Mehmet Ata Öztürk, Ph.D. address: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümü Oda:404 Ankara tel : +90(312)210-4175 e-mail : [email protected] web : EDUCATION 2002-2007 Indiana University, Bloomington Ph.D. in Human Performance Dissertation title: The Current Status of Goal Orientations and Factors Predicting Disability Sports Participation in Persons with Physical Disabilities Major: Adapted Physical Education Minor: Special Education 2000-2001 Florida State University, Tallahassee M.Sc. Physical Education Teacher Education 1993-1997 Middle East Technical University, Ankara B.Sc.with PreK-12 Teaching Certificate Physical Education and Sports Education CERTIFICATIONS 2014 2011 2006 2002 2000 1997 1996 Teaching All Students, Reaching All Learners: Innovative Ways to Address Disability and Diversity in the Postsecondary Classroom (University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Center on Disability Studies & Center for Teaching Excellence) Global Tobacco Control (Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health) Biohazards/blood-borne pathogens (Indiana University, in-service Training) Advanced Scuba Diver Certificate (National Association of Underwater Instructors) Health Hazards Certifications:Standard first aid, CPR, water safety instructor (American Red Cross, Capital Area Chapter) PreK-12 Teaching Certificate (Turkish Ministry of Education) Captain’s License (caps at 20 Gross Tones) (Turkish Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs) WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING 2014-2017 Middle East Technical University, Ankara Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sports 2008-2013 Marmara University, Istanbul Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education Teacher Education 2003-2006 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Adapted PE Lab Assistant, Department of Kinesiology 2000-2001 Gretchen Everhart Special Education School, Tallahassee, FL Adapted PE Instructional Aid & Coach ADMINISTRATIVE 2013-2014 Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ankara Vice President, Turkish Sports Betting Administration 2012-2013 Ministry of National Education, Ankara Director of Monitoring & Evaluation, General Directorate of Special Education & Counseling (Conducted an EU funded-7Million€ project: Strengthening Special Education) 2011 ENFEST – Disability Sports Festival, Istanbul Organizer: Disability sport festival with 8 disability sports 2010-2011 Marmara & Sabancı University’s Public Service Project, Istanbul Adapted Rowing Project: Inclusive training of persons with physical disabilities. 2000 Florida State University, Tallahassee Intramurals Staff, Campus Recreation 1997-1999 Gülermak Heavy Industries Co., Inc., Ankara Sports Facilities Specialist, Bidding Department ACADEMIC TEACHING EXPERIENCE Middle East Technical University, Ankara 2014-2015 ECE206 Mental Health & Adaptation Disorders ECE315 Children with Special Needs Marmara University, Istanbul 2014 EGT401.1 Special Education 2008-2013 BSO751 Applied Adapted PE for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities BSO756 Disability Sports and Applications OZE324 Adapted Physical Education & Sports OZE423 Specialty Module 1: Adapted Physical Education OZE424 SpecialtyModule 2: Adapted Physical Education 2009-2012 BES304 Research Methods 2009-2010 OZE388 Sports for People with Intellectual Disabilities OZE390 Individual Sports for People with Physical Disabilities 2008-2010 EGTS213.2 Curriculum Development in Education Indiana University, Bloomington 2004-2006 P140 Foundations & Principles of Physical Education (Guest instructor) 2003-2006 P398 Adapted Physical Education (Lab aid& Guest Instructor) INTENSIVE COURSES Host Universities:GedikUniversity,İstanbul (2014 host); 18 Mart University, Canakkale(2012 host). Partner Universities: National Sport Academy, Bulgaria; Universita’ DegliStudi Di bari Aldo Moro, Italy; Palacky University, Czech Republic; Haaga-HeliaUniversity of Applied Sciences, Finland. 2014 M4/Course 8 Teaching Strategies in Adapted Physical activity M4/Course 9 Autism and Sport 2012 M1/Course 1 APA Terminology, Basic Concepts, History, Dissemination Strategies M1/Course 2 APA in the World and Europe M4/Course 3 Adapted Physical Activity and Autism Spectrum Disorder HONORS & AWARDS 2013 2011 2006 2002 2001 1999 International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Young Professional Award Johns Hopkins University, Institute for Global Tobacco Control Scholarship for the Global Tobacco Control Leadership Program (Nominated by WHO) Indiana University Office of International Programs Tuition support Turkish Ministry of National Education Fellowship Extension for Graduate Studies in USA. Florida Special Olympics Inspirational Coach Award (State champions in unified soccer) Turkish Ministry of National Education st Fellowship for Graduate Studies in USA. (Ranked 1 at placement among the PE teachers) GRANTS RECEIVED 2013 2011 2011 2010 2009 2008-2010 2003-2006 Turkish Promotion Fund th Event: 19 Biannual International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity – 2013 $65,000(Project total including other funds and in-kind support: $300,000) Marmara University BAPKO Project (EGT-C-YLP-090512-0199): The effects of an adapted physical education program on the motor competence and social engagement of students with intellectual disabilities. 7,499 Kosifler Group, Istanbul EnFest 1,000(Disability sport festival project total including in-kind supports: $10,000) Bloomberg Philanthropies Project Identifier: Turkey RI3-26-27 (Beni de Yakma Project) $25,000 (Impact Analysis of Smoke Free Istanbul Project) World Lung Foundation Media Campaign for Smoke Free Istanbul Project $115,000(Project total including in-kind support: $1,600,000) Bloomberg Philanthropies Project Identifier: Turkey 3-26-27 (Smoke Free Istanbul Project) $139,468 (Project total including contributions from Green Crescent: $200.000) Indiana University School of Public Health (former HPER) & Department of Kinesiology Several Grants in Aid of Research & Travel $1,800(Cumulative) Mehmet Ata Öztürk, Ph.D. 2/4 PUBLICATIONS Gallahue, D. L., Ozmun, J. C., &Goodway, J. D. (2014). Motor Gelişimi Anlamak: Bebekler, Çocuklar, Ergenler, Yetişkinler. In Ozer, D. S. (Ed.), Motor Development: A Theoretical Model (pp.46-63) Istanbul: Nobel. (Translated from Understanding Motor Development. Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, 2012, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill) Gallahue, D. L., Ozmun, J. C., &Goodway, J. D. (2014). Motor Gelişimi Anlamak: Bebekler, Çocuklar, Ergenler, Yetişkinler. In Ozer, D. S. (Ed.), Perceptual Motor Development and Motor Skill Intervention (pp.266-285). Istanbul: Nobel. (Translated from Understanding Motor Development. Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, 2012, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill). Turkish Ministry of National Education(2013). Teachers Manual for Inclusive Educational Applications. Ankara, Turkey: Author. Retrievable at Turkish Ministry of National Education (2013). Manual for Inclusive Vocational Education. Ankara, Turkey: Author. Retrievable at Turkish Ministry of National Education (2013). Roadmap for Inclusive School Model. Ankara, Turkey: Author. Retrievable at Ozturk, M. A. (2012). Application of TEACCH program items in physical education classes and sports activities. Dicle University Ziya Gökalp School of Education Journal, 19, 259-268. Ozturk, M. A. (2011). Autism Spectrum Disorder from the Perspective of Diagnosed Individuals: Physical Education Recommendations for Functional Improvement. Selcuk University Journal of PE and Sport Science, 13, 5-12. Oh, H. K., Ozturk, M. A., & Kozub, F. M. (2004). Physical activity and social engagement patterns of youth with visual impairments during physical education instruction. Re:view, 36, 39-48. Ozturk, M. A., Kozub, F. M., & Kocak, S. (2004). Impact of sponsorship on companies that supported the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Paralympics. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. 5, 282-295. Kozub, F. M., &Ozturk, M. A. (2003). A reexamination of participation for individuals with disabilities in interscholastic sport programs. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 74(2),32-35. Ozturk, M. A., Kocak, S., &Alay, S. (2002). Establishing security and crowd control in stadia: New Ali Sami Yen Stadium. The Official Magazine of the Recreational Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance, 38, 32-35. PRESENTATIONS Gökgöz Y. & Öztürk, M.A. (2014). Effects of an adapted physical education program on motor skills and social engagement of individuals with intellectual disabilities. 13th International Sports Sciences Congress, Konya, Türkiye (Candidate for the Best Research Study Award). Ozturk, M.A. (2013, July). Opportunities and threats for adapted physical activity in the Middle East. An in-depth look at Turkish example. 19th ISAPA Symposium. İstanbul, Turkey. Dalgıc, G. & Ozturk, M.A. (2013, July). Competencies of disability sport administrators in Turkey: The case of Istanbul Province. 19th ISAPA Symposium. İstanbul, Turkey. Ozturk, M.A. (2012, October). University Students’ Experiences During Adapted P.E. Class & Their Level of Using FamilyProvided Information. 11th NAFAPA Symposium. Birmingham, AL. Gokgoz, Y., & Ozturk, M.A. (2012, October). Effects of ‘Everyone Can’ on the Development of Students with Intellectual Disabilities.11th NAFAPA Symposium. Birmingham, AL. Ozer, D. S., & Ozturk, M.A. (2012, October). A Closer Look at Adapted Physical Activity in Turkey. 11th NAFAPA Symposium. Birmingham, AL. Ozturk, M.A. (2011, May). Autism Spectrum Disorder from the Perspective of Diagnosed Individuals: Physical Education Recommendations for Functional Improvement. Adapted Physical Education and Disability Sports Conference. Konya, Turkey (Invited Speaker). Ozturk, M.A. (2011, February). Special Sportswo/men, Special Sports. Sport for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Congress. Mersin, Turkey (Invited Speaker). nd Öztürk, M. A. (2010, October).Effects of Physical Activity and Adapted Rowing on Individuals with Cerebral Palsy. 2 National Workshop on Adapted Physical Activity.Canakkale, Turkey. Ozturk, M. A. (2010, March). Effects of adapted physical activity and scouting: Improvement in Quality of Life via Active Living. Local Administrations and Adapted Scouting. Istanbul, Turkey (Invited Speaker). st Ozturk, M. A. (2009, October) Educational Methods in Adapted Physical Education. 1 National Workshop on Adapted Physical Activity.Canakkale, Turkey (Invited Speaker). th Ozturk, M. A. (2009, March). TEACCH Autism Program – Applications in Physical Education and Sports. 11 ICHPER.SD Europe Regional Congress and Exposition –Adapted Physical Activity Course. Istanbul, Turkey (Invited Speaker). Ozturk, M. A., & Kozub F. M. (2008, September). The Current Status of Goal Orientations & Factors Predicting Disability Sports Participation in Persons with Physical Disabilities. 9th North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA) Symposium. Indianapolis, IN. Ozturk, M. A. (2006, October). Disability Sports: U.S. Paralympic Team Members Perspectives. 8th NAFAPA Symposium. Ann Arbor, MI. Ozturk, M. A. (2006, October). Comparison of the Turkish Newspapers’ Coverage of the 2004 & 2006 Paralympic Games. 8thNAFAPA Symposium. Ann Arbor, MI. Ozturk, M. A. (2005, July). Selected Turkish Newspapers’ Coverage of the 2004 Paralympics in Athens. 15thInternational Symposium of International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA). Verona, Italy. Kozub, F. M., Ayvazoglu, R. N., Goto, K., Oh, H. K., Ozturk, M. A., Son, Y. S. (2005 April). Extrinsic Motivation, HealthRelated Fitness, & Physical Activity in Adolescents with Visual Impairments. Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance (AAHPERD). Chicago, IL. Mehmet Ata Öztürk, Ph.D. 3/4 Ozturk, M. A. (2004, October). Analysis of the Turkish Media Coverage of the 2004 Paralympics. 7thNAFAPA Symposium. Thunder Bay, ON. Canada. Frey, G., Ozturk, M. A., Padilla, J., Goto, K., Pan, C. Y., Oh, H. K., Ayvazoglu, R. N., Son, Y. S. (2004, March). Global issues in adapted physical activity.Perspectives from international students.Annual meeting of AAHPERD,NewOrleans,LA. Oh, H. K., Pan, C. Y., Ozturk, M. A., Ayvazoglu, R. N. (2004, March). Physical activity and social engagement patterns of youth w/visual impairments during physical education instruction. Annual meeting of AAHPERD, New Orleans, LA. Frey, G., Pan, C. Y., Oh, H. K., Ozturk, M. A., Ayvazoglu, R. N., Son, Y. S., Goto, K. (2003, November). Early data on the Adapted Physical Education Research: Works in Progress. Meeting of Indiana Association of Health, Physical Education, recreation and Dance, Indianapolis, IN. Ozturk, M. A., & Kozub, F. M. (2003, August). Impact of Sponsorship on Stocks and Sales of Selected Companies that were Sponsors/Suppliers for Salt Lake City 2002 Paralympics. 14th ISAPA, Seoul, South Korea. EVENTS ATTENDED W/OUT PRESENTATION Dec.2014 Nov. 2014 May 2015 Dec.2014 May 2014 Apr.2014 Nov. 2013 Oct. 2012 Sep. 2012 Apr. 2012 July 2011 Pendik Engelsiz Spor Çalıştayı (Invited Moderator). Organizers: Gedik University, Pendik Pelediyesi, Pendik Kent Konseyi. İstanbul, Turkey. Workshop on the Future of Turkish Sport from the Federations Perspectives.Organizer: Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports. Antalya, Turkey. Digital Investigation Seminar: Effective Methods in Fighting Digital Crime and Necessary Regulatory Change.Organiser: SEMOR. Ankara, Turkey. Conference on Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Preparedness and Response.Organiser: The Council of Europe under the auspices of the Belgian chairmanship to the Committee of Ministers.Brussels, Belgium. Star East.The Blockbuster Conference on Software Testing, Analysis & Review. Organizers: Software Quality Engineering & Techwell. Orlando, Florida. th 12 SportAccord Convention. Organizer: General Assembly of International Sport Federations (SportAccord). Antalya, Turkey. Evaluation Workshop of the Reports on Education for All. Organizer: Turkish National Commission for UNESCO. Ankara, Turkey. Workshop on Data Collection & Statistics on Disability in European Countries. Organizer: Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX). Workshop on Strengthening Child Protection systems in their response to violence against children: Turning evidence into policy and results. Organizer: UNICEF. Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzagovina. Sport Workshop (Invited Moderator for Disability Sports Group). Organizer: Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports. Bursa, Turkey. th 18 International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity.Organizer: International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity. Paris, France. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 2011201020062012 2004-2007 2004-2007 Engelli Bireyler İçin Fiziksel Aktivite Derneği European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity National Society of Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Mehmet Ata Öztürk, Ph.D. 4/4
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