Overview of the Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research Project Author(s): David L. Peterson and Richard H. Waring Source: Ecological Applications, Vol. 4, No. 2 (May, 1994), pp. 211-225 Published by: Ecological Society of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1941928 Accessed: 03-04-2015 17:49 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Ecological Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ecological Applications. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Ecological Applications,4(2), 1994, pp. 211-225 ? 1994 by the Ecological Society of America OVERVIEW OF THE OREGON TRANSECT ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH PROJECT' DAVID L. PETERSON EcosystemScience and TechnologyBranch,NASA Ames Research Center, MoffettField, California94035 USA H. WARING RIcHARD1 DepartmentofForest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis,Oregon 97331 USA Abstract. The Oregon Transect EcosystemResearch (OTTER) project is a studyof ecosystemfunctionsin coniferousforestsusing the methods of computermodeling,experimentaland theoreticalremotesensing,and ecological fieldand laboratorytechniques. The studyis focused on predictingthe major fluxesof carbon, nitrogen,and water,and the factorsthatdynamicallyregulatethem.The OTTER projectwas conceived to testtwo major questions:(1) Can a generalizedecosystemsimulationmodel,designedto use mainly parametersavailable from remote sensing,predictthe functioningof forestsacross an environmentally variable region?and (2) To whatextentcan the variablesrequiredby this model be derived fromremotelysensed data? The scientificobjectives and scope of the project demanded that a coordinatedeffortbe made to link groundmeasurementswith remotesensingand modelingrequirements.OTTER was selectedas a focusfora National Aeronauticsand Space Administration(NASA)-sponsoredMulti-sensorAircraft Campaign (MAC; combiningNASA aircraftand sensorswiththoseofothers)on thebasis ofexperience gained in past ecosystemstudies and remote-sensingprojects,and the importanceof the OTTER objectives to NASA's long-rangescience goals and plans. Having several independentapproaches available, both on the groundand fromvarious remote-sensing platforms,proved valuable in estimatingand validatingmany of the criticalvariables. This experienceand cross comparison should help simplifyfuturestudies of a similarnature. Edited data sets fromthe OTTER project are now available to the scientificcommunity on optical disks or via on-linedata banks at NASA (Washington,D.C., USA) and Oregon State University(Corvallis, Oregon,USA). Key words: coniferousforests;cooperativeresearch;data base; ecologicalfluxes; ecosystemsimulation; Oregon transect;OTTER project;remotesensing. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND In thelast decade much ofour understanding ofhow ecosystemsfunctionhas been formalizedinto mathematicalmodels. Ecosystemsimulationmodels now exist to estimatethe ratesof many importantfunctions, butto runthesemodels over extensiveregionsrequires measurements not easily obtainable. For example, nearlyall ecosystemmodels requireknowledgeof the incomingsolar radiationand of the abilityof vegetation to absorb this radiant energy.While these two variables are fairlysimple to monitoron the ground, few examples exist where theyhave been monitored togetherover morethanone growingseason- and fewer yet have been monitored over large geographic regionsusingremotesensing.Most ecosystemmodels also require detailed knowledgeof soil nutrientconditions or availabilities and of soil water storagecapacity. These two variables, however, are extremely ' Manuscriptreceived 15 June 1992; revised20 May 1993; accepted 14 June 1993; finalversionreceived 22 July1993. difficult to measure accurately,and only recentlyhas a potentialmeans been found to estimatethe former by remote-sensing methods(Aber et al. 1989a). When changesoccur,dynamicallywithclimateor phenology, or throughsome type of disturbance,repeated measurementsbecome necessaryand are verydifficult to obtain over extensiveareas. Much ofwhatwe knowabout thestructure and function of the forestsof the Pacific Northwestregionof the United Statesis fromstudiesinitiatedtwo decades ago as partof the InternationalBiological Programme (IBP) (Waringand Franklin 1979, Reichle 1981, Edmonds 1982). This programcollected intensive climatic and ecological data fromwhat is now the NationalScienceFoundation(NSF)-sponsoredLong-Term Ecological Research site at the H. J. AndrewsExperimental Forest in Oregon. Similar sets of data were obtained from youngerforestsin Washington state. From data collected in these two areas, and research in Colorado, mechanisticecosystemmodels were formulatedto matchobservationsmade on ratesofgrowth, litterfall production,litterdecomposition,evapotrans- This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 212 DAVID L. PETERSON AND RICHARD H. WARING piration,photosynthesis,and streamflow(Runninget al. 1975,Waringand Running1976, Sollinset al. 1981). The problem when applyingthese models over large regions,especiallyif the parametersare derived from remote-sensingdata, is how to make reliable predictions withoutlosing the site-specific,fine-scaleinformation required. Remote-sensingdata are generallyunable to directly measure ecosystemfluxesbut can be used to estimate some of the key state and condition variables related to these fluxesand simulated in ecosystem models. Satelliteand airborneremote-sensingdata have been used successfullyto map changes in land cover and condition. Ecosystemcharacteristicssuch as leaf area active radiation, index, absorbed photosynthetically standingbiomass, canopy water status,and the biochemical composition (nitrogenand lignin) of forest data, canopieshave beenestimatedfromremote-sensing but withless certainty.These variables can be used in ecosystem simulation models, such as the model of Runningand Coughlan(1988), whichhas been applied in a general way across large regions(Running et al. 1989). However, no tests or test data sets have been available to studythese methods for the full combination ofcarbon,nitrogen,and waterinteractions.Accordingly,a primarygoal of the Oregon TransectEcosystemResearch (OTTER) projectwas to evaluate the full spectrumof remote-sensingdata and algorithms thatcan meettheparameterrequirementsofecosystem models to assess ecosystemstructureand function.If these methodscan be validated, theycan then be applied to thelargeregionalextentavailable fromremote sensing. The OTTER projectwas designedto develop a basis foreventuallyextrapolatingpoint measurementsand estimatesof ecosystemstructureand functionacross largergeographicregions.Beforethis becomes possible, two major questions must be answered:(1) Can a generalized ecosystem simulation model (FORESTBGC; Running and Coughlan 1988, Running and Gower 1991) predictvariationsin functioningof forvariableregion?and (2) estsacross an environmentally To whatextentand withwhatlimitationscan the variables requiredby thismodel be derived fromremotesensing data? The large environmentalgradientsof westernOregonprovidetheexperimentalvariationfor investigatingboth of these questions. Any geographic transectacross west-centralOregon covers a broad rangeof climateregimesand associated foresttypes,a rangethat representsmost climate typesfoundin the zone. The OTTER project included north-temperate ground-basedmeasurementsofmanyvariablesneeded to initializethe model, to drive the model, and to validate the predictionsof the model and of remote-sensing analyses. This paper describesthe overall project, thedesignofexperiments, made throughand theeffort out theprojectto coordinatemodeling,remotesensing, and ground-basedmeasurements. Ecological Applications Vol. 4, No. 2 REMOTESENSINGRESEARCHLINKEDTO ECOSYSTEMRESEARCH Runningand Coughlan (1988) developed a general mechanisticecosystemmodel forforeststhatsimulates the fluxesof carbon and water,and later expanded it to includenitrogen(Runningand Gower 1991) and the interactions and controlsofall threewithinand through the system.This ecosystemmodel, called FORESTBGC (BioGeochemical Cycling)servedas thekeystone of the OTTER project.The model was originallyconceived to operate on parametersthatcould ultimately be derived fromremote sensing.FOREST-BGC representsa series of interlinkedhypothesesthat specify thewaythatwater,carbon,and nitrogenmove through a forestecosystemand the mechanismsthat regulate thesefluxes.On thebasis ofpreviousresearch,we could identifythevariables requiredto initialize,to run,and to confirmthe simulations. For a numberof years precedingOTTER, remotesensingresearchhad been carriedout to develop methods to derive many of the variables requiredby FOREST-BGC. A varietyof remote-sensingdata has been examined and the continueddevelopmentof new sensors has opened the opportunityto enhance these methodsor to provide additional variables. The basic questionsthatmustbe addressed in linkingecosystem modeling to remote sensing are: (1) What variables must be derived?(2) What variables can be obtained fromremote sensing?and (3) What limitationsmust be recognizedand addressed in usingremotelysensed data? Standing biomass (and maintenancerespiration) In earlierversionsof FOREST-BGC the calculation of maintenancerespirationwas scaled as a functionof leaf area index. However, standingbiomass is physiologicallyrelatedto thisvariablebuthas been a difficult variable to derive fromremotesensingon a point-bypoint basis. Regional estimatesof total forestbiomass and volume wereestimatedforforestedregionsof Oregon as earlyas 1976 usingdata fromtheLandsat MSS system (Douglas County; Peterson and Card 1977). These estimates were based on multistagesampling estiusing a Landsat classificationas the first-stage matorand aerial photographyand groundplots as the second and thirdstageestimators,respectively.While these estimatesare accurate fora region,theydo not predictwell forsinglepoints or sites.Approaches that are suitablefora continuousmappingof standingbiomass use eitherthe optical propertiesor the backscatteringpropertiesto a radar source. In the former,Li and Strahler(1986) explain the brightnessvariationin remote-sensing data bytreatingthetreesas geometrical objects,such as cones, withilluminatedand shadowed parts, over shaded or illuminated backgrounds.The spacingand sizes of the treescan be used to calibrate the image brightnessand then the model can be in- This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions May 1994 OVERVIEW OF OTTER PROJECT vertedto calculate biomass (see Wu and Strahler1994 [this issue]). Standingwet biomass with fixedforms, such as boles of trees,interactswith a radar beam to alterthe backscatteredsignal(Durden et al. 1989, Kasischkeand Christensen1990). The backscattersignal can be modeled and theninvertedto estimatethecomponentsresponsible.Each ofthesemethodshave proven usefulin low-densityforests.The challengeto each of these approaches is whethertheyare able to quantitatively discernvariationsin standingbiomassofdense forestsabove 100-200 Mg/ha in a regionsuch as Oregon wheremaximum standingbiomass of forestcan exceed 1000 Mg/ha. Leaf area index (and ecosystem-atmosphere exchange) The surfacearea offoliageavailable to interceptlight, transpirewater,and exchange carbon dioxide is anotherstructuralindex of keyimportancein ecosystem function.FOREST-BGC uses leaf area index (LAI) in manywaysto calculateecosystemexchangerates.The well-knownoptical propertiesof leaves-strong chlorophyllabsorptionin the visible spectrumand strong scatteringor diffusereflectancein the near infraredprovide a basis forestimatingLAI usingremotesensing. Many studies have shown canopy reflectanceof solar radiationas measured by remotesensorscan be relatedto variationsin LAI. For example, red reflectance is inverselyand asymptoticallyrelated to LAI while near infrared(NIR) reflectanceis directlyproportionalto LAI. The ratio of thesetwo observations, NIR/red(theso-called"Simple Ratio"), usingdata from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) has been shown to be directlyand slowlyasymptoticallyrelatedto seasonal maxima of LAI in the coniferforestsof Oregon (Petersonet al. 1987, Spanner et al. 1990a). Comparable resultshave been foundforthe coarser(1 km vs. 30 m) data of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer(AVHRR), a National Oceanographicand AtmosphericAdministration(NOAA) satellite with daily coverageof the worldforwesternconiferousforests (Spanner et al. 1990b). Use of only the seasonal maxima in FOREST-BGC simulations would overestimate fluxes.In OTTER we chose to estimatethe seasonal variationin LAI usingbothTM and AVHRR data. This introducesadditional problems having to do with large variations in illuminationand atmosphericconditions,directionalviews of AVHRR, all convolved with the seasonal variabilityof LAI (see Spanneret al. 1994, Pierce et al. 1994). activeradiation Interceptedphotosynthetically (IPAR) (and photosynthesis) The actual amountofIPAR setsthemaximumavailable energyforconversionof carbon dioxide to photosynthate.LAI is relatedto thismaximumamountin an exponentialway. Thus, the relationshipof IPAR to the Simple Ratio is approximatelyexponentialas well. 213 A transformof the Simple Ratio, called the "Normalized DifferenceVegetationIndex" (NDVI), tends to linearizethisrelationship(Sellers 1987). While global maps of NDVI have been generated from the AVHRR data (Tuckeret al. 1985) and used in models ofcarbondioxide exchange(Fung et al. 1987), theyare difficultto validate. And, in regions of considerable disturbance,the NDVI values are complicatedby the highspatial variationin cover conditions.In OTTER we have attemptedto estimatethe dynamicvariations in IPAR using a varietyof fieldspectralinstruments and remote-sensingdata, fromvery fine (1-2 m) to coarser (30-1000 m) spatial scales (Goward et al. 1994b). Solar radiation(and photosynthesis) Cloud cover affectsthe fractionof solar radiation that reaches ecosystemsas well as the ratio of direct to diffuseradiation.Studies of cloud cover over fairly flatterrain,such as the plains of the centralUnited States,have shownthatcloud coveras a mean monthly estimatecan be obtained fromdata obtained fromthe GOES satellite(Eck and Dye 1991). The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer(TOMS) is sensitiveto ultraviolet lightreflectedfromclouds and integratesthis measure over its 2.5 x 2.50 field of view at nearly hourlyintervals.The accuracyand suitabilityof these measurements over mountainous terrain remains largelyunexplored(Goward et al. 1994b). Ambientair temperature(and ecosystemfluxes) In addition to the estimatesof foliaramount interceptingPAR, one needs to know the temperatureconstraintson photosynthesis,respiration,transpiration, and otherprocesses.When theair is less thansaturated withwatervapor, a deficitor atmosphericdemand is createdthatcan influencestomatalbehavior in many plants of westernOregon even withadequate supplies ofsoil water(Runninget al. 1975, Marshalland Waring 1984, Runyonet al. 1994 [thisissue]). Remotelysensed canopytemperaturescan be used to estimatenighttime A freezingtemperature minimumair temperatures. can lead to closed stomatesthefollowingday.And previous workhas shownthatthe minimumnighttimetemperature approaches dewpoint temperature,allowing a calculation of the absolute humidity(Running et al. 1987). The AVHRR satelliteacquires both daytime and nighttimetemperaturefields.The daytime data can be used to scale the absolute humidityforrelative humiditiesduringthe day. Thermal infraredsensors have the capacityto estimatethe integratedor brightness temperatureof ecosystemsunder clear sky conditions(Luvall and Holbo 1989). In an open forestor a disturbedone, the sensor integratesobjects at a varietyof temperatures,giving a composite brightness temperature.However,theaerodynamicallyroughand tall coniferousforestunder closed-canopyconditions is closelycoupled to the surroundingambientair tem- This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 214 DAVID L. PETERSON AND RICHARD H. WARING perature,makingtheseareas ideal forsensingambient air temperature.In OTTER we chose to make direct measurementsof ambient air temperatureat meteorologicalstationsnear each site studiedwithwhich to validate the remotelysensed temperatures. Soil moisture,temperature, and drought (and stomatal behavior) Soil moisturevaries a greatdeal in forestsof Oregon due to summerdroughtand oftenlow soil waterholding capacities. As soils dryout, thisexertsan increase in resistanceto water flow into tree roots, which is reflectedin an increase in stomatalresistance.Again, sensor brightnesstemperaturesmay help to discern thesesituations.The integratedtemperatures described above include heated soils as well as the canopy temperatures-thetemperaturefielddeterminedin partby the moisturestatus of the various cover types being sensed.Nemani and Running(1989) hypothesizedthat areas of low LAI or low values of NDVI should have elevated temperaturesrelativeto the temperaturesof the nearby forestcanopy, and that the slope of the relationshipbetweenNDVI and brightnesstemperatureover a small regioncould be an index to drought stressand stomatalresistance.At the same time,areas of high NDVI would measure ambient air temperatures.These hypotheseswerefurther evaluated in OTTER using sensors fromlow-flying aircraftand from satellites(Waringet al. 1993, Goward et al. 1994b). Canopy biochemicalcontents(and nutrient cyclingand photosynthesis) The biochemicalcompositionoffoliageis a potential index to the rates of nutrientcyclingand to the maximum ratesof photosynthesis (e.g., Field and Mooney 1986, Aber et al. 1989b). The chlorophyllcontentis relatedto photosynthetic capacity(Yoder 1992), while nitrogenconcentrationhas been relatedto the rate of nitrogenturnoverand to productivity (Vitousek 1984). Meentemeyerand Berg(1986) and Melillo et al. (1982) have shown thatthe lignin-to-nitrogen ratiosare a determinantof the rates of decomposition,while lignin concentrationshave been inverselyrelatedto the annual rate of nitrogenmineralizationin deciduous forests (Aber et al. 1989b). Myrold et al. (1989) studied the annual rates of N-mineralizationacross a transect of Oregon and correlatedN-mineralization,microbial biomass, and soil respirationto LAI and climate.The balance oftheserelationshipscan be changedbychronic additions of nitrogenvia acid deposition,wherein the excess nitrogenavailabilities can lead to changes in thelignin-to-nitrogen ratiosand concentrations (Aber et al. 1989a). Much less is known about the seasonal variationsin nutrient-cycling processesand the effects of fertilization. In OTTER, studieswereconductedon these effectsthroughuse of control and fertilization experiments(see Matson et al. 1994 [ this issue]). Ecological Applications Vol. 4. No. 2 The remote sensingof plant biochemical composition has been based on the recentaccess to veryhigh spectralresolutioninstruments and on theunderstanding of how organicbonds produce differential absorptionin thevisibleand shortwaveinfraredregions.Well knownare the absorptionsdue to chlorophylland the accessory pigmentsand the effecttheycreate on the position of the red edge, the long wavelengthend of the absorption spectrumnear the infrared.Estimates of chlorophyllcontentsby detectionof the positionof the red edge were conducted in OTTER usingseveral instrumentsand various radiative transfermodels (Johnsonand Peterson1991, Johnsonet al. 1994). The harmonics, overtones, and combination bands produced by fundamentalvibrationsof theorganicbonds of the otherbiochemicals tend to occur in the shortwave infrared region.Whileevidencesuggeststhatsome ofthesepropertiesmaybe predictedfromhighspectral resolutionimagingspectrometerdata (e.g., ligninconcentrationsby Wessman et al. [1988]; nitrogenby Petersonand Running[1989]), thegeneralapplicationof these methods is stillin question. For example, there are concernsabout the covariance withwatercontent, itself dominating the shortwave infraredspectrum. Other structuralvariationsas well as species compositional changes also cloud the interpretation.Oregon-with itsextensiveconiferousforestsofa fewspecies and with the fertilizationexperiments-offers conditions for testingwhetherthe biochemical compositionof forestcanopies can be sensed remotely(see Johnsonet al. 1994, Matson et al. 1994 [thisissue]). DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENT Six studysites were selectedfromforestecosystems across the temperature-moisture gradientsof Oregon. These six sitesare located along a roughlywest-to-east transect between 440 and 45? north latitude beginning at the coast and extendinginland -250 km. The location of the sitesis shownin referenceto an AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) false color image of westernOregon (see Interceptedphoactiveradiation... , above) (Fig. 1). The tosynthetically transectbeginsnear Cascade Head ExperimentalForest, northof Lincoln City along the Pacific coast. It extends250 km to the east to a juniper woodland near Redmond in the high desert interiorof Oregon. The names and numericalcodes associated witheach site are providedin Table 1 withdetaileddescriptionsprovided in Runyonet al. (1994 [thisissue]). Climate variation across the transectis extreme,withprecipitation rangingfrom -250 cm to 25 cm/yr,west to east. The coastal and valley sites (10, 1G, and 2) rarelyexperience snow. The subalpine forest(site 4) experiences moderate to deep snowpack every year,and freezing temperaturespersistformuch of the winter,both here and at sites 5 and 6. Drought is extremein the WillametteValley (site 2), the Ponderosa pine site(5), and This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions May1994 OVERVIEW OF OTTER PROJECT ~ .* ~ 215 _i -itg composFia. 1. AVHRR false-color Oregon overite image of northwestern _ -> _ ta _ v _ J *s t w 4 4, thejuniper woodland (site 6). Leaf area indicesand net varyby morethan 10-foldacross primaryproductivity the transect. Understandingtheroleof nitrogenin controllingthe ratesof various ecosystemprocesses led to additional sites and measurementsacross the transect.At the coastal Cascade Head site (1), we selected a stand of alder (Alnus rubra,site I A); deciduous nitrogen-fixing locationsof laid withtheapproximate the six studysites.Red tonesindicate of all types.Darkerredsare vegetation redsare forests, brighter usuallyconifer landsand broadleafforests; agricultural bluishtonesare drydesertareas with baresoils;and thesmallwhiteareasare a fewcloudsor snow.This imageis a compositeof individualdailyAVHRR and only images;cloudsare minimized valuesrelatedto thehighestbrightness are retainedpointby point vegetation theimage. throughout TER project(site 31F). Finally,a stand of Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) receivingsurfaceapplicationof sewage sludge forthe 5 yrpreviousto this projectwas selected near site 5 (Metolius: site 5F). Each of these foursites were compared to the controlor untreated sites. Seasonal coverage menat site3, Scio,a Tsugaheterophylla-Pseudotsuga Four principal campaigns were planned to match changes in ecosystem functionthroughoutthe year. 3F) and part of that stand continued to be fertilized The timingof these campaigns was based on the foltwice a year throughoutthe durationof the 3-yrOT- lowingseasonal criteria: ziesii stand was selected that had been fertilized(site TABLE 1. codesforthe six primaryand fiveancillarystudysites ofthe OTTER projectin Oregon. Names and numerical Nu- location Geographical merical Lat. (IN) Long. (?W) CascadeHead (Gholz'site) 4503' 123057'30 Tsuga heterophylla/control fixation Alnus rubra/nitrogen growth Tsuga heterophylla/old 2 Waring'sWoods (the Corvallis site) 44036' 123016' Pseudotsugamenziesii 3C 3F Scio Scio (fertilized) 44040'30" 122036'40" Pseudotsugamenziesii/control fertilization Pseudotsugamenziesii/single Pseudoisuga menziesii/doublefertilization Santiam Pass 44025'20" 121?50'20 Tsuga mertensiana Metolius 44025' 121?40' Pinus ponderosa/control Pinus ponderosa/fertilized Juniper 44017'30 121020' Juniperusoccidentalis Name code IG IA 10 31F 4 5C 5F 6 Cascade Head (alder) Cascade Head (old growth) fertilized) Scio (intensively Metolius Primaryspecies/treatments This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 216 DAVID L. PETERSON AND RICHARD H. WARING EcologicalApplications Vol. 4, No. 2 TABLE2. Ecosystemand environmentalvariables and processes measured,remotelysensed, and simulated by ecosystem and radiativetransfer(RT) models. Variable: Processes How measured Meteorological: Incidentshortwavesolar radiation Cloudiness Precipitation Air temperature Humidity Soil temperature Optical depth (atmospheric) Meteorological station Meteorological station Meteorological station Meteorological station Direct at site Ecophysiologicaland nutrientcycling: Pressurebomb Pre-dawnwater potentials Gas exchange Photosynthesis Conductance Gas exchange Litterfall Field meas. N-mineralization Field tech. Soil waterstorage Field methods Soil properties Field methods Soil respiration Field chambers Maintenance respir. Stand growth Field methods Stem cores Remotely sensed* TOMS MT-CLIM MT-CLIM Wrigleyet al. 1992 Sunphotometer Reference panels FORESTBGC FORESTBGC AVHRR; Ul- FORESTBGC tralight FORESTBGC FORESTBGC Evapotranspiration Nemani and Running Leaf area index (LAI) Ceptometers LI-COR LAI meter Biomass, standing Field cruise AVHRR; Ultralight TMS, NSOO1; AVIRIS CASI; FLI AVHRR; FORESTBGC TMS; AVIRIS; CASI; FLI; NSOOI ASAS; TMS AIRSAR Hemisphericalalbedo Canopy temperature AirTherm* ASAS; Ultralight TIMS B. Yoder; R. Waringand S. Goward; S. Running D. Myroldand B. Claycomb; S. Running D. Myroldand P. Claycomb; S. Running D. Myroldand P. Claycomb; J. Runyon D. Myroldand P. Claycomb K. Mattson; S. Running M. Ryan R. Waringand J. Runyon; S. Running S. Running D. Myroldand P. Claycomb; S. Running S. Runningand J. Glassy Canopy and treebiophysicalcharacteristics: Field and labo- Truckboom Spectralreflectanceof and ultracomponents ratoryspectrometers lightspectrometers Interceptedphotosynthet-Ceptometers ically active radiation R. McCreightand J. Runyon S. Goward and D. Dye R. McCreightand J. Runyon R. McCreightand J. Runyon;J. Glassy R. McCreightand J. Runyon;J. Glassy D. Myroldand R. Waring M. Spanner R. McCreight B. Yoder; S. Running FORESTBGC FORESTBGC FORESTBGC FORESTBGC Field methods Principal scientists R. Waring;S. Running FORESTBGC Growthrespiration Decomposition rate Simulated(models)t RT Ecosystem S. Goward and F. Huemmrich; L. Johnson;A. Strahler;S. Ustin; R. McCreight;B. Law; J. Miller R. McCreightand R. Waring;S. Goward; M. Spanner; L. Johnson;J. Miller,P. Gong and J. Freemantle Miller et al. M. Spanner; L. Johnson; S. Running;J. Welles; J. Miller and P. Gong Geometricoptics A. Strahlerand W. Yucheng Microwave model S. Durden and M. Moghaddam Geometricoptics L. Johnson;A. Strahler; R. McCreight R. McCreight This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions May 1994 TABLE 2. 217 OVERVIEW OF OTTER PROJECT Continued. Variable: Processes How measured Remotely sensed* Leaf and canopy biochemical characteristics: Chlorophyll Wet chemistry CASI; FLI; AVIRIS Nitrogen,lignin Wet chemistry AVIRIS Cellulose, starch Wet chemistry AVIRIS Simulated(models)t Ecosystem RT Miller; PROSPECT Principal scientists C. Billow and P. Matson; J. Miller; L. Johnson C. Billow and P. Matson; L. Johnson C. Billow and P. Matson; L. Johnson C. Billow and P. Matson Amino acids Wet chemistry * Sensors: AIRSAR = Airbome SyntheticApertureRadar; AirTherm= Teletemp model 43 infraredradiometer;ASAS = Advanced Solid-stateArraySpectrometer;AVHRR = Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer; AVIRIS = Airbome Visible-InfraredImagingSpectrometer;CASI = Compact Airbome Spectrographic Imager; FLI = FluorescenceLine Imager; TIMS = ThermalImagingMulti-channelScanner;TMS = Thematic Mapper Simulator(also: NSOO1); TOMS = Total Ozone Mapping System. t Models: MT-CLIM = mountain climatologymodel, Running et al. (1987); FOREST-BGC = mechanisticecosystem code simulationmodel, see Runningand Coughlan (1988), Runningand Gower (1991); Geometricoptics = radiativetransfer ofLi and Strahler(1986); Nemani and Running(1988) = methoddevelopedto estimatestomatalresistancebased on brightness temperatureand vegetationindex; Miller et al. (1990) = model fitting spectralcurves at the red edge to predictchlorophyll and LAI; PROSPECT = model to simulate the visible-infrared spectrumof leaves; Jacquemond,S. and F. Baret (1990); Microwave = unnamed model used by Durden et al. (1989) to simulatebackscatterreturnof vegetatedscenes. (1) February-March:pre-budbreakconditionsat all sites, when leaf area is at a minimum and low temperaturesare likelyto be constrainingmanyecosystem processes; (2) May-June:budburstperiod when soils are near saturation,and maximum rates of many ecosystem processesshould be observed; (3) August:fullexpansion of foliageon all sites and the probabilityof droughtis high;and, (4) September-October:foliage of deciduous trees and shrubs is in full autumn color and rainfallhas normallybegunto rechargesoils; freezingtemperatures are unlikelyto extendthroughthe day. Ecological and meteorologicalmeasurements Table 2 indicatesthe kinds of data collected in the field for ecological analysis. Meteorological data includingair temperature,relativehumidity,precipitation, and shortwave(400-1200 nm) incomingradiation were recorded by minute and stored as hourly averages (see Runyon et al. 1994 [thisissue]). While we chose to locate a meteorologicalstationin clearings near each site (except site 6), the distance fromthe actual siteto thestationlocationstillnecessitatedsome minor correctionsusing the model MT-CLIM (Runninget al. 1987). In contrast to the meteorological measurements, much of the physiologicaldata were gatheredat seasonal intervalsor in conjunctionwiththe campaigns. The highestprioritywas placed on measurementsof pre-dawnwater potentials.These values best characterize the intensityof droughton vegetationand set the upper limitson potentialgas exchange. Structuraldata on each stand were collected with techniquesmodifiedfromthose thatforestersapplyto assess timbervolumes.Allometricrelationsequate tree diameteror sapwood cross-sectionalarea to the biomass of foliage,branches,and stems.Additional data on treeheightsand thelengthand widthsoftreecrowns were also measured (see Wu and Strahler 1994 [this issue]).Growthwas estimatedbymeasuringringwidths on cores extractedfromsampled treesat each site.The foliarbiomass of understoryplants in most sites was not a large fractionof total foliarbiomass except the eastemmostsites.At site5, a Ponderosa pine sitewhere most of the overstoryhad been removedthroughharcomponentis present. understory vesting,a significant biomass and LAI (leafarea index) was This understory carefullymeasuredand analyzed (see Law and Waring 1994). A varietyof indirectmethodswas used to estimate LAI and checked against the allometric approach. In general, our estimates of annual abovegroundnet primaryproductionand of foliarbiomass were based on the overstorytreesonly. Leaf litterfall,an importantvariable for checking model predictionsof carbon and nitrogencycling,was measured only at sites 1 and 3. We used previously collecteddata fromtheIBP (ForestScience Data Bank) and publishedinformationon leafturnoverto provide at the othersites. D. Myrold estimatesof leaf litterfall and his colleagues in the Soil Science Departmentof OregonStateUniversitymeasurednitrogencyclingparameterssuch as nitrogenmineralization(net and tomicrobialbiomass, tal), ammonification,nitrification, soil CO2 respiration(measured by K. Mattson of the through UniversityofIdaho), and varioussoil properties theyearin situ.Soil and littermoistureconditionswere measuredat the time of the campaigns.Summaryvalues ofthesevariableshave been added to thedata base (see Data storageand retrieval,below). During each of the fourcampaigns,foliagewas collected by Oregon State University personnel and This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 218 DAVID L. PETERSON AND RICHARD H. WARING EcologicalApplications Vol. 4, No. 2 TABLE3. Airborneand satelliteplatformsand sensor systems,includingground-basedinstruments,used in the OTTER project. Altitude Sensor* Platform Time of day Satellite NOAA 9,10 GOES AVHRR TOMS 1400 20000 m ER-2 aircraft AVIRIS TMS TIMS CIR (color infraredaerial photography) Noon 10 600 m DC-8 aircraft SAR Noon 4500 m C- 130 aircraft ASAS NS001 TIMS CIR Sunphotometer(sun-tracking) Noon, mom/afternoon Noon 600 m Apache lightplane FLI 450 m Cessna lightplane Spectron(modified) Noon 150-450 m Ultralightaircraft Spectron,AirTherm Noon, mom/afternoon 6m Truckboom Ground Portables SpectronSE590 Barnes MMR SpectronSE590 and SE 393, ALEXA, SIRIS, LI-COR, Barnes MMR, Ceptometers,fisheye lens, digitalcamera, Sunphotometer * CIR = color infraredaerial photography;SAR sensor acronymsare explained in Table 2. = syntheticapertureradar; MMR = MultiModular Radiometer. Other shipped on dry ice to NASA Ames Research Center forwet chemical analysis (see Matson et al. 1994 [this issue]). These samples were analyzed fora numberof biochemical constituentsincludingchlorophylla and b, amino acids, nitrogenand proteincontents,lignin starch.Some and cellulose,and thelabile carbohydrate, of these samples were also measured spectrallyin labforlatercorrelationanaloratoryspectrophotometers ysis withthe biochemical composition. The ecosystemmodel, FOREST-BGC, requires-accurate estimatesof waterstoragecapacity in the root zone. Previous informationgatheredby Gholz (1982) was used in the modelinganalysis,but thesedata have proved to be in errordue to inaccurateestimatesof rootingdepthand due to spatialvariabilityin soil properties (see Running 1994 [this issue]). No furtherattemptto independentlyestimatesoil waterholdingcapacityhas been made. to theretrievalof thesevariables,potentiallyresolving limitationsobservedin earlierstudies,or potentialaccess to new variables, such as hemisphericalalbedo and standingbiomass, that were unavailable earlier. Moreover, thereis the potentialfor synergyby combiningsensorsofa wide varietyincludingradarsensors when all of the sensorsacquire data at the same time and under similar conditions. This allowed us to examine questionsabout the robustnessof algorithmsto remove atmosphericeffects,forexample, or to compare the consistencyand informationcontentof differentsensors operatingwith a range of spatial and spectral scales. We sought to determineunder what conditions and with what techniques each remotesensing instrumentcould provide valid estimates of the various biophysical and biochemical parameters across the transectand at each site. And-for the first time for these forests-we sought to examine these parametersforseasonal variation. Remote-sensing measurements Table 3 presentsthe spectralmeasurementsin three Past remote-sensingresearchcoupled to the devel- components:groundpoint observations,airborneand opment of FOREST-BGC had identifiedmany of the satelliteimaging and point observations,and observariableswe feltwerepossible to retrievefromremote- vations of the atmosphere.Table 2 provides a sumsensing data. However, much of this work had con- maryof thesemeasurements,the sensorand radiative centratedon forestsat peak mid-season conditionor transfermodel used (if any), and the investigatorinon forestsdistributedthroughoutthe north-temperate volved. J. W. Skiles and G. L. Angelici (contractor zone. In addition,thedevelopmentof new sensorsop- report4557 [1993] to National Aeronauticsand Space eratingfromaircrafthad opened up new approaches Administration) providea completedescriptionofeach This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions May 1994 OVERVIEW OF OTTER PROJECT sensor and the record of data acquired and available throughthe data bank. Ground: Spectral measurementsof forest components.-The interpretation ofthecompositereflectance signals of imagingsensors requires knowledgeof the spectralreflectanceof the componentsof the object, the forest,includingfoliage,branch, and stem bark, litter,and soil. At most sites thesedata wereacquired both undernaturalsolar illuminationin the fieldusing and undercontrolledillumination spectroradiometers using laboratoryspectrophotometers(Goward et al. 1993). Some of the samples collectedforbiochemical assays were also measured as whole leaves in laboratoryspectrophotometers. A numberof investigatorsbroughtsimilarspectroradiometersto the fieldfor these measurements.Althoughmanyoftheseinstruments werepurchasedfrom the same manufactureror had similar spectralband widthsand sensitivities,the intercalibrationof these instrumentswas compared in the fieldforwavelength accuracy.Variationsas greatas 20 nm were observed betweeninstrumentsof the same manufacture. Variation in radiometricsensitivitywas frequently checked against white referencepanels under a range ofdifferent illuminationconditions,derivedfromsolar or artificialilluminationsources.Spectrally"flatfields" consistingof asphalt parkinglots, bare soil, or gravel pits were located near each site to serve as references forboth fieldspectrometersand for the sensor data. These flatfieldswere used to monitorspectralperformance betweensensorsand throughoutthe seasons of thecampaigns.Radar sensingrequiresa different source forcalibration,consistingof large triangularsheetsof Threesuch aluminumassembledintoa cornerreflector. werepositionednearsitesacrossthetransect. reflectors Satellite and airbornesensors.-Virtually everyremote-sensinginstrumentcurrentlyavailable and used for biospheric studies was included in OTTER, and theirpropertiesare shown in Table 3. Each sensorhas a unique instantaneousfieldof view or groundresolution,different spectralbandwidthsand view angles, and differences in radiometricperformance.Although one can use some sensorsto derive more than one of the requiredvariables,each sensoroftenhas optimum characteristicsforspecificparameters.A briefreview of the sensorsused in OTTER follows. 1. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (A VHRR). -The frequent(fourtimes daily) coverage of the Earth by AVHRR, operatingfrom a NOAA satellitein polar orbit,the spectralband placement, and the broad geographicswath widths of the I-km spatialresolutiondata make AVHRR data particularly usefulformonitoringprocessesthatvaryslowlyacross the landscape at this scale, such as IPAR (intercepted active radiation) and canopy temphotosynthetically perature,butwhichvarymorerapidlyfromday to day. AVHRR data were acquired for clear or cloud-free conditions across the transectfromthe EROS Data 219 Center of the U.S. Geological Survey in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The near-infraredand red bands of AVHRR were transformedinto the NDVI and used to calculate seasonal changes in IPAR and LAI. The thermalchannelwas used in conjunctionwiththeNDVI values to estimatestomatalresistance.The broad swath widthof AVHRR (severalthousandkilometres)introduces largeand significant variationsin groundviewing angles,solar illuminationconditions,and atmospheric path length.These directionaleffectsmust be understood to make the best use of these data. 2. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and airborne Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS). -Unlike the AVHRR, theLandsat TM observesanypointon Earth only every 16 d, even thoughit, too, is in polar orbit. This is because of the narrowswathwidth(_ 100 km) and higherspatialresolution.Such infrequent coverage is, however,a disadvantagein cloudy regionssuch as the PacificNorthwest.Since we had to coordinatethe data collectioneffortsof many sensors in shorttimewindow campaigns,we chose to use the airbornesimulator,TMS, operatingat 20 km fromNASA's ER-2 highaltitudeaircraft.The TM and theTMS have narrower,thoughsimilar,bandwidthsthanAVHRR, supplementedby channels in the blue, green,and shortwave and thermalinfrared.Moreover, TM and TMS have a spatial resolutionof 30 m, usefulforresolving smaller targetssuch as foreststands or for mapping high-frequency changes in cover conditions at scales common to most ecological work. For the OTTER project, TMS data were used to calculateseasonal and across-transect variationsin LAI, standingbiomass, and IPAR. A similarsensor,called theNS00 1 ThematicMapper simulator,operatingfrom NASA's C- 130 aircraftat 5-8 km was also used to collectdata and had theadditionaladvantageofhaving on board a sun-trackingsunphotometer.This sensor observes the solar disk at the position of the sensor and its data are used to calculate additive atmospheric effectson the NSOO1 data fromthe groundup to the aircraftaltitude. 3. Thermal Infrared Multi-channel Scanner (TIMS). -This instrumentincludes four thermalinfraredchannels between 8 and 12 Am that measure emitted thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. Though designed initiallyforgeologic studies,TIMS data have been used in studies of ecosystemtemperatures and used in energybalance models of evapotranspiration.The TIMS operatesfromthe C- 130 aircraftand its data were collected simultaneouslywith the NS0O1 data. The TIMS data have not been used in any OTTER analysis as yet,but forcompleteness, are available to futurescientistsforanalyses (see Data storageand retrieval,below). 4. AirborneSynthetic-Aperture Radar (AIRSAR). AIRSAR is a side-lookingimagingradar systemmaking measurementsof backscatteredand polarized radiation emittedby the sensorsystemin threefrequen- This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 220 DAVID L. PETERSON AND RICHARD H. WARING cies called L, C, and P bands. AIRSAR producesimages witha spatialresolutionof 30 m whileoperatingfrom theNASA DC-8 aircraftat - 15 km. We obtaineddata with AIRSAR in March, June,and August to assess whethervariationsin standingbiomass acrossthetransect could be detectedquantitatively(Moghaddam et al. 1993) and to test whetherthe droughtconditions of Augustrelativeto the wet springconditionswould reduce tree water status enough to alter theirtissues' dielectricpropertiesand therebychange the backscatteringintensityor the polarization. Imaging Spectrometer 5. AirborneVisible-Infrared (A VIRIS). -AVIRIS is NASA's only instrumentcadata. It pable of producing high-spectral-resolution generatesimages with228 continuousspectralbands, each ; 10 nm bandwidth,coveringthe spectralrange from400 to 2400 nm. AVIRIS operatesfromNASA's ER-2 aircraft,producingimages with a spatial resolutionof 25 m. For OTTER, AVIRIS data wereused to assess whetherdifferencesin biochemical composition between sites or over time could be estimated reliably,usingmainlydata fromtheshortwaveinfrared portionof the data. The relativelynarrowbandwidths in the visible also give hope that variations in chlorophyllcontentor shiftsin therededge associated with chlorophyllcould be measured(see Johnsonet al. 1994, Matson et al. 1994 [thisissue]). 6. Advanced Solid-state Array Spectrometer (ASAS). -This unique new instrumentprovidesfairly data in the rangefrom400 to high spectral-resolution viewingangles. 900 nm and does so forseven different The sensoracquires images at 150 intervalsrelativeto the aircraft'sdirectionof flightstartingat 450 forward viewingand going to 45? backward viewing.Thus, it producesat least one nadirviewingimage corresponding to all of the otheroptical sensors.ASAS also operatesfromNASA's C- 130 aircraft,producingimages with a spatial resolutionof 20 m. ASAS data are being studied using a geometricoptics model to estimate standing biomass and hemispherical albedo (Abuelgasimand Strahler1994). The data can also be used to estimatebiophysicalparameterssuch as LAI view angles,whichmayreduceconusingtheoff-nadir foundingeffectsdue to open canopies and contrasting backgrounds.The hemisphericalalbedo calculations will be used to adjust estimatesof IPAR and to adjust directionalobservationsforbi-directionalcanopy reflectancevariations. 7. CompactAirborneSpectrographic Imager (CASI) and FluorescenceLine Imager (FLI). -These two instrumentswere provided by Canadian investigators John Miller of York University(Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and his associates. These sensorsproduce the highestspectralresolutionof any sensor used in OTTER, ~2 nm throughoutthe visible to near infrared. They operate fromvarious lightaircraftand can produce imageswithspatialresolutionsof - 2 In. The high spectraland spatial resolutionscould not be obtained EcologicalApplications Vol. 4. No. 2 simultaneously,so we chose to acquire thefullspectral resolutiondata fora subsample of lines across the image, with one spectralchannel devoted to full spatial resolutionimaging. This spectral resolutionresolves many fine spectral featuresdue to atmosphericand biospheric phenomena that are not resolved on the othersensors.The data are beinganalyzed usingmodels to extractchlorophyll,LAI, and treedensityinformation (see Gong et al. 1992, Matson et al. 1994 [this issue], Spanner et al. 1994 [thisissue]). 8. Ultralightaircraftcarryinga varietyof instruments.-This projectis the firstof NASA's to employ an ultralightaircraftas a sensorplatform.The aircraft does not possess enoughpayload capacityto carrythe heavy sensorsdescribedabove, but was equipped with several pointinginstruments, two spectroradiometers (thesame as used on theground),a stereovideo camera for continuous imaging,and a thermalsensor. This unique platformoffersmanyadvantagesforecological studiesdue to its readiness,relativelyinexpensiveoperation,reasonable stability,and slow speed-and the techniquesdeveloped by R. McCreightto optimizeits use forsensing.Using on-board referencepanels, the aircraftcan cruiseat variousaltitudesand therebymeasurevariationswithaltitudein theatmosphericoptical properties.Being located on site,thisaircraftwas able to operate virtuallyanytimependingsuitableweather conditions.The data collected fromthe ultralightaircraftare used to calculate NDVI and surfacetemperaturesfortheestimationofstomatalresistance,having correctedfor atmosphericeffectsusing the reference panel measurementsduring the flight.The data can also be used to cross-checkothersensors. Atmosphericcorrections Under all conditions the atmospherescattersradiation and absorbs radiation, causing additive and transmissiveeffectson airborne sensor data. In OTTER we had sensorsoperatingat many different altitudes (from300 to 20 000 m) and throughout2 yrand fourseasons. In addition,forestfiresin Augustadded an extra atmosphericburden to the data. Over such large climatic extremes,even for "clear" days, these effects can sometimesdominatethesensorsignals,particularlyin the visible region. Clearly,they must be removed or minimized (see Spanner et al. 1994 [this issue]). We used threemethodsto correctforthese effects. of the campaigns,and as First,duringthe overflights near as possible to the actual time when the aircraft were above each site, two portable sunphotometers were moved across the transectto each site to make direct measurementsof the spectralsolar irradiance. The sunphotometermakes irradiance measurements in 10 narrow spectralbands in the visible and near infraredregions.These measurementsare used with instrumentcalibrations to calculate aerosol optical depths. Using the model developed by Wrigleyet al. This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions May 1994 221 OVERVIEW OF OTTER PROJECT are used (1992), Rayleighand aerosol scatteringeffects to correcttheimagedata foratmosphericturbidity(see Johnsonand Peterson 199 1, Spanner et al. 1994 [this issue]). The second means ofcorrectingforatmospheric optical contributionswas with the referencepanel measurementsmade on board the ultralightaircraft described above. By making observationsat various altitudesand thenregressingback to groundlevel, the data could be correctedfortheseeffects.The ultralight thirdmethodemployedthespectrally"flat"fields.Each field was carefullymeasured using field spectroradiometersand thensensordata over each fieldcould be utilizedto normalize foratmosphericvariations. DATA STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL science necessitatesharEffortsin interdisciplinary ing of the large amounts of data generatedamong investigators-particularlywith the use of remotesensing. Data base managementhas become an advanced technologythatcan minimize many of the difficulties associated with maintainingsuch complex data sets, withdisseminatingthe data among collaborators,and witharchivingand preservationof data forfutureuse. Active researchprojectssuch as OTTER need an interactivedata system.We accomplished this by couplingtwo existingdata systems,one fromNASA and one fromOregonStateUniversity,and expandingtheir servicesfromarchivingto includeinteractiverolessuch as rapid retrievalof data (Skiles and Angelici 1993). NASA had establishedthe Pilot Land Data System data, for (PLDS) formanagingNASA's remote-sensing maintainingdocumentationabout data filesin thedata bank, forprovidinga user interfaceto this documentation,and forthe orderingof data sets. Priorto OTTER, PLDS had been mainly used forarchival functionsand had notbeen used to supportan activescience project. Active project support requires more interactive communicationand customized extensionsof servicesto accomplish data base tasks. PLDS does not manage the kinds of ecological and meteorologicaldata generatedin OTTER. At Oregon State University the National Science Foundation, throughits Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) projects,is supportingthe developmentof a more interactivedata managementsystemunderthedirection of S. Stafford of the Departmentof ForestScience with her associate, G. Spycher.This data base was used to storeand provide access to most of the ecological and meteorologicaldata sets. An electroniclink between the LTER data systemat Oregon State Universityand the PLDS node at Ames Research Center was establishedso thatscientistscould reachbothofthemthrough one interface,the PLDS one. Small data files were maintained on line for immediate access via communicationnetworks,whilethelargedigitalimagedata sets had to be orderedand filledusingothermedia. During the finalyearof the project(1993), the carefullydocumentedand validated data sets (a subset of thefulldata taken)have been masteredonto fourCDROM disks. The disks include both the ecological and meteorologicaldata as well as spectralimage data sets. These diskswillbe themain mediumfordisseminating the OTTER data sets to a wide community. ORGANIZATION The OTTER projectwas initiatedat a NASA-sponsored workshop.A core of investigatorswithprevious experienceworkingin OregonwerepresentfromNASA Ames Research Center,Oregon State University,the Universityof Montana, and the Universityof Maryland. We saw forthe firsttime an opportunityto bring and previouslydeveloped scitogethermanydifferent ence techniques into a coordinated project. And we recognizeda need to understanddynamic ecosystem processes that we could address with remote-sensing technologyand computermodeling.Ratherthan continue to modifyand perfectthe modelingand remote sensing,we chose to conducta testto see how well the existingmodels and algorithmscould predictthe processestheyweredesignedto predict.A combinedground and modelingproposal measurement,remote-sensing, was generatedto serve as the nucleus for attracting cooperatingscientists.We knew fromexperiencethe need forground validation and correlationdata, and chose to installmeteorologicalstationsnear each site for continuous monitoringof these data. Given the emphasis on thedynamicalaspects of ecosystemfunction, we recognizedthe need foryear-roundcoverage by aircraftand satellitesensing.The data base management activitywas added to the core project as a prototypeexperimentin theecological sciencesto evaluate the needs of thiscommunity.In addition,a number of independentlyfunded scientistsand their instrumentswere attractedto the projecton the basis of the value of collectingnew or makingunique analyses of shared data. These added investigationswere complementaryto the core effortsratherthan redundant, and significantly expanded the scope of the effort.In addition,we succeeded in a proposal forspecial NASA Campaign(MAC) designationas a Multi-sensorAircraft to secure betterprioritiesin schedulingand access to these resources. In any complex project such as OTTER, problems must be expected to arise that compromise some of the original objectives. We tried to minimize these throughsettingpriorities,maintainingopen and frank communication,throughsemi-annual team meetings, and throughthe use of electronicmail. The close proximityof the studylocation,mid-state Oregon,to the NASA Ames Research Center(Moffett Field, California)was an advantage that is not always generallyavailable. Ames is thehome of NASA's main platformaircraft(ER-2, DC-8, and C- 130). The coordinatorfor the MAC, M. Spanner, being at Ames to explain the scientificreasons for helped significantly our requirementsto theaircraftprogrammissionman- This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions EcologicalApplications Vol. 4, No. 2 DAVID L. PETERSON AND RICHARD H. WARING 222 Studies Remote-Sensing and Studies FieldMeasurements NASA-Ames Research Center D. L. Peterson (co-PI) Oregon State University R. H. Waring (coPI) D. Myrold J. Runyon Satellit B.Yoder S. Goward NASA-Ames Research NASA-Ames Research Center P. Matson C. Billow UCD Airbome NASA-Ames Research Universityof Maryland R. McCreight M. Spanner S. Ustin Center M. Spanner (MAC coord.) L. Johnson Center Boston University A. Strahler York University J. Miller EPA (University of Idaho) University of California, Davis Data Management NASA-Ames Research Center: PLDS G. Angelici J. Skiles L. Popovici S. Ustin JPL S. Durden Oregon State University R. McCreight Oregon State University S. Stafford EcosystemModeling University of Montana R. Running J. Glassy FIG. 2. Organizationalstructureand areas of responsibilityforOTTER. PI = principalinvestigator;NASA = National Aeronauticsand Space Administration;UCD = Universityof Californiaat Davis; EPA = U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency;JPL = JetPropulsion Laboratory(Pasadena, California);PLDS = pilot land data system. agers,to plan and thencoordinatethe oftenconflicting and compromisingproblems and operational issues duringthe campaigns,and to facilitatethe deliveryof the data acquired. For example, sensor malfunctions, poor weatherconditionsforclear skyviewing,absence of key groundand aircraftpersonnel,and so forthalteredschedules.In addition,when an occasional flight opportunitywas missed due to one or more of these problems,we were able to reschedulesuch flightsfor futureand comparable time periods. In this way, we managedto acquire virtuallyall ofthedata we planned to acquire. Ultralightaircraftwereunavailable earlyin the project,but became available duringthe firstyear. This aircraftprovided importantdata in its own right as well as redundantor backup data to fillin important holes in data acquisition. Fig. 2 provides a simplifieddiagram of the organizational structureand responsibilitiesin OTTER. The four main areas of responsibilitywere: (1) Ground measurements,(2) Remote-sensingmeasurements,(3) Ecosystem modeling,and (4) Data management.All decisions regardingground-based measurements in Oregon were ultimatelythe responsibilityof the coR. H. Waringand his colleague, principalinvestigator, D. Myrold. The otherco-principalinvestigator,D. L. Peterson, coordinated all exchanges between NASA Centers and other groups interestedin providingre- mote-sensingcapabilitiesto theproject.M. Spannerat Ames Research Center coordinated the operation of all aircraftinvolved in the project.S. W. Runningand his colleagues at the Universityof Montana directed the ecosystemmodelingeffortand interactedwith all membersof the researchteam. G. L. Angelici of the Ames PLDS staffheld responsibilityforcoordinating data managementand forthelinksto theOregonState Universitysystems,while J. W. Skiles provided the day-to-dayinteractionsand responses with all members of the science team. A number of the OTTER remote-sensingscientistsbroughta theoreticalunderstandingto the project,led by S. Goward at the Universityof Maryland,L. Johnsonof Ames, J. Miller of York University,and A. StrahlerofBostonUniversity. aircraftwas largelymade The inclusionoftheultralight possible by the effortsof R. McCreight. Many other and planes broughttheirown instruments investigators to participatein the OTTER project. With these contributions,the projectgained nearlythe fullmeasure capabilitiesthatcould be applied to of remote-sensing researchat this time. terrestrial CONCLUSION The OTTER project took advantage of three opportunities.The OTTER project was a natural next stepand extensionof previousresearchin Oregonand This content downloaded from on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:49:48 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions May 1994 OVERVIEW OF OTTER PROJECT elsewhere.The earlierdevelopmentofthegeneralecosystemmodel, FOREST-BGC, was an essential prerequisiteforthe project. The model included the key drivingvariables that we believed could be retrieved fromremote-sensingdata and would allow comparisons to be made across a wide range of coniferous ecosystemsfromdifferent climate regimesand to be treatedin various ways. Thus, theexistenceof and the need forvalidation ofpredictiveecosystemmodels for eventual extrapolation to larger geographic regions providedthe firstopportunityand motivatedthe project. A second opportunityhad to do withthe historyof researchin Oregon. Much of the understandingof the ofclimateon physiologicalresponsesofthevegeffects etationhad been developed in thepast in Oregon.And much of the destructivesampling needed to develop theallometricequationspredicting foreststructure from moreeasilymeasuredpropertieswerealreadyavailable in Oregon fora wide varietyof species, avoiding the necessityof doing such work beforehand.The LTER data systemat Oregon State Universitymaintained most of thispast researchin theirdata bases forready access. In additionto theearlierecologicalresearch,a number of keyremote-sensing studieshad been conducted in Oregon using similartransects.Thus, a base of understandingand relationshipshad alreadybeen established on which to build the project and that would permita realisticappraisal of expected results.This was part of NASA's decision to supportOTTER and to designatetheprojectas a Multi-sensorAircraft Campaign (MAC). The completenessof the measurement strategyattractedother scientists,particularlysome fromtheremote-sensing sciencecommunity,a keyfactor in awardingMACs. This thirdopportunity,combined withthe close geographicproximityof the transectto Ames' aircraftbase, was criticalforsuccessfully conductinga projectthatdemanded such a largecommitmentof aircrafttime and duration. Finally,we notethatno attemptwas made to achieve permanentgrowthin staffat any institutionduringthe course of the project. OTTER is a good example of collaborativescience by geographicallyseparatedparties. Clear and sharedobjectives,and clear policies for bringingin new participantsto avoid duplication,to maintainintellectualpropriety,and to assure cooperation were importantto the project'ssuccess. A spirit of tolerance and cooperativeness characterized the project.No singleinstitutionhas or probablywill have all of the scientificexpertiserequiredforsuch research so an open and shared leadershipstyleis necefforts, essaryto encourageparticipationby othergroups. In additionto theroles of the universityparticipants,scientistsfromthreeotherNASA Centers(JetPropulsion Laboratory,Goddard Space FlightCenter,and Marshall Space Flight Center)joined OTTER. And staff fromthe U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgencyand 223 the USDA Forest Science Laboratoryin Oregon also were active in theproject.Perhapsthe temporaryconfederationmodel used by the OTTER projectoffersa flexiblealternativeto assembling a large temporary stafffora singleprojector forassigningresidentstaff to criticaltasksthattheyhave notpreviouslymastered. While this puts a heavier burden on communication, it improvesinteractionamong scientistsand allows for buildinggood team strengthand cooperation. The articles published in this special featureare among the firstreportsoftheOTTER project.Another set appears in Remote Sensing of Environment47(2) along with papers froma separate NASA-sponsored MAC called the Forest EcosystemDynamics Project. We also anticipatemanyothersinglepapersin thenear future,particularlythose dealingwiththe nutrient-cyclingaspectsof OTTER. We hope thattheseand other studies mergingthe talentsof ecologistswiththose of the remote-sensingcommunitywill prepare the way for a betterunderstandingof how the biosphere operates at regionaland global scales. AcKNowLEDGxMENTS Whilethisandotherpapersinthisissuegivecredittomany oftheprincipal in theOTTER project, participants a hostof otherpeoplemade significant contributions to theproject. Thislistis longindeedandshouldincludetheefforts ofmany peoplemakingfieldmeasurements in supportofspecific researchtasks,theefforts oftheNASA Aircraft Programand otheraircraft whoassuredthatthedata missions personnel werea success,and thepersonnel whoassuredthatthedata weremanagedwithcertainty. Helpfulcommentswerereceivedon theearlierdraftsof thismanuscript by TonyJanetos,BeverlyLaw, Rich McCreight, BarbaraYoder,John Runyon,and JeannePanek.This workwas supportedby NASA grantsNAGW-1717to OregonStateUniversity and manyrelatedgrantsto otherparticipants. LITERATURE CITED Aber,J. D., K. J. 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