Chemistry 116BL

Chemistry 116BL
Spring 2010 Syllabus
The Chemistry 116 series integrates aspects of quantitative chemical analysis, physical chemistry
and inorganic synthesis. Laboratory experiments are often multi-week, multi-step procedures
designed to explore aspects of modern synthetic and analytical methodology.
M 12:00-12:50 North Hall 1109 Attendance is required.
Please note the second lecture class on April 5th will be held in the campus library room 1575.
We will have a guest speaker show us how to use various electronic search engines for chemical
literature searches.
Dr. Laverman ([email protected])
Office: Room 1643C PSB-N
Office Hours: WF 12:00-1:00 (feel free to stop by anytime I'm in) I can also make an
appointment if you have trouble finding me.
Lab Sections
M W 1:00-4:50 - TA- Mike Schettini
Office Hours: TBA
T Th 1:00-4:50 - TA -Ashley Wright
Office Hours: TBA
T Th 6:00-9:50 - TA -John Garcia
Office Hours: TBA
F 1:00-4:50, Sun. 10:00-1:50 - TA -Jessica McDonald
Office Hours: TBA
Lab Manual
The lab manual and other important class information can be found online at the following URL
Check the course web page frequently for updated information.
Web Resources
There are many web resources available to assist you in preparing lab reports, finding literature
sources etc.. Sites that I’ve found useful over the years are listed at this URL
Lab Schedule Spring 2010
1 - Mar 29
2 - Apr 5*
3 - Apr 12
4 - Apr 19
5 - Apr 26
6 - May 3
7 - May 10
8 - May 17
9 - May 24
10-May 31**
11 - Jun 7
Check In
Synthesis of Ru(DMSO)4Cl2
Synthesis of [RU(L)3](PF6)2
Characterization (spectroscopy, e-chem)
Quenching Experiments
Quenching Experiments
Quenching Experiments
Sensor Experiments
Sensor Experiments
Peer Evaluations & Check Out (REQUIRED)
Final Examinations
Lab Report
Part 1 due
Part 2 due
Part 3 due
* Lecture to meet in the Davidson library room 1575
** Monday, May 31st no classes (Memorial Day)
Grading Scheme
Literature search (references)
Synthesis and characterization report
Electron transfer experiments report
Full lab report
Lab notebook
Lab technique
Peer Review
Attendance (lecture and lab)
Total Points
*You must attend class on the last day with a completed lab report and participate in the peer
review to get points for this.