Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features Vito Fragnelli Università del Piemonte Orientale [email protected] Joint work with: Stefano Gagliardo [email protected] Fabio Gastaldi [email protected] Compromesso di Lussemburgo - 1966 Seminario POLIS di Inverno 30 Gennaio 2015 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features Summary Standard bankruptcy problems Axioms Non-standard bankruptcy problems 2 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features 3 Standard bankruptcy problems A bankruptcy problems BP arises when an agent has several (monetary) debts with other agents and her/his (monetary) availability is not enough for cover all of them The creditors have the same rights on the available estate Similar situations are the allocation of a scarce resource, or the collection of taxes Two very good surveys may be found in Thomson (2003 and 2015) 4 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features Formally A BP is a triple B = (N, E, c) where N = {1, ..., n} is the set of claimants, E ∈ R≥ is the estate and c = (c1 , ..., cn) ∈ Rn≥ P is the vector of claims, with E ≤ i∈N ci = C O’Neill (1982), Aumann, Maschler (1985), Curiel, Pederzoli, Tijs (1987) A solution is a vector x = (x1 , ..., xn) ∈ Rn s.t. 0 ≤ xi ≤ ci , i ∈ N P i∈N xi = E (rationality) (efficiency) A rule is a map f that associates to each BP a solution 5 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features Basic rules Proportional P ROP (N, E, c)i = ci E ,i ∈ N C Constrained Equal Awards CEA(N, E, c)i = min{ci, α}, i ∈ N P where α ∈ R≥ is s.t. i∈N CEA(N, E, c)i = E Constrained Equal Losses CEL(N, E, c)i = max{ci − β, 0}, i ∈ N where β ∈ R≥ is s.t. Talmud P CEL(N, E, c)i = E ( CEA(N, c/2, E)i if E ≤ C/2 T AL(N, E, c)i = ci + CEL(N, c/2, E − C/2)i if E > C/2 2 Herrero, Villar (2001) i∈N Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features Axioms How to select the “best” solution? Each agent prefers the solution that allows to obtain the largest amount GOOD PROPERTIES −→ AXIOMATIC CHARACTERIZATIONS In the literature there exist more than 100 properties, perhaps more than 200 • Strong properties: Order preservation, Equal treatment of equals, Monotonicity, etc • Context properties: Claim truncation, Merging, Splitting, etc • Ad hoc properties: Exemption, Full compensation, etc Claim truncation → game theoretical rules (Curiel, Pederzoli, Tijs, 1987) 6 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features 7 Non-standard bankruptcy problems MORE DATA Each agent is represented by a unique datum, the claim • Weights. A non-negative real number is associated to each agent, and this influence the rules Casas-M´endez, Fragnelli, Garc´ıa-Jurado (2011) • Minimal rights and bounds. It is possible to introduce the minimal right of an agent as the amount of the estate nobody else claims, or bounds on the amount that has to be assigned to the agent (What happens when the sum of the lower bounds is strictly larger than the estate?) Pulido, Sanchez-Soriano, Llorca (2002) and Moreno-Ternero, Villar (2004) • Multiclaims. Each agent may have more than one claim for the unique estate (How to aggregate the the claims of each agent? Conversely, how to split the estate?) Calleja, Borm, Hendrickx (2005) and Hinojosa, M´armol, S´anchez (2012) Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features DIFFERENT RIGHTS • Types (Young, 1998) • Priority (Moulin, 2000) 8 9 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features REPRESENTATION • Communicating vessels (Kaminski, 2000) Extremely easy to adapt to different situations, thanks to shapes, sections, heights, levels E A A A A c2 A c4 /2 c3 m3 c1 maximal priority c4 /2 m4 10 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features • Network – Minimum cost flow problem (Branzei, Ferrari, Fragnelli, Tijs, 2006) ' $ E/E source & ' % - & – Flow problem (Bjørndal, J¨ornsten, 2010) $ ' $ % & % m1/c1 /k1(x1 ) .. sink mn/cn /kn(xn)- – In a multiple BP , the network describes the connections with each source Ilkılı¸c, Kayı (2014) and Moulin, Sethuraman (2013) Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features DIFFERENT UTILITY FUNCTIONS Carpente, Casas, Gozalvez, Llorca, Pulido, Sanchez-Soriano (2008) A PRIORI UNIONS Borm, Carpente, Casas-M´endez, Hendrickx (2005) SURPLUS Moulin (1987) and Herrero, Maschler, Villar (1999) INTEGER ESTATE Wait some minutes ... 11 Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features References Aumann RJ, Maschler M (1985) Game theoretic analysis of a bankruptcy problem from the Talmud. Journal of Economic Theory 36, 195-213 Bjørndal E, J¨ ornsten K (2010) Flow sharing and bankruptcy games. International Journal of Game Theory 39, 11-28 Borm P, Carpente L, Casas-M´endez B, Hendrickx R (2005) The constrained equal awards rule for bankruptcy problems with a Priori Unions. Annals of Operations Research 137 , 211-227 Branzei R, Ferrari G, Fragnelli V, Tijs S (2008) A flow approach to bankruptcy problems. AUCO Czech Economic Review 2, 146-153 Calleja P, Borm P, Hendrickx R (2005) Multi-allocation situations. European Journal of Operations Research 164, 730-747 Carpente L, Casas B, Gozalvez J, Llorca N, Pulido M, Sanchez-Soriano J (2008) How to divide a cake when people have different metabolism? Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 78, 361-371 Casas-M´endez B, Fragnelli V, Garc´ıa-Jurado I (2011) Weighted bankruptcy rules and the museum pass problem. European Journal of Operational Research 215, 161-168. 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