Annual Report June 2014 – May 2015 Peace Lutheran Church 1699 Belvidere Street El Paso, Texas 79912 915-584-1383 Office email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Peace Lutheran Church, El Paso TX God’s Gift. Our Work. Praise and Pray Encourage and Educate Accept and Advocate Commit and Celebrate Energize your lifE Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Table of Contents 2015 Annual Meeting Agenda ......................................................................... 3 2014-2015 Meeting Minutes............................................................................... 2014 Annual Meeting (May 2014)...............................................................4-5 2014-2015 Special Congregational Meeting (Feb 2015) ................................ 6 List of Church Council Representatives ........................................................ 7 President’s Report .........................................................................................8-9 Interim Pastor’s Report ............................................................................10-11 Treasurer’s Report ....................................................................................12-13 2015-2016 Budget ...................................................................................14-17 Preschool Director’s Report .....................................................................18-20 Youth Director’s Report ...........................................................................21-22 Music Director’s Report ................................................................................ 23 Worship Committee Report .......................................................................... 24 Rocky Mountain Synod 2015 Summary ...................................................... 25 2 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report 2015 Annual Meeting Agenda Peace Lutheran Church May 3, 2015 10:15am 1. 2. 3. 4. Call to Order and Opening Prayer Approval of 2014-2015 Minutes Approval of Church Council Representatives Reports a. President – Herb Janssen b. Treasurer – Susan Long i. 2015-2016 Budget c. Preschool Director – Barbara Stegmiller d. Youth Director – Hannah Drewes e. Music Director – Steve Jones f. Worship Committee – Debbie Gutierrez 5. Other 6. Adjournment and Lord's Prayer 3 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report 2014-2015 Meeting Minutes 2014 Annual Meeting Peace Lutheran Church Minutes from Congregational Annual Meeting Sunday, May 18, 2014 Call to Order / Attendance The meeting was called to order with opening prayer at 10:15am by Church Council President Herbert Janssen; an attendance sheet was passed among the attendees and is maintained in the church office. A quorum of members was present. Presentation of Meeting Minutes Minutes of the April 21, 2013 Annual Congregational Meeting, the June 2, 2013 Special Congregational Meeting and the April 14, 2014 Special Congregational Meeting were accepted as presented. Presentation of Executive Committee Roster of executive committee members was read: Herbert Janssen (president), Frankie Sweetnam (vice president), Susan Long (treasurer), John Matyi (secretary) and Gary Dakolios (financial secretary). Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business from the prior annual meeting of 4/21/2013 nor from the special congregational meetings held 6/2/2013 and 4/14/2014. New Business and Reports >Office and Youth Director Hannah Drewes provided an update on the health of Pastor Jon Hundt, who has been hospitalized a number of times since March 2, 2013 and is currently on disability leave from church duties. >President Janssen thanked Chaplain Glenn Palmer for the pastoral leadership he has provided at Sunday worship services during the absence of Pastor Hundt. The attendees recognized Chaplain Palmer with an appreciative round of applause. >Treasurer Susan Long presented the treasurer’s report that included fiscal year ending 5/31/14 projected receipts and expenditures, and new fiscal year 6/1/2014-5/31/2015 proposed budget. The treasurer’s report was accepted by unanimous voice vote as presented. Ms. Long requested that members continue their weekly offerings with a reminder that four member families will soon be departing the El Paso area. Karen Benuska expressed appreciation for the service provided by Ms. Long and asked that we strive as a congregation for 10% benevolence allocation Sandy Matyi inquired about fund balances; Ms. Long responded that church fund accounts have a total balance of approximately $21,000 4 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Shirley Moe encouraged the congregation to recognize that the currently stressed financial situation is temporary and can be improved. Following discussion, the treasurer’s report was accepted as presented. >Pre-School Director Barbara Stegmiller presented the pre-school report, stating that enrollment remains strong at 225 students. Ms. Stegmiller expressed desire to obtain accreditation for the pre-school which would enhance school curriculum and reputation. Ms. Stegmiller was complimented for her administration and the positive performance of the pre-school. >Office and Youth Director Hannah Drewes summarized her activities and job duties, stating that her initial image for Youth Director differed from the actual experience. Ms. Drewes related that she communicates with other churches, offering to assist and help grow their youth activities. Ms. Drewes was complimented for the administrative and leadership assistance that she has provided during the illness and absence of Pastor Hundt. >Other Discussion Items Ann Nicolaou recommended that a follow-up, interim congregational meeting occur to monitor progress Peter Nicolaou requested that church council meeting minutes be distributed electronically (email). There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned with prayer at 11:10am. Respectfully submitted, John Matyi 5 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report 2014-2015 Meeting Minutes 2014-2014 Special Congregational Meeting Special Congregational Meeting Minutes February 8, 2015 Frankie Sweetnam, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 10:30 am. It was determined that a quorum of the membership was present, with forty-one members in attendance. Pastor Dalene Fuller Rogers opened the meeting with prayer. The council members in attendance introduced themselves and gave a brief description of their position on the council. They were: Frankie Sweetnam, Vice President; Susan Long, Treasurer; Debbie Gutierrez, Worship; and Bob LaSerre, Trustee. Due to the absence of the council secretary, Susan Long was designated to record the meeting minutes. Frankie Sweetnam announced that the purpose of the special meeting is to adopt the Constitution and Bylaws for Peace Lutheran Church, as revised and presented by the church council; and that it is the recommendation of the church council to adopt the revised Constitution and Bylaws, as presented. Karen Benuska made the motion to adopt the revised Constitution and Bylaws, as presented; and Don Atkinson seconded the motion. Frankie Sweetnam then called for discussion of the motion. Hector Gutierrez mentioned the informational meeting held after the worship service on February 1st during which the review of the changes to the constitution and bylaws allowed for questions and commentary by the members present, and he expressed support for adoption of the motion. There was no further discussion; and Donna Starnes called for the vote to be taken. Motion passed. Frankie Sweetnam asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made and seconded by various members; motion passed. Bob LaSerre closed the meeting with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Susan Long 6 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Peace Lutheran Church Church Council 2015-2016 Frankie Sweetnam John Matyi Susan Long Bob LaSerre Hector Gutierrez Jennifer Graham 7 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Peace Lutheran Church Council President’s Report Herb Janssen May 2015 Council membershipNew Council members were added during the year to replace two members who moved from our community. The council has continued to meet regularly each month to discuss issues involving Peace Lutheran Church, Peace Lutheran Preschool and our involvement in God’s world. We look forward to a future where Peace Lutheran Church continues to be “God’s Work, Our Hands.” Financials/BudgetOver the past year, contributions have been approximately 96% of the anticipated amount. This decrease in income has been offset by a decrease in expenditures, primarily due to a decreased expenditure for pastoral support. We are ending the year with a deficit, but hope some of that amount can be reduced by our current “Decrease the Deficit Campaign.” The budget for the upcoming year was discussed at the church meeting held last Sunday. This will be presented in more depth by our treasurer, Ms. Susan Long. Stewardship CommitteeA stewardship committee is being formed to help lead our church forward in this area. Stewardship has many faces. These include your time and talents --- as well as your financial support of the church and its outreach to the local, national, and international community. Peace Lutheran PreschoolPeace Lutheran Church Preschool is currently at full capacity. Ms. Barbara Stegmiller is doing an excellent job as Director of the Preschool. This has included, but is not limited to, retaining previous students, recruiting new students, developing special programs for the church, and fundraising. All members and friends of Peace Lutheran are encouraged to participate in the activities at the Preschool. Barbara would like to expand the Preschool curriculum to include elementary school years one and two. She will provide additional information regarding activities at the Preschool. Pastoral supportWe are grateful to Ch. Glenn Palmer, Ch. Jeff Swanson and Pr. Rose Mary Sanchez-Guzman who provided pastoral support for Peace Lutheran Church in our time of need. They each gave of their time and talents to support our Church – and with God’s guidance provided stability in an unsettled time. Continued on next page 8 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Council President’s Report continued AttendanceAttendance has fluctuated during the year, but is remaining stable. We anticipate this stability will continue and attendance will continue to increase during the upcoming next year. Cell phone towerThe attorneys who represented the cell phone company and Peace Lutheran Church were appreciative of the plaques they were given by the church. They informed us that the complete and total exoneration of the church opens the door to the possibility of renewing a contract with a cell phone company in the future if the congregation so elects. Intentional Interim Pastor Dalene Fuller-RogersPastor Dalene started as the intentional interim pastor at Peace Lutheran in January 2015. The concept of an “intentional” interim pastor is new to the church and is opening new possibilities that were previously unexplored. These include development of new policies and procedures to ensure the long-term stability and well-being of our church. In addition Pastor Dalene is guiding the church through the development of the ministry site profile, the development of the transition team, and the call process. Transition TeamAs a part of the intentional interim process, Pastor Dalene has established a transition team to help Peace Lutheran Church explore the needs of our community, the needs of our church, and the talents of our members as we move through this time of transition and call of a new pastor. This transition team will assist in developing the ministry site profile for the church. Once complete, this document will be provided to the Bishop and the Rocky Mountain Synod in preparation for the call process. Call CommitteeA call committee will be established and will work with the Bishop and the Rocky Mountain Synod to identify a new pastor for Peace Lutheran Church. One goal of the intentional interim pastor is to help guide the Church through this process and to the most successful conclusion possible. This is based on information gained by the transition team and development of the ministry site profile. To the congregationThank you for allowing me to serve on the Peace Lutheran Church Council. I was humbled to have been asked to serve on the committee for two years and honored to be allowed to serve as president. I hope to continue to serve the Church in other ways during the upcoming year. I ask for your continued prayers and support for Peace Lutheran Church, our sister Lutheran Churches in the community, The Rocky Mountain Synod, and the Lutheran Church throughout the world. May we all give thanks for the continued blessings that allow us to serve and worship God and to truly be “His Works, Our Hands” in the world. 9 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Interim Pastor’s Report Having been called to serve as your interim pastor in January 2015, my knowledge of the Church’s history and ministry in 2014 is limited to the stories and reports I have had access to from numerous valid sources. What is clear to me at this point is that Peace Lutheran Church is a congregation of faithful people who care deeply about their church and have a passion for revitalizing their ministries. As disciples who have shown great resiliency, I sense a hopefulness that God will provide all that is needed to call a new lead pastor to walk with this congregation into the future that gradually unfolds. My main responsibility as an interim pastor is to be intentional in carrying out the tasks of an interim ministry program in this particular setting. I began by listening to anyone and everyone who wished to tell me about their joys and concerns as participants in the life of Peace. I heard the grief, the anger, the frustration, the disappointments and the latent desire to heal and move on. Before launching into the first interim task of reviewing the church history, we spent time during Lenten programs focusing on transformation, including a worship service devoted specifically to “Liberating Hope”. A hearty group gathered in the fellowship hall on history Sunday, working in small groups to rediscover and discuss aspects of the church’s history that are worthy of carrying forward into the future. This is the beginning of creating a current church identity that will contribute to the Ministry Site Profile that will be the document presenting information about Peace Lutheran used to match us up with likely candidates who will be best suited to guide and support the congregation in fulfilling the hopes and dreams that continue to emerge. The next step in the process is already underway with the creation of the Transition Team, who will be carrying out “Asset Mapping” to gain more input about what programs and functions of church ministry the members and participants of the church have the energy and commitment to bring to a level of success. Lutheran pastor, Luther Snow, is the creator of asset mapping, and this evocative process has been used successfully throughout the ELCA. Did I mention it is done in small groups and its fun?! The goal is to have 100% participation from all those who have a vested interest and commitment to the future of Peace Lutheran Church. The asset mapping small groups will be held in a few members’ homes who have graciously offered to host a meeting, as well as the occasional small group after worship in the fellowship hall. For those who 10 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report are unable to leave their home to attend these workshops, I will be offering a home visit to assist with completion of a questionnaire. As a last resort option to reach 100% participation those who request a printed questionnaire or an online version through Survey Monkey, we will create one. As soon as the Transition Team feels all avenues of input have been exhausted, the collated information that’s been gathered will be translated into the format needed for the Ministry Site Profile (MSP). The MSP will be presented to the Church Council for review and final input before submission to the Rocky Mountain Synod office. Once we reach this point, the time I need to give to intentional interim tasks will drop and my weekly hours of ministry with you will be reduced in consultation with the Executive Committee. In addition to the interim developmental tasks described above, I have spent many hours creating an infrastructure at Peace that has been weak or missing. We now have stronger personnel policies and job descriptions, evaluations have been conducted, Stewardship has been expanded into a comprehensive concept to be carried out by a team approach, a policy for building use is being created, and the Synod guidelines for the protection of children and vulnerable adults is on its way to completion and Council approval. As you can see, I’m an advocate of team ministry and not committees that spend hours meeting to talk about actions rather than being role models and solicitors of disciples to carry out the work that needs to be done to keep the church vital, vibrant, creative and enthusiastic. Finally, the apostle Paul expressed how I feel about the people of Peace Lutheran when he wrote to the Christians in Ephesians: 15-19 That’s why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength! Faithfully and gratefully, Pastor Dalene Fuller Rogers 11 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Treasurer’s Report Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Enclosed is the proposed 2015-2016 budget which has been reviewed by the congregation council in addition to being reviewed with the congregation members that were able to participate in the budget review meeting held after worship on April 26 th. On behalf of the council, I say “Thank You!” for taking the time to share your questions, concerns, and ideas that you have regarding the proposed costs of our ministry plan for 2015 – 2016. The five columns in the budget represent our past, present, and future. In the past (FY 13-14) we adopted a breakeven budget and ended the year with a deficit of ($ 4,657). This deficit was a result of an 18% decline in congregational offerings which was partially offset by reducing expenses where possible. Our present adopted budget (FY 14-15) is a deficit budget of ($24,447) but we are projected to end the year with a lesser deficit of ($8,943). This reduced deficit has been due to a significant reduction in pastoral leadership expenses (due to the disability status of our prior pastor) which has been partially offset by a 4% decline in budgeted offering income. Fortunately we have had sufficient cash reserves in the general operating fund to absorb the past and present deficits; and we are projected to end the present year with approximately $35,000 in the general fund. However, the proposed budget for the future (FY 15-16) projects a deficit of ($56,764): Congregational offerings are projected to be $161,200 ---the same as this fiscal year’s budget; and the projected costs of our ministry plan are $218,663 compared to $164,986 in this year’s budget. The significant increase in the projected costs is in the category of pastoral leadership. As we will shortly begin the process of calling a pastor, these costs have been projected based on hiring an ELCA pastor with: 1) 10 years of experience and 2) providing health insurance benefits for a family. Both of these costs have changed since we called a pastor in 2012. The Rocky Mountain Synod-ELCA revised the compensation guidelines in 2014 and not only increased the baseline level of compensation (low range), but also increased the salary for each year of experience (high range). In 2012, a salary of $49,087 was recommended for a pastor with 10 years of service. In 2015, the recommended salary is $62,537. The increase in the salary increases the costs of providing pension and health benefits; and in prior years we provided health insurance for the pastor only and did not incur costs related to family coverage which is significantly more than for an individual. The cost projection of $100,298 assumes that the pastor is called effective June 1, 2015 and that the pastor is paid $ 62,537 plus the recommended social security allowance. Other budget line items which increased include church administration and trustees. In church administration, the secretary/youth minister job position has been split into two part-time positions in order to better match the job skills each position requires. The salary is estimated based on different hourly rates for each position. The replacement of a laptop has also been projected as well as utilizing the services of a third party vendor for administrating payroll processing and reporting. Overall, these items increased the budget by $ 2,800. The trustees’ 12 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report budget increased by $ 2,400 due to allotting more funds for maintenance and increased utility costs. To help offset these increased costs, preschool support has been reduced to zero for FY 15-16. The preschool has experienced full enrollment over the past year which has resulted in net income ahead of budget with church support not needed at this time. Obviously, the projected general fund of $35,000 will not cover the projected deficit of ($56,764). So what do we do? First, it is unlikely that our pastoral leadership costs will actually be $100,298 because we will have our interim pastor on staff for a good part of the year. If our interim pastor is here all year, the budgeted costs will be $67,093, the deficit will be ($23,559), and we will end the year with general funds of $13,000. If our interim pastor is here for 10 months and a new pastor for 2 months, the pastoral leadership costs will be $75,177, the deficit ($31,642), and we will end the year with general funds of $ 5,000. Under either scenario, we will make it through this year…but not with enough resources to move forward into the next year in which we will be faced with the fully increased costs for an ELCA pastor. That is why we are continuing to project the ($56,764) deficit in this year’s budget. We do not want to lose sight of the challenge before us as we form a vital and active stewardship team and program which will challenge us and help us strengthen our ministry today so we are here tomorrow. As we now celebrate what Peace is and is doing, let us also strengthen the foundation by which Peace will continue to move into the future. Yours in Christ, Susan N. Long, Treasurer 13 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Budget 1 14 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Budget 2 15 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Budget 3 16 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Budget 4 17 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Peace Lutheran Preschool’s 2014-2015 Annual Report “Every child included. Every child a world of potential” Mission Statement Peace Lutheran Preschool is committed to providing a safe, loving and Christian environment, filled with developmentally appropriate learning experiences for every child. Through a cooperative partnership between parents, staff, and Peace Lutheran Church, our mission is to nurture children, to develop positive strengths, ethics, and skills necessary to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives and to meet the challenges of our world. A letter from the Director, Dear Congregation, As Peace Preschool’s Director and I reflected on the Fiscal Year 2014-2015, I would have to say this was an amazing year for Peace and I can’t believe me I am going on my 4th year already. Through the outstanding dedication of the Peace staff, the families of the children we serve, Peace Lutheran Church, Peace Lutheran School Board and strong community partnerships. Peace was able to achieve new heights this past fiscal year Some of Peace’s most notable accomplishments include: Being voted for El Paso’s Best Preschool for three years running now from local businesses. The amazing and consistent teaching staff that are not only degreed teachers but offer an unbelievable enrichment program that includes math, science, language arts, music, Spanish and Physical Education. Parent/staff relationships grew stronger this year with formation of a strong Parent’s for Peace Association. Start- up of a mandatory volunteer program for fundraisers at Peace for parents and family member’s that works. These are family orientated fundraiser’s that don’t break parent’s pocket books. Fundraising events include Scholastic Book Fair, 18 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Christmas Store, Rummage Sales, 1 Mile Fun/Walk A Thon, Peace t-shirts, Kids Eat Free Cards, Bake Sales and just recently our 2nd Annual Art Show. Utilizing a well-rounded curriculum that not only meets the needs of the whole child but integrates the Texas Teks. Establishing Community Partnership with outside sources such as PDNAEYC (El Paso Del Norte Education for Young Children, Head Start and recently E.L.E.A) that offer continuous professional development to our staff. Providing outreach, materials, donations, toys, clothing and food three times a year to the Women’s Battered Shelter, El Paso Food Depository and St. Jude’s Hospital. Wonderful volunteers that provide safety to our families every morning rain, sleet or shine. A supportive congregation who offers nothing but positive feedback. Creating an advertising page in El Paso Buzz that is seen by many families on the west side which has brought in many new families to our school. Our current enrollment is 235 the highest it’s been in 3 years and Peace already has 191 children registered for next year not including elementary. The creation of a facebook page that is constantly updated with educational materials for parents, information of what’s happening at the school and pictures of past and present events. The creation of our 1st ever working, up to date webpage, thanks to Pamela Olivas a very dedicated mom. A new summer camp program that offers Peace teacher’s a time to shine in their degreed area of teaching across all curricular areas of academics and cognitive growth. Camps included this year are; literature/language arts, Spanish explorers, soccer camp, science, fitness and health, arts and crafts, math, creative arts , finishing with V.B.S. Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus was a Kid. Being a part of Peace Lutheran Church’s growing children population. Teaching is my passion but teaching children to love God and to walk in Jesus’ footsteps is even more fulfilling. Thank you for entrusting your children with me every Sunday. Even though our 2014-2015 Fiscal Year was a success, my work is not finished, we have to get through summer but with the funds collected from fundraisers and registrations I think will be just fine. Some goals for next year or in the near future include. Ensure financial stability for the Pre-school. (implementing) Commit to a stronger bond from families of Peace Lutheran Preschool to Peace Lutheran Church and visa a versa. (implementing) Improve Pre-school facilities and resources we provide for the children, their families, Peace Lutheran Church and the community. (implementing) To build on relationships with parents and their involvement in their children’s learning and development. (implementing can do better) 19 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Improve the sharing of information with other settings/Lutheran/Christian preschools. (implementing) Look at the needs of the community to establish whether we need to extend our care especially possibly adding on 1st grade. (attainable goal) Dual language program where children will be encouraged to listen and speak in another language through stories, music and center based activities. (implementing) A hands on computer lab where children from preschool-kindergarten can visit throughout the week. (implementing) Enriching literacy with a working library for children and staff to utilize for their classrooms or their own professional development. (implementing) Offer a C.D.A. program through my networking connections to encourage the staff at Peace to get a Child Development Associates Credential. (attainable goal) To become Nationally Accredited by E.L.E.A. which means Evangelical Lutheran Education Association for E.L.C.A. preschools and learning centers. This report provided a snapshot of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year, although nothing can take the place of seeing the program in person. Peace welcomes visits from congregation members, potential supporters and partners. It is with great appreciation and admiration that I thank the congregation of Peace, my staff, volunteers, community partners and children for an incredible year. Have a blessed Sunday, Barbara Stegmiller Our website was created this year. Please go to Like us on facebook- peacelutheranpreschoolelpaso 20 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Youth & Family Ministry Report May 2015 What a whirlwind year it has been. There is no doubt that the unusual circumstances that we have experienced here at Peace have affected my role as Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator, and many times it saddens me to think that a lot of my time has been distracted away from serving the youth and families of our community as I have been more focused on holding the organization of the church while keeping tabs in the office. But then I realize that our unique circumstances have given me some wonderful insights regarding youth ministry, including: youth don’t need programs, they need presence. enjoying an unstructured meal (or ice cream treat!) together can harness the greatest conversations about life, family, and faith. authentic relationships are more important than anything. It’s one thing to say to a young person, “I’m so glad to see you!” on a Sunday morning; it’s another thing to ask, “What’s happening in your life right now?” and sticking around to actively listen to their response. no matter how little preparation I put into an event, time spent together is always meaningful in some way. I think these realizations are more important to pay attention to rather than how “successful” youth events have been or how many more families are showing up in our pews on Sundays. Peace has shown its commitment to investing in a small group of young people and families, offering them opportunities, compassion, and support. I can only imagine the beautiful leaders our youth and children will be when they are adults. When it comes to middle and high school youth, although we are small, we have had lots of fun together. We have had a variety of great events together this past year - ones that I would call a “success” because of they were full of joy, the youth got to know one another well, and they conquered challenges together. These include: a very hot paintball adventure in the summer an overnight lock-in where we enacted our own Hunger Games throughout the church and talked about what we can learn about our faith through the game a fun and delicious Fat Tuesday pancake supper where all our middle and high school youth’s families flipped pancakes or participated in the dinner a physically challenging but very fun overnight camping experience at White Sands a Youth Sunday where the youth put many hours into a powerful presentation of the “Ragman” skit on Palm Sunday I think it is obvious that my/our focus the past couple of months has been making sure Larue and myself and the other youth from our Border Conference are able to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit in July of this year. All of the fundraisers we have held - from Larue’s rent-a-singer requests on Sundays to babysitting nights to the upcoming bowl-a-thon - have proved not only to be successful in raising funds, but also to be community-building and provided opportunities for our youth to attain valuable leadership 21 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report skills. Thanks to the support of Peace and many churches in our conference, at this point our conference youth have raised over 75% of the funds needed to fund the trip. One of the coolest things happening right now, in my opinion, is the collaboration among four of our ELCA churches here in El Paso to serve our young people together. Mount Hope, New Hope, Cristo Rey, and Peace’s youth leaders have been meeting on a regular basis to provide support for one another and to plan collaborative youth ministry events. We have put on two collaborative events: a traveling faith journey called “Vamonos!” where we traveled from church to church learning about Paul’s journey through Acts and having fun together; and an Amazing Race day where we traveled in teams around the city completing challenges. We look forward to doing more together on a regular basis, including service events and a 30-Hour Famine. I want to end with a challenge for Peace, especially in this time of transition: LISTEN to your young people. Don’t shrug off what they have to say or what gifts they have to offer. What matters to our youth and children needs to matter to us. We need to listen to what is important to them and encourage them to give us authentic feedback. Ask them questions real questions that get real, truthful answers. Remember that the families of Peace know how to do intergenerational ministry the best - we witness their ministry everyday in how mothers compassionately care for their children, how grandsons are so patient with their grandparents, and how fathers faithfully accompany their children to church. We have a lot to learn from our young people and from the adults who walk through life with them. Blessings and paz, Hannah Drewes Youth/Family Ministry Coordinator 22 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Music Director’s Report 2015 Membership: The year saw many changes in the choir membership, more specifically it has fluctuated. Recently, in spite of forward progress in learning music, we've lost the structure to (predictably) support anything more than 2 or 3 part arrangements. Thanks to a dedicated few, we are still able to learn and present choral selections within those limits. We hope to add to our membership this year. Materials: We purchased another book of easy to learn anthems, which perfectly compliments the "One Rehearsal Wonders" series. We saved money by not purchasing any music for Advent/Christmas or Lent/Easter. Hopefully, there will be a budget for some new music come Advent and Easter. Special music: We opted to celebrate Advent instead of Christmas because it was simpler to find a date that wasn't already designated for the youth and was before some choir members needed to leave town. We presented a series of anthems during Lent and, on Easter Sunday, supplied a festive brief anthem. Liturgy: As the seasons changed, the choir helped lead the congregation to learn the new settings and additional music. Equipment: Our KORG keyboard was stolen and not replaced. Recently, we bought a new keyboard, a Roland JD-Xi digital/analog synthesizer. It doesn't exactly replace the KORG specifically, but does help provide contemporary support and compliments the piano and organ. I kept the piano in tune and recently certain necessary repairs were made to our Rodgers Organ, which is now out of warrantee. Respectfully, Stephen Jones Music Director/Choir Director/Organist/Pianist/Keyboard artist 23 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report Worship Committee Report The Worship Committee has been working together since August of 2014, at first to provide the liturgy and hymns for our worship services in Pastor Jon's absence. When our supply pastor Jeff Swanson began at Peace, we continued selecting hymns and orders of service, as well as helping him form a plan for our Advent and Christmas season. When Pr. Dalene began as our interim pastor, she took the responsibility of selecting our hymns and order of service and the committee became responsible for helping her to enhance our worship services during the Lenten Season. Now that we are approaching regular time, we are still planning music for choir and our worship services and any special days such as Mother's Day and Father's Day coming up. In addition, we have worked to make a smooth transition from Hannah Drewes doing all the scheduling of Worship Volunteers, to asking individual members to take over the jobs of scheduling as follows: (Please notice, it has taken six people to do what one person was doing!!!) Peter Nicolaou - Assistant Ministers, Readers, Prayers Karen Benuska - Chancel Cindy Murray - Hospitality Nancy Casner - Ushers and Flowers Sandra Krassin - Acolytes Erin Thomas – Communion Assistants We continue to look for ways to enliven and enhance our worship services in ways that will provide spiritual growth and nourishment for all who come to Peace Lutheran. Debbie Gutierrez Peace Lutheran Church Worship Committee 24
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