St. Louis Children’s Hospital Resident On-Boarding 2015 1 1. Employee Badge and Parking: Please park in the SLCH Visitor's garage, located across the street from the hospital (corner of Children’s Place & Kingshighway).After parking, please visit the Security Office on the 2nd level of garage (blue Security door, to the left of the Child Safety Stop). Your picture will be taken and you will turn in your completed vehicle registration card. Please note: you will need your vehicle(s) license plate no., make and model. Discounted Metro Passes are also available from this office. 2. Occupational Health Screening & Drug Testing: Take the elevators to the Lower Level (LL) and proceed down the hallway to Room LS-4. If you have questions regarding the requested items below, please contact the Occupational Health department at (314) 454-6092. FOR THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH APPOINTMENT – YOU MUST BRING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS 2 WITH YOU: □ Any/all previous immunization records (MMR,Varicella, Hep A) □ Any TB skin test records □ Picture ID 3. Employment Eligibility Verification When you come to Human Resources (Suite 3N-11) to turn in your paperwork you must bring TWO forms of identification - photocopies do not meet the requirement. PLEASE NOTE: All documents must be UNEXPIRED. Please refer to List of Acceptable Documents. 4. Resident Paperwork Checklist: Please read the following documents and return completed forms to Leigh Ann Bryant at [email protected] or mail: Leigh Ann Bryant-St. Louis Children’s Hospital, One Children’s Place, Suite 3S34, St. Louis, MO 63110 Applicant Authorization & Consent for Release of Information Please complete the authorization and then sign and date the bottom of the form. (No electronic signatures) Return to Leigh Ann Bryant. Background Check Advantage – Authorization Please complete the form, sign and return (No electronic signatures) Return to Leigh Ann Bryant. State of Illinois DCFS Authorization for Background Check Please complete the authorization and then sign and date the bottom of the form. (No electronic signatures) Return to Leigh Ann Bryant BJC Healthcare Employee Electronic Information Access Confidentiality Agreement Please read through this agreement, sign and date the bottom of the form. Return to Leigh Ann Bryant. BJC Health Care Code of Conduct Acknowledgment Card Please read the code of conduct booklet, sign and date the acknowledgment card. Return to Leigh Ann Bryant BJC Enrollment Material Acknowledgment Form Please read through the 2015 Resident Enrollment Guide and then sign and date the acknowledgement form. Return to Leigh Ann Bryant. Vehicle Registration Form Please complete and take to the Security Office on the 2nd level of SLCH Visitor’s Garage. PLEASE NOTE: You will receive your BJC Network ID and BJC Network Password via email. Keep this information. PLEASE DO NOT LOGIN, WAIT UNTIL YOUR HUMAN RESOURCES ON-BOARDING SESSION. The HR office is located in St. Louis Children’s Hospital – 3rd Floor – Suite 3N11. Your HR contact is Brandace Barnett and she can be reached at [email protected].
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