Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources/GSI

Issues for Consideration
1. What licences are public bodies currently using? (e.g. PSI, Open, etc.). Any views on the
general applicability of a preferred Open Data licence to PSI?
DCENR and GSI use a mix of licenced and non-licenced models for Open Data since 2007. Some
datasets use a simple disclaimer, others use PSI, and others a custom attribution licence.
A single licence model, and guidance on its use, would be useful.
2. CC0 requires waiving of certain rights (including Attribution, although it can be specifically
requested, eg, Is this acceptable to public bodies?
Much of the data released by DCENR and GSI was funded by the state and collected for public
good including commercial re-use. Attribution should be insisted upon.
3. If public bodies need to retain copyright of datasets, can this be done through the CC-BY
4. Are we clear on the copyright owner of data generated by Public Bodies in all cases? Does it
always belong to the body/department which created the data? Are there always stringent
contracts in place to ensure that copyright cannot rest with an external creator such as a
Not in all cases. Since the introduction of the CSSO standard contract for services in 2011, there
is greater clarity regarding the ownership by the state in any IPR or copyright on data generated
under those contracts.
We have some queries regarding company reports and data, submitted to the Minister, which
we re-publish after a moratorium period to attract inward investment in Mineral and Petroleum
5. What process/governance will be in place to ensure that data being published on
can actually be published under an Open Data licence? e.g. to ensure the data is appropriately
anonymised if necessary (and complies with data protection) or is not breaking previous
copyright rules?
Data currently published to relates to licensed areas boundaries and natural
resources basemapping. DCENR.
As above, we have a role in releasing company reports which contains financial details etc.
6. Can multiple licence formats be used, depending on the complexities of each dataset? For
example, if a Third Party has contributed copyright material. Can an institution release some
data under an Open Data licence, with non-Open Data linked via the Open Data portal, but
under another appropriate licence? Or, should only datasets associated with the
recommended Open Licence be included on
Only fully open data should be published via
7. Can CC0 be used for all the metadata published on, with a different licence being
used, if necessary, for the actual dataset on the public body’s website?
CC By can be used for metadata also if licensing is required?
8. What arrangements should be made in respect of data that a public body sells as a means of
self-funding (OSi, CRO, PRA)?
Only fully open data should be published via
9. Are the open licences (Creative Commons, Open Data Commons) compatible with EU and
national copyright and database-related legislation? For example, under Directive 96/9/EC,
provision has been made for a set of sui generis arrangements whereby the creator of a
database, whether a natural or legal person, can prohibit the unauthorised retrieval and/or
re-use of its contents.
10. What are the implications for data generated for cross-border projects (eg, Ireland-Britain, if
different licensing arrangements are in place?
We currently split cross border data and distribute separate parts individually through the
respective jurasdictions.
11. Are you aware of any legal impediments to using an Open Licence for specific datasets?
Not at the moment
Finally, please provide your views on two proposed licensing statements:
12. Content published through the national open data portal,, is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence unless otherwise stated.
Content on or linked through the portal which is not covered by the CC-BY licence is clearly
marked with the appropriate licence or copyright statement. Such an approach allows for a
tiered approach to the openness of the data. If CC-BY is not used, the public body should
explain why.
Our preference is for CC BY
13. Unless otherwise noted, the content, data, documentation, code, and related materials on is available with a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal dedication. This dedication
waives all rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and
neighbouring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute, and
perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. This
dedication implies no warranties about the work. There is no liability for any uses of the work,
to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
Some data on may not be covered by the CC0 dedication, such as copies of
copyrightable works made available to the public bodies by private entities. Such works may
made available under the provisions of extant Copyright legislation and any relevant EU
Directives. Therefore, your rights to use those works may be similarly limited. Works where
CC0 do not apply will be clearly marked by a warning in the relevant documentation (for
example: “This data is not in the public domain. Third party copy rights may apply.”).