PEACE † GRUE AN ELCA PARISH TO BECOME THE VOICE AND HANDS OF JESUS MAY 2015 Inside this issue: MUSINGS from the Pastor GRUE WELCA News PEACE WELCA News BIRTHDAYS-May PEACE Sunday School GRUE Sunday School PEACE ACOLYTES May PEACE News -Council GRUE News-council LUTHER CREST News CONFIRMATION News 2 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 GRUE Men’s pork chop dinner Sunday, May 3rd at the Ashby High School from 11am-1:30pm MENU Grilled Pork Chops Baked potato Dinner roll Dessert and Beverage Adults $8-youth 12-6 yrs old $5-kids 5 yrs and under FREE Extra Pork Chop $2 Remember to purchase your raffle tickets-$2.00 a ticket. You could win1/2 a pig,-$150 beef bundle-$50 in cash ___________________________________ Join in the fellowship and enjoy the food with family and neighbors- May 10, 2015 Congratulations to our seniors at Peace and Grue: Zach Barry, Jed Evavold, Hunter Fick, Cassandra Jordan. Chelsy Ness, Beth Odens, Erin Sorenson, Madison Van Santen Baccalaureate @ the Ashby High School Wednesday, May 20, 2015 @ 7pm Ashby High School Graduation Sunday, May 24th at 2pm 9 I hereby command you: “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 Page 2 MUSINGS from the Pastor Musings for May Springtime! Time of renewal and new life! Time of (usually) thunder showers and budding trees. Time to get busy out of doors, in the garden, on the tractor! We give God thanks and praise for the rhythms of the seasons, dependable and each with its gift for life. We might also think of the springtime of our spiritual journeys since this is the time of graduations, end of classrooms and Sunday School, etc. So much of our personalities (some say all) and life direction is determined by those years and experiences during these growing years. As congregations we have promised at baptisms to support and pray for those in the springtime of life, to encourage and commend, to invite and welcome. Sometimes we need to pick up where parents and sponsors become lax in their promises to bring their children to worship, to teach them, and to share the Scriptures with them. Each one of us is called to fill in and to be that “sponsor” who encourages the children and youth as well as their parents to grow beyond spring into mature and fruit-bearing branches attached to the Vine. At one time I believe there was a secret friend or prayer warrior program for members of our Sunday School; each child linked with an adult who would pray for him/her. I’m not sure how it died or what happened to it, but I think we could benefit with its revival. Prayer is powerful, especially when coupled with extra hugs and hellos. There is an opportunity for learning about the latest possibilities in youth discipleship from Luther Seminary, The Confirmation Project. It is called “Signs of Life in Times of Change”, July 29-31. If this is your passion, please let me know. We all want these precious “bulbs” to grow and flourish! Wishing you well, spring in your steps, zip in your stride, and, always, hope in the Gospel. Pastor Carol~~~ OFFICIAL ACTS MONTH OF MARCH and APRIL: FUNERALS: Gene Woldahl March 30, 2015 at Grue. Baptisms: Henry Duenow April 19, 2015 at Peace. Son of Aaron & Amanda Duenow. Bentley Donald Olson April 26, 2015 at Peace. Son of Aaron & Melissa Olson. NWMN SYNOD ASSEMBLY The representatives of the churches of the Northwestern MN synod will assemble at Concordia College on May 16 and 17. Voting members from Peace are Tom Graham and Teresa Magnuson. Grue will be represented by Greg and Gwen Lillemon. The theme this year is discerning and visioning for the future. What is God up to? Page 3 PICTORIAL DIRECTORY NEWS Pictorial Directory – thank you to everyone that was able to keep your appointments and come to Peace Church in March for the Pictorial Directory, and thank you to everyone that was able to spend a couple hours as hostesses – much appreciated. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Val Fick will be at both churches the first 2 Sundays in May to schedule for the June shooting – THE DATES HAVE CHANGED– it will be Friday and Saturday, June 26 and 27th and if we need a third day, it will be Thursday, the 25th. We encourage everyone to participate; and if for some reason, these dates do not work or you would like to submit a photo to be used please e mail it to [email protected] or to [email protected] and it will be forwarded. PLEASE NOTE: there has been a conversation with the rep from LifeTouch Photography – he has assured us we will have a different team for the June shooting and comments we have had from you regarding delays and high pressure sales have been forwarded to the company. In their mind, they are presenting options – it might be helpful to pick up a brochure that outlines different packages so you are somewhat prepared when you come for your photo sitting and purchase time. Also, if you bring an item for the food shelf, you will receive a $5 discount on any purchase you decide to make. NIGHT OF PRAISE DATE CHANGE “NIGHT OF PRAISE” Date change Night of Praise, originally scheduled for May 3 has been changed to September 13 – “Men of Note” a men’s choral group from Fergus Falls is coming to Peace Church to share a message in music and a couple of their members have significant family commitments until the end of June so it made sense to wait until Fall rather than a Sunday evening during the Summer months. Everyone will enjoy this group so mark your calendars for September 13. DONATIONS NEEDED-CITY OF ASHBY The city of Ashby is still looking for donations to help pay for movies and music in the park for the Farmers Market and Community Festival each Thursday in August. We have recently sent out the survey for the movie choices on Facebook and we are working on booking the musical entertainment. We appreciate all the donations we received last year and hope that you would be willing to contribute this year! All donations will be recognized on the posters and press releases. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated. Give us a call if you have any questions. City of Ashby - Pop. 446, 203 West Main, Ashby, MN 56309 218-747-2876 Fax: 218-747-2886 Cell Phone: 218-766-3877 e-mail: [email protected] Page 4 GRUE WELCA NEWS GRUE WOMEN On May 19th, we will meet at 6:30 P.M. with Marlys Klimp hosting. We will complete the Bible Study of Reformation and Confirmation. Please join us for discussion and fellowship. All are welcome! We will be raising money for fall charitable contributions by having a no-bake bake sale. Donations can be given to Twila at the bank or in a collection box in church. We will extend an opportunity to give donations until June 30th. Any amount is welcome. PEACE WELCA NEWS The PEACE W E L C A Messenger Thank you Group 2 for all the volunteer activities for April and a special thanks to all those that served coffee and communion for Senior Recognition Sunday and making that day special for Cassandra, Erin and Hunter. Group 3 has the month of May, including the potluck brunch for the last day of Sunday School. A WELCA Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, 7 pm at the church – discussion will include a recap of the Spring Salad Luncheon and Bake Sale, Church Cleaning Day in June and the Fall Bazaar. Please mark your calendars. Teresa Magnuson has graciously offered a quilt top for our Bazaar Raffle and she has taken the quilt to a lady that leases a quilting machine. Teresa has also quilted the quilt and when the binding is finished she will bring it for display. How exciting and thank you Teresa. God’s Blessings to all!! Val Fick, WELCA President Please join us in a Birthday Celebration of cake & coffee after 9am service at Peace church on Sunday, May 31st honoring our Mother, Corinne Dahlen. Cheryl, Lori, Donna, Daniel, Jana & Julie and our families. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you to the members of Peace Church for your support during my years of Sunday School, Bible Camp, Wings and Confirmation. I invite you to join myself and my family for a Graduation Open House Reception on Saturday, May 23, at the Ashby American Legion from 1 to 4 pm. Hunter Fick—- Page 5 BIRTHDAYS HAPPY MOTHERS DAY God's Helpers MAY BIRTHDAYS by: George W. Wiseman God could not be in every place With loving hands to help erase The teardrops from each baby's face, And so He thought of mother. _________ May 1st Wesley Shaffer May 2nd June Leine May 3rd Aaron Phillips May 4th Ron Peterson May 5th Donna Lindemyer May 6th Lillian Evavold Orland Norenberg Amy Bidleman May 10th Carson Spangler Carter Spangler Brenda Jones Jason Odens Chad Van Santen May 11th Vonnie Gilbertson May 12th Marcus Alvstad May 15th Deb Story May 17th Teresa Barry May 19th Terry Ohren Shawn Spangler Betty Torgrimson May 20th Vernie Alvstad May 21st Joan Maunumaki May 23rd Tyler Barry Spencer Mekalson May 26th Joel Holte May 27th Megan Rein May 29th Anthony Ohren Emily Williams Char Hanson May 30th Corinne Dahlen May 31st Reid Magnuson ________ If I don’t have your birth date or if I have it listed incorrectly please e-mail or call me - 747-2273 [email protected] Melissa He could not send us here alone And leave us to a fate unknown; Without providing for His own, The outstretched arms of mother. God could not watch us night and day And kneel beside our crib to pray, Or kiss our little aches away; And so He sent us mother. And when our childhood days began, He simply could not take command. That's why He placed our tiny hand Securely into mother's. The days of youth slipped quickly by, Life's sun rose higher in the sky. Full grown were we, yet ever nigh To love us still, was mother. And when life's span of years shall end, I know that God will gladly send, To welcome home her child again, That ever-faithful mother. GRUE women meet: Tuesday, May 19th. Marlys Klimp hosting. RUTH Circle meeting: Tuesday, May 19th. Judy Godwin & Judi Kronberg hosting. REBECCA Circle meeting: Thursday, May 7th at 7pm. Page 6 PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS PEACE SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE FOR MAY (worship times change in May) †† † † † † † † †† PEACE MAY SERVICE 9AM / SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:30 AM May 3rd SS @ 9:30am WORSHIP TIME CHANGED TO 10:45AM TO ACCOMMODATE THE GRUE PORK CHOP DINNER. May 10th SS @ 10:15– Mother’s Day May 17th Sunday School Sings 6th grade –Recite New Books of the Bible. Preschool/Kindergarten – Recite John 3:16 Verse Last Day of Sunday School – Potluck brunch following worship service. PEACE ACOLYTE SCHEDULE MAY WORSHIP TIMES CHANGE 9AM SERVICE MAY 3 Kalista Aamot and Halle Dahlen 10 Aanika and Bobbie Anderson 17 Brandon and Bradley Anderson 24 Zander Hanson and Jacob Rein 31 Abbigal Evavold and Elli Johnsrud GRUE ACOLYTE SCHEDULE may 10:45am Service MAY 3 Joan Maunumaki and Rachel Runningen 10 Michael Van Santen and Jake Rasmussen 17 Amelia Barry and Courtney Koefod 24 Taleeyah Johnson and Josey Ness 31 Annah Evavold and Erika Heibel ***If you are unable to acolyte on the Sunday that you are listed please contact another youth and switch or ask them to cover for you-thanks. ___________________ Note of Thanks to all of the Sunday school teachers and volunteers at both Peace and Grue, Just a little note of appreciation for the time and energy you all have put in this year teaching the children at Sunday school. Thank you for all your hard work, time commitment and planning that has been put into our youth’s Christian growth at both Peace and Grue throughout the Sunday school year. We are blessed to have all of you as a part of our church family! Kind regards, Your church family at Peace and Grue THANKYOU—THANKYOU—THANK YOU—THANK YOU—THANK YOU Page 7 PEACE COUNCIL NEWS PEACE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES– April 8, 2015 Attending: Justin Eberhardt, Tim Cunningham, Tom Graham, Donald Hanson, Pastor Carol, Gene Jensen, Jackie Anderson & Janet Novak Absent: Mary Johnsrud and Missy Evavold & Terry Fick Meeting called to order by President Tom Graham M/S/C to accept Secretary’s Report with corrections M/S/C to accept Treasurer’s Report Pastor’s report reviewed COMMITTEE REPORTS Stewardship – Easter breakfast went well but attendance down a bit from previous year. Net proceeds will be reported next month and submitted to Luther Crest’s Prepare The Way campaign. Trees have been ordered for Soil & Water Stewardship Sunday. Christian Growth – Parish Pictorial Project took place. Heard a few complaints regarding attendants being a bit pushy. Education – Joint Parish Meeting scheduled 4/12 at 1pm – Confirmation is topic Property & Mgmt – No report Worship – No report OLD BUSINESS Community Garden Project: Tom will schedule a planning meeting with Janet and others who are interested. Janet will submit a request to Thrivent for ‘seed’ money and a rain barrel. New projector was purchased from Parish funds and will go to Grue. Discussion on advantage of new screen with rear projection but no action taken at this time NEW BUSINESS Acknowledged Jack Peterson will be celebrating his 30th year as custodian and bell ringer in June. June 7th is date tentatively picked as day to recognize and thank him. More discussion at May meeting. Sunday school teacher recognition will be Sunday, May 17th. Brunch will be served after the 9:00 am service. One Sacristy door window needs replacement. M/S/C to spend up to $400 to pay for two new windows to make sure both Sacristy door windows are same. Property Management committee will communicate with Jack. Discussion on Soil & Water Stewardship Sunday to be held either May 2nd or April 26th. Pastor Carol shared she had been offered bees and wondered if we were interested. She will have a discussion with Keith Nichols to obtain more information. Tom shared a letter from the 2015 Ashby Post Prom Committee requesting donations for their upcoming prom on May 2. The letter also thanked us for our past support and acknowledged this year, they were fortunate to have already raised quite a bit of money. After discussion, M/S/C to not give a donation this year. Tom confirmed he will schedule another session How To Take A Better Picture . $10 fee will be donated to audiovisual fund. Pastor Carol reminded us that our worship service time will change to 9:00 am starting in May. May 3rd service will be at 10:45am as to accommodate the Grue pork chop feed which will run from 11am-1:30pm. NWMN Synod Assembly is scheduled for May 16-17. Laity Service will be May 17th and Pastor Carol will ask John Zdrazil. M/S/C to provide $25 each ($50 total) towards Synod Scholarship and ELCA Campaign. Teresa Magnuson and Tom Graham will be representatives. Next Council Meeting will be May 13th at 7:00 pm M/S/C to adjourn with Lord’s Prayer Janet Novak, Peace Council Secretary Page 8 GRUE COUNCIL NEWS GRUE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES-April 1, 2015 The meeting was called to order by President Scott Juven. Members present: Scott, Hal, June, Bea, Darlane, Vonnie & Gwen. Member absent: Dylan Devotions were led by Pastor Carol. Committee report: Property and Management member brought to our attention that the expense to replace the furnace at the Church was not budgeted, so donations would be much appreciated. The Treasurer’s report was reviewed - M/S/C to accept. Old Business: *Senior recognition Day will be Sunday, April 12th. The quilts are done and Bea will make a cake for the 5 youth we have graduating this year. *Discussion on the benefit held for Gene Woldahl: it went very well & was well attended. Thank you to the Sunday school for volunteering their help and for all who donated toward the Silent Auction. *The Lenten service “Wedding Feast” at Grue was well attended. We served 87. Thank you to all who helped to make it a success! *Pork Chop feed is on for May 3rd at the Ashby School cafeteria, with Greg Lillemon as chairman & Dan Ness heading up the raffle ticket sales. They are wanting all men of the congregation to join in to help with this fundraiser. Also, still in need of a few pans of bars to be donated. New Business: *Sunday school teacher recognition day is set for May 31st which is the last day of Sunday school for the spring session. We have 4 teachers, Vonnie will pick up gifts for them. *Soil and Water Stewardship day will be celebrated on April 26th “The Pollinators” is the theme for this year. Keith Nichols and Darlane will present the information and samples to the congregation. Pastor Carol will get the litany. *The Synod Assembly is May 16-17th in Moorhead. Greg and Gwen will be attending from Grue. M/S/C to donate $50 for the offering. We will check with Jon Zdrazil to be our supply Pastor, as Pastor Carol will also be at the assembly. *The screen door on the back of the church by the steps is in need of being replaced. Scott will look into getting a new door. *The large cross on the outside of the church does not light up any more and is in need of repairs again. Property and Management will take care of this matter. *Ashby Prom is May 2nd –The Ladies will donate a maroon and gold jean quilt. The next meeting joint meeting will be May 13th @ 7:00 at Grue. M/S/C to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Grue Council Secretary, Gwen Lillemon Page 9 LUTHER CREST NEWS MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS! Luther Crest Bible Camp 8231 Co Rd 11 NE Alexandria MN 56308 320-846-2431 Called and Committed to a Christ centered ministry through creation and community! WOMEN'S WEEK 2015 Monday-Friday, June 22-26 Hey Ladies! Get your friends together and come for a day OR bring a carload for the day. Cost: One Day (with Lunch) Tuesday or Wednesday = $40 Cost: Women's Week Carload - One Day (with Lunch) = $100 Participate and grow together in a Christ-centered community through discussion and devotion. Join us a for a week of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation - PLUS excellent meals, goodies, and treats. There will be daily speakers and presentations. FAMILY CAMP Sunday-Wednesday, June 28-July 1 Pack up the car, grab the family, and come out to camp for a few relaxing days before the big Fourth of July holiday. Enjoy programming for all ages! Make s'mores around the campfire, take a boat ride around the Chain of Lakes, ride the zip line or soak up the sunshine while reading a great book. Child-care provided. Arts and crafts, nature adventures, bible diving, worships and campfires will also be provided. Meals included plus evening snacks. 14th Annual Luther Crest 2015 Summer GOLF SCRAMBLE MEN’S WILDERNESS TRIP Monday, August 10 / at the Lake Miltona Golf Club Boundary Waters Canoe trip Sunday-Friday, August 16-21 (must be 18 years or older) MARK YOUR CALENDARS Plan ahead for your child’s summer faith events Vacation Bible School will run July 20-23, 2015 at Peace Church Watch for more information and the dates for registration! Page 10 Confirmation News CONFIRMATION The education committees and interested persons have been reviewing and updating the confirmation program. Generally positive, they have some suggestions to tweak the program and enhance the learning opportunities for our youth. One of the things we want to emphasize is that this nurturing of the faith is the responsibility of the whole congregation. Youth need our encouragement and interest in what they are learning, how they are growing, and, perhaps, where they are struggling. Watch for names and pictures of who confirmands are presently and what holds their interest. ….Winding down: The formal classes for the confirmation program have finished up as of the end of April. We covered the life and ministry of Jesus, basics of Lutheran Doctrine, and the meaning of service in addition to the Ten Commandments, Holy Communion, and Confession. The latter were worked on in the home setting with sharing going on at one of our family huddles. In the fall we will begin an overview of the Scriptures and you are all invited to join us. ….Faith Partners: We are always looking for committed adults who will share a few hours getting to know one of the confirmands and sharing some of their own faith journey. If you would be interested, please let the education board know or talk to the pastor. FIRST COMMUNION News WELCOME TO THE TABLE To those bright and enthusiastic young people who have joined us at the communion table. We spent several hours on three Sunday afternoons learning the basics of this mysterious meal. Hopefully you noted their creative banners hanging at the church entrance. The youth are: Lilly Evavold, Jenna Johnsrud, Bryce Johnson, Catherine Koefod, Cecelia Nelson, Torin Olson, Mya Roley, Kaylee Schlundt, Molly Sorenson, Sam Sorenson, Carson Spangler and Carter Spangler. =================================================================== NEW MEMBERS PEACE will welcome new members to our fellowship again this spring. If you are interested in becoming a member or renewing your voting membership, please notify the church office. Voting members are received by transfer, confirmation of faith, or reinstatement through giving a recordable gift and sharing Holy Communion. If you would like to have a cash gift recorded, OFFERING ENVELOPES are available. They are not dated and can be used for any Sunday or special gift. Speak with Sharon Nelson, our financial secretary.
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