ORDINANCE No.xoo./ WHEREAS, the Fiscal Court of Pulaski County, Kentucky, having determined that in order to effectively control the running at large of dogs within the confines of Pulaski County, Kentucky, and to prevent certain nuisances, it is necessary that the Fiscal Court enact Ordinance No.800./ Now, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Fiscal Court of Pulaski County, Kentucky: SECTION ONE: a) REGISTRATION OF DOGS REQUIRED It shall be unlawful for any person or group to keep, harbor, or own any dog within Pulaski County, Kentucky, without first having paid a yearly license fee of $1.50 thereon. b) The license shall cover a period from July l to June 30, or any part thereof. This fee is due and payable on the first day of July of each year, or on the first day of the month following acquisition of the dog. c) It shall be the duty of the keeper, harborer or owner to register the same with the County Dog Warden who shall issue a receipt therefor in the form of a tag or metal or other durable material, having stamped or engraved thereon the registration number and the year of registration; and it shall be the duty of the keeper, harborer or owner to attach such tag to a collar and to keep it on the dog at all times. SECTION TWO: PUBLIC NUISANCES PROHIBITED No person in Pulaski County shall keep, harbor or own any dog which shall do any one or more of the following objectionable actions, each of which is hereby declared to be a public a) nulsanc~: Habitually barks, howls, yelps, or whines loud enough to be heard beyond the premises of where it is kept or harbored. b) Habitually goes upon any property or premises nor owned or occupied by the person who keeps, harbors or owns said dog. -1- c) Habitually turns over or gets into garbage cans or milk containers or damages ,,ghl'Uhl>eiy and items of personal property, located on any premises other than those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or owns said dog. d) When not on the property of its owners or keeper, habitually runs at, jumps upon, chases, barks at, bites at, or in any way frightens, molests or scares any child or adult other than the one who keeps, harbors or owns said dog and the members of his immediate family. e) Chases, attacks or kills any other dog, any livestock or other anim< besides those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or owns said dog. f) Bites any person on sidewalks, streets, or any property other than that of its owner or keeper. g) Definitions: "Habitually" in this document means three or more times during any one thirty (30) day period. "Keep or Harbor" in this document means to habitually allow the dog to remain, or to lodge, or to be fed, within his home, yard, building or enclosure or on his premises. h) This ordinance does not apply to "hunting dogs" running at large when under the immediate control of the owner, custodian or possessor of said dogs. The term "under the immediate control" is defined as the power to manage and direct said dogs and is not limited to actual physical control of said dogs. SECTION THREE: a) IMPOUNDING OF UNLICENSES OR PUBLIC NUISANCE DOGS Any dog without a ·proper which has committed any one or more and current registration tag, or any dog of the public nuisances ment:!.onetl in Section Two above, may be taken up at any time by those persons officially appointed to serve as Dog Warden by the Pulaski County Fiscal Court. b) For the purpose of discharging the duties imposed by this ordinance and to enforce its provision, any Dog Warden is empowered to enter upon the premisi;:::s upon which the dog is kept or harbured and to request the exhibHion of such dog an• · the license for such dog. -2- c) It shall be the duty of all peace officers within Pulaski County, Kentucky, to support and aid the Dog Wardens in their duties if called upon, and this shall include the issueing of a summons to the keeper, harborer or owner of any dog whether licensed or unlicensed, which has been permitted to be a public nuisance as defined in Section Two. d) Impoundment shall be at the Somerset-Pulaski County Animal Shelter. e) Dogs shall be confined in a humane manner. f) Unlicensed dogs suffering from injury, infectious disease or severe illness shall be disposed of immediately by the Dog Warden in a humane manner. All other dogs, licensed or unlicensed, which are healthy may be kept for not more than seven (7) days after pickup, and then, if unclaimed, may be disposed of by the Dog Warden in a humane manner. g) Immediately upon impounding of dogs, the Dog Warden shall make every possible effort to notify the owners of such dogs so impounded and inform the owners f the conditions whereby they may regain custody of such animals. h) Carcasses of dogs destroyed by the Pulaski County Animal Shelter shall be disposed of according to law. 1-·r"r:' SECTION FOUR: RECLAIMING OR BUYING IMPOUNDED DOGS ===-=-~~'--''--'-~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= a) 01 '.> (/~Ci"'SC J i\Ao r•o" '" 2~10 - s~ Any licensed dog may be reclaimed by its owner upon /5. paying a redemption fees as follows: :<5. $~.00 for the first offense; 56. $5'Q".OO for the second offense; and $~.00 for any subsequent redemptions of the same dog, together with a veterinarian fee for anti-rabies vaccination in absence of proof of vaccination for current year, the costs of boarding and keeping, and any other fees required by the Pulaski County Animal Shelter, pursuant to the attached sheet, which is annexed hereto and referred to herein by reference as if fully copied herein. -3- c) Any dog not claimed within seven (7) days after pickup may be sold for the accumulated costs detailed in parts "a" and "b" of this Section. SECTION FIVE: a) ENTICING DOG FROM OWNER It shall be unlawful for a person to entice a dog from the yard or enclosure of its keeper or owner for the purpose of causing it to be impounded,. or to remove a muzzel, collar, license tag or chain wihtout the consent of the Keeper or owner thereof. b) Any person who shall violate this Section, upon conviction shall be fined not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars, nor more than Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars for each offense, and this fine shall be in addition to any court costs. SECTION SIX: RECORDS It shall be the duty of the Dog Warden to keep or cause to be kept: a) Accurate and detailed records of the licensing of dogs. These records shall include, breed, sex, coloration, size and name of owner. b) Complete records of all dogs collected, impounded, reclaimed, sold or disposed of, including dates, persons involved and identification of dogs (as in "a" above). c) Accurate and detailed records of bite cases, and of the investigati< and disposition in each case. d) Accurate and detailed records of all monies received, and of all costs of operation of the Animal Shelter and of those expenses incurred by the Dog Wardens in the performance of their duties. \ SECTION SEVEN: PENALTY Any person, firm or organization violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, excluding Sections Four and Six, or receiving a summons (referred to in Section Three), shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars, nor more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each offense, and this penalty shall be in addition to all courts costs and to all costs which may be charged un<l Section Seven. -4- SECTION EIGHT: All complaints concerning a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance must be signed by the complaining party. SECTION NINE: a) INVALIDITIES AND CONFLICTS If any section, paragraph or clause of this ordinance is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such section, paragraph or clause shall not affect any of the remaining parts. b) All prior ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict and to such extent only. First reading this ..2.2_ day of%~, .,!~~ Second reading this /O day of Passed this ..112_ day of f~,, 1988. 1988. , 1988. This ordinance shall be considered to be in full force and effect upon the signature of the Pulaski County Judge/Executive. ATTEST: ?~£~~ PULASKI COUNTT CLE PUBLISHED THIS L£'l_ day of 7(::r'h , • 1988. -5- .. ... Pulaski Co. Animal Shelter 4072 N. Hwy. 27 Somerset, Ky. 42501 Dog Warden DAVID MOSS (606)679-6432 Co. Judge/Executive DARRELL BESHEARS (606)678-4853 AllOPTION FEES FOR PULASKI COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER Effective Date January 1, 1987 MALE ADULT DOGS 1 4 months or older $40.00- price includes neuter, rabies shot, parvo and Kentucky dog license. MALE PUPS1 6 weeks to 4 months old $22. SO- price includes parvo and wo:r:Ding. FEMALE DOGS: 6 weeks and older $45.00- price includes spa:y, worming, parvo, rabies shot and Kentuck;r dog license •. Owners Claiming A Dog That Has Been Picked Up B7 The Pulaslci County Animal Shelter Will Be Charged A Fee Of1 /S..l S- s6 ~ - $50";t)O $~ first time Second time - Third time Owners Will Also Have To Show Proof Of Rabies Shot and Kentucky Dog License. There Will Be A $10.00 Charge for Picking up a Personal Dog and A $5.00 Charge for Dog11 BroUBht in b;r the Owner. ~ i CATS ADULT1 1I KI1I1'1'ENS: $10.00 - Short Hair $15.00 - Long Hair $5.00 Price Includes Rabies Shot AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 800.l "THE PULASKI COUNTY DOG ORDINANCE" WHEREAS, The Fiscal Court of Pulaski County lrns determined that veterinarian costs have increased affecting current adoption fees at the Animal Shelter; BE IT NOW TIIBRJE:FORD OlIDAUffiJ) by the Fiscal Court of Pulaski County~ Kentucky~ It shall be mandatory that all animals adopted from the Pulaski County Animal Shelter be spayed or neutered with the following fees to be charged: Fifty ($50.00) for male or female dogs. Thirty--five ($35.00) for cats. First reading this 26th day of January, 1993~ ;2) day of Febr·uary, 1993. Second reading this This Ordinance shall be considered to be in full force and effect upon the signature of the Pulaski County Judge Executive and retroactive to February 1, /99}3. k rM~l~XECUTIV'°'E-- /?ecor-J'f!. ,f_ Publiolted this 2J day of __F_~_b_r_~-·-·+r------· 1993. PREAMBLE * * * * * * * AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE; DOGS AS A PUBLIC NUISANCE; DOG WARDEN POWERS JI.ND DUTIES; VICIOUS DOGS; PENALTIES. AMENDMENT PULi\ SK 1 COUNTY ORD lNl\NCE NO: _f3:J.:l:__g. SECTION ONE shall be amended (d). proof Any dog as follows: that bites a child or adult shall have of rabies shots. If owner of said dog cannot produce proo( oi rabies shots, the dog shall be taken to the Pulaski County period. owner Shelter and guarantied for the ten (10) day After tl10 ton (10) day guarantied period is up the Animal shall tl10 dog pay up, vaccination, a twenty-five plus costs a of ($25.00) dollar foe to pick veterinarian fee for anti-rabies boarding and keeping, and any other fees required by tho Pulaski County Animal Shelter. SECTION TWO shall bo amended as follows: (a) enough or Constantly to barks, howles, yelps or whines loud be heard beyond the premises of where it is kept harbored. Constantly meaning continually, persistently or its common sense definition. (b) Habitually goes upon any property or premises not owned or occupied by the person who owns the dog. SECTION THREE shal 1 be amended os follows: The Dog Wardon sholl have the power to issue a citation to the keeper, or unlicensed, harborer or owner of any dog whether licensed which has been nuisance as defined in Section Two. permitted to be a public PREhMELE * * * * * * * AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF DOGS HUNNING AT LARGE; DOGS l\S A PUBLIC NUISANCE; DOG \<11\RDEN PO\</Ef\S !\ND DUTIES; VICIOUS DOGS; PENALT[ES. PUL1\SKI COUNTY O!WINANCE NO: MlENll~ffN'l' SECTION ONE: (a) kt'C p It 1-\cntucky, or bo 11nlawful for any person or group to own any dog within Pulaski County, h'i thout first l1uving puid a ycurly license fee of thoroon. Sl.~O (b) ~J1111c on shall h~1rbor, I HEGISTIU\TION OF DOGS REQUIRED/DOG BITES Tho liconso sl1all cover a period from July l to Thi1; [oc is duo and payable JO, first day of July of each year, or on the first day tho o[ the montl1 following acquisition of the dog. (c) It bo tho duty of tho keeper, shall owner to sliall issue metal or other durable material, having stamped or engraved thereon register harborer or the registration; a the same with the County Dog Warden who receipt therefore rcgistrotion and it shall in the form of a tag or number and the be duty of the keeper, the year of harborer or owner to attach such tag to a collar and to keep i t on the dog at all (d) proof Any dog time~. that of rabies shots. proof of rabies shots, County Animal Shelter !\[tor the ten bites a child or adult shall have If owner of said dog cannot produce the dog shall be taken to the Puleski and guarantied for the ten (10) day (JO) day guarantied period is up the (f) Bites any person on sidewalks, streets, or any property other than that of its owner or keeper. Definitions: ( g) "Habitually" in this document means three or n1ore times during any one thirty (30) day period. "Keep ~llow Harbor" in this document means to habitually o~- tl1c dog to remain, or to lodge, or to be fed, within l1is l1c)n10, y0rd, This (11) running owner, L11c building or enclosure or on his premises. at ordinance large ct:stodi~n docs when not apply to "hunting dogs" under the immediate control of the or possessor of said dogs. i1J11J1ecll;iLe control" is dc[inocl as direct said dogs and is not The term "under tlw power to manage and limited to actual physical control o( said dogs. SEC1'10N Tl!REE: - - -IMPOUNDING OF UNLICENSED OR PUBLIC NlJlSl\NCE DOGS -------(a) l\ny dog without a proper and current registration or any dog which has committed any one or more of the tag, public taken nuisances up mentioned in Section Two above, may be at any time by those persons officially appointed to servo as Dog Warden by the Pulaski County Fiscal Court. (b) by For the purpose of discharging the duties imposed this Warden ordinance is and empowered to enforce its provision, any Dog to enter upon the premises upon which the dog is kept or harbored and to request the exhibition of such dog. (c) The Dog Warden ciLatlon to the keeper, shall have the power to issue a harborer or owner of any dog whether owner pay shall the dog up, a twenty-five ($25.00) dollar fee to pick plus a costs \:accination, veterinarian of fee for anti-rabies boarding and keeping, and any other fees required by the Pulaski County Animal Shelter. SECTION TWO: PUBLIC NUISANCES PHOHIBITED ~~~~~~~~~~~- any No person dog which objectionable in Pulaski County shall keep, harbor or own sl1all do actions, any one or more of the following each of which is hereby declared to be a public nuisance: Constantly (a) to enough or barks, howl es, yelps or whines loud be heard beyond the premises of where it is kept harbored. Constantly meaning continually, persistently or its commo11 sense definition. (b) IL1bi tually got'S upon any property or premises not owned or occupied by the person who owns the dog. (c) milk Habitually turns over or gets into garbage cans or containers property, or damages shrubbery and items of personal located on any premises other than those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or owns said dog. (d) When not on the property of its owners or keeper, habitually runs at, in any other jumps on, chases, barks at, bites at, or way frightens, molests or scares any child or adult than the one who keeps, harbors or owns said dog and the members of his immediate family. ( e) livestock Chuses, attacks or kills any other dog, any or other animal besides those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or own~ said dog. ;,,-;L First reading this ( i ' ( "(:)--'- day of 1{ 1,\_ .,A ' .,., _j;., .) \ Second reading this .j) -- day of Passed this This and effect c )_,-ti, ~ -. J J,; J:_, '! /'-day of1\._)(,tr ' 1999 . ' 1999. I , 1999. Ordinance shall be considered to be in full force upon the signature of the Pulaski County Judge Executive. 1~{}),1_gj/ &~1~ PULASKI COUNTY JUDGE/EXECUTIVE ATTEST: ~c& 4 -~c,..J==q.\-- , 1999.
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