REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PENSION FUND REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SELECTION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT FOR MONITORING CRA SYSTEM 2015 1|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Glossary ASP Annuity Service Provider CRA Central Recordkeeping Agency CRA‐FC Central Recordkeeping Agency Facilitation Centre DFS Department of Financial Services DoE Department of Expenditure GOI Government of India I‐PIN Internet Personal Identification Number KYC Know Your Customer NPS National Pension System NPSCAN NPS Contributions Accounting Network NSDL National Securities Depository Limited PFM Pension Funds/Pension Fund Managers PFRDA Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority PoP Point of Presence PoP-SP Point of Presence – Service Provider (Authorised branches of POP for NPS) PRA Permanent Retirement Account PRAN Permanent Retirement Account Number RFP Request for Proposal T+1 Transaction Plus One Day T‐PIN Telephonic Personal Identification Number TB Trustee Bank UAT User Acceptance Test 2|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Disclaimer 1. This document is being published in order to enable the applicants to make an offer for the appointment as a Project Management Consultant (PMC) for monitoring CRA System by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). 2. This document does not constitute nor should it be interpreted as an offer or invitation for the appointment of the PMC described herein. 3. This document is meant to provide information only and upon the express understanding that recipients will use it only for the purposes set out above. It does not purport to be all inclusive or contain all the information about the PMC or be the basis of any contract. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is or will be made as to the reliability, accuracy or the completeness of any of the information contained herein. It shall not be assumed that there shall be no deviation or change in any of the herein mentioned information on the PMC. While this document has been prepared in good faith, neither PFRDA, nor any of their officers or subscribers make any representation or warranty or shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect of any statements or omissions here from. Any liability is accordingly and expressly disclaimed by PFRDA and any of their officers or subscribers even if any loss or damage is caused by any act or omission on the part of PFRDA or any of their officers or subscribers, whether negligent or otherwise. 4. By acceptance of this document, the recipient agrees that any information herewith will be superseded by any subsequent written information on the same subject made available to the recipient by or on behalf of PFRDA. PFRDA and any of their respective officers or subscribers undertake no obligation, among others, to provide the recipient with access to any additional information or to update this document or to correct any inaccuracies therein which may become apparent, and they reserve the right, at any time and without advance notice, to change the procedure for the selection of or any part of the interest or terminate negotiations or the due diligence process prior to the signing of any binding agreement. 5. Accordingly, interested recipients should carry out an independent assessment and analysis of the requirements and of the information, facts and observations contained herein. 6. This document has not been filed, registered or approved in any jurisdiction. Recipients of this document should inform themselves of and observe any applicable legal requirements. 7. This document constitutes no form of commitment on the part of the PFRDA. Furthermore, this document confers neither the right nor an expectation on any party to participate in the proposed PMC appointment process. 8. When any proposal is submitted pursuant to this RFP, it shall be presumed by PFRDA that the bidder has fully ascertained and ensured about its eligibility to render service as a PMC, in the event of the same being selected ultimately to act as such, under the respective governing laws and regulatory regime and that there is no statutory or regulatory prohibition or impediment to acting as such PMC and it has the necessary approvals and permissions and further suffers no disability in law or otherwise to act as such. 3|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Table of Contents 1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1. NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 6 1.2. NPS ARCHITECTURE......................................................................................................................... 6 1.3. NPS INTERMEDIARIES ...................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.1. NPS Trust ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.2. Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) ..................................................................................... 7 1.3.3. NPS Trustee Bank ..................................................................................................................... 10 1.3.4. Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) ............................................................................................. 11 1.3.5. POPs ............................................................................................................................................ 11 1.3.6. Aggregators................................................................................................................................. 11 1.3.7. Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) ........................................................................................... 11 1.3.8. Custodian .................................................................................................................................... 11 1.4. 2. 3. 4. SUBSCRIBER BASE CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................ 11 SCOPE OF WORK OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT ................................................. 12 2.1. OVERALL FUNCTIONS OF PMC .................................................................................................... 12 2.2. DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK OF PMC ........................................................................................ 13 2.3. DELIVERABLES FROM PMC .......................................................................................................... 14 2.4. MONITORING DATA STORAGE ..................................................................................................... 14 2.5. CONTRACT AND RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT .................................................................... 14 2.6. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PFRDA ............................................................................. 15 2.7. REPORTING ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 15 RFP PROCESS ............................................................................................................................................ 16 3.1. CONTENT OF RFP DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................. 16 3.2. SCHEDULE OF KEY ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................... 16 3.3. CLARIFICATION OF RFP DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................... 17 3.4. PRE-BID MEETING ............................................................................................................................ 17 3.5. PROPOSAL PREPARATION COST ............................................................................................... 17 3.6. PFRDA’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE .................................................................................................. 18 3.7. VENUE AND DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL .................................................. 18 3.8. LATE BIDS ........................................................................................................................................... 18 3.9. BID OPENING ..................................................................................................................................... 18 3.10. DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA ...................................................................................................... 18 PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................................ 19 4.1. BID SUBMISSION FORMAT ............................................................................................................ 19 4.2. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) ............................................................................................. 20 4.3. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA .................................................................................................. 20 4.4. OTHER DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE PROPOSAL ............................................................ 21 4.5. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMAT ................................................................................................ 21 4.6. COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL FORMAT ........................................................................................... 22 4.7. AMENDMENT OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL .......................................................................... 22 4.8. MODIFICATION SUBSTITUTION AND WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL................................. 23 4|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 5. 6. 4.9. LANGUAGE OF PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................... 23 4.10. CURRENCY OF PROPOSAL AND PAYMENT ............................................................................. 23 4.11. PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF PROPOSAL ......................................................................................... 23 PROPOSAL EVALUATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 23 5.1. PROPOSAL OPENING ...................................................................................................................... 23 5.2. CLARIFICATION OF PROPOSALS ................................................................................................ 23 5.3. INITIAL DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH RFP REQUIREMENTS ........................ 24 5.4. CORRECTION OF ERRORS............................................................................................................ 24 5.5. EVALUATION PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA .............................................................................. 24 5.5.1. Evaluation of Technical Bid ...................................................................................................... 24 5.5.2. Evaluation of Commercial Bid .................................................................................................. 25 5.5.3. Best value determination and final evaluation ....................................................................... 25 5.5.4. Negotiations, contract finalisation and award ........................................................................ 25 AWARD OF CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................... 25 6.1. AWARD CRITERIA............................................................................................................................. 25 6.2. PFRDA’s RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS ................................ 25 6.3. NOTIFICATION OF AWARD ............................................................................................................ 25 6.4. SIGNING OF CONTRACT ................................................................................................................ 26 6.5. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE .......................................................................................... 26 7. PAYMENT TERMS ...................................................................................................................................... 26 8. PMC CONTRACT CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 27 9. 8.1. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ........................................................................................................ 27 8.2. GOVERNING LAWS/JURISDICTION ARBITRATION .................................................................. 27 Annexure ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 9.1. Annexure I: Technical Proposal ........................................................................................................ 28 9.2. Annexure II: Commercial Proposal .................................................................................................. 30 9.3. Annexure III: Format for Submission of Resume/Manpower Deployment Plan ........................ 31 9.4. Annexure IV: Format for Providing Details of Relevant Experience............................................ 32 9.5. Annexure V: Format for Commercial Quotations .......................................................................... 33 9.6. Annexure VI: Technical Evaluation Parameters ............................................................................. 33 5|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1. BACKGROUND 1.1. NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM National Pension System (NPS) earlier New Pension Scheme (NPS) was launched with effect from 1st January, 2004 and in the initial phase covered the new entrants to the Central Government services (excluding Defence Forces) as well as State Government and Central Autonomous bodies. NPS was extended to all other citizens of India from 1 st May, 2009. 1.2. NPS ARCHITECTURE Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) originally established by the Government of India through a resolution dated 10 th October, 2003 & 14th November 2008, has since attained a statutory status post the passage of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013. In accordance with the provisions of the said Act PFRDA is mandated to promote old age income security by establishing, developing and regulating pension funds, to protect the interest of the subscribers to the schemes of pension funds and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. PFRDA has established the institutional framework and infrastructure required for administering the ‘National Pension System’ (NPS) for government employees as well as other citizens of India. Various institutional entities such as Central Recordkeeping Agencies (CRAs), Pension Fund Managers (PFMs), Trustee Bank (TB), Custodians, Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) and National Pension System Trust (NPST) have been appointed and are functional. The role and functions of the PFRDA includes: 1. Regulating charges, entry and exit, quality and provision of services of CRAs, PFMs, Trustee Banks, Custodians and Annuity Service Providers. 2. Coordination between key stakeholders for smooth functioning of NPS architecture. 3. Monitoring the NPS intermediaries through conducting system audits and other routine audits. 4. Coordination between other technical experts and consultants appointed for performance and quality monitoring operations of CRA. 6|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1.3. NPS INTERMEDIARIES 1.3.1. NPS Trust National Pension System Trust (NPST) was established by PFRDA as per the provisions of the Indian Trusts Act of 1882 for taking care of the assets and funds under the NPS in the best interest of the subscribers. NPS Trust is the registered owner of all assets under the NPS architecture. The securities are purchased by Pension Fund Managers on behalf of, and in the name of the Trustees, however individual NPS subscriber remain beneficial owner of the securities, assets and funds. NPS Trust is also responsible to issue instructions to the custodian, Pension Fund Managers and Trustee Bank, providing directions to PFMs for protecting the interest of subscribers, ensuring compliance through audit by independent auditors, and performance review of Pension Fund Managers, etc. 1.3.2. Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) a) The role, responsibility and accountability of the CRA are as follows: 1. Building, maintaining & operating the CRA infrastructure- Setting up and operating the system including the separate Government Office interface of NPS Central Accounting Network (NPSCAN). The recordkeeping, administration and customer service functions for all subscribers of the NPS (NPS Main & NPS Lite) need to be centralised and to be performed by CRA. 2. CRAs would act as operational interface for all intermediaries under CRA system. Role would include liasoning with all necessary external agencies to accomplish the operations and commissioning as per contract terms and conditions. 3. Issue & dispatch of unique Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) along with PRAN card/I-PIN/T-PIN to the subscribers, maintaining database of PRANs and record the transactions related to subscribers’ PRAN. CRAs would permanently maintain the complete records of all registered subscribers with respect to their demographic details, contribution, scheme preference and units allocation. Further, CRAs would maintain the scanned copies of subscriber registration forms and related KYC documents etc. 4. Receive instructions from subscribers through CRA System / NPSCAN; aggregating instructions received from subscribers (through nodal office*) and transmitting such instructions to appointed Trustee Bank, Annuity Service Providers and Pension Fund Managers. i. NPSCAN is a web based ‘NPS Contribution Accounting Network’ developed to maintain accounts of Government subscribers. PAOs access NPSCAN for uploading subscriber contribution file, updating various types of request of subscribers such as change in subscriber details, change in scheme preference, switch, withdrawal etc. From technical perspective, all Government transactions are recorded/requested on NPSCAN and then replicated (almost real time) on CRA system, for execution of those transactions. 7|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ii. NPSCAN will be used by the CG and SG sectors to access reports on compliance by nodal offices regarding mandatory contributions by Government subscribers under their jurisdiction. The NPSCAN will be electronically connected to CRAs for issuance of PRANs and reconciliation of mandatory contributions and statements for eligible Government subscribers. (*The term Nodal Office, primarily refers to the offices which act as interface between the subscribers and CRA. It includes the Government offices like PrAO, DTA, PAO, DTO, DDOs as well as Point of Presences and the Service providers in the All India Citizen sector.) 5. Monitor subscribers’ contributions and instructions and transmit the information to the relevant Pension Fund Managers and schemes on a daily basis. 6. CRAs would facilitate credit in subscribers’ accounts and would be responsible for timely allocation of funds to PFMs, receiving data from the Trustee Bank & PFMs, crediting and reporting allocation of units into each subscriber’s account. CRA would also undertake daily time-critical settlement process to consolidate all contributions & redemption requests received for a day, accordingly instruct the Trustee Bank on the net transfers to be made to each fund manager and post the units allotted to the subscribers on the same day. 7. CRAs would periodically provide a consolidated Statement of Transaction (SOT) to each subscriber and discharge such other duties and functions as may be determined by the guidelines, directions and regulations issued by the PFRDA from time to time. SOT would be customised to sector specific requirement and details. 8. Provide web based access to PFRDA and other service providers like Trustee Bank, Government departments, Pension Fund Managers and Annuity Service Providers. 9. Offer number of services directly to individual subscribers including consolidated account statements. 10. Facilitate in providing various subscriber maintenance services such as change of scheme, change of demographic details, grievance handling etc. Provision of sms / email alerts to the subscribers for status updates and transactions. 11. Facilitate withdrawal of funds by selecting ASP, annuity schemes and the percentage allocation of funds in the annuity product by the subscriber. 12. Provide a centralised Grievance Management System which is a platform where grievances are forwarded to the concerned entity and resolution status is updated. 13. Provide a periodic and ad-hoc MIS to PFRDA, State Governments and Ministry of Finance. Also provide a dashboard view to the oversight offices like PrAO, DTA, PoP etc, which would offer various information to facilitate effective monitoring. 14. Conduct ‘Train the Trainers programme’ which will consist of providing training to the representatives of various offices. Development of self-running demos, operating procedures, FAQs etc to facilitate users. 8|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 15. Conduct periodic orientation programmes for nodal offices and subscriber awareness programs across various locations. 16. Create and establish facilitation centers network across country (at least in State capitals and major cities). 17. Assist in enforcement of operational guidelines of the PFRDA on service providers and report on lapses and errors. 18. Adapting the recordkeeping and administrative facility for future changes including changes on account of technology advancements, changes in system specifications including number of subscribers, number of Pension Fund Managers and schemes, services and functional obligations prescribed by PFRDA. 19. Development of various new functionalities/utilities and establishing new processes. Provide multiple models of interface for the uploading offices to provide maximum flexibility in terms of operation. 20. Continuous enhancements and development of modules to address changing requirements of various stakeholders. 21. Provide functionality for Swavalamban implementation and monitoring. 22. Maintenance of NPS Lite system with reduced functionality and to address NPS Lite target specific requirements. This would include coordination with Aggregators and customized reporting at all levels. 23. Provide Error Rectification Module to rectify the erroneous transactions carried out by the uploading offices. 24. Provide online PRAN generation by the uploading offices. 25. Set up Claims Processing Cell and related functionalities to process the withdrawal requested across all sectors. 26. Maintain absolute confidentiality of all records, data and information. Produce all this information as and when called for by PFRDA. Sector specific checks and balances to avoid duplication. 27. Based on PFRDA’s authorization and approval, CRAs would interact and coordinate with other NPS stakeholders, as per the requirement. 28. CRAs would be responsible for seamless and error-free system operations involving the NPSCAN / CRA system, PFMs, enabling nation-wide, portable outreach and access to the NPS, as well as for recording and maintaining accurate and updated information on all transactions by its subscribers across multiple decades. 29. The CRAs would be responsible to set up the required administrative capacity to meet its functional obligations. 30. The CRAs would be responsible for subscriber services and communication. Over the years, as a result of advances in technology as well as growth in the number of 9|P age REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL subscriber accounts and number of service providers, the NPS is likely to undergo several important and necessary improvements and changes. It will be necessary for the CRA system and its functional and service obligations to be flexible to absorb such future changes and improvements. 31. The CRAs would be responsible for timely transfer of subscriber contributions information, timely allocation of these funds by PFMs, and accurately crediting and reporting allocation of units into PRANs. Also carry out revision of PFM fund allocation ratio across all subscribers of Government sectors as and when prescribed by PFRDA. 32. Design and development of the solution based on documents and artifacts supplied, including addressing of all architectural aspects (in line with the given framework/standards). 33. Procurement of all necessary hardware and software and system integration. 34. Setting up the IT infrastructure in compliance with the proposed and mutually agreed architecture. 35. Setting up delivery, operations and security infrastructure required for providing various services as mentioned in the scope of work of CRA. 36. Migration of legacy data. 37. Digitisation of paper documents as required by the system in conformity with the guidelines stipulated in the RFP. 38. Ongoing maintenance support, upgrades and enhancements to system including requirements related to technology. 39. Setting up call centre to provide support to subscribers of the NPS. 40. Liaison with all necessary external agencies to accomplish the operations and commissioning as per contract terms and conditions. 41. Design and develop a secure network for smooth performance of business functions. 42. Provide secure network and application access codes to the participating entities. 43. To comply with the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) as defined in this RFP. 44. Installing proven Enterprise Management System (EMS) tools for analyzing and managing performance, network performance, call logs, etc. as well as providing the means of monitoring SLA metrics. 45. Any other related function necessary for efficient functioning of CRA system. 1.3.3. NPS Trustee Bank NPS Trustee Bank facilitates fund transfers across various entities viz. Nodal Offices, PFMs and ASPs. Axis Bank Ltd has been appointed by PFRDA as the Trustee Bank for National Pension 10 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL System (NPS) on 25th April, 2013 and has been effective from 1st July, 2013. 1.3.4. Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) PFMs are appointed to manage the retirement savings of subscribers under the NPS. PFMs use their secure access codes to confirm receipt of netted assets and instructions regarding fund allocation, confirm allocation of funds and communicate the NAV of each scheme to CRA on regular basis. 1.3.5. POPs Points of Presence act as the customer interface for non-government subscribers / individual citizens who wish to open Permanent Retirement Account (PRA) with CRA for the purpose of subscribing to the NPS. They have authorized branches (POP-SPs) for accepting applications and contributions. The POP-SPs are also responsible for proving a wide range of services to NPS subscribers, as prescribed by PFRDA from time to time. 1.3.6. Aggregators Aggregators are a set of grass root intermediaries identified by PFRDA to function as subscriber interface for NPS Lite under NPS architecture. Aggregators perform the functions relating to registration of subscribers, undertaking KYC verification, receiving contributions and instructions from subscribers and transmission of the same to designated NPS Lite intermediaries. Entities approved by PFRDA would be acting as Aggregator in NPS Lite for their underlying subscribers. 1.3.7. Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) ASPs are responsible for delivering a regular monthly pension to the subscriber for the rest of his/her life. On receipt of specified sum along with personal and banking information details of subscriber from CRAs, the ASP through its access codes confirms receipt. ASP then initiates payment of annuities to the subscriber. 1.3.8. Custodian The custodian provides custodial services to the Pension Fund Managers and ensures that benefits due on the holdings are received, provides detailed information and other reports as required by the NPS Trustee Bank, maintains confidentiality of the transactions and is responsible for any loss or damage to the assets belonging to the Pension Funds due to negligence on its part or on the part of its approved agents. The Custodian shall not assign, transfer, hypothecate, pledge, lend, use or otherwise dispose off any assets or property of the Fund, except pursuant to instruction from the Trustee. 1.4. SUBSCRIBER BASE CLASSIFICATION The subscribers are classified in to the following sectors: 11 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1. Central Government (CG), Central Autonomous Bodies (CABs) 2. State Governments (SGs), State Autonomous Bodies (SABs) 3. Corporate Bodies 4. Unorganised Sector (UoS) 5. NPS Lite including Swavalamban 2. SCOPE OF WORK OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT The project management consultant (PMC) is expected to provide advice to PFRDA on various matters relating to CRA by monitoring implementation of IT infrastructure and operations on an agreed basis. The PMC should deploy a minimum number of two dedicated well trained and suitably qualified staff having not less than 5 - 7 years of experience in the relevant field at all times during the tenure of the contract. These resources shall be on the pay roll of the PMC from at least past 3 years. A broad list of functions and scope of work of PMC with respect to monitoring CRA system are provided in the following sections. 2.1. OVERALL FUNCTIONS OF PMC The overall functions of PMC would be as under: 1. Provide support in implementation of planned functionalities/IT infrastructure for Central Government, Unorganized sector, Corporate sector and NPS lite with respect to CRA system. 12 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2. Assist PFRDA on matters relating to compliance with SRS and SLA parameters agreed to between PFRDA and CRA. 3. Develop functionalities for monitoring IT infrastructure building and service delivery, expected performance requirements from CRA IT infrastructure as and when required. 4. Generation of SLA deviation reports of CRA(s) on a regular basis and management of data on monitoring and reporting to PFRDA. 5. Assist PFRDA on all matters relating to and incidental to the monitoring of CRA(s) system implementation and operations. 2.2. DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK OF PMC A. The detailed scope of work of Project Management Consultant will be as under: 1. Support PFRDA on matters relating to CRA business, SLA verification and expected performance requirements and their modifications, keeping in view changes in technology, service delivery and stakeholder expectations. 2. Supporting PFRDA in conducting user acceptance testing and quality audits and other associated activities. CRA application is intended to serve needs of stake holders. Accordingly, an examination of needs vs. suitability of functionality of the application so developed will have to be checked. Test results would result in suggestions to vendor for suitable modifications to application. For this purpose, PMC would advise PFRDA in defining the user acceptance test standards as necessary for CRA application reviews and review results of applications testing with respect to functionality and performance etc. 3. Supporting PFRDA in sign-off on various deliverables such as System Requirement Specifications, ER Diagrams and IT architecture. 4. Review of exit management plan for CRA. 5. Monitoring of CRA planned downtime activities. 6. Change Control Initiation by PFRDA/CRA. B. It is proposed that the NPS architecture would have multiple CRA(s). Hence, PMC would be required to propose solutions for: 1. Architecture framework for multiple CRAs with respect to: a) Operational modeli. Standard Operating Procedures ii. Interoperability / Portability of PRANs iii. Manageability of operations iv. Scalability of operations v. Definition of performance levels b) IT systemsi. Performance of the systems ii. Scalability of IT applications and IT infrastructure 13 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL iii. iv. v. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.3. Integration, Availability /Accessibility and security of IT systems over internet User friendliness in terms of user interface and work flow Standard and protocols in terms of data migration/information flow between difference intermediaries. Audit of operations and IT systems. Estimate of Financial Implications. Defining roles and responsibilities, training, mechanisms and hand holding support. Arbitrations / Dispute resolution mechanism Other unforeseen challenges DELIVERABLES FROM PMC The selected bidder would provide continuous, ongoing support to PFRDA in monitoring CRA for a period of 12 months, starting from the date of signing the contract. An indicative list of deliverables expected from PMC during this period is given as under. 1. Preparation and analysis of SLA deviation statements for all services and IT infrastructure, as per the parameters identified by PFRDA. 2. Preparation of CRA Bill verification report (for Central Government, Unorganized Sector and NPS Lite sector) and sent to PFRDA. 3. Implementation of planned functionalities for all sectors including NPS Lite and reviewing SRS. 4. Generation of quarterly report on planned downtime activity. 5. Submission of UAT report (if UAT is conducted) 6. Submission of quarterly report of CRA operations to PFRDA. 7. Submission of quarterly report on PMC operation. 2.4. MONITORING DATA STORAGE 1. Supporting PFRDA in systematic storage of various data sets and MIS reports relating to CRA monitoring. 2. Retrieving and sending the information, as and when needed by PFRDA and in required formats 2.5. CONTRACT AND RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT 1. Interacting with CRA on an on-going basis for any exceptions / changes or additions to the SLAs and expected performance requirements and subsequent initiation of changes to be made to the contract using standard change control procedures etc, 14 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2. Preparation of change control proceedings, analysis of options, implications of costs on changes required in CRA system and preparation of implementation schedules. 3. Support PFRDA in all discussions with CRA by preparing:a. Progress/ performance Reports; b. Consideration of matters arising out of the Change Control procedures; c. Issues escalated in accordance with the escalation procedures as agreed d. Matters to be brought in accordance with the agreement; e. Highlights of the past month's performance statistics, concentrating on major or technical issues reported in service delivery; f. Explanations of matters outstanding from previous periods and in particular issues, which have been or are about to be escalated; g. Stakeholder satisfaction issues; h. Review of progress to approved changes and status of implementation; 2.6. i. Suggestions for improvements in service delivery; j. Issues with contract management, billing/ invoicing and other financial matters. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PFRDA PFRDA would provide PMC the inputs required for monitoring CRA system to the extent prescribed. PMC will be provided with access to CRA contract documents and other relevant information available with PFRDA as required. 1. Setup a Project management Unit (PMU) for monitoring the CRA system to act as a single point of contact for coordination and communication between PFRDA, CRA and PMC. 2. Will give authorization to PMC to the extent required in accessing sources and entities for obtaining the necessary data for monitoring the CRA. 2.7. REPORTING ARRANGEMENTS For the purpose of successful execution of monitoring activity, the successful bidder shall put in place required manpower on-site and also appoint a project manager to head the PMC team. The Project Manager of PMC would act as single point of contact for the project and would report to head of CRA department of PFRDA on a regular basis. The successful applicant will have to abide by the following attendance conditions of PFRDA:1. The on-site resources shall mark their attendance at biometric machine in PFRDA and abide by the timings of the PFRDA office. 15 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2. The resources will be eligible for 12 days casual leave in a year. However, prior to proceeding on leave, the resources shall intimate the same to PFRDA. 3. There shall not be a situation where both the resources are absent from the duty together. 4. Any on site resource shall not proceed on leave for more than 5 working days at a stretch, however, in unavoidable circumstances, a replacement of the resource of similar qualification and experience shall be made available. The replacement provided shall be capable enough to handle complete work during the absence of other resources. 5. In absence of fulfilling these conditions, PFRDA will have a right to impose penalty on PMC on pro rata basis on the value of the contract. 6. Changes, if any, in the team during the period of the project shall be made with the prior written consent of PFRDA. 3. RFP PROCESS 3.1. CONTENT OF RFP DOCUMENTS The RFP document should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance with section 4.7 (Amendment of RFP Documents) of this RFP document and proceedings of Pre-Bid Meeting issued in accordance with section 3.4 (Pre-Bid Meeting): The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, PFRDA's requirements and other information in this RFP document. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP documents or submission of a proposal not substantially responsive to the RFP documents in every aspect would be at the bidder's risk and may result in rejection of its proposal. 3.2. SCHEDULE OF KEY ACTIVITIES The schedule of key activities for the purpose of this RFP is outlined below: S. No. Key Activities Date 1. Issuance of Request For Proposal (RFP) 13/05/2015 2. Last date for receiving queries on RFP By 14:00 hrs on 20/05/2015 3. Pre- Bid meeting 11:00 hrs on 28/05/2015 4 Last date for submitting Proposals By 14:00 hrs on 09/06/2015 5. Openings of the Technical Bids By 16:00 hrs on 09/06/2015 6. Presentations (the schedule of presentation will be posted on the website of PFRDA) On 19/06/2015 16 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 7. Openings of the Commercial Bids By 16:00 hrs On 29/06/2015 8. Issuance of letter of intent After approval of the competent authority PFRDA reserves the right to change any date/time mentioned in the schedule above, under intimation to all concerned. 3.3. CLARIFICATION OF RFP DOCUMENTS A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on the RFP documents may notify PFRDA in writing at the PFRDA's address indicated in this RFP. All queries and clarifications should reach PFRDA on or before the date indicated in section 3.2 of this RFP. PFRDA would give clarifications to the bidders in the pre-bid meeting only. PFRDA would not prepare and send responses to the queries and clarifications by the bidders in a consolidated manner and has the right not to respond to some or any of the queries at its sole discretion. PFRDA will not normally entertain or respond to bidders' queries and clarifications after pre-bid meeting on or before the date indicated in section 3.2 of this RFP. 3.4. PRE-BID MEETING 1. The bidder's authorized representatives are invited to attend the Pre-bid meeting at their own cost, which would take place at the venue mentioned below and time as stipulated in this RFP. Venue: Conference Room Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) 1st Floor, ICADR Building, Plot No – 6, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area, Phase – II New Delhi-110070 2. The purpose of the meeting would be to clarify queries on any matter related to the RFP and the project. 3. The bidders are requested to submit their queries in writing to PFRDA on or before the date indicated in section 3.2 of this RFP. Any queries received after the indicated date and time will not be entertained. 3.5. PROPOSAL PREPARATION COST The bidder is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in this process, including but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence activities, participation in meetings, presentation, preparation of proposal and in providing additional 17 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL information required by PFRDA. This RFP does not commit the PFRDA to award a contract or to engage in negotiations. 3.6. PFRDA’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE 1. PFRDA may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason. The PFRDA makes no commitment, express or implied, that this process will result in a business transaction with anyone. 2. This RFP does not constitute an offer by the PFRDA. The bidder's participation in this process may result in PFRDA selecting the bidder to engage in further discussions and negotiations toward execution of a contract. The commencement of such negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by PFRDA to execute a contract or to continue negotiations. The PFRDA may terminate negotiations at any time without assigning any reason. 3.7. VENUE AND DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Proposals should reach PFRDA at the following address: General Manager Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) 1st Floor, ICADR Building, Plot No – 6, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area, Phase – II New Delhi110070 In case the proposal is submitted by hand, bidder's representative(s) shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. Last date & time of submission of proposal is as indicated in section 3.2 of this RFP. 3.8. LATE BIDS Any proposal received by the PFRDA after the deadline for submission of proposal prescribed in Section 3.2 of this RFP shall be summarily rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. 3.9. BID OPENING Total transparency will be observed while opening of proposals. Sealed envelopes of the bids will be opened on date and time as mentioned in the section 3.2 of this RFP, in the presence of authorized representatives of the bidders who wish to attend the event. PFRDA reserves the right at all times to postpone or cancel a scheduled RFP opening. The venue for the opening of proposals is as mentioned in the Section 3.7 of this RFP. 3.10. DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA PFRDA may at its sole discretion, disqualify any bidder, if the bidder has 18 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1. Submitted the proposal in consortium with other firms 2. Made misleading or false representation in the forms of statements and attachments submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements 3. Submitted a proposal that is not accompanied by required documents. 4. Submitted a proposal without the Earnest Money Deposit. 5. Failed to provide clarifications as needed by PFRDA. 6. Declared ineligible by GOI for corrupt and fraudulent practices or blacklisted; 7. If the bidder has been reprimanded/warned on account of breach of performance/violation of any past contract with PFRDA. 8. Submitted more than adjustments/variations. one proposal or submitted a proposal with price 9. Involved directly in supporting CRA in development of any of the IT infrastructures for NPS operations. 4. PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS 4.1. BID SUBMISSION FORMAT 1. The bidder shall submit a sealed cover consisting of two (2) copies of all the bid documents and one soft copy on CD-ROM. The name of the project, the bidder's name and address, and the name of the primary and secondary contact person should be provided on the right hand side of the main sealed proposal and must be received at the address mentioned in Section 3.7 on date and time as mentioned in section 3.2 of this RFP. Copies of the bids (both in Original and Duplicate) must consist of the following: a. Envelope I: EMD and supporting documents for meeting pre-qualification criteria as per the section 4.3 of this RFP in sealed cover super scribing on the right hand side top of the cover as "Envelope 1: Pre-qualification criteria" b. Envelope II : Technical Proposal, including a softcopy on CD-ROM: In a sealed cover super scribing on the right hand side top of the cover as "Technical Proposal" c. Envelope III: Commercial Proposal: In a sealed cover super scribing on the right hand side top of the cover as "Commercial Proposal" All the above three envelopes must be enclosed in a main envelope and the details should be mentioned on it as written above. 2. PFRDA will not accept delivery of proposal by fax or e-mail. Proposals received in such manner shall be treated as defective, invalid and rejected. 19 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 3. The copies of the proposals should be spirally binded and the pages should be serially numbered and index of the same should be provided at the beginning. For ease of reference each section/ Annexure of the bid/proposal should be separated by separators. 4.2. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) The Technical Bid must be accompanied with EMD of Rs. 100000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only either in the form of Bank Draft/Bankers Cheque or any other mode authorized for depositing EMD for Government Tenders under the General Financial Rules, 2005 in favour of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority payable at New Delhi. 4.3. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The PFRDA has set up minimum eligibility criteria for the bidding purposes. All bidding parties must meet following criteria before they apply for the bid. The bidding parties meeting the criteria must enclose their supporting documents along with the proposal. Sl No. Criteria Supporting Document 1. The bidder should be a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 since last 3 years Certificate of incorporation and Service Tax Registration Certificate 2. The company should have been in the consulting business in the Government domain in the last 3 years MoA/ Work orders confirming year and area of activity 3. The Company should have experience in working with Financial Services Sector. Work Order/LOI 4. The responding company must have on its rollsconsulting staff of at least 100 technically qualified personnel in the area of consulting services for IT related projects including e‐governance, Program / Project Management, IT infrastructure, IT security and IT procurement Appropriate supporting undertakings/ Certificate (HR) or from Head company secretary 20 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Sl No. Criteria Supporting Document 5. The responding company should have made net profit for the last three(3) financial Years (FY 13-14, FY 12-13, FY 11-12,) as revealed by audited balance sheet Copy of the audited or provisional Statements of profit and loss account/ balance sheet/ annual report of the last three financial years 6. The Firm/Agency should have at‐least one the certifications –CMMi3 to CMMi5/ISO 9000 Copy of Certificates 4.4. of OTHER DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE PROPOSAL The proposal submitted by the bidder shall comprise the following documents: 1. Technical Proposal including all the technical information asked for in Section 4.5 of this RFP document, duly filled in along with all attachments/schedules duly completed and signed by the bidder. 2. The bidder's Commercial Proposal as per the details provided in section 4.6 of this RFP 3. Any other information that is to be submitted during the course of the proposal process. 4.5. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMAT The Technical proposal should address the following strictly in the order given below: 1. Brief profile of the bidder a. Organization Structure b. Experience c. Turnover d. Client’s Profile 2. Understanding of the CRA functions under the National Pension System. 3. CRA system monitoring methodology, project plan for 12 months. The bidder shall provide details of its plan to monitor scalability, availability and performance requirements of CRA system. 4. Manpower deployment plan 5. PMC project team structure, size and capabilities 21 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 6. A specific description of prior experience and expertise of the resources to be dedicated for the project. 7. Resume of key manager(s) responsible for PMC, highlighting their relevant experiences. 8. Resume of the personnel who would be onsite staff directly assigned/responsible to provide services/functions pertaining to PMC and the specific function each individual would perform. All the resume of the proposed team should be given only in the format provided in Annexure Ill of this RFP. 9. Project Management Standards to be adopted by the bidder for executing functions of PMC. 10. Experience with similar activities (in the format provided in Annexure IV of this RFP) 11. Quality assurance process to be adopted by the bidder in project execution 12. Any other information that bidder thinks would be worth mentioning in the proposal (Not exceeding five pages) besides the above, the proposal should contain the following: 13. Innovative suggestions that the bidder may want to render w.r.t. the approach adopted for the assignment in the light of their expertise or experience from similar assignments. 14. Experience in similar activities 15. Key deliverables (along with example deliverables, where possible) 16. Bidder undertakings: Bidder’s guarantee for accomplishing the implementation schedules for completion of key deliverables. 17. Any other information that bidder thinks would be worth mentioning in the proposal. The technical proposal shall contain duly filled in format as prescribed in Annexure -I of this RFP. 4.6. COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL FORMAT The commercial proposal shall include professional charges for executing the project. The professional charges should be inclusive of cost of travel and all other costs incidental to execution of the project, but exclusive of taxes. The format of the commercial proposal is provided in annexure V. The commercial proposal shall contain duly filled format as prescribed in Annexure–II of this RFP. 4.7. AMENDMENT OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, PFRDA may modify, for any reason deemed necessary, the RFP by amendment notified on PFRDA’s website and such amendment shall be binding. 22 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 4.8. MODIFICATION SUBSTITUTION AND WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL No proposal can be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of proposals and the expiration of the validity period as specified in this RFP. However, bidder is allowed to withdraw his bid documents till deadline for submission of proposals as mentioned in section 3.2 of this RFP. Once the bid documents are submitted, modifications and substitutions in the bid documents shall not be allowed. 4.9. LANGUAGE OF PROPOSAL The proposal and all correspondence and documents shall be written in English. All proposals and accompanying documents received within the stipulated time will become the property of the PFRDA and will not be returned. The hard copy version will be considered as the official proposal. 4.10. CURRENCY OF PROPOSAL AND PAYMENT The currency of the proposal offer shall be in Indian Rupees only. 4.11. PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF PROPOSAL 1. The proposals shall be valid for a period of three (3) months from the date of opening of the proposals. A proposal valid for a shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive. 2. In exceptional circumstances, at its discretion, PFRDA may solicit the bidder's consent for an extension of the validity period. The request and responses shall be made in writing. 5. PROPOSAL EVALUATIONS 5.1. PROPOSAL OPENING Proposals will be reviewed by a Committee constituted by the PFRDA or its designated representative(s). The PFRDA, or such other authority designated by the PFRDA, as the case may be, is also referred to herein as the Evaluation Committee (or “Committee”). The Committee may be comprised of, or receive assistance from, several teams conducting parallel evaluation. PFRDA would open the proposal, in the presence of authorised representative(s) of the bidder who choose to attend, at the time, date and location stipulated in the RFP. The maximum number of authorized representatives allowed to each bidder will not be more than two. The bidder's representative(s) shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. 5.2. CLARIFICATION OF PROPOSALS In the process of examination, evaluation and comparison of proposal, the PFRDA may, at its discretion, ask bidder(s) for clarification of its proposal which the bidder will be obliged to furnish. 23 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 5.3. INITIAL DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH RFP REQUIREMENTS PFRDA will perform an initial review of all proposals that are submitted on time. After initial review, PFRDA may decide to discontinue the evaluation of any proposal, which it considers unacceptable prima facie for any reason such as: 1. The proposal is not a reasonable effort to respond to the requirements of the RFP; or 2. The proposal contains technical deficiencies. 5.4. CORRECTION OF ERRORS Bidders are advised to exercise adequate care in quoting the prices. No modification/ correction in quotations will be entertained once the bids are submitted. Even before submission of the proposal, care should be taken to ensure that any corrections/overwriting in the proposal are initialed by the person signing the proposal form. In case of discrepancy between the amounts mentioned in figures and in words, the amount in words shall govern. 5.5. EVALUATION PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA Evaluation of the bids will be done in two stages. The following is the procedure for evaluation. 5.5.1. Evaluation of Technical Bid The evaluation of the Technical bids will be carried out for those bidders only who meet the pre-qualification criteria in the following manner: a. The bidder's technical proposal will be evaluated as per the requirements specified in the RFP and bidder is required to provide all details adopting the evaluation framework given in Annexure VI of this RFP. b. Proposal Presentations: PFRDA may invite each bidder to make a presentation to the PFRDA at a date, time and locations determined by the PFRDA. The purpose of such presentations would be to allow the bidders to present their proposed solutions to PFRDA and the key points in their proposals. c. PFRDA may seek clarifications from the bidders. The primary function of seeking clarifications in the evaluation process is to clear ambiguities and uncertainties, if any, arising out of the evaluation of the bid documents. d. Depending on the evaluation methodology mentioned in point a, b and c above, each technical bid will be assigned a technical score out of a maximum of 100 marks. e. The bidders who score a technical score of 75 % (75 marks out of 100) or more will qualify for the opening and evaluation of the commercial bid. 24 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 5.5.2. Evaluation of Commercial Bid The Commercial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be evaluated as per the annexure V. 5.5.3. Best value determination and final evaluation The bidders who score a Technical score of 75 % (75 marks out of 100) or more will qualify for the opening and evaluation of the commercial bid. The lowest commercial bid (L1) will be offered appointment as PMC. 5.5.4. Negotiations, contract finalisation and award The committee shall reserve the right to negotiate with the bidder whose proposal has been ranked L1 by the committee on the basis of lowest commercial quote. The PFRDA reserves the right to present a contract to the bidder selected for negotiations. A contract will be awarded to the responsible, responsive bidder whose proposal conforms to the RFP and is, in the opinion of PFRDA, the most advantageous and represents the best value to the project, price and other factors considered. Evaluations will be based on the proposals and any additional information requested by the PFRDA. 6. AWARD OF CONTRACT 6.1. AWARD CRITERIA The PFRDA will award the PMC Contract to the successful bidder whose proposal has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the best value proposal, for a period of 1 year provided further that the bidder has demonstrated that it is qualified to perform services required for the project satisfactorily. 6.2. PFRDA’s RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS The PFRDA reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the RFP process and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for PFRDA's action. 6.3. NOTIFICATION OF AWARD Prior to expiry of the validity period, PFRDA will notify the successful bidder in writing that proposal has been accepted. Upon the successful bidder's furnishing of performance bank guarantee, contract signing process will take place. In case the successful bidder is unable to furnish the performance bank guarantee, PFRDA may invite the bidder second in order of total score. 25 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 6.4. SIGNING OF CONTRACT Once the PFRDA notifies the successful bidder that its proposal has been accepted, PFRDA shall enter into a separate contract, incorporating all agreements (to be discussed and agreed upon separately) between PFRDA and the successful bidder. 6.5. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE The successful bidder shall at its own expense deposit with PFRDA, within fifteen (15) working days of the date of notice of award of the contract or prior to signing of the contract whichever is earlier, an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from a scheduled bank acceptable to the PFRDA, payable on demand, for the due performance and fulfillment of the contract by the bidder. The Performance Bank Guarantee will be 10% of the total cost of the project. All incidental charges whatsoever such as premium, commission etc. with respect to the Performance Bank Guarantee shall be borne by the bidder. The PBG shall be valid till 180 days after completion of tenure of contract. Non deposit of PBG within the stipulated time shall render the contract invalid at the discretion of PFRDA. In the event of the bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever reason, the PFRDA would be entitled to invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice to any other and further whatsoever rights of the PFRDA under the contract in the matter, the proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to the PFRDA and may be applied by PFRDA towards compensation for the bidder's failure to perform/comply with its obligations under the contract. The PFRDA shall notify the bidder in writing of the exercise of its right to receive such compensation within 14 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the bidder is in default. Before invoking the PBG, the vendor will be given an opportunity to represent before the PFRDA. The decision of the PFRDA on the representation given by the vendor shall be final and binding. 7. PAYMENT TERMS All payments to PMC shall be made by PFRDA as per the clauses mentioned below: 1. Payments shall be made on a quarterly basis. 2. PMC is responsible for a set of a deliverables on a timely basis. The quality and timeliness of these deliverables shall directly affect the payment terms 3. The bill raised by the consultant shall be quarterly and will be raised in proportion to the total value of the contract proposed by successful bidder. 26 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 8. PMC CONTRACT CONDITIONS On signing of the contract with PFRDA, the successful bidder would be allowed to operate as Project Management consultant for monitoring the CRA system under the following terms and conditions: 8.1. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. The contract shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of contract signing. PFRDA shall have the option to extend the duration of the contract for a further period of 12 months. 2. The contract of the PMC will end if PMC contravenes/breaches the conditions/clauses as specified in the contract with PFRDA; or at the end of the period as specified in contract. 3. The grounds for termination of PMC, will be: a. PMC's inability to perform the duties and requirements as would be specified in the contract. b. Any future direct involvement of PMC with CRA in development of IT infrastructure for NPS operations. 8.2. GOVERNING LAWS/JURISDICTION ARBITRATION Any matter relating to the appointment of PMC or the procedure for the appointment of the PMC shall be governed by the Laws of Union of India. The dispute relating to such appointment shall be referred for resolution to a sole Arbitrator, to be appointed by the Chairman, PFRDA. The arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The venue of arbitration shall be at New Delhi. Only the courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction to try any matters arising out of arbitration proceedings. 27 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 9. Annexure 9.1. Annexure I: Technical Proposal The General Manager Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority New Delhi Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: Request For Proposal (RFP): Selection of Project Management Consultant for monitoring of the CRA system. Having examined the RFP documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the services as required and outlined in the RFP for PMC. To meet such requirements and provide such services as set out in the RFP documents. We attach hereto our response to the RFP document, which constitutes our proposal for being considered for appointment as the PMC for monitoring of the CRA system. We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to adhere to the project schedule put forward in the RFP or such adjusted plan as may subsequently be mutually agreed between us and PFRDA or its appointed representatives. If our proposal is accepted, we will submit a Performance Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in India, acceptable to PFRDA, as per the details specified in the RFP documents for due performance of the contract. We agree to unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP documents. We confirm that the information contained in this proposal or any part thereof, including its exhibits, schedules and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to the PFRDA is true, accurate and complete. This proposal includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead PFRDA as to any material fact. 28 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL It is hereby confirmed that I/we are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/ firm/organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection. Dated this Day of (Signature) response for and behalf of: 2014 (In the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign the RFP (Name and Address of Company) Signature: (Seal/Stamp of bidder) Witness Witness Name: Witness Address: CERTIFICATE AS TO AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES I, certify that I am Secretary of the ....................................................,and that.......................................................................................................................who signed the above bid is authorized to bind the corporation by authoring of its governing body...... (Secretary) Date (Seal here) 29 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 9.2. Annexure II: Commercial Proposal (Date) The General Manager Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority New Delhi Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: Request for Proposal (RFP)- Appointment of Project Management Consultant for monitoring of CRA system. Having examined the RFP documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the services as required and outlined in the RFP for appointment of PMC for monitoring CRA system. To meet such requirements and to provide services as set out in the RFP documents, we attach hereto our response as required by the RFP documents, which constitutes our proposal. We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to adhere to the Project Schedule put forward in the RFP or such adjusted plan as may subsequently be mutually agreed between us and PFRDA or its appointed representatives. If our proposal is accepted, we will obtain a Performance Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in India as acceptable to PFRDA. We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the tender document. We confirm that the information contained in this proposal or any part thereof, including its exhibits, schedules and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to the PFRDA is true, accurate and complete. This proposal includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead PFRDA as to any material fact." It is hereby confirmed that I/we are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/ firm/organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection. Dated this (Signature) Day of 2014 (In the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign the RFP response for and behalf of: 30 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (Name and Address of Company) (Seal/Stamp of bidder) Witness Signature: Witness Name: Witness Address: CERTIFICATE AS TO AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES I, certify that I am Secretary of the ................................ and that........................................who signed the above bid is authorized to bind the corporation by authoring of its governing body (Secretary) Date (Seal here) 9.3. Annexure III: Format for Submission of Resume/Manpower Deployment Plan Manpower deployment Plan Sl No. Designation of the Key Staff Members 1. 2. Format for submission of resumes of the staff proposed for the position of Project Manager and On-site PMC staff Designation of the Key Staff Members Proposed Position Name Age 31 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Designation of the Key Staff Members Qualification Tasks proposed to be assigned Relevant areas of expertise Total Experience (in yrs) Experience with the current company (in years) Key experiences related to area of work assigned 9.4. Annexure IV: Format for Providing Details of Relevant Experience Sl No. Attachment/Ref. No of details 1. Name of the project 2. Client Details Relevant Work 3. Area/Domain Name; Contact name and no. Person's Please specify the area of work/domain relevant to the requirement of this RFP. 4. No. of locations Please specify no. of locations for implementation 5. Scope of Work Provide Scope of Work; highlight Key Result Areas expected and achieved 6. Scope of the Project Provide details of the project scope 32 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 9.5. Annexure V: Format for Commercial Quotations Commercial Form 1: Charges Charges Amount in Figures Amount in Words Professional Charges for execution of PMC of CRA system for a period of 12 months (Charges should be inclusive of OPEs such as travel and all other costs incidental to execution of project, but exclusive of taxes) INR (Amount in Words) 9.6. Annexure VI: Technical Evaluation Parameters Following outlines the broad parameters based on which evaluation of technical proposals of the bidders shall be carried out by PFRDA: S. No. Criteria Marks A. Past Experience in related areas 55 Experience in consulting for development and enhancement of IT infrastructure and solution for Financial Services Sector. Experience with pension sector projects will be an added advantage. 15 1 i. 1 Project= 5 Marks ii. More than 1 Project= 10 Marks iii. Work experience with Pension sector = 5 Marks Experience of Project Management in Pension or Financial Services Sector 2 i. 15 1 Project= 5 Marks ii. More than 2 to 3 Project= 10 Marks iii. More than 3 projects= 15 Marks 33 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL S. No. Criteria Marks 3 Experience in consulting for development and enhancement of IT Infrastructure/ Solution of Government related projects. 10 Development and delivery of large scale e-governance projects (of value INR 50 lacs) in Government. 15 4 i. 2 Project= 5 Marks ii. 2 to 3 Projects= 10 Marks iii. More than 3 Projects =15 Marks B. Approach and Methodology 20 1. Understanding Scope of Work 6 2. Project Plan, Approach and Methodology 14 C. Profile of key team members 15 1. Resume of PMC off‐site Project Manager and On‐Site team members 15 D. Project Management Standards 5 E. Quality Assurance proposed for this project 5 Total 100 34 | P a g e
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