Statement-4B 12 Statement-4C 13 Statement-5A Vouchers in r/o which credits are not traceable in consignee’s ledger Rs. 5000/and above but less than Rs. 15000/-(other than imported stores). Vouchers in r/o which credits are not traceable in consignee’s ledger Rs. 15000/- and above (other than imported stores). Outstanding on a/cs of payment issues/services rendered . 14 Statement-5B Outstanding against various parties on a/c of payments issues. 15 Statement-5C Payment issues/services rendered over Rs. 50000/- in r/o of private individuals and institutions (Part-I) and over Rs. One lakhs in each case in r/o other categories (Part-II) 1 POSITION IN AAC 2013-14 POSITION IN AAC 2014-15 ITEMS/ VRS/UNITS ITEMS/ VRS/UNITS ITEMS/ VRS/UNITS AMOUNT IN Rs. 16 Statement-6A Outstanding rent and allied charges (B+C+D) 17 Statement-6B Outstanding licence fee and allied charges (Army) 18 19 Statement-6C Statement-6D Outstanding licence fee and allied charges (Air Force) 20 Statement-6E Outstanding licence fee and allied charges year wise/party wise breakup. 21 22 Statement-6F Statement-6G Outstanding on a/c of defence land given for cultivation by DEO’s. 23 Statement-7 24 Statement-7A 25 Statement-8 A & B Outstanding licence fee and allied charges individuals items of over Rs. 50000/- in r/o private parties/individuals and over Rs. 150000/- in each case in r/o other categories. Loss statements awaiting regularisation by Govt. of India Min of Defence under delegated powers. Outstanding claims Rly-Shipping Corpn./Carriers representing losses and damages of stores in transit . Outstanding local audit and test audit objections. 26 Statement-9 Units whose A/Cs could not be audited. 27 Statement-10 No. of vouchers not produced for audit. 28 29 Statement-11 Statement-12 Properties exceeding Rs. 100000/- transferred to Non- Govt. Organizations 30 Statement 16 A 31 Statement 16 B 32 Statement 16 C Outstanding licence fee and allied charges (Navy) Statement showing items of expenditure exceeding Rs. 50000/- in each case which were including in Annexure –I to CGDA certificate in the Appropriation Accounts (DS) for the previous year and which are still awaiting regularisation. Vouchers in r/o which credits are not traceable in consignee’s ledger below Rs.5000/- ( Imported Stores ) Vouchers in r/o which credits are not traceable in consignee’s ledger from Rs.5000/- and above but less than 15000/- ( Imported Stores ) Vouchers in r/o which credits are not traceable in consignee’s ledger Rs.15000/- and above ( Imported Stores ) 2 \\ Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH APPENDIX -‘B’ SHOWING THE POSITION OF ITEMS OUTSTANDING (STATEMENT /ANNEXURE WISE) AS BELOW. (Decreased Items) S No ANNEXURE /STATEMENT 1 2 SUBJECT REMARKS/POSITION 3 4 1. 4 2. 5 3. 7 4. 5. 7 6. 3 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH APPENDIX – 'C' THE POSITION OF ITEMS OUTSTANDINGS (STATEMENT /ANNEXURE WISE) AS BELOW (Increased Items) SL. NO. ANNEXURE/ STATEMENT 1. 2. SUBJECT REMARKS 3. 4. 1. 1 . 2. 3. 2 4. 3 5. 6 6. 4 7. 5 8. 6 9. 8 10. 8 4 Pr.CDA (WESTERN COMMAND) CHANDIGARH Annexure - III (OLD CASES) ITEMS OF FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING IRREGULARITIES INCLUDED IN ANNEXURE – III OF CGDA’S CERTIFICATE OF EARLIER YEARS WHICH HAVE NOT YET BEEN SETTLED. SN YEAR OF AAC ITEM NO OF ANNEXURE TO THE AAC SUBJECT OF THE ITEMS 5 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH ANNEXURE – 'I' STATEMENT SHOWING ITEMS OF EXPENDITURE EXCEEDING Rs. 50000/- AWAITING SANCTION OF GOVT. OF INDIA SL. NO. AMOUNT INVOLVED HEAD OF ACCOUNT CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH THE EXPENDITURE WAS INCURRED WITHOUT SANCTION OF GOVT. OF INDIA OR WAS ADMITTED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORITY MONTH AND YEAR IN WHICH OBJECTION WAS FIRST RAISED 1 2 3 4 5 6 MONTH AND YEAR IN REMARKS WHICH THE CASE WAS FIRST REPORTED TO HIGHER AUTHORITIES/ SERVICE HEAD 6 7 Pr.CDA (WC), CHANDIGARH ANNEXURE – II STATEMENT SHOWING IMPORTANT CASES OF INCOMPLETE MAINTENANCE/ NON-MAINTENANCE/NON-PRODUCTION OF STORE ACCOUNTS NOTICED DURING THE YEAR REQUIRING REGULARISATION/CONDONATION UNDER ORDERS. SL. NAME OF THE PERIOD OF NAME OF PARTICULAR LATEST POSITION OF EACH CASE WHETHER REMARKS NO. UNIT/FORMAT ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS NOT SUBSEQUENTLY MAINTAINED. IF SO, FROM ION MAINTAINED/NOT WHICH DATE PRODUCED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH ANNEXURE-'III' STATEMENT SHOWING A FEW IMPORTANT CASES OF FINANCIAL AND PROCEDURAL IRREGULARITIES NOTICED DURING THE YEAR 2013-14 SL NO. 1 NAME OF THE UNIT/ FORMATION ITEM NO. AND QUARTER OF REPORTING IN MFAI 2 3 BRIEF OF IRREGULARITY LATEST POSITION /REMARKS 4 5 8 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH ANNEXURE -'IV' IMPORTANT CASES INDICATING DEFECTIVE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT ETC. INVOLVING SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT SL. NO. NAME OF THE UNIT/FORMATION 1 2 BRIEF PARTICULAR OF THE CASE 3 PRESENT POSITION OF REMARKS THE CASE 4 1. 9 5 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT - '1A' STATEMENT SHOWING CASES OF NON MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE PERIOD UPTO 31.03.2013. POSITION AS ON 30.06.2014 SL. NO. 1 NAME OF THE UNIT/FORMATI ON 2 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTS 3 NAME OF THE PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OTMAINTAINED LATEST POSITION IN EACH CASE WHETHER SUBSEQUENTLY MAINTAINED AND ON WHAT DATE REMARKS 4 5 6 1. 2. 3. 10 4. 5. Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT -'1B' STATEMENT SHOWING IMPROPER MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE PERIOD UPTO 31.3.2014 POSITION AS ON 30.6.2014. SL. NO. NAME OF THE PERIOD OF UNIT/FORMATION ACCOUNTS 1 2 3 NAME OF THE PARTICULAR ACCOUNTS NOT PROPERLY MAINTAINED LATEST POSITION REMARKS 4 5 6 Pr.C.D.A. (WC) CHANDIGARH 11 STATEMENT - '1C' STATEMENT SHOWING NON PRODUCTION OF ACCOUNTS UPTO 31.03.14. POSITION AS ON 30.06.15 Sl. No . NAME OF THE UNIT/FOR MATION PERIOD OF ACCOUN TS 1 2 3 NAME OF THE PARTICULAR ACCOUNT/DOCUM ENT NOT PRODUCED 4 REASONS FOR NON- PRODUCTION OF ACCOUNT 5 REMARKS 6 1. 2. 3. 4. Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH 12 . STATEMENT – '2' STATEMENT SHOWING THE POSITION OF STOCK VERIFICATION OF ORDNANCE DEPOTS/VEHICLE DEPOT ETC. AS ON 30.06.2014 SL. NAME OF THE N UNIT/FORMAT O. ION TOTAL NO. OF ITEMS FOR WHICH STOCK VERIFICATIO N WAS DONE ITEM NO. OF WHICH STOCK VERIFICA TION WAS NOT DONE APPROXIM ATE %age OF ITEMS OF WHICH STOCK VERIFICATI ON WAS NOT DONE 1 3 4 5 2 ITEM NO. OF WHICH VERIFICATION HAS SINCE BEEN DONE SUBSEQUENT LY UP TO 3006-13 6 BALAN CE OF ITEMS NOT VERIFIED %age OF DISCREP ANCY up to 2012-13 %age OF DISCREPANCY upto 2013-14 VALUE OF DEFICIENCI ES VALUE OF SURPLUSE S REMARK S 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – '3' STATEMENT SHOWING THE CERTIFIED RECEIPT VOUCHERS RELATING TO THE PERIOD ENDING 31.03.14 WHICH COULD NOT BE LINKED WITH THE CONSIGNOR ISSUE VOUCHERS/PACKING A/Cs/INVOICES OR RELEVANT DOCUMENTS INDICATING POSITION AS ON 30.06.15 Sl No. 1 NAME OF UNIT FORMATION NO. OF CRV’s NOT LINKED 2 YEAR WISE BREAKU P OF O/S 3 . NUMBER OF VOUCHERS WHICH COULD NOT BE OTHER LINKED WITH INVOICES Docume CONSIGNOR’s PACKING UK USA USSR GERMANY nts VOUCHERS ACCOUNTS 4 5 6 7 8 14 9 10 TOTAL NO. CRV’s BELOW RS. 1000 IN VALUE 11 REMARKS 12 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT -'4A' STATEMENT SHOWING THE NUMBER OF VOUCHERS IN R/O WHICH CREDITS COULD NOT BE TRACED IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGER POSITION AS ON 30.06.15. SL. YEAR NUMBER OF NO OF VOUCHERS OF NUMBER OF VOUCHERS OF VALUE Rs. 5000/- AND NO VOUCHERS OF VALUE Rs 5000/- AND BELOW AS PER STATEMENT 4 A . VALUE Rs 15000/- ABOVE BUT LESS AND ABOVE AS THAN Rs. 15000/- AS PER STATEMENT PER STATEMENT 4 B 4C A A) B) C) D) B Stores not received at all. Stores received with minor defects taken on charge after rectification by Suppliers. Stores cleared by inspector but not found accepted by consignees. Stores lost in transit/stores short received (and hence not taken on a charge). 15 C D Total G. Total Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT-'4B' STATEMENT SHOWING NO OF VOUCHERS WHERE STORE COULD NOT BE LINKED/TRACED IN THE CONSIGNEE LEDGER MONETARY VALUE IS Rs. 5000/AND ABOVE BUT LESS THAN Rs. 15000/- . S. NO Name of LAO No. Of Vouchers Amount in Rs. 16 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT - '4B' STATEMENT SHOWING NO. OF VOUCHERS CONSIGNEE WISE IN R/O WHICH CREDITS ARE NOT TRACEABLE IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGER VALUE Rs. 5000/- AND ABOVE BUT LESS THAN Rs. 15000/-. Name of LAO A) B) C) D) Slno Name of Consignee unit NO. of Monetary Value Category Vrs Stores not received at all. Stores received with minor defects taken on charge after rectification by Suppliers. Stores cleared by inspector but not found accepted by consignees. Stores lost in transit/stores short received (and hence not taken on a charge). 17 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – '4C' NUMBER OF VOUCHERS IN RESPECT OF WHICH CREDIT COULD NOT BE TRACED IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGERS WHERE MONETARY VALUE IS Rs. 15000/- AND ABOVE IN EACH CASE SLNO NAME OF LAO No. Vouchers Amount in Rupees 18 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH NO.IA/II/36/AAC 2012-13 STATEMENT – '4C' DETAILS OF VOUCHERS IN RESPECT OF WHICH CREDIT COULD NOT BE TRACED IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGERS WHERE MONETARY VALUE IS Rs. 15000/- AND ABOVE IN EACH CASE Sl. No. Year Contract/Voucher No. and date Value in Rs. Nomenclature of Store 1. 2. 3. A. B. C. D. Stores not received at all. Stores received but with minor defects taken on charge after rectification by suppliers. Stores cleared by inspector but not found accepted by the consignee’s. Stores lost in transit/short received (and hence not taken on charge). 19 Qty. of Stores Name of the Supplier/ Consignor Name of the consignee Reason for Outstanding Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH NO. IA/II/36/AAC 2012-13 STATEMENT –' 5A' (Store Audit Sn) STATEMENT SHOWING POSITION OF OUTSTANDING ON ACCOUNT OF STORES SUPPLIED/SERVICES RENDERED UPTO 31.3.20115 AND SN0 YEAR OFFICE OUTSTANDING AS ON 30.06.15 Defence service Center Railway State Undertaking Govt s Govt. Forien Govt. Private Party Total Item Item Ite m Item Amount Ite m A mo unt Item Amo unt 20 Item Amo unt Item Amount . Amou nt Am ount Amount Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT -'5B'(Store Audit Sn) STATEMENT SHOWING THE POSITION OF OUTSTANDING AS ON 30.06.15 AGAINST VARIOUS PARTIES ON ACCOUNT OF PAYMENT SSUES / SERVICES RENDERED BY DEFENCE SERVICES. Name of Unit/Formation 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Item Item Item Item Item Item Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount 21 Amount 2012-13 Item Amount 2013-14 Item Amount Total Item Amount Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT -5C (Store Audit Sn) DETAILS OF OUTSTANDING DUES MORE THAN ONE YEAR ON ACCOUNT OF PAYMENT ISSUES/ SERVICES RENDERED FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31.3.15 AND POSITION AS ON 30.06.15 INDIVIDUAL ITEMS OVER Rs. 50000/- IN R/O PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS/INSTITUTIONS (PART-I) AND OVER Rs. 100000/- IN EACH CASE IN RESPECT OF OTHER CATEGORIES (PART-II). SL. NO. NAME OF CONSIGNOR AUTHORITIES WHICH RENDERED SERVICE NAME OF THE PARTY FROM WHOM DUE PERIOD TO WHICH AMOUNT RELATES REASONS FOR WHICH AMOUNT OUTSTANDING REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART - I PART - II 22 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – 6A (E Section) STATEMENT SHOWING OVERALL POSITION O/S R&A CHARGES AS PER LICENCE FEE BILLS ISSUED UPTO 31.03-2015. POSITION AS ON 30.06.2015 Year Displaced Persons State Government Other Central Govt. Departments Released/ Retired Officers Departmental Officers in Service 23 Departmenta Private Parties Cantt Mess Clubs and MES Boards/ Contractors Municipality etc. Total Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH ANNEXURE TO STATEMENT 6(A) (E Section) Sl. No. Col. No. Category Amount (in Rs. ) Reasons for outstanding Action taken 1. 24 Action proposd to be taken Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT-' 6B' ARMY (E Section) STATEMENT SHOWING OVERALL POSITION O/S R&A CHARGES AS PER LICENCE FEE BILLS ISSUED UPTO 31.03.2015. POSITION AS ON 30.06.2015 Year Displaced Persons State Government Other Central Govt. Departments Released/ Retired Officers Departmental Officers in Service Departmenta Mess Clubs 25 Private Parties and MES Contractors Cantt Boards/ Municipality etc. Total Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – 6C AIR FORCE STATEMENT SHOWING OVERALL POSITION O/S R&A CHARGES AS PER LICENCE FEE BILLS ISSUED UPTO 31.03.2015. POSITION AS ON 30.06.2015 Year Displ aced Perso ns State Government Other Central Govt. Released/ Departments Retired Officers Departmental Officers in Service 26 Departmenta Private Parties and Mess Clubs MES Contractors Cantt Boards/ Municipality etc. Total Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – 6D NAVY STATEMENT SHOWING OVERALL POSITION O/S R&A CHARGES AS PER LICENCE FEE BILLS ISSUED UPTO 31.03.2015 POSITION AS ON 30.06.2015 Year 1 Displ State aced Governmen Perso t ns 2 3 Other Central Govt. Departments Released/ Retired Officers Department al Officers in Service Departmenta Mess Clubs Private Parties and MES Contractors Cantt Boards/ Municipality etc. Total 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 27 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – 6E STATEMENT SHOWING OVERALL POSITION O/S R&A CHARGES AS PER LICENCE FEE BILLS ISSUED UPTO 31.03.2015. POSITION AS ON 30.06.2015 Other Central Govt. Departments Year Displaced Persons State Government 2 3 1 4 5 Released/Retired Officer 6 7 8 Departmental Mess/ Clubs Private Parties and MES Contractor Cantt Boards/Municipality etc 13 ARMY 16 ARMY 19 ARMY Depaartmental Officer in Service 9 10 11 Total 14 AF 15 NAVY 17 AF 18 NAVY 20 AF 28 21 NAVY Grand Total 22 ARMY AF 12 23 NAVY Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH NO. IA/II/36/AAC 2012-13 STATEMENT '6F' STATEMENT SHOWING OUTSTANDING ON ACCOUNT OF DEFENCE LAND GIVEN BY DEO TO OTHER STATE'S OFFICE POSITION AS ON 31-03-2013 SL. NO. NAME OF THE DEO DUE FOR AMOUNT in Rs. REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 29 Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH Annexure – ‘A’ STATEMENT – 6F STATEMENT SHOWING OUTSTANDING ON ACCOUNT OF DEFENCE LAND GIVEN BY DEO TO OTHER STATE'S OFFICE POSITION AS ON 31-03-2013 SL. NO. YEAR AGRICULTURAL SITES BUILDING SITES 30 TOTAL REMARKS Pr.C.D.A. (WC), CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – 6G MORE THAN ONE YEAR OLD A/Cs OF R&A CHARGES FOR POSITION AS ON 31-03-2014 INDIVIDUAL ITEM OVER RS. 50000/- IN R/O PRIVATE PARTIES / INDIVIDUAL (PART – I) AND OVER RS. 150000/- IN R/O OTHER CATEGORIES (PART – II) NAME OF THE UNIT 1 Part-I NAME OF THE PARTY FROM WHOM DUE 2 PERIOD TO WHICH THE AMOUNT RELEASED 3 Part-II 31 AMOUNT (Rs.) 4 REMARKS 5 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT - 7 STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF LOSSES AWAITING REGULARISATION BY GOVT. OF INDIA AND OUTSTANDING MORE THAN ONE YEAR INCLUDING THOSE LOSS STATEMENT REQUIRING SANCTION OF MINISTRY OF DEFENCE UNDER DELEGATED POWERS. Sr. No. Year Name of the unit Loss statement No and Amoun (in date Rs.) Particulars of Loss 32 Remarks Summary of loss statement page wise Sr.No. Allotted No. No of Amount in Rs. of Losses Losses Remarks (IfAny) 33 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT -7A STATEMENT SHOWING THE OUTSTANDING RAILWAY CLAIMS REPRESENTING THE DAMAGES AND LOSSES OF STORES IN TRANSIT AS WELL AS CLAIMS OUTSTANDING AGAINST SHIPPING CORPORATION/CARRIER ON A/C OF SHORT LANDING/MISSING STORES. SL. NO. NAME OF THE LAO NO. OF RLY CLAIMS 34 AMOUNT IN Rs. Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH Statement -' 8 A' STATEMENT SHOWING NUMBER OF OUTSTANDING AUDIT OBJECTIONS RAISED UPTO 31.03.13 . POSITION AS ON 30.06.15 YEAR NUMBER OF INTERNAL AUDIT OBJECTIONS . NUMBER OF TEST AUDIT OBJECTIONS REMARKS 35 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT- '8B' STATEMENT SHOWING YEAR- WISE BREAK-UP OF THE OBJECTIONS. Sl No. Year Inf. Arty Armd LA Ord/EME TA LA TA ASC LA Medical TA LA MES TA 36 LA Inter Services TA LA TA Total LA TA Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT – '9' SL. NO. STATEMENT SHOWING NAMES OF UNITS WHOSE ACCOUNTS COULD NOT BE AUDITED POSITION AS ON 30-06-2015. PRESENT POSITION REASONS FOR NON AS NAME OF THE UNIT PERIOD OF A/Cs AUDITING THE A/Cs DURING REGARDS AUDIT OF THE YEAR. ACCOUNTS. 37 REMARKS Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH Statement-'10' STATEMENT SHOWING NUMBER OF VOUCHERS NOT PRODUCED FOR AUDIT. POSITION AS ON 30.06.15 . SL. NO. NAME OF THE UNIT/FORMATION YEAR NO. OF VOUCHER PRODUCED AUDIT 38 NOT FOR TOTAL SUMMARY TOTAL No 3 Copies = No 5 Copies = ------------TOTAL 39 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT -'11' STATEMENT SHOWING PROPERTIES EXCEEDING RS. ONE LAKH IN VALUE AND TRANSFERRED TO NON-GOVT. ORGANIZATIONS DURING 2014-15 SL. NO. 1 DETAILS OF PROPERTIES COST OF THE PROPERTIES 2 3 BY WHOM TRANSFERRED 4 WHETHER THE TRANSFER HAS REMARK BEEN REGISTERED IN THE S REVENUE COURT OF THE STATE CONCERNED 5 40 6 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH Statement -'12' STATEMENT SHOWING ITEMS OF EXPENDITURE EXCEEDING Rs. 50000/- IN EACH CASE WHICH WERE INCLUDED IN ANNEXURE –1 CGDA CERTIFICATE IN THE APPROPRIATION A/C (DS) FOR THE PREVIOUS YEAR WHICH ARE STILL AWAITING REGULARISATION. SL. NO. YEAR TO WHICH THE APPROPRIATIO N A/C PERTAIN SR NO OF PRESENT POSITION OF THE CASE ANNEXURE -I AND ACTION TAKEN TO EXPEDITE REGULARIZATION. AMOUNT 1 2 3 5 4 41 REMARKS 6 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT –'16 A' STATEMENT SHOWING THE NUMBER OF VOUCHERS IN R/O WHICH CREDITS COULD NOT BE TRACED IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGER POSITION AS ON 30.06.2015 ( FOREIGN STORES ). A. B. C. D. Stores not received at all. Stores received with minor defects taken on charge after rectification by Suppliers. Stores cleared by inspector but not found accepted by consignees. Stores lost in transit/stores short received (and hence not taken on a charge). 42 STATEMENT – '16 B' STATEMENT SHOWING NO. OF VOUCHERS CONSIGNEE WISE IN R/O WHICH CREDITS ARE NOT TRACEABLE IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGER VALUE Rs. 5000/- AND ABOVE BUT LESS THAN Rs. 15000/- (FOREIGN STORES). 43 Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT - '16 C' NUMBER OF VOUCHERS IN RESPECT OF WHICH CREDIT COULD NOT BE TRACED IN CONSIGNEE’S LEDGERS WHERE MONETARY VALUE IS Rs. 15000/- AND ABOVE IN EACH CASE (FOREIGN STORES). Sl No. Oldest Year (Foreign Stores) Name of the LAO No. of Vouchers 1 2 TOTAL 44 Amount in Rupees Pr.CDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT-'16C' DETAILS OF OUTSTANDING CNT VOUCHERS (FOREIGN STORES) A. B. C. D. Sl No. Year 1 2 Contract/Vo ucher No. and Dated 3 Value in Rs. 4 Nomencl ature of Stores 5 Qty of Stores 6 Name of the Supplier/Co nsignor 7 Name of the Consignee 8 Stores not received at all. Stores received but with minor defects taken on charge after rectification by suppliers. Stores cleared by inspector but not found accepted by the consignee’s. Stores lost in transit/short received (and hence not taken on charge). 45 Reason for outstanding 9 PCDA (WC) CHANDIGARH STATEMENT STATEMENT SHOWING THE DEBIT BALANCES IN THE IRLA’s MAINTAINED BY PAO (ORs) 14 GTC SUBATHU/ PAO (ORs) RRRC DELHI CANTT AND PBG DELHI AS ON 31.3.15 AND POSITION AS ON 30.06.15 SL. NO. NUMBER OF CASES 1 No. of debit balance cases 2 3 Payment of advances in anticipation of credit in IRLA’s I) Over issue of pay due to improper maintenance of pay books (IAB 64) in regard to net entitlement . II) Payment of advances on return from leave before liquidation of leave advance. III) Other over issue by paying officer.(Continued over payment even after paying officer have been alerted on statement of account). IV) Payment of leave advance far in excess of entitlement . V) Total debit balance cases wherein 2/3rd of are being recovered through system from monthly pay and pay & allces of PBORs Belated adjustment of debits 4 5 Belated notification of DO Part II orders. Other over issue. 6 Reasons for accumulation against each categories. 7 Remedial measures. 46 AMOUNT
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