St. Ann’s Episcopal Church ST. ANN’S WISH LIST AS OF DECEMBER 2010 Meeting all of the financial needs of a summer chapel is an unending challenge, and we are often forced to put things off or do without so that we can meet our obligations. Members and friends often inquire as to whether or not there might be some special or emergency need they might fulfill. Current needs are listed below. When you find a bit of extra bounty in your life, we hope that you will review our needs and consider becoming one of our “special angels” who make so many things possible in this community. To make a contribution to cover all or part of one of these needs, please contact the Administrator, Lisa Bither, at 207-985-4799 or [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration and your help! Current Specific Requests Include: Computer – for the Rectory ($700) Laser Printer/Fax - for the Rectory ($500) Stone Benches – to prevent driving over parking areas ($200 each) Hedge Trimming – along Ocean Avenue ($800) Garage Doors – for the Maintenance Office Repointing of Stone Columns – by maintenance office/gardens Driveway edging & refurbishing Post Office Box 44 • Kennebunkport, Maine 04046
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