Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom Institute of Statistics Universit´e catholique de Louvain [email protected] Last update: June 2, 2015 Contents 1 Personal information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Scientific presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4 Research visits abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5 Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6 Supervision of PhD students and postdocs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7 Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 8 Fellowships, honors and awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 9 Editorships / associate editorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10 Service to the profession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 ii 1 Personal information Personal data Name : Van Keilegom First Name : Ingrid Professional Address : Universit´e catholique de Louvain Institute of Statistics Voie du Roman Pays 20 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Phone : + 32 10 47 43 30 Fax : + 32 10 47 30 32 E-mail : [email protected] Date of birth : 24 December 1971 Place of birth : Wilrijk (Antwerpen) Nationality : Belgian Education 1. Licentiate (B.S.) in Mathematical Sciences, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, 1993, great distinction 2. Master of Science in Biostatistics, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, 1998 3. Ph.D. in Statistics, ‘Nonparametric estimation of the conditional distribution in regression with censored data’, Limburgs Universitair Centrum (now : Universiteit Hasselt), 15 May 1998, advisor : Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke. The thesis can be downloaded from Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 1 Academic appointments Permanent positions : 1. From 1 October 1993 until 30 September 1998 : Ph.D. student at Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Department of Mathematics 2. From 1 October 1998 until 15 August 1999 : Assistant Professor at Pennsylvania State University (U.S.A.), Department of Statistics 3. From 16 August 1999 until 31 August 2000 : Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands), Department of Mathematics 4. From 1 September 2000 until 30 September 2005 : Assistant Professor at Universit´e catholique de Louvain 5. From 1 October 2005 until 30 September 2008 : Associate Professor at Universit´e catholique de Louvain 6. From 1 October 2008 on : Full Professor at Universit´e catholique de Louvain Visiting positions : 1. Visiting professor at the Australian National University, January-February 2002 2. Visiting professor at Limburgs Universitair Centrum, April-June 2002 3. Visiting professor at University of Vigo, June 2006 and June 2007 4. Visiting professor at Universit´e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, February-March 2007 5. Visiting professor at Universiteit Hasselt, April-May 2008 6. Visiting professor at Universit´e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, June 2008 7. Visiting professor at INSA, Rennes, July 2008 8. Visiting professor at Universiteit Hasselt, April-May 2009 9. Visiting professor at Universit´e de Toulouse I, March-May 2010 10. Visiting professor at Universiteit Hasselt, October-November 2010 11. Visiting professor at Universiteit Hasselt, October-November 2012 12. Visiting professor at ENSAI, Rennes, December 2013 Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 2 13. Visiting professor at Universit´e de Toulouse I, March-April 2014 14. Visiting professor at Universiteit Hasselt, September-October 2014 15. Visiting professor at ENSAI, Rennes, October-November 2014 16. Visiting professor at Universit´e de Toulouse I, November-December 2014 17. Extramural fellow of the research institute CentER, Tilburg University Main research interests 1. Mathematical statistics 2. Survival analysis : cure models, different types of censoring and truncation, dependent censoring, ... 3. Semiparametric M- and Z-estimation 4. Empirical processes 5. Non- and semiparametric regression 6. Copulas 7. Endogeneity problems in econometrics Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 3 2 Publications Published papers 1. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (1996). Uniform strong convergence results for the conditional Kaplan-Meier estimator and its quantiles. Commun. Statist.-Theory Meth., 25, 2251-2265. 2. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (1997). Estimation and bootstrap with censored data in fixed design nonparametric regression. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 49, 467-491. 3. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (1997). Weak convergence of the bootstrapped conditional Kaplan-Meier process and its quantile process. Commun. Statist.-Theory Meth., 26, 853-869. 4. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (1998). Bootstrapping quantiles in a fixed design regression model with censored data. J. Statist. Planning Inf., 69, 115-131. 5. Van Keilegom, I. and Akritas, M. G. (1999). Transfer of tail information in censored regression models. Ann. Statist., 27, 1745-1784. 6. Van Keilegom, I. and Akritas, M. G. (2000). The least squares method in heteroscedastic censored regression models. In : Asymptotics in Statistics and Probability, Ed. M.L. Puri, VSP, 379-391. 7. Van Keilegom, I., Akritas, M. G. and Veraverbeke, N. (2001). Estimation of the conditional distribution in regression with censored data : a comparative study. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 35, 487-500. 8. Akritas, M. G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2001). Nonparametric ANCOVA methods for heteroscedastic nonparametric regression models. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 96, 220232. 9. Akritas, M. G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2001). Nonparametric estimation of the residual distribution. Scand. J. Statist., 28, 549-568. 10. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (2001). Hazard rate estimation in nonparametric regression with censored data. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 53, 730-745. 11. Van Keilegom, I. and Hettmansperger, T. P. (2002). Inference on multivariate M estimators based on bivariate censored data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 97, 328-336. 12. Li, G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2002). Likelihood ratio confidence bands in nonparametric regression with censored data. Scand. J. Statist., 29, 547-562. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 4 13. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (2002). Density and hazard estimation in censored regression models. Bernoulli, 8, 607-625. 14. Hall, P. and Van Keilegom, I. (2003). Using difference-based methods for inference in nonparametric regression with time-series errors. J. Royal Statist. Soc. - Series B, 65, 443-456. 15. Akritas, M. G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2003). Estimation of the bivariate and marginal distributions with censored data. J. Royal Statist. Soc. - Series B, 65, 457-471. 16. Du, Y., Akritas, M. G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2003). Nonparametric methods for analysis of covariance with censored data. Biometrika, 90, 269-287. 17. Tilquin, P., Van Keilegom, I., Coppieters, W., Le Bouleng´e, E. and Baret, P.V. (2003). Non-parametric interval mapping in half-sib designs : use of midranks to account for ties. Genetical Research, 81, 221-228. 18. Claeskens, G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2003). Bootstrap confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives. Ann. Statist., 31, 1852-1884. 19. Chen, X., Linton, O. and Van Keilegom, I. (2003). Estimation of semiparametric models when the criterion function is not smooth. Econometrica, 71, 1591-1608. 20. Van Keilegom, I. (2004). A note on the nonparametric estimation of the bivariate distribution under dependent censoring. J. Nonpar. Statist., 16, 659–670. 21. Hall, P. and Van Keilegom, I. (2005). Testing for monotone increasing hazard rate. Ann. Statist., 33, 1109-1137. 22. Brouhns, N., Denuit, M. and Van Keilegom, I. (2005). Bootstrapping the Poisson log-bilinear model for mortality forecasting. Scand. Actuar. J., 212–224. 23. S´anchez Sellero, C., Gonz´alez Manteiga, W. and Van Keilegom, I. (2005). Uniform representation of product-limit integrals with applications. Scand. J. Statist., 32, 563– 581. 24. Cao, R. and Van Keilegom, I. (2006). Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation. Canad. J. Statist., 34, 61–77. 25. Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2006). Comparison of regression curves with censored responses. Scand. J. Statist., 33, 409-434. 26. Denuit, M., Purcaru, O. and Van Keilegom, I. (2006). Bivariate Archimedean copula models for censored data in non-life insurance. J. Actuar. Pract., 13, 5–32. 27. Wang, L. and Van Keilegom, I. (2007). Nonparametric test for the form of parametric regression with time series errors. Statist. Sinica, 17, 369-386. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 5 28. Heuchenne, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2007). Polynomial regression with censored data based on preliminary nonparametric estimation. Ann. Instit. Statist. Math., 59, 273298. 29. Van Keilegom, I. and Carroll, R.J. (2007). Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions. Statist. Sinica, 17, 797-816. 30. Heuchenne, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2007). Location estimation in nonparametric regression with censored data. J. Multiv. Anal., 98, 1558-1582. 31. Heuchenne, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2007). Nonlinear regression with censored data. Technometrics, 49, 34-44. 32. Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C., Van Keilegom, I. and Gonz´alez-Manteiga, W. (2007). Testing for the equality of k regression curves. Statist. Sinica, 17, 1115-1137. 33. Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C., Van Keilegom, I. and Gonz´alez-Manteiga, W. (2007). Goodnessof-fit tests for parametric models in censored regression. Canad. J. Statist., 35, 249264. 34. Hall, P. and Van Keilegom, I. (2007). Two-sample tests in functional data analysis starting from discrete data. Statist. Sinica, 17, 1511-1532. 35. Dette, H., Neumeyer, N. and Van Keilegom, I. (2007). A new test for the parametric form of the variance function in nonparametric regression. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Series B, 69, 903-917. 36. Einmahl, J. and Van Keilegom, I. (2008). Specification tests in nonparametric regression. J. Econometrics, 143, 88-102. 37. Linton, O., Sperlich, S. and Van Keilegom, I. (2008). Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model. Ann. Statist., 36, 686-718. 38. Van Keilegom, I., S´anchez Sellero, C. and Gonz´alez Manteiga, W. (2008). Empirical likelihood based testing for regression Electr. J. Statist., 2, 581-604. 39. Einmahl, J. and Van Keilegom, I. (2008). Tests for independence in nonparametric regression. Statist. Sinica, 18, 601-616. 40. El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2008). Nonparametric regression with dependent censored data. Scand. J. Statist., 35, 228-247. 41. Van Keilegom, I., Gonz´alez Manteiga, W. and S´anchez Sellero, C. (2008). Goodnessof-fit tests in parametric regression based on the estimation of the error distribution. TEST, 17, 401-415. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 6 42. Wang, L., Akritas, M.G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2008). An ANOVA-type nonparametric diagnostic test for heteroscedastic regression models. J. Nonparam. Statist., 20, 365382. 43. Ojeda-Cabrera, J. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Goodness-of-fit tests for parametric regression with selection biased data. J. Statist. Plann. Infer., 139, 2836-2850. 44. Hjort, N.L., McKeague, I.W. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Extending the scope of empirical likelihood. Ann. Statist., 37, 1079-1111. 45. Molanes-Lopez, E., Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (2009). Empirical likelihood for non-smooth criterion functions. Scand. J. Statist., 36, 413-432. 46. Neumeyer, N. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Change-point tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression. Scand. J. Statist., 36, 518-541. 47. Hall, P. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Nonparametric “regression” when errors are centred at endpoints. Bernoulli, 15, 614-633. 48. Dette, H., Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Goodness-of-fit tests for multiplicative models with dependent data. Scand. J. Statist., 36, 782-799. 49. El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Local linear quantile regression with dependent censored data. Statist. Sinica, 19, 1621-1640. 50. Chen, S.X. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). A review on empirical likelihood methods for regression. TEST, 18, 415-447. 51. Chen, S.X. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Rejoinder on : A review on empirical likelihood methods for regression. TEST, 18, 468-474. 52. Chen, S.X. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). A goodness-of-fit test for parametric and semiparametric models in multiresponse regression. Bernoulli, 15, 955-976. 53. Braekers, R. and Van Keilegom, I. (2009). Flexible modeling based on copulas in nonparametric regression. J. Multiv. Anal., 6, 1270-1281. 54. Van Keilegom, I. and Wang, L. (2010). Semiparametric modeling and estimation of heteroscedasticity in regression analysis of cross-sectional data. Electr. J. Statist., 4, 133-160. 55. Neumeyer, N. and Van Keilegom, I. (2010). Estimating the error distribution in nonparametric multiple regression with applications to model testing. J. Multiv. Anal., 101, 1067-1078. 56. Crujeiras, R.M. and Van Keilegom, I. (2010). Least squares estimation of nonlinear spatial trends. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 54, 452-465. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 7 57. Heuchenne, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2010). Estimation in nonparametric location-scale regression models with censored data. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 62, 439-464. 58. Teodorescu, B., Van Keilegom, I. and Cao, R. (2010). Generalized conditional linear models under left truncation and right censoring. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 62, 465-485. 59. Ferraty, F., Van Keilegom, I. and Vieu, P. (2010). On the validity of the bootstrap in nonparametric functional regression. Scand. J. Statist., 37, 286-306. 60. Teodorescu, B. and Van Keilegom, I. (2010). Goodness-of-fit test in generalized conditional linear models under left truncation and right censoring. J. Nonpar. Statist., 22, 547-566. 61. Molanes L´opez, E.M., Cao, R. and Van Keilegom, I. (2010). Smoothed empirical likelihood confidence intervals for the relative distribution with left truncated and right censored data. Canad. J. Statist., 38, 453-473. 62. Heuchenne, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2010). Goodness-of-fit tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 54, 1942-1951. 63. El Ghouch, A., Van Keilegom, I. and McKeague, I. (2011). Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for dependent duration data. Econometric Theory, 27, 178-198. ´ 64. Van Keilegom, I., de U˜na-Alvarez, J. and Meira-Machado, L. (2011). Nonparametric location-scale models for censored successive survival times. J. Statist. Plann. Infer., 141, 1118-1131. 65. Linton, O., Mammen, E., Nielsen, J.P. and Van Keilegom, I. (2011). Nonparametric regression with filtered data. Bernoulli, 17, 60-87. 66. Gonz´alez Manteiga, W., Pardo Fern´andez, J.C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2011). ROC curves in nonparametric location-scale regression models. Scand. J. Statist., 38, 169184. 67. Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (2011). Discussion on ‘Statistical models and methods for dependence in insurance data’ by S. Haug, C. Kl¨uppelberg and L. Peng. J. Korean Statist. Soc., 40, 155-157. 68. Varron, D. and Van Keilegom, I. (2011). Uniform in bandwidth exact rates for a class of kernel estimators. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 63, 1077-1102. 69. Heuchenne, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2012). Estimation of a general parametric location in censored regression. In : Van Keilegom, I. and Wilson, P.W. (eds.), Exploring research frontiers in contemporary statistics and econometrics - Festschrift in honor of L. Simar, Springer, 177-187. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 8 70. Ferraty, F., Van Keilegom, I. and Vieu, P. (2012). Regression when both response and predictor are functions. J. Multiv. Anal., 109, 10-28. 71. M¨uller, U.U. and Van Keilegom, I. (2012). Efficient parameter estimation in regression with missing responses. Electr. J. Statist., 6, 1200-1219. 72. Noh, H., Chung, K. and Van Keilegom, I. (2012). Variable selection of varying coefficient models in quantile regression. Electr. J. Statist., 6, 1220-1238. 73. Peng, L., Qi, Y. and Van Keilegom, I. (2012). Jackknife empirical likelihood method for copulas. TEST, 21, 74-92. 74. Van Keilegom, I. (2012). Discussion on: ‘Probabilistic index models’ by O. Thas, J. De Neve, L. Clement and J.-P. Ottoy. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 74, 654. 75. Noh, H. and Van Keilegom, I. (2012). Efficient model selection in semivarying coefficient models. Electr. J. Statist., 6, 2519-2534. 76. Noh, H., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Assessing model adequacy in possibly misspecified quantile regression. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 57, 558-569. 77. Wei, J., Carroll, R.J., M¨uller, U.U., Van Keilegom, I. and Chatterjee, N. (2013). Robust estimation for homoscedastic regression in the secondary analysis of case-control data. J. Royal Statist. Soc. - Series B, 75, 185-206. 78. Noh, H., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Quality of fit measures in the framework of quantile regression. Scand. J. Statist., 40, 105-118. 79. Dahlke, M., Breidt, F.J., Opsomer, J.D. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Nonparametric endogenous post-stratification estimation. Statist. Sinica, 23, 189-211. 80. Rotolo, F., Legrand, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Simulation of clustered multi-state survival data based on a copula model. Comp. Meth. Progr. Biomedic. 109, 305-312. 81. Moreira, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation with doubly truncated data. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 61, 107-123. 82. Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Discussion on: ‘Model-free model-fitting and predictive distributions’ by D. Politis. TEST, 22, 234-236. 83. Schwarz, M., Jongbloed, G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). On the identifiability of copulas in bivariate competing risks models. Canad. J. Statist., 41, 291-303. 84. Lopez, O., Patilea, V. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Single index regression models in the presence of censoring depending on the covariates. Bernoulli, 19, 721-747. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 9 85. Chen, S.X. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 65, 785-805. 86. Van Keilegom. I. (2013). Discussion on: ‘An updated review of Goodness-of-Fit tests for regression models’ by W. Gonz´alez-Manteiga and R. Crujeiras. TEST, 22, 428-431. 87. Meira-Machado, L., Roca-Pardi˜nas, J., Van Keilegom, I. and Cadarso-Su´arez, C. (2013). Estimation of transition probabilities in a non-Markov model with successive survival time. Comput. Statist., 28, 2185-2210. 88. Florens, J.-P., Simar, L. and Van Keilegom, I. (2014). Frontier estimation in nonparametric location-scale models. J. Econometrics, 178, 456-470. 89. Heuchenne, C., Laurent, S., Legrand, C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2014). Likelihood based inference for semi-competing risks. Commun. Statist. - Simul. Comput., 43, 11121132. 90. Yang, S.J., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2014). Varying coefficient models having different smoothing variables with randomly censored data. Electr. J. Statist., 8, 226-252. 91. M¨uller, U.U. and Van Keilegom, I. (2014). Efficient quantile regression with auxiliary information. In : Lahiri, S., Schick, A., SenGupta, A. and Sriram, T.N. (eds.), Contemporary developments in statistical theory - Festschrift for H. Koul, Springer, 365-374. ´ 92. Moreira, C., de U˜na-Alvarez, J. and Van Keilegom, I. (2014). Goodness-of-fit tests for a semiparametric model under random double truncation. Comput. Statist., 29, 1365-1379. ´ 93. Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C., Rodr´ıguez-Alvarez, M.X. and Van Keilegom, I. (2014). A review on ROC curves in the presence of covariates. RevStat, 12, 21-41. 94. Kneip, L., Simar, L. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance. J. Econometrics, 184, 379-393. 95. Colling, B., Heuchenne, C., Samb, R. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Estimation of the error density in a semiparametric transformation model. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 67, 1-18. 96. Talamakrouni, M., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Guided censored regression. Scand. J. Statist. (to appear). 97. Noh, H., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Semiparametric conditional quantile estimation through copula-based multivariate models. J. Buss. Econ. Statist. (to appear). Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 10 98. Talamakrouni, M., Van Keilegom, I. and El Ghouch, A. (2015). Parametrically guided nonparametric density and hazard estimation with censored data. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. (to appear). 99. Sujica, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Estimation of location and scale functionals in nonparametric regression under copula dependent censoring. Canad. J. Statist. (to appear). 100. Simar, L., Vanhems, A. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity in nonparametric frontier estimation. J. Econometrics (to appear). 101. Colling, B. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Goodness-of-fit tests in semiparametric transformation models. TEST (to appear). 102. Escanciano, J.C., Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C. and Van Keilegom, I. (2015). Semiparametric estimation of risk-return relationships. J. Buss. Econ. Statist. (to appear). Papers under revision 1. Mammen, E., Van Keilegom, I. and Yu, K. Expansion for moments of regression quantiles with applications to nonparametric testing (under revision for Bernoulli). 2. Gonz´alez Manteiga, W., Mart´ınez Miranda, M.D. and Van Keilegom, I. Goodness-of-fit test in parametric mixed-effects models based on the estimation of the error distribution (under revision for Biometrika). 3. Sujica, A. and Van Keilegom, I. The copula-graphic estimator in censored nonparametric location-scale regression models (under revision for Electr. J. Statist.). 4. Heuchenne, C., Samb, R. and Van Keilegom, I. Estimation of the error distribution in a semiparametric transformation model (under revision for Electr. J. Statist.). 5. Neumeyer, N., Noh, H. and Van Keilegom, I. Heteroscedastic semiparametric transformation models: estimation and testing for validity (under revision for Statist. Sinica). 6. F`eve, F., Florens, J.-P. and Van Keilegom, I. Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models (under revision for J. Buss. Econ. Statist.). Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 11 Submitted papers 1. Delsol, L. and Van Keilegom, I. Semiparametric M-estimation with non-smooth criterion functions. 2. B¨ucher, A., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. Single-index quantile regression models for censored data. 3. Simar, L., Van Keilegom, I. and Zelenyuk, V. Nonparametric least squares methods for stochastic frontier models. 4. Vanhems, A. and Van Keilegom, I. Semiparametric transformation model with endogeneity: a control function approach. 5. Bertrand, A., Legrand, C., Carroll, R., de Meester, C. and Van Keilegom, I. Inference in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates using a SIMEX approach. 6. Garc´ıa-Portugu´es, E., Van Keilegom, I., Crujeiras R.M. and Gonz´alez-Manteiga, W. Testing parametric models in linear-directional regression. 7. Birke, M., Van Bellegem S. and Van Keilegom, I. Semi-parametric estimation in a singleindex model with endogenous variables. 8. Escanciano, J.C., Pardo-Fern´andez, J.C. and Van Keilegom, I. Asymptotic distributionfree tests for semiparametric regressions. 9. Portier, F., El Ghouch, A. and Van Keilegom, I. Efficiency and bootstrap in the promotion time cure model. Books 1. Van Keilegom, I. and Wilson, P.W. (2012). Exploring Research Frontiers in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics - Festschrift in Honor of L. Simar. Springer, New York. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 12 3 Scientific presentations Invited and keynote presentations 1. European Young Statisticians Meeting 1995, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1995 : ‘A generalization of the Kaplan-Meier estimator and the bootstrap in censored data regression’. 2. Tenth International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Compi`egne, France, 12-15 June 2001 : ‘Estimation of the bivariate and marginal distributions with censored data’. 3. International Conference on Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics, Crete, Greece, 15-19 July 2002 : ‘Confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives’. 4. Conference in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics dedicated to the Centenary of A. N. Kolmogorov, Tbilisi, Georgia, 21-27 September 2003 : ‘Empirical likelihood in some non-standard settings’. 5. Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada, 8-12 August 2004 : ‘Comparison of density functions via empirical likelihood’. 6. Third Prague-Brussels Mathematical Statistics Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 May 2005 : ‘Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions’. 7. Second International Statistics Workshop, Seoul, South-Korea, 15-16 June 2005 : ‘Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions’. 8. International Seminar on Nonparametric Inference, La Coru˜na, Spain, 13-15 July 2005 : ‘Tests for the variance function in nonparametric regression’. 9. Workshop on ‘Statistische und Probabilistische Methoden der Modellwahl’, Oberwolfach, Germany, 16-22 October 2005 : ‘Tests for the variance function in nonparametric regression’. 10. Workshop on ‘Specification testing’, Santander, Spain, 16-18 December 2005 : ‘Empirical likelihood test for a class of regression models’. 11. XXVI European Meeting of Statisticians, Torun, Poland, 24-28 July 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’. 12. ‘Journ´ees d’Etude en Statistique’ on ‘Nonparametric approaches in regression’, MarseilleLuminy, France, 9-13 October 2006 : ‘Donn´ees censur´ees’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 13 13. Workshop on ‘Nonparametric Statistics’, Rennes, France, 26-27 October 2006 : ‘Changepoint tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression’. 14. Workshop on ‘Qualitative Assumptions and Regularization in High-Dimensional Statistics’, Oberwolfach, Germany, 5-11 November 2006 : ‘A goodness-of-fit test for semiparametric models and models with shape constraints in multiresponse regression’. 15. Workshop on ‘Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics’, Oberwolfach, Germany, 19-23 March 2007 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’. 16. First Joint Statistical Meeting of the ‘Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik’, Bielefeld, Germany, 27-30 March 2007 : ‘Change-point tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression’. 17. Doctoral workshop in economics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 25 May 2007 : Discussion of ‘The lagged duration dependence for young long-term unemployed workers in Belgium’ by Matteo Picchio. 18. ‘5e Journ´ees de Statistique Fonctionnelle et Op´eratorielle’, Lille, France, 21-22 June 2007 : ‘On the use of the bootstrap in nonparametric functional regression’. 19. Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, USA, 29 July-2 August 2007 : ‘A goodnessof-fit test for parametric and semiparametric models in multiresponse regression’. 20. Workshop on ‘Reassessing the Paradigms of Statistical Model Building’, Oberwolfach, Germany, 22-26 October 2007 : ‘Flexible modeling based on copulas in nonparametric regression’. 21. Joint Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada and the Soci´et´e Fran¸caise de Statistique, Ottawa, Canada, 25-29 May 2008 : ‘Empirical likelihood for non-smooth criterion functions’. 22. ‘Celebration 20th Anniversary Master of Biostatistics’, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium, 10-11 September 2008 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 23. Workshop on ‘Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics’, Banff, Canada, 5-10 April 2009 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 24. First Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 28 June - 1 July 2009 : ‘Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data’. 25. 27th European Meeting of Statisticians, Toulouse, France, 20-24 July 2009 : ‘Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 14 26. The 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Durban, South Africa, 16-22 August 2009 : ‘Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data’. 27. Annual workshop of the IAP network in statistics, Leuven, Belgium, 19-20 November 2009 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 28. 23rd Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT), Voss, Norway, 14-17 June 2010 : ‘Goodness-of-fit tests for the relation between the regression function and the scale function with dependent data’. 29. Prague Stochastics 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 August - 3 September 2010 : ‘Goodness-of-fit tests for multiplicative models with dependent data’. 30. Stochastics Meeting Lunteren, The Netherlands, 15-17 November 2010 : ‘Z-estimation in semiparametric statistics: general theory’ and ‘Z-estimation in semiparametric statistics: applications in various fields’ (keynote). 31. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability’ in honor of No¨el Veraverbeke, Hasselt, Belgium, 19-20 May 2011 : ‘The copula-graphic estimator of the survival function under dependent censoring with unknown copula’. 32. 14th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA) conference, Rome, Italy, 6-10 June 2011 : ‘The copula-graphic estimator of the survival function under dependent censoring with unknown copula’. 33. Graybill 2011 Conference on ‘Modern nonparametric methods’, Fort Collins, USA, 22-24 June 2011 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’ (keynote). 34. Conference on ‘Efficiency measurement: New methods and application to the food sector’, Toulouse, France, 27-28 June 2011 : ‘Frontier estimation in nonparametric location-scale models’. 35. Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami Beach, USA, 30 July - 4 August 2011 : ‘Semiparametric estimation in a single index model with endogenous variables’. 36. 4th International ERCIM Conference, London, UK, 17-19 December 2011 : ‘A nonparametric test for risk-return relationships’. 37. 44e Journ´ees de Statistique, Bruxelles, Belgium, 21-25 May 2012 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’ (keynote). 38. 1st Joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Li`ege, Belgium, 6-8 June 2012 : ‘Estimation in nonparametric location-scale models under dependent censoring’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 15 39. 1st Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Chalkidiki, Greece, 15-19 June 2012 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’ (keynote). 40. 8th International Purdue Symposium on Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 20-24 June 2012 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’. 41. 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM), Tsukuba, Japan, 2-4 July 2012 : ‘Semiparametric transformation model with endogeneity: a control function approach’. 42. Waseda Statistical Symposium on Time Series and Related Topics, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 5-7 July 2012 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’. 43. Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, USA, 29 July - 2 August 2012 : ‘Identifiability of joint distributions in bivariate competing risks models’. 44. International Conference on Robust Statistics (ICORS), University of Vermont, Burlington, USA, 5-10 August 2012 : ‘Quality of fit measures in the framework of quantile regression’. 45. 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT), Limassol, Cyprus, 27-31 August 2012 : ‘Identifiability of joint distributions in bivariate competing risks models’. 46. 6th PhD Day of the Graduate School in Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 14 September 2012 : ‘Dos and don’ts in academic writing: surviving the peer review process’. 47. Conference on ’Recent Developments in Econometrics’ for Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Jean-Pierre Florens, Toulouse, France, 28-29 September 2012 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 48. International Conference on ‘Statistics, science, and society: new challenges and opportunities’, Chennai, India, 2-5 January 2013 : ‘Semiparametric transformation model with endogeneity: a control function approach’. 49. Annual workshop of the IAP network in statistics, Leuven, Belgium, 28-29 March 2013 : Introduction to ‘Dynamics of a stochastic system and the impact of non-observed characteristics’. 50. 29th European Meeting of Statisticians, Budapest, Hungary, 20-25 July 2013 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 16 51. Conference on ‘Applicable semiparametrics’, Humboldt Universit¨at Berlin, 11-12 October 2013 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates’. 52. International Hexa-Symposium on Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology, Hasselt, Belgium, 14-15 November 2013 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates’. 53. International Year of Statistics Conference, Luxembourg, 26-27 November 2013 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates’ (keynote). 54. 6th International ERCIM Conference, London, UK, 14-16 December 2013 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates’. 55. Conference on ‘Non and semiparametric econometrics’, University of York, 15-16 May 2014 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’ (keynote). 56. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Nonparametric Statistics, Cadiz, Spain, 12-16 June 2014 : ‘Varying coefficient models having different smoothing variables with randomly censored data’. 57. 3rd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM), Taipei, Taiwan, 30 June-3 July 2014 : ‘Varying coefficient models having different smoothing variables with randomly censored data’. 58. Workshop on ‘Challenges and advances in analysis of complex high dimensional data’, Taichung, Taiwan, 4-5 July 2014 : ‘Inference in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates using the SIMEX approach’. 59. ASC-IMS 2014 Conference, Sydney, Australia, 7-10 July 2014 : ‘Varying coefficient models having different smoothing variables with randomly censored data’. 60. Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, USA, 3 - 7 August 2014 : ‘Semiparametric conditional quantile estimation through copula-based multivariate models’ (special invited). 61. Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, USA, 3 - 7 August 2014 : ‘The focused information criterion for a mixture cure model’. 62. Annual workshop of the IAP network in statistics, Brussels, Belgium, 24 November 2014 : ‘Dynamics of a stochastic system and the impact of non-observed characteristics’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 17 Contributed presentations 1. Week of Doctoral Students 1995, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 September 1995 : ‘Nonparametric estimation and bootstrap in regression with censored data’. 2. Annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Houthalen, Belgium, 13-14 October 1995 : ‘The bootstrap in nonparametric regression with censored data’. 3. 4th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Vienna, Austria, 26-31 August 1996 : ‘Asymptotic properties of a quantile estimator in a regression model with censored data’. 4. Workshop ‘The Art of Nonparametric Statistics : Methodologies and Applications’, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 19-21 February 1997 : ‘Transfer of tail information for censored regression models’ (poster). 5. ISI-Satellite Meeting ‘Mathematical Statistics and its Applications to Biosciences’, Rostock, Germany, 31 August - 4 September 1997 : ‘Estimation of the tail of the conditional distribution in censored regression models’. 6. 4th Hungarian Colloquium on Limit Theorems of Probability and Statistics, Balatonlelle, Hungary, 28 June - 2 July 1999 : ‘Nonparametric estimation of the conditional density and hazard under two regression models with censored data’. 7. New Researchers Conference, Baltimore, U.S.A., 4-7 August 1999 : ‘Nonparametric estimation of the conditional density and hazard under two regression models with censored data’. 8. Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore, U.S.A., 8-12 August 1999 : ‘Nonparametric methods for analysis of covariance’. 9. Annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Nieuwpoort, Belgium, 7-8 October 1999 : ‘Inference on the bivariate L1 median with censored data’. 10. Workshop on Statistical Inference, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 10-12 April 2000 : ‘Likelihood ratio confidence bands with censored data’. 11. Joint Statistical Meetings, San Francisco, U.S.A., 3-7 August 2003 : ‘Empirical likelihood in some non-standard settings’. 12. 6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Barcelona, Spain, 26-31 July 2004 : ‘Empirical likelihood based goodness-of-fit testing for parametric regression’. 13. 7th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Singapore, 14-19 July 2008 : ‘Empirical likelihood for non-smooth criterion functions’. 14. 28th European Meeting of Statisticians, Piraeus, Greece, 17-22 August 2010 : ‘Goodnessof-fit tests for multiplicative models with dependent data’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 18 15. 45e Journ´ees de Statistique, Toulouse, France, 27-31 May 2013 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. Seminars 1. Research group of statistics, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, 5 February 1997 : ‘Least squares estimation for censored heteroscedastic regression models via transfer of tail information’. 2. Department of statistics, University of North Carolina, 4 April 1997 : ‘Estimation in censored regression models via transfer of tail information’. 3. Department of statistics, University of Pennsylvania, 11 April 1997 : ‘Estimation in censored regression models via transfer of tail information’. 4. Department of statistics, Pennsylvania State University, 17 April 1997 : ‘Transferring tail information for estimation in censored regression models’. 5. Department of statistics, Ruhr-Universit¨at Bochum, 4 November 1997 : ‘Estimation of the conditional distribution in censored heteroscedastic regression models with applications’. 6. Department of statistics, Michigan State University, 3 February 1998 : ‘The conditional distribution in regression with censored data : a nonparametric approach’. 7. Department of statistics, Pennsylvania State University, 5 February 1998 : ‘Nonparametric estimation of the conditional distribution in regression with censored data’. 8. Institute of statistics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 11 February 1998 : ‘The conditional distribution in regression with censored data : a nonparametric approach’. 9. Research group of statistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 18 February 1998 : ‘Nonparametric estimation of the conditional distribution in regression with censored data’. 10. Division of statistics, University of California, Davis, 5 March 1998 : ‘Nonparametric estimation of the conditional distribution in regression with censored data’. 11. Department of statistics, Stanford University, 10 March 1998 : ‘The conditional distribution in regression with censored data : a nonparametric approach’. 12. Department of statistics, Universiteit Gent, 30 November 1998 : ‘Estimation of the conditional distribution, density and hazard function in censored regression models’. 13. Research group of data analysis, Universiteit Gent, 8 March 1999 : ‘Nonparametric ANCOVA methods for heteroscedastic nonparametric regression models’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 19 14. Research group of statistics, Universiteit Nijmegen, 15 April 1999 : ‘Nonparametric ANCOVA methods for heteroscedastic nonparametric regression models’. 15. Research group of statistics, Technische Universiteit Delft, 15 December 1999 : ‘Inference on the bivariate L1 median with censored data’. 16. Research group of statistics, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 12 January 2000 : ‘Likelihood ratio confidence bands in regression with censored data’. 17. Department of biostatistics, Columbia University, 3 February 2000 : ‘Likelihood ratio confidence bands in regression with censored data’. 18. Department of economics, London School of Economics, 19 October 2000 : ‘ANCOVA methods for heteroscedastic nonparametric regression models’. 19. Institute of statistics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 10 November 2000 : ‘ANCOVA methods for heteroscedastic nonparametric regression models’. 20. Department of statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, 4 April 2001 : ‘Inference on multivariate M -estimators based on bivariate censored data’. 21. Department of statistics, University of Pittsburgh, 6 April 2001 : ‘Likelihood ratio confidence bands in nonparametric regression with censored data’. 22. Department of statistics, Pennsylvania State University, 17 April 2001 : ‘Likelihood ratio confidence bands in nonparametric regression with censored data’. 23. Research institute CentER, Tilburg University, 5 September 2001 : ‘Confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives’. 24. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Australian National University, 31 January 2002 : ‘Confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives’. 25. Institute of statistics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 1 March 2002 : ‘Bootstrap confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives’. 26. Department of mathematics, University of Oslo, 26 August 2002 : ‘Estimation of the bivariate and marginal distributions with censored data’. 27. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 10 September 2002 : ‘Estimation of the bivariate and marginal distributions with censored data’. 28. Department of mathematics, University of La Coruna, 12 September 2002 : ‘Using difference-based methods for inference in nonparametric regression with time-series errors’. 29. Department of applied economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 19 December 2002 : ‘Estimation of semiparametric models when the criterion function is not smooth’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 20 30. Research institute ECARES, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, 29 October 2003 : ‘Estimation of semiparametric models when the criterion function is not smooth’. 31. Institute of statistics and operations research, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, 14 November 2003 : ‘Empirical likelihood in some non-standard settings’. 32. Department of economics, Carlos III University, Madrid, 9 January 2004 : ‘Goodnessof-fit tests in nonparametric regression’. 33. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 14 January 2004 : ‘Goodness-offit tests in nonparametric regression’. 34. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Santiago de Compostela, 29 January 2004 : ‘Empirical likelihood in some non-standard settings’. 35. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Vigo, 3 February 2004 : ‘Goodness-of-fit tests in nonparametric regression’. 36. Institute of mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, 12 March 2004 : ‘Extending the scope of empirical likelihood’. 37. Department of Statistics, Universit¨at Dortmund, 6 July 2004 : ‘Empirical likelihood in some non-standard settings’. 38. Department of Mathematics, Universit´e de Rennes I, 11 October 2004 : ‘Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation’. 39. Institute of statistics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 10 December 2004 : ‘Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation’. 40. Research institute CentER, Tilburg University, 22 December 2004 : ‘Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation’. 41. Department of mathematics, University of California at San Diego, 20 January 2005 : ‘Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation’. 42. Department of statistics, University of California at Davis, 27 January 2005 : ‘Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation’. 43. Center for statistics, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, 18 March 2005 : ‘Empirical likelihood tests for two-sample problems via nonparametric density estimation’. 44. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 30 March 2005 : ‘Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions’. 45. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 5 April 2005 : ‘Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 21 46. Institute of statistics, Aachen University, 5 July 2005 : ‘Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions’. 47. Department of mathematics, Charles University, Prague, 10 October 2005 : ‘Testing for the variance function in nonparametric regression’. 48. Department of mathematics, University of Li`ege, 28 October 2005 : ‘Testing for the variance function in nonparametric regression’. 49. Department of statistics, University of Minneapolis, 19 January 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 50. Department of statistics, Iowa State University, 25 January 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 51. Department of biostatistics, Columbia University, 2 February 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 52. ENSAI, Rennes, 10 March 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 53. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 25 May 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 54. Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, 5 July 2006 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 55. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 10 July 2006 : ‘Change-point tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression’ 56. Institute of statistics, University of Neuchˆatel, 19 December 2006 : ‘A goodness-of-fit test for semiparametric models in multiresponse regression’ 57. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 5 March 2007 : ‘Changepoint tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression’ 58. Department of statistics, University of Pau, 6 March 2007 : ‘Change-point tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression’ 59. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 6 June 2007 : ‘A goodness-of-fit test for semiparametric models in multiresponse regression’ 60. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 12 June 2007 : ‘Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model’ 61. Department of statistics, University of Mannheim, 26 September 2007 : ‘Flexible modeling based on copulas in nonparametric regression’ 62. Department of statistics, Iowa State University, 12 November 2007 : ‘Flexible modeling based on copulas in nonparametric regression’ Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 22 63. Department of mathematics, University of Oslo, 19 August 2008 : ‘Empirical likelihood for non-smooth criterion functions’. 64. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 14 October 2008 : ‘Empirical likelihood for non-smooth criterion functions’. 65. Research institute CentER, Tilburg University, 12 November 2008 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 66. Institute of statistics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 21 November 2008 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 67. Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, 23 February 2009 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 68. Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), Rome, 2 April 2009 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 69. Department of statistics, Carlos III University, Madrid, 28 May 2009 : ‘Semiparametric modeling and estimation of the dispersion function in regression’. 70. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 18 September 2009 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 71. Department of statistics, Universit´e de Paris VI, 23 November 2009 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 72. Department of statistics, Oxford University, 3 December 2009 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 73. Department of statistics, University of Mannheim, 14 December 2009 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 74. Department of statistics, Texas A&M University, 18 February 2010 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 75. Department of economics, Indiana University, 23 February 2010 : ‘Univariate frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error’. 76. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 23 July 2010 : ‘Goodness-of-fit tests for multiplicative models with dependent data’. 77. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 14 September 2010 : ‘Goodnessof-fit tests for multiplicative models with dependent data’. 78. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 5 November 2010 : ‘The copulagraphic estimator of the survival function under dependent censoring with unknown copula’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 23 79. Department of economics and related studies, University of York, 1 December 2010 : ‘Nonparametric tests for risk-return relationships’. 80. Department of statistics, Universit¨at Dortmund, 15 March 2011 : ‘Semiparametric estimation for dependent right-censoring with an unknown copula’. 81. Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 7 October 2011 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’. 82. Department of economics, Carlos III University, Madrid, 17 October 2011 : ‘Frontier estimation in nonparametric location-scale models’. 83. Department of statistics, London School of Economics, 9 December 2011 : ‘Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’. 84. Department of economics, University College London, 13 December 2011 : ‘Frontier estimation in nonparametric location-scale models’. 85. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 12 April 2012 : ‘Estimation in nonparametric location-scale models under dependent censoring’. 86. Department of mathematics, University of Hamburg, 30 October 2012 : ‘Frontier estimation in nonparametric location-scale models’. 87. Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, Georg August Universit¨at, Goettingen, 21 November 2012 : ‘Semiparametric transformation model with endogeneity: a control function approach’. 88. Department of statistics, Purdue University, 7 March 2013 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 89. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 3 April 2013 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 90. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 4 April 2013 : ‘Dos and don’ts in academic writing: surviving the peer review process’. 91. Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Quantitative Modelling and Analysis (IMMAQ), Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 4 June 2013 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 92. Cass Business School, City University London, 20 November 2013 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates’. 93. Laboratoire EQUIPPE, Universit´e Lille 3, 22 November 2013 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a survival cure model with mismeasured covariates’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 24 94. ENSAI, Rennes, 24 January 2014 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 95. Department of economics, Yale University, 19 February 2014 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 96. Department of economics, Yale University, 24 February 2014 : ‘Frontier estimation in the presence of measurement error with unknown variance’. 97. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 25 March 2014 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 98. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 11 April 2014 : ‘The SIMEX method for correcting the bias in a split population duration model with mismeasured covariates’. 99. CenStat, Universiteit Hasselt, 20 May 2014 : ‘Varying coefficient models having different smoothing variables with randomly censored data’. 100. Research institute CentER, Tilburg University, 28 May 2014 : ‘Estimation of conditional ranks and tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models’. 101. ESSEC, Paris, 22 October 2014 : ‘Semiparametric conditional quantile estimation through copula-based multivariate models’. 102. ENSAI, Rennes, 5 November 2014 : ‘Semiparametric conditional quantile estimation through copula-based multivariate models’. 103. Department of economics, University of Geneve, 14 November 2014 : ‘Semiparametric conditional quantile estimation through copula-based multivariate models’. 104. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 2 December 2014 : ‘Semiparametric conditional quantile estimation through copula-based multivariate models’. 105. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 12 December 2014 : ‘Wilks’ phenomenon in two-step semiparametric empirical likelihood inference’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 25 4 Research visits abroad (Research visits limited to the period starting from January 2004) 1. Department of economics, Carlos III University, Madrid, 8-11 January 2004 2. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 12-24 January 2004 (collaboration with R. Cao) 3. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Santiago de Compostela, 25 January - 7 February 2004 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga and C. S´anchez Sellero) 4. Institute of mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, 11-13 March 2004 5. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 18-21 April 2004 (collaboration with R. Cao) 6. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Santiago de Compostela, 22-25 April 2004 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga and C. S´anchez Sellero) 7. Department of mathematics, University of Bochum, 5-9 July 2004 (collaboration with H. Dette and N. Neumeyer) 8. Department of mathematics, Universit´e de Rennes I, 9-12 October 2004 9. Research institute CentER, Tilburg University, 21-22 December 2004 (collaboration with J. Einmahl) 10. Department of statistics, Texas A&M University, 13-19 January 2005 (collaboration with R. Carroll) 11. Department of mathematics, University of California at San Diego, 20-26 January 2005 (collaboration with A. Delaigle) 12. Department of statistics, University of California at Davis, 27-29 January 2005 13. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Vigo, 26 March - 2 April 2005 (collaboration with J. de U˜na Alvarez and J.C. Pardo Fern´andez) 14. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Santiago de Compostela, 3-10 April 2005 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga and C. S´anchez Sellero) 15. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Santiago de Compostela, 30 November-8 December 2005 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga and C. S´anchez Sellero) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 26 16. Department of statistics, University of Minneapolis, 16-20 January 2006 (collaboration with L. Wang) 17. Department of statistics, Iowa State University, 20-31 January 2006 (collaboration with S. Chen) 18. Department of biostatistics, Columbia University, 31 January-4 February 2006 (collaboration with I. McKeague) 19. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 20-27 May 2006 (collaboration with J.C. Pardo Fern´andez and J. de U˜na Alv´arez) 20. Department of statistics and operations research, University of Santiago de Compostela, 7-15 July 2006 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga and C. S´anchez Sellero) 21. Institute of statistics, University of Neuchˆatel, 14-21 December 2006 (collaboration with Y. Ma) 22. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 26 February-10 March 2007 (collaboration with P. Vieu and F. Ferraty) 23. Department of economics, University of Bonn, 10-13 April 2007 (collaboration with A. Kneip) 24. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 4-9 June 2007 (collaboration with J. de U˜na Alvarez and J.C. Pardo Fern´andez) 25. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 10-16 June 2007 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga) 26. Department of statistics, University of Minnesota, 17-22 July 2007 (collaboration with L. Wang) 27. Department of statistics, Iowa State University, 22-28 July 2007 (collaboration with S.X. Chen) 28. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 9-14 September 2007 (collaboration with P. Vieu and F. Ferraty) 29. Department of statistics, University of Mannheim, 23-28 September 2007 (collaboration with E. Mammen) 30. Department of statistics, University of Minnesota, 29 October-3 November 2007 (collaboration with L. Wang) 31. Department of statistics, Iowa State University, 3-17 November 2007 (collaboration with S.X. Chen) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 27 32. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 9-15 December 2007 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga) 33. Department of mathematics, University of Hamburg, 9-14 March 2008 (collaboration with N. Neumeyer) 34. Department of mathematics, University of Bochum, 30 March-4 April 2008 (collaboration with H. Dette) 35. School of mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 3-11 May 2008 (collaboration with L. Peng) 36. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 15-21 June 2008 (collaboration with P. Vieu and F. Ferraty) 37. INSA, Rennes, 29 June-4 July 2008 and 20-25 July 2008 (collaboration with V. Patilea) 38. Department of mathematics, University of Oslo, 17-21 August 2008 (collaboration with N. Hjort) 39. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 13-24 October 2008 (collaboration with P. Vieu and F. Ferraty) 40. Department of economics, University of Bonn, 8-12 December 2008 (collaboration with A. Kneip) 41. Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, 21-28 February 2009 (collaboration with S.X. Chen) 42. Department of statistics, Texas A&M University, 8-16 March 2009 (collaboration with R. Carroll and U.U. M¨uller) 43. Department of statistics, Carlos III University, Madrid, 28-29 May 2009 (collaboration with E.M. Molanes-L´opez) 44. Toulouse School of Economics, Universit´e des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, 1-5 June 2009 (collaboration with S. Van Bellegem) 45. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 14-19 September 2009 (collaboration with J.C. Pardo-Fern´andez) 46. Department of statistics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 18-23 October 2009 (collaboration with P. Vieu and F. Ferraty) 47. Department of economics, University of Bonn, 1-4 November 2009 (collaboration with A. Kneip) 48. Department of economics, University of Mannheim, 13-18 December 2009 (collaboration with E. Mammen) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 28 49. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 24 January-4 February 2010 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and S. Van Bellegem). 50. Department of statistics, Texas A&M University, 14-20 February 2010 (collaboration with R. Carroll and U. M¨uller) 51. Department of economics, Indiana University, 20-27 February 2010 (collaboration with J.C. Escanciano) 52. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 21 March-20 April 2010 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and S. Van Bellegem) 53. Department of economics, University of Bonn, 24-28 May 2010 (collaboration with A. Kneip) 54. Department of mathematics and statistics, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23-26 June 2010 55. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 4-14 July 2010 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and A. Vanhems) 56. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 18-21 July 2010 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga) 57. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 22-24 July 2010 (collaboration with J.C. Pardo-Fern´andez) 58. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 8-17 September 2010 (collaboration with J.P. Florens, A. Vanhems and A. Daouia) 59. Department of mathematics, University of La Coru˜na, 1-6 November 2010 (collaboration with R. Cao) 60. Department of statistics, Texas A&M University, 9-18 December 2010 (collaboration with R. Carroll and U. M¨uller) 61. Department of economics, University of Mannheim, 23-28 January 2011 (collaboration with E. Mammen) 62. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 27 February-11 March 2011 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and A. Vanhems) 63. Department of mathematics, University of Bochum, 13-18 March 2011 (collaboration with M. Birke) 64. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 11-16 April 2011 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and A. Vanhems) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 29 65. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 17-21 July 2011 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga) 66. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 21-24 July 2011 (collaboration with J.C. Pardo-Fern´andez and J. de U˜na-Alvarez) 67. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 18-24 September 2011 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and A. Vanhems) 68. Department of economics, University of Bonn, 13-15 November 2011 (collaboration with A. Kneip) 69. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 1-6 April 2012 (collaboration with J.P. Florens) 70. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 8-13 April 2012 (collaboration with W. Gonz´alez Manteiga) 71. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 22-27 July 2012 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and F. F`eve) 72. Department of mathematics, University of Hamburg, 28 October-1 November 2012 (collaboration with N. Neumeyer) 73. Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, Georg August Universit¨at, Goettingen, 20-21 November 2012 (collaboration with A. Munk) 74. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 1-6 December 2012 (collaboration with J.P. Florens and F. F`eve) 75. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 16-22 December 2012 (collaboration with J.C. Pardo-Fern´andez, J. de U˜na-Alvarez and C. Moreira) 76. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 11-15 February 2013 (collaboration with A. Vanhems) 77. Department of statistics, Purdue University, 4-16 March 2013 (collaboration with G. Cheng) 78. Department of statistics, University of Santiago de Compostela, 31 March-6 April 2013 (collaboration with R. Crujeiras and W. Gonz´alez-Manteiga) 79. Department of economics, University of Mannheim, 16-20 June 2013 (collaboration with E. Mammen) 80. Department of mathematics, University of Hamburg, 9-12 September 2013 (collaboration with N. Neumeyer) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 30 81. ENSAI, Rennes, 2-7 December 2013 (collaboration with V. Patilea) 82. ENSAI, Rennes, 13-31 January 2014 (collaboration with V. Patilea) 83. Cowles Foundation, Yale University, 16 February - 1 March 2014 (collaboration with X. Chen) 84. Department of statistics, University of Vigo, 11-15 March 2014 (collaboration with J.C. Pardo-Fern´andez, J. de U˜na-Alvarez and C. Moreira) 85. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 17 March - 2 May 2014 (collaboration with J.-P. Florens) 86. Department of mathematics, University of Oslo, 2-6 September 2014 (collaboration with N. Hjort) 87. ENSAI, Rennes, 28 October - 7 November 2014 (collaboration avec V. Patilea) 88. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 16 November - 19 December 2014 (collaboration with J.-P. Florens) 89. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 18-23 January 2015 (collaboration with J.-P. Florens) 90. ENSAI, Rennes, 9-13 March 2015 (collaboration avec V. Patilea) 91. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 23-26 March 2015 (collaboration with J.-P. Florens) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 31 5 Teaching (Teaching limited to the period starting from September 2000) Bachelor level 1. FSA1351 : ‘Probabilit´e et statistique’ (for engineering students, UCL, 2000-2001) 2. PSP1272 : ‘Statistique appliqu´ee `a la psychologie I’ (for psychology students, UCL, 2001-present) 3. PSY1351 : ‘Statistique appliqu´ee `a la psychologie II’ (for psychology students, UCL, 2004-2007) 4. VETE1262 : ‘Biostatistique’ (for veterinary medicine students, UCL, 2007-2011) Master level 1. MAT1271 : ‘Calcul des probabilit´es et analyse statistique’ (UCL, 2012-2013) 2. STAT2010 : ‘Math´ematique du statisticien - El´ements de probabilit´e et statistique’ (UCL, 2002-present) 3. STAT2030 : ‘Analyse statistique’ (UCL, 2005-2009) 4. STAT2040 : ‘Analyse statistique I’ (UCL, 2013-present) 5. STAT2120 : ‘Mod`eles lin´eaires’ (UCL, 2000-2005) 6. STAT2140 : ‘Statistique nonparam´etrique : m´ethodes de base’ (UCL, 2005-present) 7. STAT2160 : ‘Probabilit´es et analyse statistique multivari´ee’ (UCL, 2003-2013) 8. STAT2180 : ‘M´ethodes de r´e´echantillonnage avec applications’ (UCL, 2012-present) 9. STAT2220 : ‘Analyse des donn´ees de survie et de dur´ee’ (UCL, 2002-present) 10. ‘Survival data analysis’ (Universiteit Hasselt, 2002, 2008-2010, 2012, 2014) 11. ‘Survival analysis and reliability’ (University of Vigo, 2004, 2006) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 32 Doctoral level 1. STAT3100 : ‘Probability and mathematical statistics’ (UCL, 2007-present) 2. STAT3130 : ‘Special topics in mathematical statistics’ (UCL, 2009-2012) 3. STAT3210 : ‘Resampling methods with applications’ (UCL, 2000-2001) 4. STAT3310 : ‘Statistics seminar’ (UCL, 2000-present) Short courses 1. Journ´ees Statistiques du Sud 2009, Porquerolles, France, 17-19 June 2009 : Short course on ‘The empirical likelihood method in regression’. 2. Department of economics, Indiana University, USA, 22-25 February 2010 : Short course on ‘Inference for semiparametric Z-estimators’. 3. Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I, 26 March - 1 April 2010 : Short course on ‘Inference for semiparametric Z-estimators’. 4. 28th European Meeting of Statisticians, Piraeus, Greece, 17-22 August 2010 : Short course on ‘Inference for semiparametric Z-estimators’. Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 33 6 Supervision of PhD students and postdocs Supervision of PhD students 1. C´edric Heuchenne : ‘Mean preservation in censored regression using preliminary nonparametric smoothing’ (18 August 2005) 2. Juan Carlos Pardo Fern´andez : ‘Tests in nonparametric regression based on the error distribution’ (joint with Wenceslao Gonz´alez-Manteiga, at the University of Santiago de Compostela) (1 December 2005) 3. Anouar El Ghouch : ‘Nonparametric statistical inference for dependent censored data’ (5 October 2007) 4. Bianca Teodorescu : ‘General conditional linear models with time-dependent coefficients under censoring and truncation’ (19 December 2008) 5. Maik Schwarz : ‘Non parametric estimation in the presence of noise with unknown distribution’ (1 July 2011) 6. Aleksandar Sujica : ‘Estimation in nonparametric regression under copula dependent censoring’ (21 October 2014) 7. Majda Talamakrouni (in preparation, joint with A. El Ghouch) 8. Benjamin Colling (in preparation) 9. Aur´elie Bertrand (in preparation, joint with C. Legrand) 10. Mailis Amico (in preparation, joint with C. Legrand) 11. Mickael De Backer (in preparation, joint with A. El Ghouch) Supervision of postdocs 1. Davit Varron, 2005-2006 2. St´ephane Laurent, 2008-2009 3. Laurent Delsol, 2008-2009 Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 34 4. Rawane Samb, 2010-2011 5. Auguste Gaddah, 2010-2011 6. Hohsuk Noh, 2010-2013 7. Maik Schwarz, 2011-2012 8. Abdelaati Daouia, 2011-2013 9. Seongjun Yang, 2012-2014 10. Axel B¨ucher, 2013 11. Francois Portier, 2013-present 12. Justin Chown, 2015-present Membership to external PhD/habilitation thesis committees 1. 2004 : Santiago de Compostela, Hasselt, Rennes 2. 2005 : Santiago de Compostela 3. 2006 : Paris, Bochum, Paris 4. 2007 : La Coru˜na 5. 2008 : Santiago de Compostela 6. 2009 : Namur, Paris 7. 2010 : Bochum, Nicosia, Paris, Vigo, Hasselt, Marseille 8. 2011 : Heidelberg, Toulouse 9. 2012 : Besan¸con, Lyon 10. 2013 : Leuven, Santiago de Compostela, Rennes, Delft, Lille 11. 2014 : Tilburg, Li`ege 12. 2015 : Hasselt, Leuven, Hasselt Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 35 7 Grants 1. Principal Investigator of the ERC grant (European Research Council) ‘M- and Z-estimation in semiparametric statistics: applications in various fields’ (2008-2014, European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme / ERC grant agreement No. 203650) 2. Co-investigator of the IAP network (Interuniversity Attraction Pole) ‘Developing crucial statistical methods for understanding major complex dynamic systems in natural, biomedical and social sciences’ (Phase VII, 2012-2016, contract P7/06) 3. Principal Investigator of the IAP network (Interuniversity Attraction Pole) ‘Statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data’ (Phase VI, 2007-2011, contract P6/03) 4. Principal Investigator of the IAP network (Interuniversity Attraction Pole) ‘Statistical techniques and modeling for complex substantive questions with complex data’ (Phase V, 2002-2006, contract P5/24) during the period 2004-2006 5. Principal Investigator of the ARC project (‘Projet d’Actions de Recherche Concert´ees’) ‘Semiparametric inference for survival and cure models’ of the ‘Communaut´e fran¸caise de Belgique’, granted by the ‘Acad´emie universitaire Louvain’ (2011-2016, contract 11/16-039) 6. Principal Investigator of the FRFC project (‘Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective’) ‘Semiparametric inference for cure models’ (2011-2014, convention 2.4507.11) 7. Co-investigator of the grant ‘Metodologia y aplicaciones en estadistica semiparametrica, funcional y espacio temporal’ from the Spanish Ministerio de Educaci´on y Ciencia (project MTM2005-03010) (principal investigator : W. Gonz´alez-Manteiga) Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 36 8 Fellowships, honors and awards 1. 2001-2002 recipient of the Janssen Research Foundation Chair in Survival Analysis 2. Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (2004) 3. Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2008) ‘for contributions to statistical theory and methodology, especially semi- and nonparametric regression, survival analysis, and empirical likelihood methods.’ 4. Fellow of the American Statistical Association (2013) ‘for outstanding research contributions to statistical theory and methodology, especially in the areas of survival analysis, copulas, semi-parametric, nonparametric and empirical likelihood based inference; for extensive editorial services and service to the profession.’ Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 37 9 Editorships / associate editorships 1. Joint editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B (2012-2015) 2. Associate editor of the International Journal of Biostatistics (2008-2013) 3. Associate editor of the Annals of Statistics (2007-2011) 4. Associate editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2004-2011) 5. Associate editor of the Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (2006-2011) 6. Associate editor of Statistics and Probability Letters (2007-2011) 7. Associate editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B (2002-2006) 8. Referee for papers submitted to Annals of Statistics, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Austrian Journal of Statistics, Bernoulli, Biometrics, Biometrika, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Comptes rendus - Math´ematique, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Econometrica, Econometric Theory, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, International Journal of Biostatistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series B, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Kybernetika, Lifetime Data Analysis, Metrika, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Sankhya, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Science in China, Statistica Neerlandica, Statistica Sinica, Statistics, Statistics and Computing, Statistics and Decisions, Statistics and Probability Letters, Statistics in Medicine, Technometrics, Test, The American Statistician Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 38 10 Service to the profession 1. Member of the Council of the IMS (2010-2013) 2. Member of the IMS Council sub-committee on co-sponsorship of meetings (2010-2013) 3. Member of the fellowship committee of the IMS (2008-2011) 4. Member of the scientific programme committee of the European Meeting for Statisticians (EMS), Toulouse, 20-24 July 2009 5. Member of the board of the Belgian Statistical Society (2007-2012) 6. Member of the board of the Quetelet Society, local group of the International Biometric Society (2000-2002) 7. Scientific expert for the Research Council of Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) (2006-2013) 8. President of the Three Country Corner, local group of the Royal Statistical Society (2006-2007) 9. Committee member of the ‘European Regional Committee’ of the Bernoulli Society (2004-2008) 10. Member of the Conference Committee of the ‘European Regional Committee’ of the Bernoulli Society (2007-2008) 11. Member of the steering group of the ‘S´eminaire Europ´een de Statistique’ (2004-) 12. Member of the scientific organizing committee of the annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society (BSS), 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013 13. Co-organizer of the conference ‘Statistics, your friend in daily life; whether you like it or not’, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 25 October 2013 14. Main organizer of the workshop ‘Exploring research frontiers in contemporary statistics and econometrics’, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 14-15 May 2009 15. Main organizer of the workshop ‘Flexible statistical analysis adapted to complex data structures’, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 16-17 March 2006 16. Co-organizer of the workshop ‘Statistical modelling and inference for complex data structures’, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 21-23 May 2002 17. Organiser of the one-day workshop ‘Recent developments in non- and semiparametric statistics’, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, 8 May 2001 Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Van Keilegom, June 2, 2015 39
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