Wednesday, January IB, 1984 PELLA CHRONICl PAGE 4 Three Pellans NEMSU honor roll told Jana Buwalda of Pella. Sara DeJoode and Mark Thompson of Pleasantville, and Jonathan Terlouw of Sully were among 180 students who made the 1983 Fall Honor Roll at Northeast Missouri Stale University. Kirksville, M o , each with a perfect 4.0 grade average members of CUI concert band Three Pella students are members "of the Central College Concert Band. Eric "Glendening, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glendening, is in the trombone section of the band. ^He is a junior chemistry major at Central. Ron Bosch, son of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Bosch, is in the trumpet section of the band. He is a sophomore math and computer science major. Sue '' Vander Werff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobi Lynn Hcrshey and Kurt Langel M r . and M r s . Douglass Duke Valerie De Rooi marries Duke Valerie De Rooi and Douglass Duke were united in marriage on Oct. 22 at the First Christian Reformed Church in Oskaloosa with the Rev P e t e r Vander Weide performing the double ring ceremony Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs John \V De Rooi of Oskaloosa and Mr and Mrs James Duke of Carlisle. The bride wore a floorlength gown of white organza It had a Queen Anne neckline and empire waist bodice accented with silk venise lace The sheer bishop sleeves had motifs of lace and a deep cuff over the wrists She wore a waltzlength veil with silk blossoms and a silk venise caplet. Lori Brink, friend of the bride was the maid of honor Julie De Rooi, sister-in-law of the bride was the bridesmaid Arlys Van Kooten was the bride's personal attendant Michael Gooch, friend of the groom was the best man Gary Jones, friend of the groom was the groomsman Ushers w e r e Kent and Robert De Rooi, brothers of the bride. Jeff De Rooi, brother of the bride was the candlelighter Music was provided by organist. Norma Rozenboom and soloist Wavern Rozenboom Selections were "The Wedding Song" and "The Bond of Love." A reception was held following the ceremony at the church fellowship hall Mr and Mrs Lester Fynaardt served as host and hostess Keith and Valerie De Rooi, brother and sister-in-law of the bride served punch. Ann Heaverlo and Goldie Hakanson cut the cake Assisting at the reception were Alice De Bruin, Joan Kunz, Lori Frost, Luann Boggess, Viv Franje and Gayle Franje. Lorna Rockwell, sister of the groom presided at the guest book Gift carriers were Melody Franje, Carrie, Amy and Heidi Selin Barb Sehn and Linda Chaney were at the gift table The bride is a graduate of Pella Christian High School and the American Institute of Business She is employed at Kool and Nygren, Inc. in Cedar Rapids The groom is a graduate of Carlisle Community High School and attended-Drake." University. He is.employed by Younkers .. in Cedar Rapids. Bob/ Lynn Hershey to marry Langel D e l w i n Vonk and Joyce Van Arkel Bob and Sally Hershey of Runnells and Wilfred and Evelyn Langel of Oelwein wish to announce the engagement of their children Bobi Lynn and Kurt Owen. The bride elect is a 1981 graduate of Southeast Polk Joyce Van Arkel to rtiarry Vonk Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Arkel of Oskaloosa wish to announce the engagement of their d a u g h t e r J o y c e to Delwin Vonk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Vonk of Oskaloosa. The bride elect is a 1983 graduate of Oskaloosa High School and is employed at Mahaska County Hospital. Her fiance is a 1962 graduate of Oskaloosa High School and is engaged in farming. A June 15 wedding is being planned. High School and attends Central College. Her fiance is a 1975 graduate of Oelwein Community High School and a 1979 graduate of Central College. He is employed at Rolscreen Co. in Pella. A June 2 wedding is being planned. Iowa Chorales" to be shown Iowa college and university choral groups are being featured in a 13-part series, "Iowa Chorales", Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. The performances featured in January include Iowa State University, Luther College and Iowa Wesleyan College. Other schools that will appear in the series are: Coe College, University of Iowa, Westmar College, Graceland rn)]pge, Grinnel! College, Central College, University of Northern Iowa, Wartburg College, Drake University and Simpson College. The "Iowa Chorales" can be seen on all Iowa Public Television stations: Channel 11, Des Moines; Channel 12, Iowa City; Channel 32, Waterloo; Channel 21, Fort Dodge; Channel 24, Mason City; Channel27, Sioux City; Channel 32, Council Bluffs and Channel 3C, Red Oak. M r . and Mrs. Richard lies BettyAalbers marries lies Betty Aalbers and Richard lies, both of Pella were united in marriage on Dec. 31 in Monroe. Parents of the couple are Mrs. Tone Aalbers and the Mr. a n d Mrs. Carl Tysseling of Pella wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Laura to David Frerking, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Frerking of Cedar Rapids. The bride elect is a 1981 g r a d u a t e of Pella Com munity High School and a junior at Iowa State University. Her fiance is a 1981 graduate of Linn-Mar High School in Cedar Rapids and is also a junior at Iowa State University. A winter wedding is being planned. Glendening weds Teresa Jansen and Donnie Morris R a n d y W a l t e r and Elaine Groenendyk AUTO i h e bride elect is em ployed as a pediatric nurse at Mercy Medical Center, Des Moines Her fiance is emploved b \ Rhodes, Inc , Van Meter A March 3 wedding is being planned. Martha Lynne Glendening and J a m e s Beelman were united in marriage on Nov. 23 in Saginaw, Mich. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs Robert Glendening of Pella and Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Beelman of Saginaw, Mich, and grand parents are Mr. and Mrs Herbert Frueh of Pella. A small dinner reception followed the wedding ceremony in FrielancLMich. The bride is a graduate of OWNERS W e Can Insure You Now is the time to order POLE BUILDINGS Aug us tana College in Rock Island, 111. and earned her M.A. degree at Western Michigan University. She is employed as a speech therapist and sign language specialist for the han dicapped in Caro, Mich, for Tuscola County. The groom is a graduate of Michigan State University and is in business for himself in Saginaw. The couple makes their home in Saginaw. Teresa Jansen to marry Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jansen of Grinnell wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Teresa to Donnie Morris Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Morris Sr. of Killduff. The bride elect is a 1983 REPRINT SPECIAL i Kodak Color Reprints from negatives Custom Built Farm Buildings Young or old, good record, bad record. We can Insure your t a r at low rates. Call Howard today. Designed and built to your specifications. Why Pay More? Our many years of experience In all types of pole building construction enables us to build a quality building for less money. FREE ESTIMATES Cook & Son Agency Howard Slagter 628-4904 72? Franklin, Pella Farmers Co-op Lumber Pella, Iowa Dentures Township women meet Laura Tysseling to wed Mr and Mrs Elmer Groenendyk of Pella wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Elaine to Randy Walter, son of Mr and Mrs. Duane Walter of Des Moines. late Tone Aalbers of Monroe and Mr. and Mrs. Clell lies of Ogden. The couple makes their home in Pella. SummitL a u r a Tysseling and David Frerking Elaine Groenendyk to wed Walter Marvin Vander Werff,-is a saxophone player in the band. She is a senior elemegtary education major at Central. The band, under the ' direction of Paula Holcomb,. assistant professor of music at Central,' will be taking their spring tour through Florida Feb. 24-Mar. 2. The tour will consist of several p e r f o r m a n c e s in cluding stops in Kentucky and Georgia, with their last concert at the Dock Stage in Walt Disney World Village. Phone 628-9300 19 4 Offer expires Jan. 31,1984 IDEAL PHARMACY 639 Franklin 628-2333 graduate of Lynnville-Sully High School and is employed at Grinnell Mutual Rein surance Co. Her fiance is a graduata of- Lynnville-Sully High School and is employed at the Sully Co-op. A May 4 wedding is being planned. T o U l C H I P t »at>i U p p e r * L a w M Denture)* Summit Township Farm Bureau women met Dec. 20 at the home of Bertha Rozendaal, for a covered dish luncheon. Devotions were given by Florence Mohler. An article "Power of Love", and a poem were read. The pledge to the flag was led by Ber tha. Christmas poems and scriptures were read for roll call by nine ladies present. Minutes of the November - meeting were read and pennies for friendship collected. Thank-you's for plates distributed were read. A report was given of the county meeting. Florence gave a lesson on political — education. « A Christmas playlet, i "Christmas Windows", was given by Janet and Mable. A gift and cookie and candy exchange was enjoyed by all. The January meeting will " be held at the home of Mable . DeVries. : • High Ouillty • Low Prlcei • 1 Day Service • Ucented Dentltts • General D*ntlstry • Practising ot Inf. Form« Complett Dental Services plus Ozark Hospitality WE WANT YOU SATISFIED! We'll meet your but, make your hotel reservation!, or give you free hookup lor your recrea tional vehicle. Please call lor an appointment or WRITE FOR FREE DETAILS Frederick C. Lauer DD8 Mid America Denture Clinic Hayward Orive Rl. 3, Box 19C Mt. 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