Grab your cutlass and make way for an epic tale on the high seas. Follow the life of Peter as he learns to trust the Captain in all matter what comes his way. This summer, we are challenging students to be faithful with today and whatever God puts in their lives. July 510,201 5 Matthew 4: 19-20 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.” R EG I ST R AT ION FOR HUME SA N DIEG O July 5-1 0 , 2 0 1 5 Please fill out and return to church or youth leader. NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________ AGE _______________ GRADE _________ DATE OF CAMP ____________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY _____________________________________________________________________STATE ___________ ZIPCODE ____________________________ PHONE ____________________________________________________ REQUESTED CABIN PARTNER(S) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT’S NAME __________________________________________________________________________ PARENT’S EMAIL ________________________________________________________________________________ In order to complete the registration, parents will receive an email from [email protected] with directions to fill out the medical release form. REGISTRATION I N FORM ATION: HUME SAN DIEGO H UME SA N DIEG O OV ERV IEW POINT LOMA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY 559.305.7711 | 559.305.7712 fax LD OR AW SE . DR SAN DIEGO ST . . AVE NETT BAR PACIFIC OCEAN PA CI FI C N. HARBOR DR. CATALINA BVL D. RO SE CR AN S FS IF CL Z BLV. NIMIT ET NS SU HW Y Located in beautiful San Diego California on the campus of Point Loma Nazarene University, summer camp at Hume SD is an incredible experience like no other. You will hear the Gospel preached, be challenged by God’s Word through thought-provoking teaching, experience powerful worship through music, and have time to process what you are learning with others from your church. Of course you’ll get to be part of our high energy recreation every morning, and action-packed activities in the afternoons and evenings. You’ll also have the chance to instantly put your faith into action with one of our unique Urban Missions opportunities. Come allow the Lord to transform your life at HumeSD and take advantage of opportunities to live out your faith. POINT LOMA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY WWW.HUMELAKE.ORG/HUMESD Bible, notebook, pencil, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletrires, warm and cool clothes, jacket, sandals, athletic shoes, modest one-piece swimsuit (no tankinis) and $100 recommended spending money. *REMEMBER: Girls - no short shorts, no bare midriffs or spaghetti straps. Guys - no sagging of shorts. W H AT N O T T O B R I N G : Drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor), alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, firearms, weapons, or electronic devices. SPI R IT DAY : PIRATES! R E G I S T R AT I O N : FR EE TIME ACTIV ITIES LOMALAND DR. W H AT T O B R I N G : CORONADO Urban Missions Beach Trips Surf Instruction Sea Kayaking Standup Paddle Boarding Mission Bay Bike Tour Boogie Boarding Beach Volleyball Basketball Disk Golf Climbing Wall Mechanical Bull Air Soft Archery Tag Tournaments Ping Pong Foosball Billiards Camp begins with registration at 3:00pm on Sunday and concludes at 9:00am the following Friday. Dinner on the first night is served at 5:30pm. You may send mail to the following address: (Please send 5 days prior to desired delivery day) PLNU - Conference Services HumeSD (Date of Camp) Camper Name / Church Registered With 3900 Lomaland Drive San Diego, CA 92106
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