WELCOME TO WORSHIP! WHAT GOES WHERE AND WHY THE ALTAR/CROSS/BIBLE The altar, cross, and Bible have always been a central feature of PCUMC's sanctuary. This will continue to be reflected by placing the altar elevated and in front of the stage. PULPIT/LECTERN The ongoing centrality of God's Word reflected in the Bible on the altar, will also be expressed with the pulpit centrally located. (this also is a reflection of limited shared space.) ORGAN Rather than store our incredible organ, we enlisted the help of the Allen Organ Company, who originally installed the organ to help us move it. We have the joy of hearing the same beautiful music that we are accustomed to at our 8 & 11 am services. MONDAY 6/15 8:00 AM Men’s Study/Conference Room 9:00 - 10:00 AM Exercise/Port 9:30 AM Worship at Courtyard Assisted Living 2:00 PM Worship at Lexington Manor 7:00 PM “Enough” Study/Fellowship Hall TUESDAY 6/16 9:30 AM Worship at Sandhill Gardens 1:30 PM Children’s Summer Lunch Program/New Room 1:30 PM Women’s Bible Study/Conference Room 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study/New Room WEDNESDAY 6/17 8:00 AM Emmaus Men/Chick-fil-A 9:00 - 10:00 AM Exercise/Port 6:00 - 8:15 PM Port Youth/Youth Room 6:30 PM Pastor’s Study/New Room THURSDAY 6/18 11:00 AM Emmaus Women/Lounge 12:30 PM Mah Jongg/New Room 3:00 PM Alzheimer’s Support Group/Conference Room 6:00 - 7:30 PM GEMS/Port 7:00 - 8:00 PM Bible Study/Lounge FRIDAY 6/19 9:00 - 10:00 AM Exercise/Port BAPTISMAL FONT We anticipate the life of our church through worship to continue to grow. The baptismal font will be placed up front just as it was in our regular sanctuary. SCREENS We will begin worshipping with the current single projection screen. We have ordered High Definition LED Screens that will enable us to see images more clearly. Those will be put in place as soon as they arrive. June 14, 2015 Third Sunday after Pentecost OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:30am - Noon INSTRUMENTS Our Praise and Worship Band will continue to provide musical leadership from the front of the Sanctuary, which necessitates that they be situated on the stage in front of us. BANNERS We have so many lovely banners which highlight the seasons of the church year. When you look around our "sanctuary" you will see that the banners are arranged on the walls in a clockwise fashion walking through the Christian year. to worship SHOES FOR PEACE We are requesting donations of “flips and sandals” for the mission trip to the Dominican Republic on June 23, 2015. Sizes for ages 2-10. A collection box is located near the Welcome Center. Thank you! TODAY, SUNDAY 6/14 9:30 AM Children’s Sunday School/Children’s Wing 9:30 AM Adult Study Options (current study topic): “The Prophets” (video series): New Room Job: Lounge Andy Stanley (video series): Conference Room Study of 1 Corinthians: Port, Purple Room & Choir Room 11:00 AM Acts of Faith 11:15 AM Kids’ Worship/Port 2:00 PM Worship at Brookdale Port Charlotte WELCOME RENOVATION PRESENTATION Sunday, June 28 at 4pm in Fellowship Hall Invitations to a presentation on the church renovation have been mailed to relatively new members who have not previously had the opportunity to learn about the initial phase of the renovation and the entire master plan. If any of you have not received an invitation but have never been to a presentation and would like to learn more, you are welcome to come on Sunday, June 28th at 4pm in Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to the church office by Sun., June 21st. EVENTS THIS WEEK FAREWELL RECEPTION FOR PAUL KISNER Today after the 11 o’clock service Please plan to join us as we celebrate with Paul and Dawn Kisner as they leave for Paul’s new appointment as Pastor of Hope United Methodist Church, Cape Coral. Paul has served as our Director of Youth Ministries for the past 5 1/2 years. We wish Paul & Dawn the very best in this new chapter of Paul’s ministry. Port Charlotte United Methodist Church KNOW Christ. GROW to love Christ. GO to serve Christ. Pastor Brian James Passcode: SunshineHope15 GIVE YOUR GIFT ONLINE: e-giving.org/portcharlotteumc Visit us online for audio sermons, newsletters, upcoming events and more: www.pcumc.info / www.facebook.com/portcharlotteumc Please support relief efforts in Nepal: - Pray without ceasing. - Make donations payable to: Port Charlotte United Methodist Church Memo: UMCOR Advance #982450 FIVE PCUMC PROMISES FOR 2015: Worship Christ More Passionately. Through intentional discipleship, grow to look more like Christ. Serve Christ more faithfully. Practice hospitality more radically. Express generosity more extravagantly. 21075 Quesada Avenue Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Office: (941) 625-4356 Fax: (941) 625-0144 www.pcumc.info THOUGHT FOR MEDITATION “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19 9:30 AM CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP FIRST TIME VISITORS - WELCOME! Accessible Seating: The front row in Fellowship Hall is available for worshipers with disabilities or those requiring such accommodation and their families. WELCOME 8:00 & 11:00 AM TRADITIONAL WORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS/WELCOME SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS (11AM) Bob Burr “Majesty” (Hayford/Hayes) PRELUDE CALL TO WORSHIP** (based on Psalm 118:24, 2 Cor. 5:17, & Rev. 21:5) Leader: This is the day that the Lord has made. People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: This is a day of new beginnings. People: The old has passed away, the new has come. Leader: Come, let us prepare ourselves for worship. People: Let us worship our God, the one who makes all things new. “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” #384 OPENING HYMN** CHILDREN’S MOMENT (11 AM) All children are invited to come up to the altar for a special message. All children in grades K - 5th grade are invited to attend Kids’ Worship at the Port, following the Children’s Moment. OPENING PRAISE “Happy Day” “One Thing Remains” Nursery: A professionally staffed Nursery (with pagers) for newborns to 4-year-olds is open from 8AM-12:15PM in the children’s area. Changing tables are available in both the men’s and women’s restrooms. STEPHEN MINISTRY COMMISSIONING Transportation to Sunday Service: Call the church office at 625-4356 (by noon on Friday) for information and reservations. OFFERING MORNING PRAYER “How He Loves” VIDEO “Beautiful Things” SCRIPTURE LESSON: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 Doxology SCRIPTURE READING MESSAGE CLOSING HYMN** Stephen Ministry: Are you going through a difficult time? We have free confidential care available. Contact Pastor Brian, 625-4356. Membership: The next membership class will be Tuesday, July 7th 6-8pm. Contact Pastor Earl Parker, at (352) 848-7865 for more information/registration. CLOSING PRAISE “Trading My Sorrows” SENDING FORTH “Deep River” (Trad. Spiritual/Hayes) Anne Bouhebent, flute “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” #95 MESSAGE NOTES: “Made New” 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 “Pass it On” (Besig) Edith Nelson Anne Bouhebent, flute I. Through Christ, we are being _________________________________. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 “Made New” Paul Kisner “Sois la Smilla” (You are the Seed) #583 II. Christ makes us new by giving us …. SENDING FORTH** POSTLUDE** Prayer Chain: To request prayer, you may use the prayer card in the pew or call the church office 625-4356. Today’s 8am and 11am altar flowers are presented by Sandi Hurl in memory of Ken Hurl. Today’s 8:00 AM worship service, broadcast on WVIJ-FM (91.7), is sponsored by Fegers Health Foods, 3058 Tamiami Trail, PC, Phone: 625-5561. THE CHURCH AT PRAYER The Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer SPECIAL MUSIC Our Sunshine Ministry visits those living in nursing homes, rehab or who are homebound. If you are aware of someone in need, please call the church office. MESSAGE: “Made New” Paul Kisner STEPHEN MINISTRY COMMISSIONING OFFERINGS TO GOD Offertory Large Print/Audio: Large print hymnals and hearing enhancement devices are available from an usher. “Shout to the Lord” (Zschech/Carter) Pray for Our Missionaries Dominican Republic: Connie DiLeo Palestine: Alex & Brenda Awad Zambia: Delbert R. & Sandy R. Groves At home: Neighbor to Neighbor Mission Project We count people because people count! Passionate Worship attendance 6/6/15: 381 8:00 AM: 88 9:30 AM: 51 11:00 AM: 202 Offsite Worship Attendance (5/31-6/6): 40 Salty Service Participants (5/31-6/6): 35 Intentional Discipling (5/31-6/6): 246 Hospital/Homebound Visits (5/31-6/6): 14 a) a New __________________________________. Extravagant Generosity - Week Ending 6/6/15: Tithes/Offerings: CWM Recoveries: b) a New __________________________________. CCLI License #853225 ** Please stand if you are comfortably able. TOTALS: Actual Weekly: $8,994 $1,554 $10,548 Budget Weekly: $11,379 $4,226 $15,605 Year-to-date Actual: $257,078 $99,347 $356,425 Year-to-date Budget: $250,338 $92,972 $343,310 For a full accounting of the church’s finances, contact Nancy Bosserdet, Financial Secretary.
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