I CHANDIGARH ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPARTMENT 13A3l-1o No. /UTIE-I Dated Chandigarh. the l-7fgf t)- Sublect:- Declaration of Assets and Liabilities bv AIS Officer Under Section 44 of the Lokpai and Lokayukta Act, 2013 - extension of last date for filing of revised returns by public servants. Enctosed find herewith lefiet No.26Oi2lO1t2O14lPS.ll dated 14.01.2015 alongwrth Appendix_t and Form Nos. I to lV received from Government of lndia, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Dethi. 2. All Officers/offrcials of Chandigarh police are, hereby, direcled to submit the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by AIS Officer Under Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013 by 31.03.2015. The instructions alongwith appendix/Forms are available on Chandigarh police website. 3. All Supervisory Offrcers (not below the rank of GO) will ensure that such declaratron of assets and liabilities have been submitted by their subordinates and submit compliance report by 06.04.2015. \*4t L or,"rr(*,1.U"""# Ji8l,,* ? for lnspecto General of police. / (.. (i) (ri) UnionTerritory Chandigarh#s.-- copy to the foltowino. All SSPs & CommaioanVlRB AIt ASps/DSps (iii) Ad o (iv) lncharge police Hospital (v) SO/Accounts (vi) ADA (vil) All Superintendents Gracle_ (viii) PA to WtGp, Reader to W/IGP, ptuDicp and Reader/DlGp (ix) E-1 , E-2 & E-3 Branches for taking action as per provisions of the Act 'f \ ) f ."nhflrJr., .J, r.. _. .i)\ !al' :i!!.1:. .t c.'l No.20012 0 2C14-tFS i Governmeni cl ti. 3./gheral SartAr Ministry ot Horne Affa Istcr:h !laitraray-- Nodh B ock, Ne., LtetNr Daled !e C,1rei Sec.eranes or el state colr,._enls Lr. re U..ecio Gerera,orpo.eotatsral C.ve,4.rcnls the t11 lr \ SJb_Dectaralon of Asse6 and LjaDitrtrcs ov ArS O4rce. under S6ctron 4r o. LoIpal and Lokryuktas Act,2013- ar(ersron of tasr d.r^,.. ! ,,.^ revised rerurns by AtS officers . Res Sir oL6e rere. ro r,\ V,rrd4 s .ner ,'-r.rsF'rg_,Inroma,.on ,erari, .n,s!E.q a4 ot -okpal and Lotavuhras ) A.;r 20lr en 2 ,rb,,,,1"" * jL - ii.... ""lFi;f.;;;r;"r'B:;,;; dared -6 B lora ,e Cenlra Gove rn ment tss ued notitrcatro. n.ied Bri SFplenrber20j4 co.la n no C de' cme, d rg ,r- Lo-pata-o . o(ay!.tas . . rr.e ourposi oi e4end,no rtre lrme trri ror _ ,""","t. ..^. .r.ro.l."r, fj-., ai ;'; ;H:L""":,ll: c"*,"."""i.;; f-n.qrlgortrrorrat:o-aldl-rLatpepo-I/.-qe,: ";,,;;;';rt'rl,ltl#'rTil:il ai: Lla-ol|o1olAssets'nLL.oP^'Li1c'^m6nd,Er.FLol L io LFsa, ri.",,,...i,",. rrno ot rp! qed .erJ..s by a,t pLoh. s=rua..c,."__:+,;"."_".i . .. ^nrlo, 31' Decenbe'2014 rre sar" wis ,nira,ec ar s.a," : .-_., .. ..o . " ,. .-. , ,,- .vid€ thrs i,Iifrslry s leter ofeven numberdaled 1,. Septemb.:r2Att 3 Now DoPT vde their O M. No 407/12/2n14 AVD.TV (B) .oe.en,b-A, 20i,4 have conveyed thal the last dale ror ,lting or revr;e; dated 25 ,r*"i n"t,r:r".,;i As.sots and Liablrries has been ertenr,ed ul, p".r., . r.* _"rin".-i" lr"i, 31" December 2014 to 3Oh Ao.[ 2ors r. ,'h ", ,""r*,.. *i"o.,o'' i a"*;;"j;,;,;."" ,"':f:l;: ;;r."j.'",1t ;:: l orD{clltre( Oroe, 2A1a ardp,_br,.. , :.; eer.'\ ul sse( 'a4d abJ:e alo ",_.., -, -. 9ej,,-51h,cnlsava'lableonlrev/eb9ieoI,,i5tl,-'s,0/1y.,lr.-, .PS Cddre Ma-rge.e, I (Anneru.6 I.nd l,) a-4 r'p-,".",.r -. ^_.^ ;,ru1\ pe'sn , n c ir . 'he -orr\ to, <Lon,ss, -"oai:menr, , , ,,",,"".r,, -,*",0i,""' -or,. t,"""m"rri,i properll€s (Fo",n-l) and for submissron j,"ilii'1lii Iiahlrltros (Eorm-lv) under the sa d rules have "r ,r."rr"r""r" be;" _"0iii.,,J qav s,dre oroanrsar. . o.ease be dd! lco .o s,.n i 1^.. qnrLzr ?n,ers jl.yo-r petu,rs r.a ^Ile lP: or Assers i1o -,ab lles . s on:r,,lll1*"r, ioii-,...1,i."a om'lis-arons drd ro .. r,r"*'.7 res.rr S""iion,noi," No.2rs-A) Norih Brock, New oerhr-l, on o, lormat rs enclosed u"i.,":ot ip,,,1o,-iii"",,li,".lJJ yours farthirtiy ' Dep!ty i ja1rary ZA15 i,?v.*- I C yada! Se : etarl t. re aovernrFent .. r.r|; G . 2 CopV forwarded ror necessary actioN lo 1 All Mnislies/Oeparlment oJ Governmenr of lnd a 2 Joinl Secreiary (UT Oivisi.n) Min sq or Home or AGr'l U cadre Afiarrs New Derh -,n respecr 3 Direcror General-BSFrcRPF/CrSF/SS8/lT8P, rSGrNll..NCB/8pR&D, 4 5 DireclorlB CAl, R&A\'! SPG DrectorNPA NCRB NICFS. NEPA 6 Presldenl SecretanaUCabinetSeerelaraVPM() 7 N C [4]lA- for plaong tn s crrc! ar on the websrte cf [4HA 1!.de/ rPI] Manangementllmmovabre proDerly Rel!rn) l a3a'. i l I I ) t4' THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : Er IRAORIINARY AP}E\DIXI netuB ol Assers and ".-_"-"'-- th' :llst Ms'ch Li,Dlllti€s on FiEi ApPoint nrent or d on rt;nd.,5.. r'l olrhe LokPal 'nc:''kavjkas {ct' 20ll 20'' 1 ) l. Nim. oflne Public s.rlnr D idr' (a) 2 PEscnt Publc PosnioD hcld (Dsignarion ndm' and ad&6 oforeanisarion) (b) Scmce bwtu.x b'lotgs Declaratlon: .,o(do ay,ofr. 1 (r?ect ol infoma'L'n due ki!*redEe Md 5€Lel' rr LokPt rod LokaynkLs Act,20l3' Darc . 'e l.l:;T:,:,l;":1;; ln cae of fi6t "l :I..* l: SlTnrNr3 ' .. . No,eI ro cr aPpoi appornrment plcAe lndicatc due rh,"ru,'-rc. "l:Tt:: F -.1'l-"iI:il ;l':,-':" ;.'-"' i ,::#.l A'( l^ o' /r s.fii. ' 44 dndd.p.nd.n crl,d,cl s3p,ovided'n i:,", I i r1 " e: "'T..o: nr shirr' q.:re 5ea ,yco,n rrb ^ hr5 orrt dn orth or Jnm)rron lo etrt'r uPoi ",h*nbes a1C I olaFlda\ 201' d-:,:";; : 0,,. .. ,r.*n ", .,;-. .".."",.., r "'dr'" " .,." "i *l!ch re hr! !!oLf rnd lu! det e'r rd'ei' ,",',' ;;;;,;.;'.',,''. ", ", spour' i d tu\ d'p'(d"r' ,,_,r,. : :.. '_\r: l' 'r" J ":r- ..c e' Noc2.,i.pub,,.,.ptrn,nam".:::ll-"liyl.llljj,llfl:.fi:j:#i:",i',,:]:i,:'11":;.',; as a ncrb'r r"' r.m,,y ei,h.; .. a Kani or ':" 'l"l':.., ,;i:. ;;:;.i ,r.*. ,, *p,-,,,. 'r* ,. *r. nor po$rbl'lo ndicare lhe t r tt'tr ma s,.t, o,op.ny ra$w ri haver .eDrrrc aed.roj pu.,nj,,J.( r. "! "'fl:",:, l.:l'.:,.11:..-";froiLulotr,rnoL.ry.^la (tJI r^'nt ror therr ltr'lri'ood crotraroryno6 rar b. rdd.dqhddd .;ep.d.r! . \,rdmn rop r. !.pen&nr o; rhe Acr.2013). pubLrc m.**^. TlPPENDIX.II I!!jE-:IUJ oetails of Public Servant, his/he. spouse and dapendent children I - Add more r.ws, ifie.r$ary )1 rIIE OAZE'If! OF ]ND!A 3. L Ih.pnJcDrtnl.s, n Am.^dn riod \o rr, rhero)rowrns P G) 'or -FOXrr4 Xo ir luscsP{rt}h.dllors.li'Jos! IraD! of publc xdatr'/6p.usdd.p.trd.nr ctr jtd t 'l-r4E I i a&hrhdM*c cBs*ln i Lc I ! erLr.lqoima TGrs ma$ T+- wrdir Td efrtu5 sts oin.k l,DEtrM. *lur!n d'c r D.bili Fy or R5 ] G] ord.p.',br ldF, d lhc ce n4 .\i ] rh. foElsn B!Dt(s) ro b. Biv.n rpaaret], ir [email protected]. tu 2lrktx robr rcp.n.d Iny6m . r! h. rp R: : Lari; ma! t. Fpdxd 1r3..\!r 'ddtvrd@lly. t.r vllErndrard,D $c lxr Eam i..d no' b. relnrl iu 6$qu.xrrctuh.4torzriorun!ir:E.:..1,1 db<.hdnpofJot dunn-q rk rc,r,, !!{ . \;t ttr( sr( )l FORV NO r.c. tr 'dr nI g"E?' c\opr'r i" I I-- . ).- JorFamNo lv o.$lsircrm shhh..l ot 'u' D.hb hd oni.r Urb 5;L'lr-']ad u' 1' ''mEv rl ^o n6'!En!p,.:lnlntdE{Lrl'rrtr'h''L ; -,# TAEECETEErcF'
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