New Course for Pet Dog Trainers

Pet Dog Training Instructors
Practical Courses established 2005 Theory Programme and Membership Register established 2010
PDTI celebrates 10 great years and proudly presents its 4th
Saturday 11th April 2015 9.00am for 9.45am until 5.00pm
Venue: Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
Talking on four essential topics, we are delighted to announce our inspirational speaker
John Rogerson KCAI (WT , Beh )
Author of the Dog Vinci Code amongst others, John is passionate to help others understand
the intelligence of dogs and the emotional link humans have with their loyal companions. John
should need no introduction to anyone currently engaged in the study of canine behaviour
and training as he is one of the most sought after speakers on the subject in the world today.
Topics: 1. Breeding and Raising Better Dogs for our Communities
2. A New Approach to Companion Dog Training
3. Dog Behaviour Problems and Simple Solutions
4. Aggression – the Start of an Epidemic
If you have never heard him speak, now is your opportunity, and if you have heard him
before, you will not want to miss hearing him again … and you will not be disappointed!
Tickets: £45.00 PDTI members, £50 KCAI members, £55.00 non-members
inclusive of tea / coffee on arrival from 9.00am
See booking form for 10% early booking (by 1st Feb) and 10% group discounts
[A farmhouse buffet lunch £15.00 and B&B £52.00 is available on booking tickets]
John will also be presenting a practical-based Workshop on ‘Play’ the following day
(see separate posters on our PDTI Easter Workshops for more details)
Visit our website further information and updates
Conf. Admin: email Wendy on [email protected]
Wendy Shufflebotham PPDTI Adv, 3 Under the Hill, Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire, ST8 7RR
PDTI Registered Office: 87 Coleridge Close, Hitchin, Herts SG4 0QY Tel: 014 6223 0585 [email protected]
Pet Dog Training Instructors
Practical Courses established 2005 Theory Programme and Membership Register established 2010
Saturday 11th April 2015 Start: 9 for 9.45am
Finish: 5.00pm
Venue: Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
Tickets: £45.00 PDTI members, £50 KCAI members, £55.00 non-members
inclusive of tea / coffee on arrival from 9.00am (NB no other refreshments will be provided)
Ticket discounts: 10% if bookings before 1st Feb (postmark). 10% off ticket cost if group 4+
Day Tel:
Business / Club:
Please reserve me …. PDTI Member place(s) …. KCAI member place(s) …. Non-member place(s)
* Farmhouse buffet lunch - please tick column *below and add £15.00 each to your order
**B&B en-suite accommodation is available on site @ £52.00 / night (state night/s **below) or ring
Wendy to discuss **camping options
Clearly write full names of delegates for issue of attendance certificates:
*Lunch ** B&B requirements
Please print out, fill in and send completed form with EITHER a cheque payable to ‘Pet Dog Training
Instructors’ OR with confirmation of direct bank transfer – quoting ref ‘Conf + your initials’ – to credit
‘PDTI Ltd’ Account number 17184258 Sort Code 60 11 10 [Nat West Bank, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1YY]
SEND to: Wendy Shufflebotham PPDTI, 3 Under the Hill, Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire, ST8 7RR.
On receipt of your form, you will receive an email confirmation which will also act as your ticket.
PDTI Registered Office: 87 Coleridge Close, Hitchin, Herts SG4 0QY Tel: 014 6223 0585 [email protected]